High Impact Philanthropy: Eric Ankerud Of Heartfelt Dreams Foundation On How To Leave A Lasting Legacy With A Successful & Effective Nonprofit Organization
An Interview with Karen Mangia
Heartfelt Desire — After learning that my wife is a pioneering CHD patient having been one of the first infants in the country to have open heart surgery and survive. Then knowing that her case study was written into a medical textbook, I knew that a doctor telling me to share her inspirational story was a calling. I created a clear, specific vision of what I wanted to create. I allowed myself to fall in love with my vision. I stayed connected to it, playing a movie of it over and over in my mind. I shared it with others at every opportunity. The passion of building a nonprofit is embedded in my heart.
For someone who wants to set aside money to establish a Philanthropic Foundation or Fund, what does it take to make sure your resources are being impactful and truly effective? In this interview series, called “How To Create Philanthropy That Leaves a Lasting Legacy” we are visiting with founders and leaders of Philanthropic Foundations, Charitable Organizations, and Non-Profit Organizations, to talk about the steps they took to create sustainable success.
As a part of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Eric Ankerud.
Eric serves as CEO, President, and Co-Founder of Heartfelt Dreams Foundation, a nationwide non-profit charitable organization. Ankerud started the Heartfelt Dreams Foundation with the goal of seeing every congenital heart defect patient get the care needed to live a long and fulfilling life. Driven by his passion for academic excellence and achievement of goals, Eric is an accomplished business executive in large corporations and small entities including a medical technology incubator for more than 35 years and is responsible for bringing first-of-a-kind medical products such as the LASIK surgical procedure for vision correction to commercial markets benefiting millions of patients. Eric published his book Heartfelt Dreams, A Story Perseverance, Providence, Faith and Love, which provides encouragement and support to congenital heart defect patients and their loved ones and offers a deeper appreciation for the challenges faced by those who suffer from significant medical conditions including their families, as well as encouragement that with hard work, perseverance, and faith, those challenges can be overcome.
Thank you for making time to visit with us about a ‘top of mind’ topic. Our readers would like to get to know you a bit better. Can you please tell us about one or two life experiences that most shaped who you are today?
One of the fundamental principles that has guided my life is that if you are willing to work hard, be persistent and dedicated, you can accomplish anything. My wife, a pioneering congenital heart defect patient, is my hero as she has strived to lead a normal life despite medical challenges. As I look back on our life together, I am amazed at how my life and career took shape to prepare me to walk with her through her medical condition and seek the proper care she would need. From both of my parents working in the medical field, to the knowledge I gained about medical devices in the profession to which I was called, I can see a “master plan” guiding and preparing us for what would lie ahead. We believe there’s something much greater than coincidence at work in getting us to where we are today. As she was being prepared for another surgical procedure, the anesthesiologist remarked that he had never seen anyone alive having been born with the heart condition my wife has endured. He emphatically stated to me that I should write a book about her extraordinary experiences as it would be inspiring to others. Not only were his words captivating, but it encouraged me to establish Heartfelt Dreams Foundation and later write the book Heartfelt Dreams all in an effort to help others.
You are a successful leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? We would love to hear a few stories or examples.
Integrity is being consistent, honest, moral, and trustworthy, and it’s an instrumental leadership trait for me to be able to lead a successful charitable organization. It has been important for me to chart the organization’s course and make countless significant decisions. I believe that persistent leaders overcome doubt and setbacks and drive themselves forward despite waves of challenges along the way. In the early days of Heartfelt Dreams Foundation, congenital heart defect patients were afraid to contact a nonprofit for help. With effort and determination, we have gained identity and recognition such that 5–6 patients contact my organization for assistance each day. A third character trait is passion for the cause. I have been passionate from the start, with a purpose and a plan to attain the Heartfelt Dreams vision to see all congenital heart defect patients lead a long, meaningful life. We are committed to becoming the premier nationwide charitable organization that facilitates greater access to care and treatment for CHD patients of all ages and strengthens the network of specialty heart centers and physicians across the country.
What’s the most interesting discovery you’ve made since you started leading your organization?
The most interesting discovery that I have made since leading my organization is that despite congenital heart defects being the number one birth defect in America, very few know about the condition and CHD doesn’t receive the attention it deserves. For more than thirty years I have admired the courage and determination that my wife, a pioneering congenital heart defect patient, has exhibited in daily life with a serious heart condition that cannot be cured. I started with an idea, my wife’s story, and when sharing her inspirational story, I watched it grow into an organization that genuinely impacts a broad CHD community. It has become an incredible journey. There are times when progress seems slow, but when I step back and look at how far we have come in our first five years, I am amazed by the number of patients we have helped and the lives we have saved. Our organization exists and thrives because the CHD community recognizes the need and believes in the importance of the support we are providing.
Can you please tell our readers more about how you or your organization intends to make a significant social impact?
What began as a dream of mine to create a lifeline for congenital heart defect patients has evolved into a premiere charitable organization supporting the needs of congenital heart defect patients, their families, and the medical professionals who care for these patients. Today, we have provided critical financial assistance to over 250 congenital heart defect patients, including 100 seeking care and treatment at Massachusetts General Hospital and have reached over 560 patients and caregivers through educational programs care packages, and emotional support. Our reach now extends beyond local boundaries, creating a nationwide lasting ripple effect in the lives of those facing the challenges of congenital heart defects. Heartfelt Dreams Foundation strives to see every CHD patient lead a long, healthy and meaningful life. The Foundation is committed to facilitating greater access to care and treatment for CHD patients of all ages and backgrounds, while also strengthening the network of specialty heart centers and physicians across the country.
What makes you feel passionate about this cause more than any other?
My passion for the mission of Heartfelt Dreams Foundation stems from the courage and determination of my wife, a pioneering CHD patient. Throughout the decades of our time together she does not complain about a heart that was repaired more than once. She thrives and lives life to the fullest. This spirit is something that I convey to the hundreds of CHD patients seeking support and assistance from Heartfelt Dreams Foundation. Then the stories of young mothers learning that a new baby was born with a hole in the heart, the teenager wanting to join the Marines but could not due to a defective heart, and the father who needs open heart surgery to repair CHD but cannot afford travel and accommodation expenses for his family to stay nearby all reach out for help. This fuels my passion to continue the mission for Heartfelt Dreams Foundation.
Without naming names, could you share a story about an individual who benefitted from your initiatives?
A CHD patient and his fiancée were referred to Heartfelt Dreams Foundation by a prominent cardiologist who taken over his care. Having been born in Washington State with a complex congenital heart defect, he made it through high school and now in his twenties the defect was not only deteriorating his heart, but his liver was becoming non-functional. Surgical repair was no longer feasible. He needed a heart and live transplant and was told he needed to move to Los Angeles to survive. With his fiancée by his side, they trekked to Los Angeles, announcing that they had never before had to pay for parking. Costs were out of sight and the Heartfelt Dreams Foundation stepped in to provide emotional and financial assistance. After waiting for donor organs to arrive, he went through the transplant procedure with fear and optimism. His recovery was anxiety-producing and post-transplant follow-up is 12 months. Heartfelt Dreams Foundation paid for the couple’s rent during this period, provided grocery money, and helped the fiancée as the couple was determined to make it back home. Not all transplant patients survive the first-year ordeal, but this loving couple made it back home on a flight proved by the Heartfelt Dreams Foundation. The couple is now married, he is back to work and they are expecting their first child in December. Their story is truly remarkable. Heartfelt Dreams Foundation continues to provide free transportation and hotel accommodation for his annual check-up in Los Angeles.
We all want to help and to live a life of purpose. What are three actions anyone could take to help address the root cause of the problem you’re trying to solve?
As Albert Schweitzer, the world-renowned theologian, performing artist, and physician coined the phrase “reverence for life”, I encourage congenital heart defect patients to believe that life goes on despite a severe medical condition that is life-long. Unlike many diseases where the medical world is seeking a cure, there is no cure for congenital heart defects, only repairs can be performed to preserve life. I encourage all people to help raise awareness for CHD, to acknowledge the emotional and financial challenges faced by CHD patients and their families, and to encourage the medical community to better understand the care and treatment CHD patients deserve throughout their lifetime.

Based on your experience, what are the “5 Things You Need To Create A Successful & Effective Nonprofit That Leaves A Lasting Legacy?”.
- Heartfelt Desire — After learning that my wife is a pioneering CHD patient having been one of the first infants in the country to have open heart surgery and survive. Then knowing that her case study was written into a medical textbook, I knew that a doctor telling me to share her inspirational story was a calling. I created a clear, specific vision of what I wanted to create. I allowed myself to fall in love with my vision. I stayed connected to it, playing a movie of it over and over in my mind. I shared it with others at every opportunity. The passion of building a nonprofit is embedded in my heart.
- Dedication — To build and grow any organization, there must be unwavering determination to succeed. A strong sense of purpose guides decision-making and inspires others to support the cause. Being able to overcome challenges and remain steadfast in pursuing our mission has helped me lead Heartfelt Dreams Foundation to become the organization it is today. High levels of commitment enhance a nonprofit’s ability to reach its objectives.
- Near and Long-Term Funding — As with an early stage for profit company, my nonprofit charitable organization benefited in early years by “friends and family” funding. Sharing a message that with a little discipline and dedication, we can help those in need, I was very pleased that our nonprofit was funded sufficiently in early years to be able to deliver on its mission. The challenge after year five for many nonprofits is then to identify, court, and engage partners for sustained funding.
- Effective PR and Communications — Getting the word out about programs, offerings, and accomplishments is very important for any nonprofit organization. We continuously work on expanding our outreach. We utilize multiple platforms including social media, radio, television, print media, and supporting local events, all vital to raising awareness and engaging new supporters. Sharing the Heartfelt Dreams story and the many patient stories from our experience helps attract donors, volunteers, and even more CHD patients in need of help.
- A Clear Plan — With other charitable organizations supporting heart patients, I was determined to identify the market potential for Heartfelt Dreams Foundation. In short order, we realized the incredible unmet need for the congenital heart defect patient and families. The need was one that my wife and I experienced for thirty years. Finding the specialty heart center and doctor, being able to get to the hospital, and affording a pace to stay while your loved one is in the hospital challenges most congenital heart defect patients. Heartfelt Dreams Foundation strives to fulfill its mission to provide this support to CHD patients nationwide.
How has the pandemic changed your definition of success?
The pandemic has broadened my definition of what success truly means. It reinforced my belief in resilience, compassion, and adaptability. We persevered for these two years by pivoting to virtual events, communicating with patients through video conferencing, and striving with PR efforts to gain identity and recognition for Heartfelt Dreams Foundation. I learned that even when faced with unexpected challenges, maintaining dedication to our mission, we could still provide essential support to CHD patients and their families by thinking creatively and adapting to new circumstances. During this challenging time and in the following two years, the number of CHD patients seeking our assistance increased exponentially.
How do you get inspired after an inevitable setback?
I find inspiration after a setback by focusing on the heartbreaking patient stories that come to Heartfelt Dreams Foundation daily. The feelings generated from hearing about the emotional and financial challenges facing CHD patients and their families reignite my passion for wanting to help and further the message of awareness for CHD. I know that the CHD needs are great and that we have found our niche in providing assistance that improves quality of life.
We are very blessed that very prominent leaders read this column. Is there a person in the world who you would like to talk to, to share the idea behind your non-profit? He, she, or they might just see this, especially if we tag them. 🙂
I would be proud and privileged to share the story of Heartfelt Dreams Foundation with Boston Red Sox legend David Ortiz and entrepreneur philanthropist Elon Musk. David Ortiz has dedicated time and caring effort to a children’s foundation benefiting CHD babies and children in the Dominican Republic. Elon Musk has devoted himself to ambitious plans to serve humankind by advancing medical technology beyond the reach of others. By sharing the mission and vision of Heartfelt Dreams Foundation with them, we could potentially expand our network and impact. Realizing my dream for a Heartfelt Dreams Hospital where no CHD patient would have to pay for specialized care and treatment could be made possible with Heartfelt Dreams Foundation being a premiere non-profit charitable organization. The ultimate dream is for the prevention of structural abnormalities of the heart (CHD), as it will likely take complex genetic engineering to resolve the medical and ethical challenges.
You’re doing important work. How can our readers follow your progress online?
Readers are invited to visit our website Heartfelt Dreams Foundation — Heart Within A Heart Caring™ and on social media — Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter) and LinkedIn.
Thank you for a meaningful conversation. We wish you continued success with your mission.
About The Interviewer: Karen Mangia is one of the most sought-after keynote speakers in the world, sharing her thought leadership with over 10,000 organizations during the course of her career. As Vice President of Customer and Market Insights at Salesforce, she helps individuals and organizations define, design and deliver the future. Discover her proven strategies to access your own success in her fourth book Success from Anywhere and by connecting with her on LinkedIn and Twitter.
High Impact Philanthropy: Eric Ankerud Of Heartfelt Dreams Foundation On How To Leave A Lasting… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.