HomeSocial Impact HeroesApril Marie Of The Curvy Italian On 5 Things You Need To...

April Marie Of The Curvy Italian On 5 Things You Need To Create a Successful Food or Beverage Brand

An Interview With Martita Mestey

Develop a strategic marketing plan encompassing online and offline channels to build brand awareness and choose distribution channels that align with your target market.

As a part of our series called “5 Things You Need To Create a Successful Food or Beverage Brand”, I had the pleasure of interviewing April Marie.

April Marie, the dynamic first-generation Italian American “Sauce Boss,” has revolutionized the culinary world with her delectable creations. In a groundbreaking achievement, she combines her passion for authentic Mediterranean flavors with her expertise in nutrition, crafting the ultimate fusion of taste and well-being.

As the visionary creator behind The Curvy Italian trio of keto-friendly sauces, April Marie has captivated the hearts and palates of food enthusiasts nationwide. Each of her artisanal blends showcases the finest 100% premium San Marzano tomatoes, ensuring a nutritional powerhouse that captures the essence of Naples-inspired aromas and tastes refined over generations.

Rooted in cherished family traditions, April’s culinary journey began around the dinner table of her New Jersey home. Inspired by Nonna’s legendary spaghetti sauce, she inherited a deep appreciation for the art of Italian cooking. Fuelled by the desire to share these time-honored recipes, April embarked on a mission to bring people together through the joy of a hearty, home-cooked meal.

Armed with a B.A. in Nutrition and Community Health Education from the esteemed University of Scranton, April Marie’s career initially led her to the world of pharmaceutical sales. While promoting health and wellness was fulfilling, her entrepreneurial spirit yearned for something more. Drawing inspiration from her immigrant parents’ hard work and determination, April took the plunge into building her own culinary empire.

In January of 2022, April unveiled The Curvy Italian sauce collection at San Diego’s renowned Little Italy Mercato farmer’s market, instantly captivating the attention of food lovers far and wide. Within a mere eight months, her sauces earned a coveted central booth, nestled alongside homemade pastas — a testament to their undeniable quality and irresistible flavor. The Market by Buon Appetito in Little Italy soon became a culinary sanctuary, where enthusiasts eagerly sought out April’s sauces, resulting in repeated sell-outs month after month.

Today, The Curvy Italian sauces are a national sensation, bringing the legacy flavors of Naples to households across the country. Crafted with only the finest, authentic ingredients, these gluten-free, preservative-free blends boast the delicate sweetness of San Marzano tomatoes, eliminating the need for added sugar without compromising on bold, Italian taste. From her base in Seattle, Washington, April Marie, invites America to embark on a journey to discover the fresh flavors of the Mediterranean, available for both home cooks and esteemed restaurateurs alike at

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dive in, our readers would love to learn a bit more about you. Can you tell us a bit about your “childhood backstory”?

I am a first-generation Italian-American, born into a close-knit family deeply rooted in the culinary traditions of Naples, Italy. My parents, who migrated from Europe in pursuit of the American Dream, brought with them a treasure trove of family recipes that would later pave the way for my entrepreneurial venture. My earliest memories were filled with the sounds of chopping vegetables, the sizzling of garlic in olive oil, and the laughter of family gatherings around the dining table. As my mother and grandmothers imparted the secrets of Neapolitan cooking, I absorbed not just the techniques but also the passion and love that went into each dish.

Can you share with us the story of the “ah ha” moment that led to the creation of the food or beverage brand you are leading?

The inception of my brand, “The Curvy Italian,” was sparked by a transformative “ah ha” moment in the spring of 2021. As I sat on my couch, contemplating career choices during a meditative session, a profound message resonated from my higher self. The clarity of the message was significant: “You are going to craft your family’s sauce and name it The Curvy Italian.” Without hesitation, I wholeheartedly committed to the realization of this vision, embarking on the immediate development of this unique and heartfelt business.

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

Back in the early days of The Curvy Italian, I was hustling in a commercial kitchen surrounded by stainless-steel counters and shelves stacked with ingredients. Every day brought a new challenge, pushing me to get creative. One funny memory stands out — dealing with the hassle of tossing one tomato at a time into the blender amid a bunch of huge cans. I started out being super careful about it, trying to be all meticulous. But with time breathing down my neck, I had an aha moment. Chucking the whole can into the blender not only made things way easier but also saved me a bunch of time. That simple trick marked a turning point for The Curvy Italian, where practicality and efficiency became the name of the game in the pursuit of awesome food.

What are the most common mistakes you have seen people make when they start a food or beverage line? What can be done to avoid those errors?

I think that scaling too quickly is a common mistake that can pose significant challenges for entrepreneurs in the food and beverage industry. The error lies in opting for rapid expansion without laying a solid foundation, which can result in potential supply chain disruptions and quality control issues. To avoid this pitfall, it is advisable to commence operations at a manageable scale, meticulously establishing robust production processes and supply chains. Underestimating costs is a prevalent mistake that can undermine the success of a food or beverage venture. The error lies in inadequately gauging the expenses associated with production, packaging, marketing, and distribution. To avoid this pitfall, entrepreneurs should adopt a proactive approach by meticulously developing a comprehensive budget. This budget should encompass all facets of the business, including thorough considerations of production costs, packaging expenditures, marketing expenses, and distribution fees.

Let’s imagine that someone reading this interview has an idea for a product that they would like to produce. What are the first few steps that you would recommend that they take?

For anyone ready to bring a product idea to life, I believe the initial steps are vital for building a solid foundation. Begin by delving into thorough market research — understand your target audience, gauge potential demand, and analyze competitors. Next, pinpoint your product’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP), highlighting key features, benefits, and consumer value. Address legal considerations, consulting experts to ensure legal soundness, covering areas like intellectual property protection and compliance with regulations. Lastly, craft a comprehensive business plan detailing your product, target market, marketing strategy, and financial projections. This plan acts as a roadmap for your venture and a valuable tool for securing funding or partnerships.

Many people have good ideas all the time. But some people seem to struggle in taking a good idea and translating it into an actual business. How would you encourage someone to overcome this hurdle?

Successfully transforming a good idea into a thriving business demands a blend of determination, strategic planning, and practical implementation. Encouraging someone facing this challenge involves a multifaceted approach. Starting small is key — break down the grand vision into manageable tasks, taking achievable steps for continuous progress. Crafting an actionable plan with specific steps and realistic timelines provides a roadmap for navigating from idea to implementation. Seeking guidance from industry experts and mentors who have navigated similar journeys is invaluable, incorporating their insights into your own strategy. Testing and iterating, rather than waiting for a perfect plan, allows for early feedback and continuous improvement. Building a supportive network, embracing a learning mindset, and managing the fear of failure are crucial elements. Persistence, celebrating small victories, and maintaining adaptability to changing circumstances contribute to the resilience needed in the entrepreneurial journey.

There are many invention development consultants. Would you recommend that a person with a new idea hire such a consultant, or should they try to strike out on their own?

Embarking on the journey of building your venture fueled by innovative ideas is a passionate decision loaded with advantages. Full ownership and control of your invention provide the canvas for realizing your unique vision with a personal and hands-on approach. This entrepreneurial journey transcends mere business; it’s a transformative experience marked by resilience in the face of challenges and celebration of successes on the path to greatness. The independence of your venture grants flexibility and agility, allowing swift pivots in response to market dynamics. Your personal investment sparks a flame of passion and commitment, propelling you to overcome obstacles and achieve unparalleled success. Direct customer interaction becomes a symphony of understanding, feedback gathering, and relationship building, crucial in refining your product to align seamlessly with market needs. The entrepreneurial journey is a perpetual classroom, offering learning opportunities from navigating business operations to honing leadership skills. Despite inherent risks, the potential for greater rewards — both financial and personal — is a testament to your courage. Building your business is about crafting a brand resonating with your values, an identity that becomes a beacon of distinction and long-term success. Beyond profit, this journey allows you to create an impact and leave a legacy positively influencing society. Your innovation isn’t just a product; it’s a narrative inspiring others to pursue entrepreneurial dreams, creating a ripple effect of passion and transformative courage. The decision to strike out on your own is a symphony — an ode to the indomitable spirit of entrepreneurship. Bringing on a consultant becomes a strategic move down the road once your brand is established, offering valuable external expertise to further develop and refine your business strategies.

What are your thoughts about bootstrapping vs looking for venture capital? What is the best way to decide if you should do either one?

The decision between bootstrapping and seeking venture capital involves weighing distinct advantages and challenges for each approach. Bootstrapping, with its pros such as maintaining independence, avoiding external debt, and fostering resourcefulness, is suited for businesses that can thrive with gradual growth. However, it comes with cons like limited resources and potentially slower growth. On the other hand, venture capital offers rapid scaling, industry expertise, and access to networks, but accepting it may lead to a loss of control and heightened expectations for swift growth. Deciding between them hinges on factors like your business model, risk tolerance, long-term vision, market conditions, and the stage of your business. I firmly believe in the principle of bootstrapping as an initial strategy for building a business, followed by securing capital at a later stage.

Can you share thoughts from your experience about how to file a patent, how to source good raw ingredients, how to source a good manufacturer, and how to find a retailer or distributor?

Based on my experience, I strongly recommend meticulously preparing a detailed patent application and considering the expertise of a patent attorney when filing with the USPTO. It’s essential to comprehend the examination process and anticipate potential rejections. When sourcing raw ingredients, identify trustworthy suppliers, ensure quality through samples and negotiations, and diversify sources to manage risks. For manufacturing, clearly define requirements, thoroughly research candidates, visit facilities if possible, and engage in detailed contract negotiations. When searching for a retailer or distributor, research market channels, network at industry events, create a compelling product presentation, and negotiate terms that highlight the advantages of your product. Seeking professional advice is paramount for navigating these processes successfully.

What are your “5 Things You Need To Create a Successful Food or Beverage Brand” and why?

Building a successful food brand requires a strategic approach with a focus on five key elements. First, establish a Unique Value Proposition (UVP) that distinguishes your brand through factors like a unique flavor profile or sustainable sourcing. Second, prioritize high-quality ingredients and production standards to ensure product consistency and excellence, fostering customer trust and loyalty. Third, invest in effective branding and packaging that communicates your brand story and resonates with your target audience. Fourth, develop a strategic marketing plan encompassing online and offline channels to build brand awareness and choose distribution channels that align with your target market. Finally, cultivate a strong customer relationship through active engagement, feedback collection, and continuous improvement efforts, showcasing your commitment to customer satisfaction.

Can you share your ideas about how to create a product that people really love and are ‘crazy about’?

Creating a product that truly resonates with people requires a well-rounded strategy. Start by deeply understanding your audience through comprehensive market research, tailoring your product to their preferences, and addressing their real challenges. Emphasize top-notch quality and functionality, aiming to surpass expectations in design, materials, and performance. Invest in a distinctive design that sets your product apart. Build an emotional connection by aligning your brand with values that strike a chord with your audience. Authentic branding establishes trust by sharing your story genuinely. Foster community and loyalty through user engagement and feedback. Utilize social proof from positive reviews and testimonials. Stay innovative, adapt to changing consumer needs, and consider the entire customer journey, including an unforgettable unboxing experience, to make a lasting impression.

Ok. We are nearly done. Here are our final questions. How have you used your success to make the world a better place?

I hope that “The Curvy Italian” has made a positive impact by bringing joy, cultural appreciation, and a sense of community through its unique offerings. The brand celebrates the rich heritage of Italian cuisine, sharing family recipes and flavors that resonate with people’s taste buds and hearts. By creating and sharing high-quality sauces based on Mediterranean traditions and the love of cooking, The Curvy Italian has not only provided delicious culinary experiences but also fostered a connection to the warmth and richness of Italian family traditions. The brand’s commitment to authenticity, quality ingredients, and a sustainable approach contributes to a positive food culture. The emphasis on the Mediterranean diet not only offers a tasty alternative but also promotes healthier eating habits. In summary, “The Curvy Italian” has made the world a better place by bringing people together through the love of authentic Italian flavors, promoting a healthier approach to food, celebrating cultural heritage, and contributing to a more inclusive and positive narrative around both food and body image.

You are an inspiration to a great many people. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger.

I believe “The Curvy Italian” has the potential to inspire a movement centered around “Cooking for Inclusivity and Joy.” This movement would focus on fostering a positive and inclusive food culture that celebrates diversity, encourages home cooking, and promotes a healthy relationship with food. One idea I’ve considered is a Nutrition and Wellness Initiative in collaboration with nutritionists, promoting a balanced and healthy approach to eating. With a focus on the principles of the Mediterranean diet, this initiative provides guidance on incorporating fresh, wholesome ingredients into daily life. Another idea I’ve considered is a Body Positivity Campaign challenging societal norms. Real people are showcased enjoying The Curvy Italian products, engaging in the joy of cooking, and encouraging self-love and acceptance, reinforcing the message that good food is inclusive and for everyone.

Thank you for these fantastic insights. We greatly appreciate the time you spent on this.

April Marie Of The Curvy Italian On 5 Things You Need To Create a Successful Food or Beverage Brand was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.