The Power of Daily Habits: Lea Velasquez & Stephanie Delos Santos Of Penny & Lee On How Small Health Changes Can Lead to Big Results
An interview with Dr. Bharat Sangani
Having a consistent execution of daily habits of self care such as skin care, hair care, exercising, and using products that work for you will benefit your overall health and appearance. I notice when I am consistent with doing my self care routine and using our silk copper-infused pillowcase my hair is smoother and I wake up with fewer fine lines in the morning. If I was sedentary the whole week my lower back and shoulders would be in pain. Exercising consistently maintains my strength, flexibility, and keeps me pain free while giving me a boost in my mood. Nothing beats that accomplished feeling once you’ve completed your workout session.
When it comes to health and wellness, small, consistent changes often have the most profound impact. Daily habits, whether in nutrition, exercise, mindfulness, or sleep, can accumulate to create lasting transformations. In this series, we aim to explore the power of small, intentional actions and how they can lead to big health results over time. As a part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Lea & Stephanie.
Best friends and Registered Nurses Lea Velasquez and Stephanie Delos Santos, based in California, co-founded Penny & Lee, a beauty brand inspired by their passion for self-care and wellness. After years of working night shifts in healthcare, they experienced the physical and mental toll it took on their health, appearance, and overall quality of life. As women in their forties, they recognized the importance of cultivating daily routines that prioritize well-being — whether it’s getting enough quality sleep, eating healthier, exercising, or dedicating time to skincare. Over coffee one morning, they envisioned a beauty company that would empower others to achieve balance and self-care with a simple yet transformative tool: a luxury silk copper-infused pillowcase. Through Penny & Lee, they promote the importance of a well-rounded life, balancing work, family, friends, and personal health, while making beauty and wellness effortless for all.
Thank you so much for your time! I know that you are a very busy person. Our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your ‘backstory’ and how you got started?
Thank you for allowing us to have this opportunity to share our story. Stephanie and I, Lea, have been nurses for almost twenty years. Our Filipino culture has definitely played a huge role in us becoming nurses. It was ingrained in us from a very young age, from our parents, that we would be nurses. We met each other while we were working in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) taking care of the premature and sick newborn baby population. We met in 2006 and have been great friends ever since.
We both worked the night shift for almost 15 years. Lack of sleep and working in a high stress environment can take a toll on your body and mental health.
A majority of that time we worked on the 12 hour night shift, coming in every other weekend, working holidays, basically missing out on a lot of time with family and friends. Night shift is not for the faint of heart. It was taking a toll on our physical health, mental health, and overall appearance.
Stephanie and I would share our hopes and dreams with each other in the breakroom whenever we had a shift together. One year we were talking seriously about business ideas we could venture out to do. We initially started with real estate investing, which we did pursue, but we also wanted to create more of a solution for our women like us.
Thanks so much for having us! I started working as a Registered Nurse right out of college. I was lucky enough to get into a new graduate program that allowed me to work in the NICU . This is where I met Lea. We became fast friends since we were close in age and shared many of the same interests, like dining out, nightlife (before having kids), and talking business — particularly real estate.
In 2018, we decided to dive into real estate together, purchasing a few rental properties out of state. Eventually, we sold those properties and started brainstorming ways to reinvest our money into something new. This led to many conversations over coffee, brunches, and dinners until we realized we wanted to create something that could make a positive impact on others while also improving our own well-being. At the time, we were both feeling the burnout of bedside nursing and struggling with issues like signs of aging in our 40s and sleep deprivation from working 12-hour night shifts.
That’s when the idea of a pillowcase as a multifunctional beauty tool was born — a product designed to support better sleep, healthier hair, and improved skin all in one. We spent countless hours learning how to start a business and build a brand from scratch, even agonizing over the name. (Penny was my childhood nickname, and Lee was Lea’s.) And that’s how Penny & Lee came to life.
Building a brand from the ground up without a business background has its challenges, but with determination — and plenty of help from the internet, YouTube and social media — we’ve discovered you can learn anything if you’re willing to put in the work.
None of us can achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person that you are grateful for, who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story?
Lea: I am grateful for Stephanie for believing in us and our ability to create a company. If I would start to have doubts in my mind, Stephanie would always have an encouraging word to say to bring me back to reality– that we are capable and we can achieve our goals.
I have always dreamed that I could pursue something beyond my nursing career. I have tried home based-businesses and attended different business seminars, but held back because of self-doubt and fear. That is why I am so grateful that Stephanie and I became partners because she knows first hand the challenges of being a working mother balancing family and a challenging nursing career, while pursuing the same entrepreneurial aspirations. Together we encourage and empower each other, helping me refine my communication skills and fueling my confidence to chase my dreams with purpose and determination.
Stephanie: I owe so much to my husband, Goshan, who has always supported me in my business endeavors. As a business owner himself, he’s been a constant source of inspiration. I’ve witnessed firsthand the hard work — blood, sweat, and tears — that go into starting and growing a business. With my stable nursing job, I never seriously considered starting my own venture beyond investing in real estate. Having my own business felt like too big of a dream. As a nurse, I wasn’t naturally business-minded, and I was very comfortable in my “secure” career. So, I thought, why pursue anything else?
This is where Lea comes in, and I’m so grateful for her. She’s the one who opened my eyes and encouraged me to look beyond our careers to create something for ourselves. We often talked about achieving financial freedom, traveling the world, and making a difference on a larger scale through our brand someday.
Unfortunately, the pandemic created the perfect storm for burnout in our profession, making us realize we wanted — and needed — something more. We wanted to do more, and make a meaningful impact, and we knew we had something valuable to offer.
You are a successful leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?
Lea: First trait of a successful leader is integrity. Integrity builds trust in relationships because it encompasses honesty, respect, doing what’s right, doing what you said you were going to do even though it is not convenient for you. For instance, if I promised Stephanie that I’d have our content posted by the end of the day, I’d do whatever it took to make it happen. Even if it meant missing dinner with my family or getting to bed late, I’d follow through because I stand by my word.
Secondly, communication is key to make sure everyone is on the same page which helps decrease frustration. This also ensures everyone has had their chance to share their ideas and know that those ideas have been taken into consideration.
When Stephanie and I are sharing ideas we always take each other’s the ideas into consideration and explore each idea to see if it will or won’t benefit our company.
Finally, empathy allows me to put myself in other peoples’ shoes and understand their perspective. Practicing this allows for others to feel cared about. There would be times where I would have family activities or events that would not allow me to focus on the business as much as I would like to. I can always count on Stephanie to help keep the business going. I would also do the same for her when it was her time to focus more on her family. Because of empathy, we have a great partnership. Empathy also helps me gauge if someone needs technical help in a certain area, support, or encouragement.
Stephanie: The first trait is grit: I believe the grittier you are, the further you’ll go in life. When we first started Penny & Lee, there were so many hurdles that felt like signs or red flags, and at times, it seemed easier to just give up. For example, with our first order of pillowcases, we initially planned to have our logo embroidered. Everything was set — manufacturing was about to start — but at the last minute, we were told the logo couldn’t be embroidered. This setback delayed us by weeks, forcing us to come up with a new plan. We had already finalized our product photos and website with images featuring the embroidered logo, so having to change it last minute felt overwhelming. Eventually, we decided on a side tag with our logo, and we’re actually happier with the new look. The experience taught us an important lesson: when things don’t go your way, you have to roll with the punches, adapt quickly, and move forward.
The second trait is trustworthiness: This is essential, especially when partnering in business. Choosing the wrong partner can be risky, but I’m incredibly blessed to have Lea as my partner. We share the same values in faith, family, and dreams, and we respect each other enough to always be honest and open. I can trust her to pick up the slack when I’m too busy, and I do everything I can to ensure I never let her down. It’s about the little things, like checking the mailbox while one of us is on vacation or making sure bills are paid on time. I also know I can rely on her to handle tasks I can’t, ensuring our business runs smoothly. Our trust stems from a shared vision — we dream together and are aligned on what it takes to get where we want to be in life.
The third trait is communication: This is arguably the most critical trait, not only in business but in life. Lea and I make it a point to talk every day, whether it’s to check in on each other, share how we’re feeling, discuss ideas, or address any concerns. Sometimes, it feels like I’m living two lives — my personal life and my business life — and the more we communicate, the easier it becomes to balance both. By sharing our thoughts and plans, we can align our business goals with our family schedules. Knowing how the other person thinks, what their calendar looks like, and anticipating their future plans saves us time and allows us to streamline our partnership. Communication keeps us connected and ensures we stay on the same page as we work toward our shared goals.
Ok, fantastic. Let’s now turn to the crux of our interview. Can you share a small health habit you adopted that had an unexpectedly large impact on your physical or mental well-being? What inspired you to make that change?
Lea: Having a consistent skin care routine. I always thought washing your face was a two-step process, face wash and moisturizer, and during the day the moisturizer would have at least SPF. I struggled with large congested pores and thought that was the way my skin was. After a while I grew tired of looking at my black heads and made appointments for facials. The esthetician would show me my before and after photos and I was amazed how clean and radiant my skin was after each session. Although the facials were great, the extraction of my black heads was not. The pain was excruciating and I would be in tears every time I had that service done.
I finally decided it was time for me to stick to a skin care routine that would keep my skin healthy and my pores clear, so that I wouldn’t have to get those painful extractions done. Fortunately, after I adopted a skin care routine that I perform each morning and night, my skin has looked significantly healthier. My morning skin care routine wakes me up and helps me get my day started. At night, I have a more comprehensive skin care routine which also signals my body that it’s almost time for bed. This helps me to wind down, relax, get in the mode of self care and sleep. Implementing these small simple self-care changes to my daily routine have really benefited my overall skin health and appearance.
Stephanie: I’ve been drinking matcha every day for a few years now. I started looking into antioxidant-rich foods and discovered that matcha contains very high levels of antioxidants. I decided to make it a daily habit, and since then, I’ve noticed significant benefits. I’m able to think more clearly in the mornings, I feel more energetic overall, and I don’t experience the sluggishness I used to. I also feel healthier, and since matcha helps lower cortisol levels, it keeps me calm throughout the day.
That said, I did run into an issue when I increased my matcha intake. At one point, I started drinking two teaspoons in the morning instead of one. Shortly after, I developed an eye twitch that lasted for about two weeks. I couldn’t figure out what was causing it until I realized it might be related to the extra matcha. Once I reduced my intake back to one teaspoon a day, the eye twitch eventually went away. It was a good reminder that even with something as beneficial as matcha, too much of a good thing isn’t always good for you.
What advice would you give to someone who struggles with consistency? How can they build daily habits without becoming overwhelmed?
Lea: If you are struggling with consistency, my advice would be to start small, keep it simple, and perform this new routine the same time each day. For example, starting a new skin care routine can sound overwhelming because of the many different steps that could be included. To get into the habit of keeping this routine, adding your skin care around the same time you brush your teeth, morning and night, can help you with being more consistent. Keep it simple and easy, start by using a face wash and a moisturizer, and once you’ve mastered that habit, then you can make it more customizable by adding a serum, then an occasional mask, toners, etc.
As for being consistent with an exercise routine, start with a fun 30 minute workout three times a week at the same time each day. Once you’ve made that a consistent habit, add on more challenging workouts and exercise more days in the week.
Mastering good habits can be challenging, but by keeping it simple and performing these new routines at the same time each day can help you be successful.
Stephanie: To stay consistent, I make it a habit to write my to-do lists on paper every day. If you struggle with consistency like I do, one thing that really helps is writing tasks into your schedule or adding them to a daily to-do list. The key is to make checking off that list a priority. I personally use post-it notes for my lists because their small size naturally limits how many items I can include. I keep it to five tasks a day max, so it doesn’t feel overwhelming.
If exercising is one of the items on your list, you’re more likely to follow through if you’ve tackled the other tasks or placed it at the very top of your list. Keeping it simple and manageable makes it easier to stay consistent and accomplish your goals.
How do you identify which habits are worth focusing on, and which might not provide meaningful results? Do you use any specific frameworks or tracking methods?
Lea: I evaluate how much time it takes to establish a new habit and consider whether its benefits will be immediate or require patience to unfold.
For example, if certain workout routines take away too much time from family or working on our business I will usually modify it or schedule it for another day. I may choose a more condensed intense workout to get the same results or better than if I did a long drawn out one. I like to be efficient with my time and achieve the greatest results.
Stephanie: The habits I focus on most are centered around preserving my health. I enjoy learning about new ways to improve my well-being from the inside out. As a Filipino, I grew up surrounded by food — Filipino family parties are more like feasts! Rice, a staple of Filipino cuisine, is always present, and it’s easy to overeat when it’s such a big part of every meal. Since diabetes runs in my family, I’ve made it a habit to cut out rice almost completely. I’ve also reduced my alcohol intake to just 1–2 times a month.
I’ve found that the habits I stick to most consistently are the ones that realistically fit into my schedule. By focusing on small, manageable changes, I’ve been able to build habits that truly support my long-term health.
Can you explain how compounding benefits work when it comes to daily health habits? Have you experienced any surprising long-term transformations from seemingly small changes?
Lea: Small daily health habits like having a consistent skin care routine or getting my body moving each day have transformed my skin and my body’s mobility. Doing a consistent skin care regime has given my skin new life where it looks more radiant and glowy.
When it comes to exercise, whether I have time for an intense weight lifting session or I only have 15 minutes before bed to do some stretching exercises, I make sure that I have done something each day to keep my body active and mobile.
Stephanie: The biggest change I had to make for myself was to transform my inner voice — actively shifting my mindset to think positively, avoid talking myself down, and stop dwelling on negative thoughts or the past. I realized that this negative self-talk was holding me back from achieving my goals. To change my mindset, I started incorporating practices like self-reflection, affirmations, meditation, and honest conversations with myself to identify the habits that were keeping me from feeling happy.
I used to say things like, “I’m so bad at this,” or “I’m lazy,” or “I hate it when…,” and I realized that kind of talk was only reinforcing negativity. I made a conscious effort to reverse those thoughts. I truly believe our words carry weight and that we attract what we put out into the world. So, even on days when I don’t feel my best, I try to speak positively, keep my head up, and focus on the light at the end of the tunnel.
These small but intentional changes have helped me navigate tough days and ultimately become a happier, more positive person.

What are “5 Health Habits That Lead to Great Results ”?
1 . Having a consistent execution of daily habits of self care such as skin care, hair care, exercising, and using products that work for you will benefit your overall health and appearance. I notice when I am consistent with doing my self care routine and using our silk copper-infused pillowcase my hair is smoother and I wake up with fewer fine lines in the morning. If I was sedentary the whole week my lower back and shoulders would be in pain. Exercising consistently maintains my strength, flexibility, and keeps me pain free while giving me a boost in my mood. Nothing beats that accomplished feeling once you’ve completed your workout session.
2 . Spending time with family and friends is important to our mental health. We were made to connect to one another. Although Stephanie and I have daily phone meetings, we make time to see each other in person at least once a week. When we see each other we either have brunch or dinner and don’t always talk about business– we talk about our kids, our personal lives, and work. This gives us a chance to be there for each other as best friends. We attend social functions as much as we can to show support to our family and friends. Family and friends are a big part of our Filipino culture and we want to continue that practice with our children. Knowing that we have a loving community that we can count on, keep the most important things in our lives in perspective.
3 . Prayer or meditation in the morning and in the evening can help set up your day for success and help you wind down to get restful sleep. In the past I would wake up and go straight for my phone and start looking at social media, the news, emails, text messages, etc. That routine put me in a fight or flight state even before I rolled out of bed. If I have not started my day with prayer or meditation I feel more anxious and short tempered. Now my routine every morning is to think about what I am grateful for, pray, and meditate. This routine has given me more peace in my day and more patience with others. Before going to bed I pray again and think about all the things I am grateful for. It also gives me a chance to reflect on areas I need to improve on to give myself grace, and how I can be better tomorrow.
4 . Make time for yourself — give yourself space to think about what truly makes you happy instead of just going through the motions day in and day out. It’s easy to fall into a routine of work, and if you have kids, your time becomes even more limited. I spent years in this cycle, barely managing to complete daily tasks, with no time left to unwind or destress before starting all over again the next day.
One way to break this cycle is to find a hobby, craft, or experience that enriches you. When you invest in something new and meaningful, it can bring a sense of pride and confidence, reminding you that you have so much more to offer than the repetitiveness of daily life. Choose something you’ve always wanted to try or learn, invest time in it, and make it part of your routine. It could even lead to a new identity for yourself and significantly improve your quality of life. Last year, I took a jewelry-making class where I learned how to solder metal and create bezels for stones on rings, and it’s been such a fun experience. I’ve been making rings as gifts for my family and friends, and I feel like I’ve discovered a new passion as a novice jewelry maker.
5 . Set realistic goals and stick to them. When my goals are manageable and not overly ambitious, I feel less overwhelmed and more accomplished, even with small progress. For example, I’ve incorporated small habits like going to bed 30 minutes earlier or cutting out certain foods. I also started walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes a day and kept it at that. I avoid running because it often leads to back injuries. While running might bring faster results, injuries derail my progress, leaving me discouraged and inactive for weeks.
Choose habits that are easy to maintain and sustainable in the long term, with minimal risks. Over time, these small, consistent efforts will lead to lasting, meaningful results.
What role does mindset play in forming new habits? How do you maintain motivation when the results aren’t immediately visible?
Lea: Mindset is crucial when starting new habits. We can get stuck or feeling down when we don’t get immediate results when starting something new. Having the mindset of progress and not perfection is essential. We have to remember most things have a learning curve, so you may have challenges and difficulties when forming a new habit. A healthy mindset highlights small, consistent steps over perfection, decreasing frustration and burnout during the habit-building process.
Giving yourself grace when implementing a new habit is crucial. For example, when I started a new workout routine it took time for me to see changes in my body. The soreness in my body didn’t feel good at the time, but I would tell myself that this is only making my body stronger so I could do more the next time I worked out. I would check in with myself daily and see if I notice any changes in the way I felt, like am I feeling more energetic today or do I feel more flexible than the day before? The changes may not be visible on the outside, but I did feel them on the inside.
These small changes were clear signs of progress, reminding me that it’s working, which fueled my motivation to keep going.
A healthy mindset highlights small, consistent steps over perfection, decreasing frustration and burnout during the habit-building process.
Stephanie: Mindset is everything! Once I became more aware of how I thought about things, I found it easier to overcome challenges. When I was dealing with burnout from work, I focused on finding ways to stay motivated — ways to keep a smile on my face and show up every day without dragging my feet. Shifting my mindset to acknowledge how lucky I am to be healthy and practicing gratitude for both the good and bad gave me the extra push I needed to overcome the dread of going to work.
It’s easy to fall into the habit of avoiding what’s hard in life, but the truth is, everything is hard in its own way. The key is to “choose your hard” and dive in with intention and determination.
How can our readers further follow your work?
Follow us on instagram @pennyandleeofficial, Facebook penny and lee official, and our website
Thank you so much for sharing these important insights. We wish you continued success and good health!
About The Interviewer: Dr. Bharat Sangani is a cardiologist and entrepreneur with over 35 years of experience, practicing in Gulfport, Mississippi, and Dallas, Texas. Board-certified in Internal Medicine and Cardiology, he specializes in diagnosing, treating, and preventing cardiovascular diseases, including heart disease and hypertension. In 1999, Dr. Sangani founded Encore Enterprises, a national real estate investment firm. Under his leadership, the company has executed transactions exceeding $2 billion, with a portfolio spanning residential, retail, hotel, and office developments. Known for his emphasis on integrity and fairness, Dr. Sangani has built Encore into a major player in the commercial real estate sector. Blending his medical and business expertise, Dr. Sangani created the Life is a Business mentorship program. The initiative offers guidance on achieving balance in health, wealth, and relationships, helping participants align personal and professional goals. Now based in Dallas, Texas, Dr. Sangani continues to practice cardiology while leading Encore Enterprises and mentoring others. His career reflects a unique blend of medical expertise, entrepreneurial spirit, and dedication to helping others thrive.
The Power of Daily Habits: Lea Velasquez & Stephanie Delos Santos Of Penny & Lee On How Small… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.