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Chen-Hui Spicer Of PRAXIS3 On Five Things You Need To Create A Highly Successful Career As A…

Chen-Hui Spicer Of PRAXIS3 On Five Things You Need To Create A Highly Successful Career As A Commercial Designer

An Interview With Athalia Monae

Confidence: Growing up as a minority in a small town taught me to be confident. You have to know what you want and how to pursue it.

As a part of my series about the ‘Five Things You Need To Know To Create A Highly Successful Career As A Commercial Designer,’ I had the pleasure of interviewing Chen-Hui Spicer.

Chen-Hui Spicer is a licensed Interior Designer who began her career at a boutique design firm in Birmingham, Alabama, before moving to Atlanta, Georgia. She later joined an international firm in Beijing, China, where she worked with global corporate clients, and after working at Gensler in Washington, DC, she returned home to Atlanta. With over 20 years of experience in local, national, and global projects, Chen-Hui has curated a diverse portfolio that spans several design sectors.

“Commercial design is more than just design — it’s about the experience. Yes, design is important, but the best approach is clear communication and creating solutions that fit your client’s needs.”

Thank you for joining us today! Can you share the story of what led you to pursue a career in commercial design?

My interest in fine art began early on when I was introduced to design through my family’s business. However, I’ve always just loved art. I even considered majoring in fine art at one point, but I realized it might not be the most practical career path for me. So instead, I decided to redirect my passion for the arts into interior design. I love how design is an adventure that brings people together, and that sense of collaboration is what inspired me to pursue and continue my career in commercial design.

What’s the most interesting or amusing experience you’ve had in your career so far, and what lesson did you learn from it?

I’ve had so many unique experiences throughout my career! In my time working overseas in China, I was immersed in a new culture, which allowed me to gain a new perspective on client-focused design. This opportunity of working abroad showed me that we continue learning and growing professionally in every stage in life.

Do you have a favorite life lesson quote? Can you share a story about how it has been relevant in your life?

“Always be agile.” Change can be a scary word, but we should all learn to celebrate change… it brings opportunities for growth. In a world post-COVID, organizations are returning to the workplace, and even after four years, they are still adjusting to the new culture. By constantly staying agile and embracing this major cultural change, I’ve been able to successfully help clients navigate the transition of the evolving workplace.

As a successful business leader, which three character traits have been most crucial to your success? Can you share a story or example for each?

Creativity: As a mentor, I encourage my team to explore their creative freedom as they grow throughout their career. I believe we should push the boundaries of design while reflecting on past achievements to guide future success.

Empathy: I’ve been able to create a more cohesive and supportive environment by understanding the perspectives of others.

Integrity: Being transparent in my decision-making process has always been important to my leadership style. Maintaining open and honest communication with our team helps to build trust and upholds high ethical standards.

Can you describe a recent project you completed and what your specific contributions were?

Recently, I’ve worked on several projects that focused on the adaptive reuse of malls into workplace environments. This experience allowed me to view a mall from a new perspective and determine the right mix of programs to recreate those 90s childhood moments of a mall again… spaces where you can live, work, and play. One project that stands out to me involved transforming a vacant Sears store inside a mall into a modern workplace. It was rewarding to see how a space like Sears, after its closure, can find new life in the workplace environment.

How do you approach balancing aesthetics and functionality in your designs?

To balance aesthetics and functionality in a design, you first have to recognize the unique needs and culture of an organization. Collaborating with organization leadership, we discuss their vision for the workspace and goals for returning to the office. This conversation helps me understand their organizational culture and the changes they wish to make. Then, I create a design that blends their goals with aesthetics and functionality. This process helps create an environment that employees feel motivated and ready to collaborate in.

What is your design philosophy when it comes to commercial spaces?

Design has an important role in shaping how we live, work, and play. When you walk into a well-designed space, you can instantly feel the impact that it has on your mood, productivity, and well-being. Good design creates a productive environment that people enjoy being in.

Where do you draw your inspiration for your designs?

I get a lot of my design inspiration from the form of the world around me. I love to find beauty in those everyday moments that we often overlook. Collaboration is also a big part of my creative process. I thrive on collaboration… working with my team, bouncing ideas off each other, brainstorming, and watching our ideas evolve. Our collective synergy generates inspiration and creativity in our designs, which gives us the best results.

What strategies do you use to ensure your designs meet the needs of the end-users?

As the saying goes, communication is key! Having an open dialogue is so important to building strong, healthy relationships, whether it’s with a client or simply in life. When I’m talking with a client, I make it a priority to really listen to their goals and vision. Design is about finding a balance between creating a beautiful, functional space while making sure it fits the organization’s personality. And having a genuine conversation is the first step to achieving that.

How do you approach sustainability in your commercial projects?

I believe sustainability should be a part of every project, regardless of it being a client requirement. Sustainability is something our team is committed to, and we make sure to incorporate sustainable practices into our designs whenever possible. To me, sustainability is more than just meeting a standard; it’s about embedding the “spirit of sustainability” into every aspect of a project.

What impact do you think remote work and digital transformation will have on the design of commercial spaces?

Finally, we can work anywhere and everywhere! We don’t have to be sitting at a desk to get work done, and technology is driving this change and the next generation. As designers, we’re at a critical moment in history where we can reimagine what commercial spaces look like and how they function. We are not just designing places for people to work… we are designing experiences. Thinking beyond the traditional office layout and beginning to create flexible, dynamic spaces that support a variety of work styles is key to navigating the workplace transition.

What are the five things you believe are essential for creating a highly successful career in commercial design? Can you share a story or example for each?

1. Confidence: Growing up as a minority in a small town taught me to be confident. You have to know what you want and how to pursue it.

2. Agility: Constantly being agile in a world of design that is constantly evolving is essential. Learning to embrace change will help you be successful in an ever-changing world!

3. Reliability: Being reliable is so important to achieving success, regardless of your skill level. Make sure to own your mistakes and learn from them.

4. Communication: Today, everything is over email or text. Sometimes, it’s better to just pick up your phone and make a call. Even better, meet in person!

5. Collaboration: Working together as a team helps build success and leads to the best results. We need to build together with collaboration.

What role do you think commercial design plays in community building and social interaction?

We experience and interact with interior spaces daily, so commercial design is all around us. It affects how we engage with spaces, and often, we may not even realize it. Good commercial design creates a sense of belonging and encourages people to gather, collaborate, and connect in these environments.

Given your influence, if you could inspire a movement to bring the best results and solutions to the greatest number of people, what would it be? You never know what impact your idea might have!

I’d love to create a design community that unites the perspectives of people across Asian and other backgrounds. As a Chinese American, it would be inspiring to see how our unique influences and experiences can shape design trends… even create a design era. What is the next “big thing” in design? Being able to look back and see that our Asian heritage helped shape an era would be incredibly fulfilling.

How can our readers follow your work online?

Stay connected with me on LinkedIn:李晨慧-26959b7/

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Thank you for your time and excellent insights! We wish you continued success.

Thank you for this opportunity, Athalia!

Chen-Hui Spicer Of PRAXIS3 On Five Things You Need To Create A Highly Successful Career As A… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.