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The B Corp Advantage: Pat Smallcombe Of Metagenics On Unlocking the Benefits of Purpose-Driven…

The B Corp Advantage: Pat Smallcombe Of Metagenics On Unlocking the Benefits of Purpose-Driven Certification

An Interview With Russ McLeod

Reaffirming Our Commitment to Social and Environmental Responsibility: Being a B Corp reaffirms our commitment to social and environmental responsibility. Our various partnerships with nonprofits, such as Vitamin Angels and One Tree Planted are an example of this this dedication to both the community and the environment. We believe that continuing these partnerships reinforce our mission to make a lasting impact.

In today’s market, businesses are increasingly recognized not just for their profitability but for their commitment to social and environmental responsibility. Becoming a B Corp certified company represents a dedication to a broader purpose and a positive impact on society. What are the tangible benefits of this certification, and how can businesses leverage it to unlock new opportunities? I had the pleasure of interviewing Pat Smallcombe.

Pat Smallcombe, CEO of Metagenics, a leading global nutritional supplement company. Smallcombe had a long and successful career in the consumer healthcare industry across many different business models and geographic markets, including Asia, Australasia, Europe, and North America. His most recent corporate role was serving as Company Group Chairman of EMEA for Johnson & Johnson, where he led a $3.5 billion portfolio of consumer health brands. He has also recently served as the Chairman of Sibelius Natural Products, an Oxford University spin-off that researches and develops clinically efficacious plant extracts.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Our readers would love to get to know you a bit better. Can you share a bit about your background and what led you to your current role?

It is a pleasure to share my journey with you! Over the last three decades, I spent a significant part of my career at Johnson & Johnson where I held leadership roles across multiple functions and regions. That experience provided me with a deep understanding and appreciation for what healthcare solutions can do for people’s lives.

As I became familiar with the Metagenics brand and the fundamental belief that its founders had in addressing the root cause of health issues (versus just managing symptoms), I came to develop a deeper interest and passion in functional medicine and the positive influence it can have in the health and wellbeing of people.

The mission, vision, and values of Metagenics resonate deeply with my own. It is inspiring to know that the innovative and science-backed solutions that are offered also align with my own belief in empowering people to take control of their health journey.

Now as the CEO, it’s an honor to lead a team that is dedicated in advancing functional medicine and continuing to make a difference in the lives of people across the globe, and I am excited about what the future looks like for Metagenics.

What is your organization’s mission? Who are your customers and how do you serve them?

Our mission is to help as many people as possible live happier, healthier lives through our nutritional products and solutions.

It’s simple, yet profound.

Our vision is to become the #1 healthcare practitioner recommended brand, which means we believe that a partnership with a healthcare practitioner can support someone in their health and wellness journey.

Whether someone discovers Metagenics through their own findings or through a healthcare practitioner, we serve individuals who are seeking solutions that improve their health with products that range from a daily supplement to support their general wellness or to address a specific health concern.

So when we say, “personalized lifestyle medicine”, we truly mean that our products and solutions help support the unique needs of our customers, who range from children to adults, and we offer specific formulations that support men and women.

We recently launched our “Science that Creates Balance” campaign which highlights the diligent research that goes into the products we create. It remains one of our top commitments that we serve our customers with the highest quality products, that our solutions are science-backed, which is why we don’t take any shortcuts in investing in the latest scientific research and we partner with leading experts to ensure the efficacy, safety, and reliability of our products.

We strive to make a positive impact in the lives of our customers each day, unwavering in commitment and without compromise.

What inspired your organization to pursue B Corp certification? When did Metagenics officially receive B Corp Certification?

Interestingly, inspiration was ignited several years ago in conversation between one of our executives and a trusted practitioner partner. Our executive shared all the wonderful things that our employees do to give back to the community. From reforestation initiatives through organizations like One Tree Planted, to partnerships with non-profits that serve underserved populations like Vitamin Angels, every year, throughout the year, Metagenics was involved in community initiatives. It was just a part of our culture.

It was during that conversation that the HCP said, “You should become B Corp certified, because you are already doing it!”

And that sparked the start of our journey to becoming a B Corp.

To date, Australia / New Zealand region became certified in 2019. The rest of the business in North America, Europe, and Asia was certified in 2022.

The B Corp certification reflects our long-held values our ongoing commitment to using our business as a force for good — in all facets we touch — from customers to employees, for our communities, and the environment.

Could you tell us about your journey in the industry and any significant experiences that have shaped your approach to building an organization that is focused on its impact?

Impacting the lives of the people and the community we serve is our North Star, starting with our commitment to using the highest quality ingredients that our healthcare practitioner partners can stand by. It’s the principle that Metagenics was founded on.

We strive each day to make a positive impact in the people and communities we serve. From our customers to vendor partners, to our employees, we challenge ourselves every day to ask: How can we do better? How can we be better?

As our business continues to grow and evolve and as we continue to reach more people and we learn about how our products and services are positively impacting people’s lives, it once again reaffirms that what we are doing here is in fact, helping people live happier, healthier lives. We are living our mission.

Can you describe the process your organization went through to achieve B Corp certification? What were the biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

It was certainly a rigorous process that involved a comprehensive assessment of our company’s practices, including our environmental impact, how we serve our customers and our employees, our social responsibility, and governance.

It was months and months of providing detailed data and documentation on everything, ranging from employee benefits to supply chain management. The amount of data collection and documentation that was needed to meet these certification requirements was at times overwhelming. But we had a deep appreciation of why it was so; a certification level requires a high level of transparency and accountability — both of which are values within our own business. So through this process, it meant that there were times we needed to overhaul some of our internal practices to meet the standards of B Lab, the certifying agency.

Our team was grateful to have the experts at B Lab guiding us through this process, making sure that every step of the way, across each milestone, we were meeting the required benchmarks and really forcing us to as the question: are we genuinely putting into practice what we preach?

While it was a lot of work, we are proud of it, and we are especially proud of receiving that certification because it reassures our stakeholders — employees, customers, and partners — that our commitment in using our business as a force for good isn’t just rhetoric, but Metagenics putting our words into action and holding ourselves accountable to it.

Where did your business perform well in your B Corp assessment?

We performed particularly well in the Worker’s category, which is the section that evaluates our contributions to our employee’s financial security, health and safety, wellness, career development, as well as overall engagement and satisfaction.

We also scored well in the Community and Environment areas. As I’d mentioned before, it’s been a part of the Metagenics culture from its beginning, to give back to the community, and I’ll have to admit, it was our people that inspired this movement to incorporate Community give-back events every year (multiple times throughout the year!). So it was really great to see the efforts of our people be recognized.

It’s a great reinforcement of our commitment to being a purpose — driven organization that values its people and the planet.

In what areas did the assessment open your eyes to where your organization could do better?

The Customer’s category is the one area where we showed some opportunity to strengthen. This particular area evaluates how well a business builds and fosters customer relationships, including the quality of products and services, its marketing practices, how a business manages data privacy and security, etc.

While we generally scored well in the Customer’s category in these previous areas, there was opportunity for Metagenics to improve on ensuring that our products and solutions are accessible to underserved communities.

It’s our mission to impact the lives of millions globally; but we certainly recognize there is an opportunity to deepen our efforts to serve those who may not afford access to our services. This is an effort we are actively exploring strategies for, to better serve underserved populations.

How has being a B Corp influenced your company culture and customer relationships?

We are extremely proud to be B Corp certified and to be a part of a small but impactful circle of other B Corporations like Patagonia, Klean Kanteen, and Ben & Jerry’s!

It’s a bit like wearing a badge of honor.

Almost immediately after receiving word of our certification, our talent recruiters were sharing this recognition with potential candidates, our sales teams would make mention of it at their next sales calls with healthcare practitioners, and culturally, it has influenced every part of the way that we do business.

The B Corp certification reassured our customers that Metagenics is committed to using the highest quality ingredients and responsible ethical practices to deliver them top products and services.

The Metagenics culture has always been centered around serving our people, the community, and the planet. It’s quite amazing how this certification helps validate what we have always believed in.

Can you share an example of a business decision or strategy that was directly influenced by your B Corp certification?

Our Supply Chain and operational vendor partners is one key area that was directly influenced by B Corp certification.

Since receiving our B Corp certification, we have doubled down on ensuring that the vendors we partner with for supplies or other operational areas align with our values and B Corp standards.

It has become the lens through which we evaluate and make strategic business decisions, to ensure once again that our commitments are put into action and we maintain the integrity of our business practices.

When we speak of sourcing and delivering the highest quality ingredients for our customers, we hold ourselves accountable to that, including the business we have partners with, and we believe adopting the B Corp values into our decision-making process, will serve us and our customers in a greater way.

How do you measure and ensure ongoing compliance with B Corp standards, and what steps do you take to continually improve?

As a B Corporation, we are required to re-certify every few years, which means that we undergo the same rigorous process as we did to become certified. For us, knowing that there is a continual re-certification process forces us to ensure ongoing compliance with B Corp standards. It also helps hold us accountable to ensuring that we are embedding into our business, the practices or strategies that can address any area where we scored low.

The B Corp framework helps give us a guide for remaining prepared for re-certification and helps us continually assess and improve our practices. With this framework as our guide and regularly evaluating our assessment to identify those areas to improve, we hope to be prepared for our upcoming re-certification.

B Corp certification represents a commitment to sustainability (environment, governance and people). When you look at your long-term business strategy, how does the vision for your company interact with your commitment to sustainability?

For over 40 years, we have been committed to creating products that have been sourced with the highest quality ingredients that a healthcare practitioner can confidently recommend and stand behind.

Forty years later, our long-term business strategy remains the same — steadfast to that same commitment that Metagenics was founded on, but always looking within and ahead at where we can continue to improve and find ways to use our business as a force for good.

What are your “Top 5 Benefits of Getting a B Corp Certification”?

  1. Enhanced Credibility and Trust: Achieving B Corp Certification has elevated our credibility with stakeholders. When we first announced our certification, it gave us the validation of our commitment to high standards and sustainable practices. This reassured our customers and partners that our claims were substantiated by rigorous, third-party verification. As a result, we strengthened our relationships with healthcare practitioners and consumers, who — especially in today’s world — are increasingly seeking assurance that the companies they support adhere to verified sustainability and ethical practices.
  2. Attracting and Retaining Top Talent: Our B Corp Certification has been key in procuring employees who are passionate about ethical business practices. During our recent hiring process for a senior leadership position, our recruitment team highlighted our B Corp status and as a core part of our culture. This focus helped us attract a highly qualified candidate with a strong background in corporate social responsibility whose values were aligned with ours. This approach not only secured top talent but also reinforced our team’s dedication to our sustainability objectives and ethical standards.
  3. Improved Operational Efficiency: The B Corp assessment process has significantly guided us in refining our practices and enhancing operational efficiency. One example is our recent rebranding initiative, where we considered various packaging options. Despite the cost savings associated with switching to plastic bottles, we chose to maintain our use of glass packaging. This decision was driven by our commitment to our sustainability efforts. By prioritizing environmental impact over cost, we continue to reduce our carbon footprint and support our goals of resource efficiency and waste reduction, demonstrating our dedication to ethical practices and continuous improvement.
  4. Reaffirming Our Commitment to Social and Environmental Responsibility: Being a B Corp reaffirms our commitment to social and environmental responsibility. Our various partnerships with nonprofits, such as Vitamin Angels and One Tree Planted are an example of this this dedication to both the community and the environment. We believe that continuing these partnerships reinforce our mission to make a lasting impact.
  5. Inspiration for Continuous Improvement: The B Corp framework provides a guide for continuous improvement. For example, after receiving feedback during our certification, we set new sustainability goals, such as increasing our use of renewable energy. These goals have driven ongoing innovation and improvements across our operations, keeping us aligned with our commitment to sustainability and furthering our impact.

What piece of advice would you give to other organizations considering B Corp certification?

For any organization considering B Corp my advice is to see it as a commitment to a larger purpose.

At Metagenics, our North Star has always been the aspiration to impact millions of people by helping them live happier, healthier lives through our products and solutions.

The B Corp certification is a natural extension of this mission that reinforces our dedication to social and environmental responsibility.

This process challenges you to look internally and reflect on your business’ values and practices.

It can be a bit of a report card (of some sorts), and is a huge opportunity to align your business operations with your purpose which will ensure that every decision you make contributes to a healthier planet and society.

Can you share a story of someone who has inspired you in your journey?

We’ve been inspired by the journey of companies like Patagonia and Klean Kanteen.

Patagonia, for instance, has demonstrated that it’s possible to thrive as a business while prioritizing the planet. Since becoming a B Corporation, we have worked with Patagonia as a service partner for some of the Metagenics swag for our employees!

Klean Kanteen — another service partner we have engaged with — has shown us the importance of creating products that not only serve customers well but also contribute positively to the world.

There are so many more, but these are just two that come top of mind. These companies have inspired us to hold firm to our own values, ensuring that our commitment to optimal health, quality, and sustainability remains at the forefront of everything we do. Their journey simply reinforces our belief that being a B Corp isn’t just about the certification, but it’s about that deep level of commitment to making a difference.

What do you believe is the future of purpose-driven certifications like B Corp, and how can organizations stay ahead in this evolving field?

I believe the future of purpose-driven certifications like B Corp is promising!

As more consumers and businesses seek to align with companies that demonstrate this same level of commitment to using business as a force for good, it’s exciting.

I think to stay ahead in this evolving field, business should seek the expert guidance like those form B Lab to assess where they are today, where they should aspire to be, and begin to make the adjustments within their business to get there.

That remains our plan for Metagenics — to stay steadfast in the same commitment we made over 40 years ago: to prioritize the highest quality ingredients and cutting-edge research that our healthcare practitioners can stand by.

As we pursue our vision of becoming the #1 healthcare practitioner recommended brand, our commitment to them, our customers, and the communities we serve remains as strong as ever.

We will continually refine our processes and operations in ways that are true to our mission and ensure we remain a force for good. Purpose-driven certifications like B Corp are not just a destination but a journey — one that challenges us to grow while staying true to the principles that define us.

How can our readers further follow your work or your company online?

We’d be delighted if your readers can follow us on our social channels! We share updates, insights, and stories regularly. From products, to education, to other fun insights from the business!

They can also visit us at to learn more about our mission. We are so grateful for the opportunity to share our story with you!

This was great. Thanks for taking time for us to learn more about you and your business. We wish you continued success!

About the Interviewer: Russell McLeod is an experienced business leader, social entrepreneur, and mentor. A champion of profit with purpose, the circular economy and of collaboration for positive progress. Russell is the founder of Mightyhum a Toronto-based impact enterprise dedicated to supporting growing organizations. And, while it’s not a requirement, the Mightyhum team has a passion for collaborating with purpose-driven businesses. Mightyhum specializes in providing consulting services and turning hairy audacious concepts into achievable ventures & projects. The Mightyhum team work with C-suite executives and leaders, developing new product offerings, effective go-to-market strategies, building for profitability, and streamlining operations. Before Mightyhum, Russell was involved in the world of social enterprise as the Executive Director of ME to WE, one of Canada’s best known and most awarded social enterprises. While at ME to WE, the team demonstrated that being profitable and impactful was indeed possible. During his tenure, ME to WE delivered $20M in cash and in-kind to WE Charity, helping transform the lives of over 1 million people through access to clean water; the lives of 200,000 children with access to education; and 30,000 women-led businesses launched globally.

Russell’ personal mission is to inspire others that there is ‘a better way to do business,’ ‘that through business we can solve some of the world’s problems at the same time.’ You can follow Russell’s work at or

The B Corp Advantage: Pat Smallcombe Of Metagenics On Unlocking the Benefits of Purpose-Driven… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.