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Startup Savvy: Rainier Mallol Of cxgenies Shares Their Secrets For Rapid Growth and Success

An Interview With Eden Gold

Listening to Customers: The decision to expand “cxgenies” beyond mere review analysis came directly from listening to our customers. Their feedback illuminated the need for a more comprehensive understanding of customer experiences. This shift not only satisfied existing clients but also opened new markets for us, underlining the value of customer feedback in driving successful innovation.

The entrepreneurial landscape is more vibrant and challenging than ever, with young entrepreneurs at the forefront, driving innovation and redefining the boundaries of success in the business world. These dynamic individuals are not only creating new products and services but also building sustainable business models that thrive in today’s fast-paced, technology-driven environment. Their journeys are filled with lessons of resilience, strategic innovation, and the relentless pursuit of growth. As part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Rainier Mallol.

Rainier Mallol is a Dominican entrepreneur. He is one of the few Dominicans raised on the island to graduate from Harvard, the second Dominican ever to be recognized by Forbes’ 30 Under 30, and an MIT Innovator Under 35.

Rainier Mallol’s entrepreneurial journey epitomizes the resilience required to navigate the complexities of launching and scaling a startup in a rapidly evolving tech landscape, particularly within the emerging markets of Latin America and Southeast Asia. Previously, Mallol co-founded Hayat, showcasing his prowess in utilizing AI to predict disease outbreaks.

His latest venture, “cxgenies,” aims to elevate customer satisfaction standards by automating customer experience analysis and quality evaluations across all interaction channels, from calls, to emails and chats. This innovative platform not only analyzes customer feedback to design personalized action plans but also assesses service operators’ performance, offering strategic insights for improvement.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series. Before we dive into our discussion about cultural sensitivity, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share with us the backstory about what brought you to your specific career path?

Thank you for having me. My journey to where I stand today is deeply rooted in my origins and experiences growing up in the Dominican Republic. From a young age, I was surrounded by the challenges and unpredictabilities associated with public health issues, notably dengue fever, which plagued my community. This exposure instilled in me a profound sense of responsibility and a drive to leverage technology to solve complex problems.

My academic and professional path was significantly shaped by these early experiences. Pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Telematics Engineering in the Dominican Republic, I immersed myself in the world of technology and its potential to bring about meaningful change. My tenure as President of the Student Government and involvement in science clubs during my undergraduate years further cemented my commitment to leveraging technology for societal benefit.

The turning point in my career came from my graduate studies in International Development at Harvard University and the intensive program at Singularity University at NASA Ames Research Park. These experiences expanded my horizon, introducing me to the limitless possibilities of artificial intelligence and exponential technologies. It was here that I realized the potential of AI not just in transforming industries but in addressing global challenges.

Co-founding AIME (now Hayat) was my first foray into entrepreneurship, where we used AI to predict disease outbreaks. This venture was not only about business; it was a mission to save lives by preempting health crises. Following AIME, my latest venture, cxgenies (, focuses on revolutionizing customer experience through AI, automating the management and quality evaluation of customer service. Each step of my journey has been about finding innovative solutions to pressing problems, driven by a belief in technology’s power to create a better future.

My career path, thus, has been a blend of personal experiences, academic rigor, and a persistent quest to utilize AI and technology to improve lives. It’s a journey that mirrors my belief in the transformative power of innovation to address both the challenges we face today and those we will encounter tomorrow.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career?

Before the pandemic shook the world, my venture AIME (now Hayat) was navigating through turbulent waters. Despite our groundbreaking work in leveraging artificial intelligence for epidemiological analysis and outbreak prediction, we often hit a wall when presenting our technology to governments. The reality was stark; despite the potential to save lives, our pitch for preventive public health measures was frequently sidelined. I vividly remember a meeting in 2016 with Dominican Republic officials, a meeting that ended with a familiar outcome: acknowledgment but no immediate priority for our technology.

Fast forward to 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic was spreading globally, and I found myself in Malaysia for what was supposed to be a brief two-week trip. As the situation escalated, borders closed, and my stay extended indefinitely. Yet, amidst this chaos, there was a silver lining. The leadership in Malaysia saw the value in our technology, and we were able to implement our analytical tools in Selangor to help manage the pandemic’s uncertainty.

During this period, I received an unexpected call from the Dominican Minister of Economy, Planning and Development. The Dominican Republic was forming a Presidential Committee for COVID-19 management, and I was nominated to lead its data efforts. Despite being halfway across the world, I was ready to contribute. Working remotely, I began collaborating with the committee, developing and leading the creation of systems that would inform policies to mitigate the economic impacts of the pandemic and enhance our understanding and management of the crisis.

The journey back to the Dominican Republic was nothing short of cinematic. Through diplomatic efforts, I was granted special permission to return on a private jet — an experience I never imagined. Landing on a Wednesday, I was in the thick of committee work by Thursday and discussing strategies with the President and cabinet members by Friday. My role centered on reducing uncertainty through timely data analysis and fostering coordination across different government sectors, contributing significantly to our national response to the pandemic.

This chapter of my life underscored the importance of data and technology in managing complex, multifaceted crises. It also set the stage for my latest venture, cxgenies. Drawing on my experiences with the Presidential Committee, cxgenies is designed to harness the power of AI in analyzing customer feedback and behavior, thereby enabling businesses to enhance their service quality and manage customer experiences more effectively. Just as we used data to navigate the uncertainties of a global health crisis, cxgenies uses data to navigate the complexities of customer satisfaction and business operations, reflecting my enduring belief in the transformative power of technology to solve real-world problems.

You are a successful individual. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

Certainly, reflecting on my journey, the traits of determination, perseverance, and consistency have been fundamental to navigating the complexities of entrepreneurship and innovation, especially in the tech industry.

Determination: My determination was crucial in identifying and seizing the opportunity within the Latin American market for cxgenies. This endeavor required a bold commitment to venture into relatively untapped territories where AI-driven customer experience management was still nascent. The decision to focus on this market demanded not only an unwavering resolve to overcome entry barriers but also a visionary approach to anticipate future needs and potential. This determination to innovate and lead in an emerging market underscores the essence of entrepreneurial spirit — seeing beyond the present to forge new paths.

Consistency, especially in the context of understanding and implementing incremental change, has been a cornerstone of my approach with cxgenies. Consistency in these efforts is critical, not just for the sake of incremental product improvements, but for embedding our brand in the minds of our customers as a synonym for innovation, reliability, and superior customer experience. Building a brand, especially in the tech sector, requires time and consistent effort, embodying not just what we do but how and why we do it. It’s this consistent branding effort that transforms a startup into a recognized name, trusted by users and clients alike.

Perseverance: The development and bootstrapping phases of cxgenies epitomize the essence of perseverance. Building a robust development team from the ground up, particularly stepping out of the familiar terrain of public health into the competitive tech startup ecosystem, tested my resilience. Each challenge, from talent acquisition to financial management, was met with a steadfast commitment to push forward. Perseverance in the face of these hurdles was not just about surviving but thriving, ensuring that cxgenies could deliver on its promise to revolutionize customer experience management.

Ok, thank you for that. Let’s now jump to the primary focus of our interview about young entrepreneurs secrets to rapid growth and success. To start, how would you define success?

Success, in my view, is when an idea transcends its initial conception to become a product or solution that delivers tangible value. It’s that pivotal moment when something I’ve envisioned and worked towards not only meets the needs of our customers but also manifests as a brand and mission that people — my team, our partners, and collaborators — believe in and dedicate their efforts to.

This transformation from concept to reality embodies success for me. It’s not solely about the commercial achievements or the accolades; it’s about the impact. When I pause to reflect on the journey of an idea — how it evolved into a product that not only serves our clients but also provides a meaningful workplace and purpose for our team — I feel a profound sense of accomplishment.

Success is about creating something that lives beyond the drawing board, something that breathes life into the market it serves and fosters a community of passionate individuals working towards a common goal. This holistic approach to success — valuing both the external impact on our customers and the internal culture it cultivates — is what drives me and what I believe is the hallmark of true achievement.

What unconventional strategy did you employ that significantly contributed to your startup’s growth, and why do you think it was so effective?

One unconventional strategy that significantly contributed to our startup’s growth involves leveraging social media in a very targeted and strategic manner, particularly Instagram. In an era where digital noise is omnipresent, finding a way to cut through that noise and directly engage with potential partners and clients is crucial. My approach was simple yet unconventional: I muted everyone’s posts — except for their Stories — to declutter my feed, allowing me to focus exclusively on the hashtags relevant to our business, such as #customerexperience or #qualityevaluations.

This strategy enabled me to bypass the traditional constraints of Instagram’s algorithm, which tends to prioritize posts from accounts you follow over potentially more relevant content tagged with specific hashtags. By curating my feed in this manner, I could directly engage with individuals and organizations talking about topics pertinent to our business. Whenever I spotted a potential partner or client, I made it a point to leave a genuine comment on their post. This initial public interaction often opened the door to further conversation. If the response to the comment hinted at a budding rapport, I followed up with a direct message.

This approach was effective for several reasons. First, it allowed for authentic engagement in a public forum, which not only demonstrated our genuine interest in the conversation but also our expertise and commitment to the field. Second, it facilitated a more personal connection through direct messages, fostering a sense of familiarity and trust. Lastly, this strategy enabled us to reach potential partners and clients worldwide, breaking geographical barriers and expanding our network far beyond our immediate locale.

Can you share a critical pivot point in your startup’s journey and how you navigated the decision-making process?

One critical pivot in our journey occurred when we expanded “cxgenies” beyond analyzing just customer reviews to encompass a comprehensive analysis of all customer interactions, including calls, emails, and chats. Originally named “reviewgenies,” this shift marked a significant evolution in our approach to customer experience management.

This decision was primarily driven by listening closely to customer feedback, which highlighted a demand for a more holistic understanding of customer interactions. Recognizing this need, we assessed our capabilities and strategically planned to broaden our platform’s scope. This pivot not only aligned with our core mission to enhance customer experiences through AI but also significantly broadened our market potential and deepened our impact. By agilely responding to market needs and continuously iterating our offering, we were able to transform our platform into a more versatile and impactful tool for businesses aiming to improve their customer service.

How do you balance the need for rapid growth with maintaining a sustainable and healthy company culture?

I believe that the key to maintaining a healthy company culture, especially during periods of fast growth, lies in actively listening to our employees. To this end, I conduct regular sessions with different teams to understand their experiences, feelings, and suggestions for improving the work environment, even in a remote setting.

Additionally, I place a strong emphasis on company integration events, held at least once per quarter. These events are tailored to the team’s preferences (which I asked them individually through a survey), ranging from dining out to engaging in playful activities. This blend of open dialogue and meaningful engagement events has been instrumental in keeping our team unified and motivated, ensuring that our rapid growth is matched by a supportive and vibrant company culture.

In what ways has your personal definition of success evolved since the inception of your startup?

While the pace and innovation inherent to startups are vital, I now give a lot of weight to being consistent.

In product development, the allure of constant innovation can sometimes detract from the value of steady, incremental improvements. I’ve learned that consistency in enhancing our product, based on user feedback and market research, often yields more substantial long-term benefits than sporadic leaps. This approach ensures that we’re not just chasing the next big thing but are deeply invested in refining and perfecting our solution to meet the evolving needs of our users.

Similarly, in market positioning, consistency has emerged as a critical factor. Building a brand and establishing a strong market presence requires more than just initial buzz; it demands a continuous effort in conveying our values, mission, and the unique benefits of our solution. This means consistently communicating with our audience, delivering on our promises, and gradually solidifying our position in the industry.

Based on your experience and research, can you please share “5 Things You Need to Succeed as a Young Person in Business?”

. Listening to Customers: The decision to expand “cxgenies” beyond mere review analysis came directly from listening to our customers. Their feedback illuminated the need for a more comprehensive understanding of customer experiences. This shift not only satisfied existing clients but also opened new markets for us, underlining the value of customer feedback in driving successful innovation.

2 . Building a Strong Team Culture: Rapid growth can strain company culture, so we prioritized integration events and regular feedback sessions with our team. These efforts ensured that our growth did not come at the expense of our startup’s culture. For instance, after noting a team preference for casual gatherings, we organized a series of informal meet-ups, strengthening team bonds and maintaining morale even as we scaled.

3 . Consistency: My belief in the power of consistency has deepened over time. Whether it’s consistent improvement in our product or maintaining a steady brand message, this approach has been key. For instance, consistently refining cxgenies based on user feedback has helped us build a reliable and effective platform, reinforcing our brand as a leader in AI-driven customer experience solutions.

4 . Perseverance: The early days of AIME were filled with challenges, from securing funding to gaining the trust of governmental agencies. It was perseverance that saw us through those tough times, allowing us to make a significant impact during the COVID-19 pandemic by providing critical data analysis to the Dominican government and beyond.

5 . Embracing Technology and Innovation: From the onset, leveraging AI to address real-world problems has been at the core of our startups, from AIME to “cxgenies.” Our commitment to using cutting-edge technology not only for product development but also for operational efficiency has been key to our success. For example, utilizing AI to streamline “cxgenies’” analysis capabilities has allowed us to offer unparalleled insights to our clients, showcasing the power of technology in transforming businesses.

What is one piece of advice you would give to an aspiring entrepreneur that you wish someone had given you at the start of your journey?

For aspiring entrepreneurs, remember that while moving quickly is essential, doing so with consistency is what will set you apart and drive lasting success. It’s this relentless and consistent pursuit of your vision, combined with the understanding of incremental change, that will truly propel your startup forward.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂

If I could start a movement that would bring a significant amount of good to many people, it would focus on transforming the global perspective on Customer Experience (CX) and Employee Experience (EX) into a unified, holistic approach. I envision this as the “Empathy in Action” movement.

The core of this movement would be to embed empathy deeply into the DNA of business operations, ensuring that every interaction a company has, whether with customers or employees, is governed by a genuine understanding and consideration of their experiences and needs. This initiative would leverage the latest in artificial intelligence and data analytics not just to predict behaviors or preferences, but to foster a culture of empathy and understanding that transcends the transactional nature of business.

How can our readers further follow you online?

Thank you. Through my social media:

And they can find more about what we are doing and interesting information regarding CX by visiting our site:

Thank you for the time you spent sharing these fantastic insights. We wish you only continued success in your great work!

About The Interviewer: Eden Gold, is a youth speaker, keynote speaker, founder of the online program Life After High School, and host of the Real Life Adulting Podcast. Being America’s rising force for positive change, Eden is a catalyst for change in shaping the future of education. With a lifelong mission of impacting the lives of 1 billion young adults, Eden serves as a practical guide, aiding young adults in honing their self-confidence, challenging societal conventions, and crafting a strategic roadmap towards the fulfilling lives they envision.

Do you need a dynamic speaker, or want to learn more about Eden’s programs? Click here:

Startup Savvy: Rainier Mallol Of cxgenies Shares Their Secrets For Rapid Growth and Success was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.