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5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Became Miss International, With Kelsey Craft, Miss International 2017

5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Became Miss International, With Kelsey Craft, Miss International 2017

“Nearly all of my success has been based around medicine. The combination of being a physician assistant and Miss International has allowed me to be credible when speaking to groups across the country about preventing chronic disease and child obesity. If one person breathes easier because of the education I have given them I will know I have brought goodness to the world. Aside from that, my motto has always been “be kind, you don’t know what someone else is going through”. You can bring plenty of goodness just by smiling at someone as you walk down the street.”

I had the pleasure of interviewing Kelsey Craft, Miss International 2017. In addition to being a national titleholder, Kelsey is a practicing physician assistant in Southwest Florida. Caring deeply about health and wellness, Kelsey has found a passion in preventing chronic disease and childhood obesity through early education and prevention. During her year as Miss International she has traveled to all 50 states for various speaking engagements in order to raise awareness about the importance of healthy lifestyle behaviors and the impact they can have on happiness and longevity.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! What is your backstory?

I had a humble upbringing in Washington state. My mom was a single mother and to make ends meet, my “daycare” was often the hospital lounge. Growing up surrounded by medicine, I always knew that I was meant to take care of people. I attended University of Idaho and completed my bachelors degree in Exercise Science & Health. In 2015, I moved to Southwest Florida to pursue a career as a physician assistant. With a background working in the emergency department, it’s troubled me for quite some time that modern medicine places more focus on treatment of disease rather than equipping communities with the tools to stay healthy and out of the hospital.

When I found out about International Pageants being a platform driven system I knew it was the perfect fit. Being new to the SWFL area, I quickly applied to compete for Miss Florida International as a way to get out into my local community. After competing for two years I was crowned Miss Florida International 2017 and two months later (August 2017) I was in Charleston, WV vying for Miss International. Serving as a titleholder has given me the opportunity to reach a wider audience outside of the healthcare setting to spread my platform of “making the healthy choice the easy choice”. I have used my year as Miss International to be a champion ambassador Blue Zones Project, an organization aimed at improving community wellness throughout the U.S. Also, through International Pageants’ alliance with Go Red For Women I have been afforded countless opportunities to educate groups of all ages on “knowing your numbers” to decrease risk for cardiovascular disease. This year has been more than I ever could have imagined.

Can you share the funniest or most interesting story that happened to you as Miss International?

I’ve always loved airports and this story was no different. Shortly after being crowned Miss International I was on a trip to Europe and had a layover in Toronto. A brave stranger wanted to know what I was holding in my hand while looking at the departure board. It happened to be my Miss International sash. I was able to share how International Pageants is a platform based system and how I talk about health and wellness internationally. They told me that they work for a mental health services company in London. As it turned out, I had a connection in London at the end of my trip and agreed to stop by the office to promote their services.

The story gets really interesting when Hurricane Irma hit my home in Florida. My flight out of London was canceled for an entire week and the only person I knew in London was the stranger I had met 10 days prior in Toronto. Out of simple kindness, this complete stranger and their company made sure I was not stranded alone. I was put up in a hotel for three days until I could find an operating flight back to the United States. Not only was I able to get a full local tour of London as a bonus to my trip, I was able to use Miss International to promote mental health services in multiple countries.

Is there a purpose behind the pageant system, or is it just about being beautiful”

The pageant system stands out for two special reasons. The first is that we are a platform based system. All the women who are a part of International Pageants have a cause that they spend their year representing. The most special part about the platforms is that these women serve and volunteer for the causes they care about even without the crown and sash. Each contestant simply uses their title to gain extra awareness for the the things that are near and dear to their hearts. It is truly a system with a mission to make a difference.

The second thing that makes International Pageants stand out is the national alliance with Go Red For Women. Across the country we have women with local and state titles working to raise awareness for the number one killer of women and together we help to lower the rates of cardiovascular diseases. I am so proud to serve through this system. It is unlike any other.

What advice would you give to other women wanting to do a pageant?

Go for it! I did not get involved in pageants until I was 20 years old. It’s not too late and it’s never too early. Pageants have given me opportunities to serve, speak and grow. Life begins right outside your comfort zone so be courageous… you might just surprise yourself.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are?

Aside from my family there is one particular person who has been my biggest support this year. I am beyond grateful for my friend Brian. As soon as I was crowned Miss Florida International, Brian helped me gain all the sponsorship I needed to compete for Miss International. After I was crowned Miss International he went to great lengths to support me locally in Florida. Brian took a lot of pride in being my sponsor and helped me organize appearances and even get media coverage for my platform. I would not have been able to achieve the same success without the continuous support from such a selfless individual.

How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world?

Nearly all of my success has been based around medicine. The combination of being a physician assistant and Miss International has allowed me to be credible when speaking to groups across the country about preventing chronic disease and child obesity. If one person breathes easier because of the education I have given them I will know I have brought goodness to the world.

Aside from that, my motto has always been “be kind, you don’t know what someone else is going through”. You can bring plenty of goodness just by smiling at someone as you walk down the street.

What are your “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Became Miss International” and why. (Please share a story or example for each.)

  1. Schedule time in your planner to respond to emails and messages — I used to have my emails pop up on my phone as soon as they were sent. This caused problems for a couple reasons. First, I would be distracted from what I was currently doing to read the message. Second, if I read the message and didn’t have to time to respond, it would often get lost in my inbox. I became much more productive when I set aside time to catch up on emails and know that nothing would slip through the cracks. Wait to check emails until you have time to open it, read it, think about it, and respond.
  2. You can’t do it all on your own — I used to be very stubborn and unwilling to ask for help. After being crowned Miss International I quickly learned that your friends are happy to help if you ask them. There were plenty of late nights I needed to be picked up from the airport or days I couldn’t make it to the dry cleaner before the work day was over. I have become very grateful for friends who have helped out when I’m on a time crunch.
  3. If you don’t know how to do something, ask someone who does — I must admit, I suck at technology. Being a titleholder comes with a responsibility to be a positive influence through social media. I had to ask quite a few friends about features on phones for photo and video capabilities. You can’t be amazing at everything so put the pride aside and ask for help.
  4. Your health is important — I’ve been the prime example of someone who runs themselves into the ground until my body screams I need to take a break. Until I nearly caught a cold by running and gunning too much I wouldn’t have appreciated how valuable a simple good night’s sleep can be. After learning my lesson, the late nights and early mornings have not gone without spa days, regular massages, and putting on a robe at the end of long days. I learned to take care of myself first so I have the energy to pour into others.
  5. Say your dreams out loud so people can keep you accountable — There is a big difference between hoping for something and working for it. When I said out loud that I wanted to visit all 50 states in one year, that’s when it became reality. People began asking me how many states I’d been to so far. They were following my journey and at that point I couldn’t let them down.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”?

Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.- Nido Qubein

I absolutely love this quote because it summarizes my life experiences. I want to be an inspiration to young people that if you work hard enough you can have the same opportunities as anyone else. You don’t have to come from money, be the smartest or the best looking to be successful; you just have to be the hardest working.

Some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this 🙂

I would love to meet Dr. Oz! He strongly supports Blue Zones Project in addition to promoting healthy living from various aspects. I admire the way he is willing to explore any topic and stays curious. If I had the honor of having a meal with Dr. Oz I am certain we wouldn’t run out of topics to discuss.