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Innovation with Purpose: Valentyn Peltek Of Jobsora On The World’s Most Successful Purpose-Driven…

Innovation with Purpose: Valentyn Peltek Of Jobsora On The World’s Most Successful Purpose-Driven Business Models

An Interview With Russ McLeod

You should have a strong desire to withstand long distances. If you have a strong desire, you can withstand any challenges along your business journey.

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, purpose-driven models are at the forefront of innovation. These businesses are not just focused on profit, but are also committed to making a positive impact on society and the environment. In this interview series, we are speaking with visionary leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators who are pioneering purpose driven businesses. I had the pleasure of interviewing Valentyn Peltek, CEO at Jobsora.

Valentyn Peltek is a passionate entrepreneur and a CEO at — a global job search engine that operates in 38+ countries worldwide. Valentyn’s main fields of interest are labour, jobs, international employment, and HR tech solutions. Valentyn’s mission is global — to help to find jobs for as many people as possible.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Our readers would love to get to know you a bit better. Can you share a bit about your background and what has led you to your current role?

Thank you for inviting me to the interview. Let’s start our conversation!

My name is Valentyn Peltek, and I am a CEO and Co-founder at Jobsora, a global job search engine that operates in 38+ countries worldwide. Before my business journey with Jobsora, I

worked as a CEO and a CTO in IT businesses. My experience allowed me to understand many processes, and it taught me one of the main rules in business and in life in general — proper time management.

The idea of starting my own business was not spontaneous. I follow the rule of calculating before making any decision, and the decision to launch Jobsora wasn’t an exception. Of course, helping people find a job has always been close to me, so I started studying how the job industry and HR tech solutions work. My main parameters matched, and we decided to enter this niche. This is how we decided to build our own HR tech business —

Jobsora is a job search platform where you can find vacancies in 38+ countries worldwide. As of 2024, we operate in more than 38+ countries and 4 continents with 20 million job seekers monthly. For employers, Jobsora is the go-to partner for driving website traffic and targeting the right audience. For job seekers, Jobsora offers a personalized job search experience.

Our main mission is to shift the job search process, minimizing the time and effort usually required.

What inspired you to start or join your business, and what is its core mission?

I have always believed that work and a sense of self-realization are the sources of the highest satisfaction and a life purpose for every person. That is why we created Jobsora to help people find work worldwide.

Now that we are not beginners anymore and our business is growing, my inspiration is identifying a job seeker’s pain point and improving his experience. Observing user behavior and determining ways to improve our platform to improve the user’s job search experience is so fascinating.

Could you tell us about your journey in the industry and any significant experiences that have shaped your approach to purpose driven business models?

I want to mention that I had an opportunity to register a patent on the Ontological Systems and Variants of Its Use. It was designed for users to improve their ability to interact with and access complex information systems by organizing knowledge into a structured, intuitive framework that enhances search, retrieval, and decision-making processes. This allowed me to study hundreds of patterns of user behavior.

An important part of my journey is gaining experience in managing large teams under tough deadlines.

Before launching Jobsora, I had a clear understanding of how business should work technically. Yes, the HR tech niche was new for me, but I had a clear purpose and strong desire. Now, our purpose-driven journey is continuing, and we are currently working on improving Jobsora. We

are trying to combine machine learning, AI, and a large number of user behavior signals to significantly improve business efficiency.

My team and I are also working on several other projects, which are currently in the testing stage.

What inspired you to create a business model that prioritizes purpose alongside profit, and how do you ensure this balance in your daily operations?

I am inspired by our mission and the value we create in the market. First, it is again helping 20 million people find jobs every month. Second, it is distributing high-quality traffic to our partners. Third, and no less important, it is creating jobs within our company. Profit is a vital business metric because business is primarily about numbers. In my opinion, there must be social goals alongside financial goals.

Balance is not very relevant to business. We are result-oriented and work efficiently to achieve our goals. At Jobsora, we identify ourselves with a sports team focused on performance improvement, not balance.

How do you measure the social or environmental impact of your business model, and what challenges have you faced in aligning these metrics with traditional business goals?

Our main social impact is that we help people find jobs.

We also invest in research on the fact that when people start looking for a job, they do not always have an understanding of who they want to be. We are trying to make an ontology based on people’s signals.

We use more than 100 metrics, such as partner happiness and the number of users who have found a job, but they all affect revenue. In business, every metric affects revenue.

Can you share an example of a tough decision where you chose to prioritize purpose over profit, and what was the outcome?

When the full-scale war in Ukraine broke out, the obvious decision for any responsible business was to close its operations in Russia and Belarus. On the first day of the full-scale war in Ukraine, we closed these directions, which generated most of our revenues and profits. There was no doubt about closing these directions, because we were aware that we could not do otherwise.

How do you stay innovative while remaining true to your core mission, especially in a rapidly changing market?

Our market forces us to stay innovative. Work, hiring, staff — it’s always relevant because the economy needs to develop, companies need to hire, and people need to work and enjoy their

fulfillment. The only thing that changes is how both the employee and the employer search, and companies like Jobsora help both sides fulfill their requests.

What role does community engagement play in your business model, and how have you successfully integrated feedback from those you aim to serve?

Community engagement is needed to improve our performance. Who will we ask if they like the quality of our products and services? Of course, our customers and users. We communicate a lot with our partners, study user behavior — what they like and dislike — and build improvement strategies based on the answers we receive.

What are your “5 Things You Need To Create a Successful Purpose Driven Business”?

1. You should have a strong desire to withstand long distances. If you have a strong desire, you can withstand any challenges along your business journey.

2. Build a responsible and results-oriented team. Without the right team, it’s no use trying. This is one of the main pillars of successful business development.

3. Make data-driven decisions. First, count the numbers, and then make decisions. We make all decisions based on numbers and highly recommend following this advice.

4. Use strategic planning in all business operations. Strategic planning is crucial because it provides a clear roadmap for achieving goals, aligning resources, and adapting to market changes.

5. A CEO should believe in victory and live for his business. A CEO is a person who believes in business like no other, who charges and motivates, and this belief is one of the primary responsibilities of the founder. It should come from him and charge others — the team, partners, and job seekers.

What piece of advice would you give to entrepreneurs looking to pioneer their own purpose driven businesses?

I would recommend choosing a big industry and a vast market. Because there is no sense in wasting time and resources trying to grow as a small business in a small industry.

Can you share a story of someone who has inspired you in your journey?

There are such people, and we often communicate with them.

Among the leaders I don’t know personally, I am inspired by the example of Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart. He is an inspiring example of a person who dedicated his life to building a business and was interested in his business more than just in earning more cash. If you are not familiar with his personality and Walmart’s history yet, I strongly advise you to change that and delve into this impactful case study.

How can our readers further follow your work or your company online?

Please visit my LinkedIn profile and Jobsora LinkedIn profile. I also invite you to read my Medium blog, where I analyze the market and share insights. And, of course, visit Jobsora to find the perfect job for yourself!

This was great. Thanks for taking time for us to learn more about you and your business. We wish you continued success!

About the Interviewer: Russell McLeod is an experienced business leader, social entrepreneur, and mentor. A champion of profit with purpose, the circular economy and of collaboration for positive progress. Russell is the founder of Mightyhum a Toronto-based impact enterprise dedicated to supporting growing organizations. And, while it’s not a requirement, the Mightyhum team has a passion for collaborating with purpose-driven businesses. Mightyhum specializes in providing consulting services and turning hairy audacious concepts into achievable ventures & projects. The Mightyhum team work with C-suite executives and leaders, developing new product offerings, effective go-to-market strategies, building for profitability, and streamlining operations. Before Mightyhum, Russell was involved in the world of social enterprise as the Executive Director of ME to WE, one of Canada’s best known and most awarded social enterprises. While at ME to WE, the team demonstrated that being profitable and impactful was indeed possible. During his tenure, ME to WE delivered $20M in cash and in-kind to WE Charity, helping transform the lives of over 1 million people through access to clean water; the lives of 200,000 children with access to education; and 30,000 women-led businesses launched globally. Russell’ personal mission is to inspire others that there is ‘a better way to do business,’ ‘that through business we can solve some of the world’s problems at the same time.’ You can follow Russell’s work at or

Innovation with Purpose: Valentyn Peltek Of Jobsora On The World’s Most Successful Purpose-Driven… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.