HomeSocial Impact HeroesTheresa Pidcock Of zant On The Five Ways To Develop More ‘Grit’

Theresa Pidcock Of zant On The Five Ways To Develop More ‘Grit’

Believe In Yourself. Confidence stems from knowledge and self-belief. Thorough research before decisions, like pivoting my business strategy, provides the foundation for confidence. Trust in your abilities and judgments is crucial for overcoming doubts and forging ahead, especially in uncertain paths.

As a part of our series called “Grit: The Most Overlooked Ingredient of Success” I had the pleasure of interviewing Theresa Pidcock.

Theresa Pidcock is an executive coach with multiple certifications and a master’s degree in business dynamics, known for her passion for unlocking individual greatness. Her coaching philosophy centers on recognizing and harnessing the untapped potential within each person, emphasizing the power of emotions to achieve extraordinary results. With a commitment to leading through collaboration and a talent for solving complex problems, Theresa inspires clients to unleash their true potential and cultivate a winning mindset for personal and professional fulfillment.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Can you tell us a story about the events that have drawn you to this specific career path?

My path to this career was driven by a conviction that corporate America could be transformed into a more healing and human-centric environment. Early in my career, I observed a significant gap between this ideal and the reality within the organizations I worked with. The prevailing culture often overlooked the human element, focusing primarily on performance metrics and short-term results.

This experience ignited my passion for fostering a different kind of leadership — one that values empathy, understanding, and the holistic development of individuals. While my background involved sales, the lessons I learned extended far beyond this field. It became clear that regardless of the industry, effective leadership is not about driving teams based on numbers alone but about understanding and nurturing the people behind those numbers.

In my career, I’ve dedicated myself to teaching leaders how to combine strength with compassion. It’s about showing that true leadership involves seeing each team member as a complete person with unique strengths, challenges, and potential. This approach not only enhances individual performance but also builds a culture of loyalty, trust, communication, and mutual respect.

Leading in this manner doesn’t just feel good — it delivers impressive results. Organizations where leaders adopt this style tend to see remarkable improvements in team cohesion, employee satisfaction, and, yes, even in revenue. This journey has reaffirmed my belief that leadership rooted in empathy and understanding is not just nice to have but a fundamental driver of sustainable success in any business environment.

Can you share your story about “Grit and Success”? First can you tell us a story about the hard times that you faced when you first started your journey?

Looking back, I’m grateful for my naivety when starting my entrepreneurial journey. The challenges were more than expected — like remodeling a house with doubled costs and timelines. It demanded resilience, navigating uncharted waters, and tackling tasks from setting up basics to acquiring clients and understanding business taxes. Balancing professional challenges with personal responsibilities, including pursuing a master’s degree, certifications, raising children, and a cross-country move, was like trying to be everything to everyone.

Despite the difficulties, this period shaped my resolve and taught me valuable lessons about grit and perseverance. It emphasized the importance of balancing personal aspirations with professional responsibilities. Those early, challenging days laid the foundation for the success I enjoy today, showing me that success is not just about achieving goals but also about the journey of growth and self-discovery.

Where did you get the drive to continue even though things were so hard?

Reflecting on those early days, my drive was fueled by an unwavering belief that failure was simply not an option. I was steadfast in my conviction that I had to succeed, no matter the cost or effort involved. It was a time when I equated the success of my business with my own personal worth, and the idea of not achieving my goals was unthinkable.

Over time, my perspective shifted significantly. While I remain deeply committed to my business’s success, I no longer see potential failure as a personal shortcoming. It used to feel like I carried the weight of the world, making promises to my family and clients. Letting anyone down seemed more daunting than any physical pain.

This journey taught me a vital lesson about resilience and self-compassion. My relentless drive was about proving something to myself. This realization transformed how I understand success and failure. Now, I recognize that an individual’s worth is not solely defined by professional achievements.

In those challenging times, my resolve was unbreakable. Navigating hurdles, I learned that true grit is not just about pushing through at all costs but also about understanding and embracing your own human limits.

So how did Grit lead to your eventual success? How did Grit turn things around?

Grit was the driving force behind my success. In the early days of my business, it meant not giving up, no matter how tough things got. I was determined to keep my promises to my family, my clients, and myself. This persistence helped me to keep going, even when the challenges seemed overwhelming.

Over time, I learned that grit is more than just pushing through. It’s also about being flexible and adapting when things don’t go as planned. This ability to pivot and adjust my approach was crucial in turning my business around.

Grit also taught me resilience. I learned to see failures not as the end of the road but as lessons to grow from. It’s this combination of determination, adaptability, and resilience that eventually led me to success. It wasn’t just about working hard; it was about working smart and being willing to learn and change along the way.

Based on your experience, can you share your “5 Things You Need To Know To Develop More Grit”?

  1. Practice Makes Perfect:

Embrace continuous improvement; grit and mastery take time and persistence. Don’t expect immediate perfection; true skill comes through consistent practice and learning from mistakes. Each setback in my early entrepreneurial days was a lesson in persistence, building the grit needed for long-term success.

2. Believe In Yourself:

Confidence stems from knowledge and self-belief. Thorough research before decisions, like pivoting my business strategy, provides the foundation for confidence. Trust in your abilities and judgments is crucial for overcoming doubts and forging ahead, especially in uncertain paths.

3. If It Was Easy, Everyone Would Do It:

Unique dreams set you apart; the path isn’t meant to be easy. Embrace the challenges of your personal dreams to truly stand out. Grit comes from pursuing what’s meaningful to you, not just what’s easy or common.

4. Dedication Over Motivation:

Grit is not about momentary bursts of motivation but rather about unwavering dedication over time. I encountered numerous challenges and obstacles throughout my journey, often facing unfavorable conditions. In these moments, my steadfast commitment, rather than fleeting motivation, propelled me forward. This consistent dedication builds resilience that extends beyond temporary enthusiasm, enabling me to show up and persevere even on the most challenging days.

5. Done is Better Than Perfect:

Strive for progress, not perfection. Waiting for the ‘perfect’ moment can be paralyzing. Moving forward, even with imperfections, is more productive. Prioritize action over perfection to achieve significant milestones and build grit.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped you when things were tough? Can you share a story about that?

The person who has been an unwavering pillar of support throughout my journey is undoubtedly my father. A Marine and retired Law Enforcement Officer, he embodies the very essence of grit. His disciplined, perfectionist approach often set high standards in our household. As a child, I remember being both in awe and occasionally exasperated by his insistence on everything being ‘just so.’ I was the one who could turn his blue eyes gray with frustration, yet his influence on me has been profound and enduring.

My father is the epitome of strength and resilience. I recall him bench-pressing incredible amounts of weight as a child, a testament to his physical and mental fortitude. But more than that, it’s the life lessons he imparted that have truly shaped me. His teachings, though tough at times, instilled in me qualities like tenacity, resilience, and an unwavering spirit.

He has always been my biggest cheerleader, constantly reinforcing the belief that I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to. And he didn’t just stop at words; he was always there to lend a hand, no matter how challenging the path I chose. His support wasn’t merely in the form of encouragement but also in actively helping me overcome obstacles, even when it was difficult for him.

To say that I admire him would be an understatement. The sun truly does rise and set with him in my world. The lessons he taught me are the foundation of the unstoppable drive I possess today. For his lifelong mentorship, love, and belief in me, I am eternally grateful.

How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world?

My mission to spread goodness centers on mentoring and training leaders, focusing on communication skills and emotional intelligence. I believe understanding deeper undercurrents can address many of today’s challenges.

My pursuit of diverse coaching certifications goes beyond personal knowledge expansion; it equips me with tools to make a real difference in others’ lives. This expertise allows me to guide leaders seamlessly through professional and personal challenges in business contexts.

Leadership skill is tested when business discussions touch on personal matters. Knowing how to navigate these complexities elevates a leader from effective to exceptional.

By imparting these skills, I contribute to individual success and foster a culture of empathy and effective communication. This holistic leadership development creates a ripple effect, influencing teams, organizations, and personal lives. Through this approach, I aim to bring about positive change and goodness in the world.

Are you working on any exciting new projects now? How do you think that will help people?

I’m passionately expanding my signature program, ‘Playing Hardball with Soft Skills™,’ which is at the heart of developing emotional intelligence — a key component of success. In our technologically connected society, we’re encountering rising challenges such as loneliness, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. This program aims to address these by enhancing self-understanding, a crucial step in bolstering emotional intelligence.

Understanding our own motivations and reactions is like having a roadmap for life’s journey. This deep self-awareness is vital not just for personal development but also for navigating the complexities of our world. It enables us to forge deeper, more meaningful connections, which are essential in building resilience and perseverance — the core of grit.

Our education systems often focus predominantly on hard skills, but the development of soft skills and emotional intelligence — like stress tolerance, impulse control, self-awareness, and optimism — is equally, if not more, important. These skills empower individuals at every life stage to tackle complicated social dynamics, build strong relationships, and approach life’s challenges with a constructive mindset.

Through the expansion of ‘Playing Hardball with Soft Skills™,’ my aim is to bridge this gap. The program isn’t just for the young; it’s designed for anyone on their life journey who seeks to cultivate emotional intelligence. The ultimate goal is to nurture a community that is intellectually sharp and emotionally resilient. In a world that’s constantly evolving, these are the skills that help individuals not just survive but thrive. This program is about equipping people with the tools to develop true connections — the kind that leads to lasting success and fulfillment.

What advice would you give to other executives or founders to help their employees to thrive?

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful team, and it’s an area where there’s always room for improvement. A common misconception among leaders is the belief that they are communicating enough when, in reality, there’s often a significant gap between the message sent and the message received. If I had a dollar for every time a leader thought they were communicating effectively but weren’t, I’d be financially set for life.

In fast-growing companies, leaders can get so caught up in the whirlwind of expansion that they inadvertently become less available to guide their teams. This lack of guidance can lead to misunderstandings and inefficiencies. It’s essential for leaders to not only communicate but to over communicate — to share their vision, expectations, and feedback far more frequently than they might assume is necessary.

Moreover, communication should be a two-way street. It’s not just about conveying your message; it’s also about ensuring it’s understood. This requires follow-up and seeking clarification, confirming that the message has been received as intended. While it may seem redundant, this practice is crucial for minimizing errors and ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Finally, maintaining an open-door policy is vital. It encourages open dialogue, fosters a culture of trust, and ensures that issues can be addressed promptly. By prioritizing clear, frequent, and two-way communication, executives and founders can create an environment where employees are not just working but thriving, moving forward together with clarity and purpose.

You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂

If I had the opportunity to inspire a movement that could bring widespread benefit, it would be an emphasis on kindness. I believe that the power of kindness is often underestimated. Imagine if each of us took just a moment longer to view situations through the lens of another person’s experience. This small shift in perspective could lead to a monumental change in how we interact with one another.

Kindness has the potential to transform our world dramatically. It’s about more than just being polite; it’s about empathy, understanding, and grace. We often don’t know the struggles others are facing, the kind of day they’ve had, or the challenges they’re silently battling. But if we could all commit to extending a little more kindness and grace in our daily interactions, the ripple effect could be enormous.

This movement wouldn’t require grand gestures. It’s about the small, everyday acts of kindness: a smile to a stranger, a patient listening ear, a heartfelt compliment. These acts, though seemingly small, can have a profound impact on someone’s day, mood, and even their outlook on life.

If I could ignite a spark that would spread across the globe, it would be this simple yet transformative idea: let’s all strive to be a little kinder, a little more empathetic, and a little more understanding. This is how we can collectively create a more compassionate, connected, and harmonious world.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

One of my favorite life lesson quotes is, “Grit is choosing to hang on when you desperately want to let go.” While its origin is unknown, this quote resonates deeply with me. It perfectly captures the essence of what many of us experience on a regular basis. Life is full of moments that test our resolve, where the easiest option seems to be to give up.

Yet, it’s in these moments of immense challenge that the true meaning of grit is revealed. It’s about mustering the strength to hold on, even when every fiber of your being is urging you to let go. This quote serves as a reminder of the incredible resilience we all possess.

Remembering to ‘hang on’ during our toughest times is more than just enduring; it’s a conscious choice to grow stronger, to build our resilience, and to develop the kind of grit that can carry us through future challenges. It’s a testament to the human spirit’s capacity to overcome and thrive, no matter the odds. For me, this quote isn’t just a statement; it’s a guiding principle that encourages persistence and courage in the face of adversity.

How can our readers follow you on social media?

You can stay updated with my work online through my website, which is Additionally, you can connect with me on LinkedIn at, and you’ll find me on Instagram under the username @theresapidcock. I’m always eager to connect with readers, learn about your experiences, and engage in meaningful discussions, so please feel free to reach out, and let’s enjoy the journey together.

All photos included in this article are by Brio Photography.

Thank you so much for joining us. This was very inspirational.

Theresa Pidcock Of zant On The Five Ways To Develop More ‘Grit’ was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.