“The movement I would be part of would be the #No More Movements Movement” With Joe Symes & The Loving Kind

“Andy……I personally wouldn’t start a movement. Make your own difference because it means something to you. I think trying to cram your own ideas down someone else’s throat smells a bit of communism. It makes life a minefield as you’re pretty much guaranteed to annoy someone’s movement. So I think the movement I would be part of would be the #No More Movements Movement. Seems like it’s cool to be part of something even if you don t understand it these days. Keep it simple. Peace Love Freedom!
Joe…….I wouldn’t want to start one to be honest, i’m not gonna put myself in the firing line for anything. We just play music.
Colin……Movement is a very powerful, but at times controversial word to me. I wouldn’t really know where to start. I’m just a guy who plays music, and if doing what we do gathers people together, and they enjoy themselves, that’s good to me.”
I had the pleasure to interview Joe, Colin and Andy from the rock band Joe Symes and the Loving Kind.
Thank you so much for joining us. Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?
Joe…….Growing up in a household with brothers and sisters, so many genres of music, it was The Beatles that made me want to become involved with music and form a band.
Colin…..Although I didn’t actually start playing drums until I was 14, I think my interest really began when I was 11. My brother had The Doors Live at the Hollywood Bowl on VHS, and every time he would put it on I was always drawn to John Densmore behind his kit on the drum riser. Even though I admired Jim, Ray, and Robbie for what they were doing, it was always John that grabbed my attention. After that I thought, “I can do that. I WILL do that!”
Andy…….I’ve loved music from an early age so it’s been a part of my life forever and I can never see it being any other way.
Can you share the most interesting story that occurred to you in the course of your music career?
Colin…..Good question. I honestly wouldn’t know where to tart……..Actually there was a gig we done recently where during the last song the power blew in the venue. Out of the blue Joe and Andy put their guitars down, and before I knew it we were all playing the kit; a kind of three man Latin rock solo that ended the show in the most spontaneous way, while at the same time stopped the show from ending on an anti-climax. I enjoyed that. I think we might do it again.
Andy…….Believe it or not I was recently made aware that I had a food fight many years ago with Ray Manzarek which I have absolutely no recollection of. L.A will do that to you though.
Joe……..Meeting Paul McCartney at LIPA, which was weird as my favourite Beatle was John Lennon. But he was really great to talk to and meeting him was awesome, also going to Abbey Road and being in studio 2 where most of the Beatles studio recordings took place.

What are some of the most or exciting projects you are working on now?
Andy……We’ve recently finished an album which is always exciting. Like the end of term in school.
Colin…..Yeah, the new album is the main focus right now.
Joe……The new album and also the touring of the new album is the main focus now.
Who are some of the most interesting people you have interacted with? What was that like? Do you have any stories?
Joe…..The general public, very nice.
Even the story of how someones bath ended up on a friends doorstep after 2pm in the morning
Colin….It’s always nice to meet people you like, and admire. When they’re in front of you, and you’re having a conversation, you just realize we’re all the same. Just people who love playing music.
Andy……Well I think it may have been the Manzarek story If I could recall it ha ha. But I worked with one of the creators of Beavis and Butthead who was an amazing guy but anyone reading this who’s a long term musician will tell you. Meeting your peers is always interesting and exciting. They’re all cool.
Which people in history inspire you the most? Why?
Colin…….I’d say for me it was a lot other musicians from both the rock and Jazz world (too many to mention here). I’m a big fan of many Science Fiction, and Horror writers too. Richard Matheson, Stephen King, Arthur C. Clarke, Conan Doyle, Anne Rice, Mary Shelley, Ray Bradbury. They’re people who have captivated my imagination, and have something more to say than what seems.
Joe…….The most misunderstood people
Andy…….People who shut down narrow minded fools!
How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world?
Andy……We are active in the support of Musicians Against Homelessness and also if we can help raise any profile of any good cause we can not say no. I mean why would you?
Joe……Playing a lot of benefit gigs across the uk, giving other band’s a chance to play alongside us.
Colin…….I think if people like what you do, and you’ve inspired them or made them feel better during a certain time because of what you create, that’s the best goodness you can bring full stop.

You are a people of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea could trigger.
Joe…….I wouldn’t want to start one to be honest, i’m not gonna put myself in the firing line for anything. We just play music.
Andy……I personally wouldn’t start a movement. Make your own difference because it means something to you. I think trying to cram your own ideas down someone else’s throat smells a bit of communism. It makes life a minefield as you’re pretty much guaranteed to annoy someone’s movement. So I think the movement I would be part of would be the #No More Movements Movement. Seems like it’s cool to be part of something even if you don t understand it these days. Keep it simple. Peace Love Freedom!
Colin……Movement is a very powerful, but at times controversial word to me. I wouldn’t really know where to start. I’m just a guy who plays music, and if doing what we do gathers people together, and they enjoy themselves, that’s good to me.
Which tips would you recommend to your colleagues in your industry to help them to thrive and not “burn out?”
Colin…..Always thrive to be better each day, keep learning more about your instrument, keep your mind and ears open, and listen to as much music as you can.
Joe…..Enjoy what your doing, if your not enjoying it then whats the point ?
Andy……Keep it fun. Enjoy it. Involve the crowd. Oh and the #1 rule. Take no shit!
What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why? Please share a story or example for each.
Andy……Timing is key. Whether it be musically or promotionally. You never know who’s watching No such thing as a bad gig DONT STAND STILL ON STAGE You’re part of a world wide fraternity.
Colin……Ah, I don’t think I could repeat any of those. That would be telling. Ha! Ha!
Joe…..You really wouldn’t want to hear my 5 things Ha Ha
I have been blessed with the opportunity to interview and be in touch with some of the biggest names in the business, VC funding, sports and entertainment. Is there a person in the world, or in the U.S whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she just might see this, especially if we tag them.
Joe……Clint Eastwood, Neil Young, Bob Dylan, the remaining members of The Doors, there are so many i would not fit them on here.
Andy…..I would love to sit down with Slash And Duff from guns n roses. They are my bench marks as a performer/artist. The epitome of rock n roll. Major talents but human too. I’d love to hear some of their stories about Hollywood back in the day. God I miss that place!
Colin……At this moment probably the drummer Daru Jones. I became aware of him through his work with Jack White during his solo career. He’s one of main contemporary influences, and it would be nice to have a chat with him about music and his approach to it. I think we’d get on.
How can our readers follow you on social media?
Andy…..Don’t get me wrong i know how important s/m is today but I don’t do none of the social media stuff. If the guy who invented it won’t let his kids use it there has to be a fundamental flaw in it somewhere dont ya think? Well part from the twitter boxing ring that is.