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The Power of Personal Branding: Peppercomm’s Jackie Kolek On How Publicists Shape Influential…

The Power of Personal Branding: Peppercomm’s Jackie Kolek On How Publicists Shape Influential Leaders

An Interview With Chad Silverstein

Infuse Humor: Incorporating humor into your personal brand humanizes your image and fosters relatability. Lean on self-deprecating humor and light-hearted anecdotes that resonate with your audience.

In today’s digital-first world, personal branding has emerged as a cornerstone of professional success and influence. Behind many of the most recognized leaders and personalities stands a strategic partnership with skilled publicists who craft and convey their stories, values, and visions to the world. I had the pleasure of interviewing Jackie Kolek.

Jackie Kolek is an executive vice president and Peppercomm’s Chief Innovation Officer. She is renowned for her expertise in crisis preparedness and response and inclusive leadership within the financial and professional services sector. Over the past two decades at Peppercomm, she has played a pivotal role in developing innovative solutions to address clients’ challenges and capitalize on industry changes.

Thank you for joining us. To start, could you share your “origin story” with our readers? How did you begin your journey, and what challenges did you face in the early days?

My career journey began with a passion for politics — the allure of doing campaign work enticed me. Still, without a DC background, I opted for a start in public relations. As I delved deeper into corporate PR, I was captivated by the intricacies of building brands and platforms for senior leaders. Interestingly, shaping a personal brand resembles molding a political candidate’s image. It’s about passionately and expertly presenting a unique perspective, a principle I’ve carried throughout my career.

Can you share a transformative moment or campaign in your career where you significantly altered the personal brand of a leader, and what was the impact of that change?

One transformative moment in my career involved a leader at a financial institution. This leader initially struggled with media relations, resulting in an uncomfortable appearance on a prominent business news network. Through meticulous media training and strategic positioning, we helped them hone their personal style, build rapport with the media and eventually reshape their personal brand as a credible spokesperson. This transformation not only boosted their confidence but also enhanced visibility, leading to increased media opportunities and a strengthened online presence. Several years later, he is now an sought-after expert with regular appearances on the top-rated news channels.

What are the most common misconceptions leaders have about personal branding, and how do you address these in your work?

One of the most common misconceptions leaders have about personal branding is the fear that building a personal brand will overshadow the organization’s brand and, from an outside perspective, lead to talent poaching. However, when done correctly, personal branding can reinforce the organization’s brand pillars rather than detract from them. It’s not just about creating a personal brand for the sake of it; it’s about aligning with the organization’s values and goals and leveraging them to boost the visibility of the organization and the individual.

Another misconception is that personal branding is solely about showcasing expertise and knowledge. While expertise is important, personal branding should also be about authenticity and passion. It’s not enough to just talk about facts and figures; it’s about sharing what you truly care about and what drives you. Every good story starts with two words — a first name and a last name; people connect with individuals, not just companies.

How do you navigate the balance between a leader’s authentic self and the public persona you craft for them in their branding strategy?

Authenticity is paramount. There should be no disconnect between a leader’s authentic self and the public persona we craft for them. By encouraging leaders to embrace their unique stories, passions, and values, we ensure that their personal brand resonates genuinely with their audience. Whether leveraging personal anecdotes or highlighting genuine motivators, authenticity remains the cornerstone of our branding strategy.

In a crisis, what steps do you take to protect or rehabilitate the personal brand of a leader?

During a crisis, transparency, accountability, and proactive communication are essential. We prioritize acknowledging any faults or shortcomings, accepting responsibility, and outlining concrete steps for improvement. By demonstrating a commitment to rectifying the situation and learning from mistakes, we strive to preserve and rehabilitate the leader’s personal brand. Consistency in messaging and a focus on genuine engagement further bolster efforts to navigate through challenging times.

Could you list and briefly explain “5 Things You Need to Know to Shape a Personal Brand” based on your experiences and insights? If you can, please share a story or example for each.

  1. Embrace Authenticity: Authenticity forms the foundation of a compelling personal brand. Embrace your unique story, values, and passion, and let that shine through in your branding efforts.
  2. Lean Into Tension: To stand out in a crowded marketplace, lean into areas of tension or controversy within your industry. Find a unique perspective or point of view that sparks interest and fosters engagement.
  3. Infuse Humor: Incorporating humor into your personal brand humanizes your image and fosters relatability. Lean on self-deprecating humor and light-hearted anecdotes that resonate with your audience.
  4. Know Your Stakeholders: Understand where your audience resides and how they prefer to engage. Tailor your branding efforts to effectively reach and connect with your stakeholders through social media, traditional media, or in-person events.
  5. Passion Fuels Purpose: Build your personal brand around something you genuinely care about. Passion makes the journey enjoyable and infuses your brand with authenticity and depth, resonating more deeply with your audience.

Looking forward, how do you see the role of technology and social media evolving in the way publicists shape and manage the personal brands of leaders?

Technology and social media will continue to play pivotal roles in shaping personal brands by facilitating conversations and engagement on platforms where stakeholders are active. As new technologies emerge and consumer behaviors evolve, publicists must adapt strategies to ensure leaders remain relevant and accessible in the digital landscape.

How can our readers follow your work?

Follow me on my LinkedIn!

Thank you for offering such valuable insights into the power of personal branding. We wish you continued success in all of your work.

About the Interviewer: Chad Silverstein, a seasoned entrepreneur with over two decades of experience as the Founder and CEO of multiple companies. He launched Choice Recovery, Inc., a healthcare collection agency, while going to The Ohio State University, His team earned national recognition, twice being ranked as the #1 business to work for in Central Ohio. In 2018, Chad launched [re]start, a career development platform connecting thousands of individuals in collections with meaningful employment opportunities, He sold Choice Recovery on his 25th anniversary and in 2023, sold the majority interest in [re]start so he can focus his transition to Built to Lead as an Executive Leadership Coach. Learn more at

The Power of Personal Branding: Peppercomm’s Jackie Kolek On How Publicists Shape Influential… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.