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The B Corp Advantage: Kristin Revere Of Gold Coast Doulas On Unlocking the Benefits of…

The B Corp Advantage: Kristin Revere Of Gold Coast Doulas On Unlocking the Benefits of Purpose-Driven Certification

An Interview With Russ McLeod

Credibility and Trust: B Corp Certification provides a third-party validation that a business meets the highest standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. This credibility can build trust with clients and partners who value ethical business practices. Trusting your new baby to a caregiver puts parents in a very vulnerable position. Our certification helps to put people at ease, knowing that a 3rp party has conducted something similar to a background check on us.

In today’s market, businesses are increasingly recognized not just for their profitability but for their commitment to social and environmental responsibility. Becoming a B Corp certified company represents a dedication to a broader purpose and a positive impact on society. What are the tangible benefits of this certification, and how can businesses leverage it to unlock new opportunities? I had the pleasure of interviewing Kristin Revere.

Kristin is the owner and founder of Gold Coast Doulas, an experienced birth and postpartum doula agency located in West Michigan. As a passionate advocate for empowering families, she has also had the opportunity to speak at various events and conferences. Her work as a writer has been featured in reputable publications, including Rapid Growth Media and First Time Parent Magazine and she just launched a new book called “Supported: Your Guide to Birth and Baby with co-author, Alyssa Veneklase.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Our readers would love to get to know you a bit better. Can you share a bit about your background and what led you to your current role?

I have a background in advertising sales and political and nonprofit fundraising. I had children later in life and became passionate about childbirth education and doula care. It became my primary passion after realizing how much needed during this time.

What is your organization’s mission? Who are your customers and how do you serve them?

The mission of Gold Coast Doulas is to make a positive impact on families’ lives, providing compassionate support, and fostering a sense of empowerment during this transformative time.

Our customers are moms in the greater Grand Rapids area and along the Gold Coast of Michigan. At Gold Coast Doulas, we specialize in providing comprehensive support to families during the transformative journey of pregnancy, childbirth, and early parenthood.

What inspired your organization to pursue B Corp certification?

Gold Coast has been focused on giving back from day one and we were active members of Local First and we became Good for Michigan with the goal of becoming a B Corp one day. People First Economy gave us resources to meet the environmental areas that were lacking in our early scoring. We also met with B Corps in our area to get advice and encouragement.

Could you tell us about your journey in the industry and any significant experiences that have shaped your approach to building an organization that is focused on its impact?

When I created Gold Coast, I wanted to pay the doulas on my team for the work they were doing and still be able to help low-income women and children out. By holding diaper drives and volunteering our time and funds to causes serving our core focus, we are able to make more impact than we would attending births for free .Burnout is a concern in my industry and I wanted to avoid that by offering a team model of care and no sliding scare or free births.

Can you describe the process your organization went through to achieve B Corp certification? What were the biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

Being a small business that hires contracted workers, the certification assessment fell on my shoulders, since I’m the only full-time employee. Being recognized for being a step ahead of most companies in the environmental and social impact space is a top priority and motivator for me. Luckily the assessment is broken up into bite-sized sections and I can save the work I’ve done if I get interrupted — which happens a lot! I can plug away at the assessment until I finish it. The biggest challenge is paying the annual certification fee. Being a small business, I have to constantly refer back to my goals and objectives before I purchase anything to make sure it aligns with my company’s projection. To my delight, B Lab just implemented Equity Pricing into their certification fee structure. Because Gold Coast Doulas is woman-owned, I am able to take 40% off the annual fee — and that helps me justify the cost.

Where did your business perform well in your B Corp assessment?

We scored the highest in the Community section. Which makes sense because we are a social impact driven company that places new moms as our top priority. We are proud to say that we have a very diverse set of contracted doulas and we host a huge diaper drive event that the healthcare community rallies around so that we can provide diapers (both disposable and cloth), along with wipes to families in need. We also offer a number of free birth and postpartum classes to moms that need assistance.

In what areas did the assessment open your eyes to where your organization could do better?

We had to make a conscious effort to center our supply chain local and/or woman owned companies. It’s very easy to purchase something at the lowest price that is made overseas, but we understand the residual effect our purchasing can cause by deliberately shopping local and paying a little more. A local supply chain does so much good for our community.

How has being a B Corp influenced your company culture and customer relationships?

We started using the EOS method in our business operations and it has brought on a strong connection between the leadership staff because we are all aligned on the same goals and expectations. Our contracted doulas are now receiving extra training on DEI and are very involved in our annual diaper drive. We are also tracking our environmental impact through Aclymate. Our customers are accustomed to seeing the B Corp logo on all of our communication and marketing materials and we train our doulas to answer questions about what being a B Corp means to us. Our contracted doulas are only hired after they hear about and approve of our mission and values.

Can you share an example of a business decision or strategy that was directly influenced by your B Corp certification?

Yes, our purchasing decisions are a great example. We would save hundreds of dollars by buying our print material online from places like VistaPrint. But we actively choose to send all of our print jobs to a certified B Corp right here in Grand Rapids. I can drop by on my way home from work to pick up any complete jobs when necessary.

I also recently released a book co-written with former business partner Alyssa Veneklase, called Supported: Your Guide to Birth & Baby so that we can reach more people with facts, tips, examples, and support. We partnered with, a fellow B Corp, in our book distribution plan.

How do you measure and ensure ongoing compliance with B Corp standards, and what steps do you take to continually improve?

Well, the recertification every three years has me acutely aware of my business practices and I weigh most decisions on if I could get more points on the assessment. It has actually become somewhat of a challenge for me. Since I am the one responsible for doing our assessment, I am very familiar with the questions and which ones I could improve my score during the next assessment. The leadership team sets quarterly and annual goals that include different ways we can improve our score.

B Corp certification represents a commitment to sustainability (environment, governance and people). When you look at your long-term business strategy, how does the vision for your company interact with your commitment to sustainability?

Gold Coast Doulas at its core focuses on social impact and awareness. By design, each year we increase our community involvement and our dedication to families that are seeking out more personalized birth support experiences. We know that increased awareness around how postpartum doula support is very beneficial to the whole family will allow us to step up and meet that need. Our long-term strategy is to continue supporting other B Corps by including them in our supply chain and to grow our business so that more moms/families/babies are given the opportunity to experience our services during this part of their lives.

What are your “Top 5 Benefits of Getting a B Corp Certification”?

1 . Credibility and Trust: B Corp Certification provides a third-party validation that a business meets the highest standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. This credibility can build trust with clients and partners who value ethical business practices. Trusting your new baby to a caregiver puts parents in a very vulnerable position. Our certification helps to put people at ease, knowing that a 3rp party has conducted something similar to a background check on us.

2 . Attracting Purpose-Driven Clients: B Corp Certification signals to clients that your business is committed to making a positive impact on society. This can attract like-minded individuals who are looking for doulas that align with their values. This like-mindedness brings our contracted doula staff a sense of comfort and puts everyone on common ground right from the beginning.

3 . Employee Engagement and Retention: Every team member, from doulas to administrative staff, is part of a company that is recognized for its commitment to ethical practices and social responsibility. This recognition fosters a deep sense of pride among subcontractors, knowing that their daily work contributes not just to supporting families, but also to a broader mission of positive social impact. As a result, our doulas are more likely to stay with us long-term, inspired by the knowledge that they are making a meaningful difference in the lives of others. This commitment to purpose also helps attract top talent who are passionate about working in a values-driven environment, further strengthening the Gold Coast Doulas team.

4 . Differentiation in the Marketplace: Being part of the B Corp community positions Gold Coast Doulas as a leader in the movement towards better business practices. This status not only differentiates us but also provides a platform to advocate for causes important to us and our clients, further strengthening its market position. Many families today are increasingly conscious of the ethical practices of the companies they choose to engage with. By being B Corp certified, we can clearly demonstrate a commitment to the highest standards of social and environmental responsibility. This certification serves as a powerful signal to potential clients that they are choosing a doula company who not only cares deeply about the well-being of their families but also about the broader impact on society and the planet.

5 . Community and Networking: We are lucky to have People First Economy, Michigan’s B Local group, located right here in Grand Rapids. I enjoy attending the events and webinars that they host. I give the information to my doulas know about the events and encourage them to attend as well. We also are members of Local First in Grand Rapids and have collaborated on promotions and social media campaigns with them. Last month People First Economy hosted an event in Detroit for business leaders that want to know more about what B Corp certification is and why it matters. Jorge Fontanez, CEO B Lab U.S. & Canada was the keynote speaker and our Marketing VA was able to attend and represent Gold Coast Doulas. She was excited to meet Jorge in person!

What piece of advice would you give to other organizations considering B Corp certification?

Ensure that your mission and values align with the principles of B Corp from the outset. B Corp Certification is not just a badge — it’s a commitment to continuous improvement and accountability in social and environmental performance. Take the time to thoroughly evaluate your business practices and culture to ensure they reflect the values of transparency, sustainability, and positive impact. The certification process can be rigorous, but by embedding these principles into your company’s DNA, you’ll not only achieve certification but also strengthen your business, employee engagement, and client loyalty in the long run.

Can you share a story of someone who has inspired you in your journey?

I was inspired by the work Guy Bazzani did in my area and because of his advocacy around supporting local businesses and the B Corp movement, we decided to become the first business tenants in the Kingsley Building that his business restored. It is a Silver LEED certified building and we are proud tenants.

What do you believe is the future of purpose-driven certifications like B Corp, and how can organizations stay ahead in this evolving field?

The future of purpose-driven certifications like B Corp is likely to see continued growth and increased importance to the emerging generations as consumers, employees, and stakeholders increasingly prioritize sustainability, ethics, and social responsibility. As these values become more central to business operations and consumer decisions, certifications like B Corp will become a key differentiator and a mark of trust and credibility.

To stay ahead in this evolving field, organizations should involve their employees, customers, and partners in their purpose-driven initiatives. Their engagement and feedback are crucial for achieving meaningful impact.

How can our readers further follow your work or your company online?

They can:

  • Visit our website at
  • Listen to our podcast on Apple, Spotify, and Buzzsprout.
  • Like and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

This was great. Thanks for taking time for us to learn more about you and your business. We wish you continued success!

About the Interviewer: Russell McLeod is an experienced business leader, social entrepreneur, and mentor. A champion of profit with purpose, the circular economy and of collaboration for positive progress. Russell is the founder of Mightyhum a Toronto-based impact enterprise dedicated to supporting growing organizations. And, while it’s not a requirement, the Mightyhum team has a passion for collaborating with purpose-driven businesses. Mightyhum specializes in providing consulting services and turning hairy audacious concepts into achievable ventures & projects. The Mightyhum team work with C-suite executives and leaders, developing new product offerings, effective go-to-market strategies, building for profitability, and streamlining operations. Before Mightyhum, Russell was involved in the world of social enterprise as the Executive Director of ME to WE, one of Canada’s best known and most awarded social enterprises. While at ME to WE, the team demonstrated that being profitable and impactful was indeed possible. During his tenure, ME to WE delivered $20M in cash and in-kind to WE Charity, helping transform the lives of over 1 million people through access to clean water; the lives of 200,000 children with access to education; and 30,000 women-led businesses launched globally.

Russell’ personal mission is to inspire others that there is ‘a better way to do business,’ ‘that through business we can solve some of the world’s problems at the same time.’ You can follow Russell’s work at or

The B Corp Advantage: Kristin Revere Of Gold Coast Doulas On Unlocking the Benefits of… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.