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Startup Savvy: Evan J Cohen Of MyEcomGuide Shares Their Secrets For Rapid Growth and Success

An Interview With Eden Gold

Persistence has been the cornerstone of my journey. Despite facing skepticism from the majority who doubted my decision to leave a lucrative six-figure job and embark on my entrepreneurial path, I remained persistent. I refused to compromise my liberty for the illusion of security. That persistence propelled me forward, enabling me to pursue my vision and create a life aligned with my values.

The entrepreneurial landscape is more vibrant and challenging than ever, with young entrepreneurs at the forefront, driving innovation and redefining the boundaries of success in the business world. These dynamic individuals are not only creating new products and services but also building sustainable business models that thrive in today’s fast-paced, technology-driven environment. Their journeys are filled with lessons of resilience, strategic innovation, and the relentless pursuit of growth. As part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Evan J. Cohen.

Evan J. Cohen is a entrepreneur renowned for his e-commerce startup and consulting firm, MyEcomGuide ( His expertise in digital marketing has propelled his ventures to success, offering innovative solutions to businesses worldwide. With a focus on customer-centric strategies, MyEcomGuide continues to revolutionize the e-commerce landscape, empowering companies to thrive in the digital age.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series. Before we dive into our discussion about cultural sensitivity, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share with us the backstory about what brought you to your specific career path?

I have been an entrepreneur since I’m 18, originally starting an IT services business. While fixing a client’s computer, they suggested I talk to their son in law who needed IT support for his startup. I was with that company for the next 10 years. In my teens, I was also selling products on eBay and from that point, e-commerce never really left my life. Around 2013, I started a very successful e-commerce division from scratch for a large jewelry wholesaler and about 8 years ago I left that company to start a full time e-commerce business, MyEcomGuide ( Since that time, I have been selling products on all the major marketplaces, with a focus on Amazon. I help startups make their mark in the world of e-commerce and also help existing businesses revitalize their product lines, mainly through optimization and new marketing strategies.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career?

When I started the e-commerce division for a large wholesaler in 2013, I advised them to start with Amazon. At the time, Amazon was not accepting new applications in the fashion jewelry category. I reached out to Jeff Bezos and within one week, his executive team was helping us onboard to Amazon. Within 2 years we had a multi million dollar e-commerce division.

You are a successful individual. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

Persistence, an out of the box mentality and practicality have been most instrumental to my success.

Persistence — when I had the idea to start the e-commerce division for the wholesale jewelry company, I was met with nothing but resistance. Luckily, the owner believed in me, and months of persistence led to an undeniable result, additional revenue and more importantly, substantial profit for the company.

Out of the box mentality — Typically, my marketing approach revolves around uncovering alternative uses for products beyond their initial purposes. This opens up opportunities for a fresh clientele to discover your offerings, broadening revenue streams through enhanced marketing efforts alone.

Practicality — Maintaining an innovative mindset can prove counterproductive without practical application. I steer clear of reinventing the wheel and don’t perceive myself as exceptionally clever. Instead, I meticulously evaluate all generated ideas and craft the most pragmatic approach. This ensures that my decisions are grounded in rationale, enabling me to effectively communicate the reasoning behind them to my clients.

Ok, thank you for that. Let’s now jump to the primary focus of our interview about young entrepreneurs secrets to rapid growth and success. To start, how would you define success?

Success is subjective, varying from one individual to another. For me, success equates to freedom. Through my business, I’ve attained a sense of liberty that surpasses any monetary value. I dictate my schedule, and I bear the responsibility for my choices. This independence epitomizes success in my eyes.

What unconventional strategy did you employ that significantly contributed to your startup’s growth, and why do you think it was so effective?

Here’s where my unconventional thinking really shines. I’ve implemented a marketing strategy that involves integrating intriguing facts related to the keywords of the product. For instance, if a product features the flag of a particular nation, I incorporate engaging facts about that country. This approach not only captures the reader’s attention but also provides them with interesting information they might not have known before. I believe customers appreciate the added effort to learn some basic history or trivia about their country, enhancing their overall experience with the product.

Can you share a critical pivot point in your startup’s journey and how you navigated the decision-making process?

A critical pivot point was definitely Covid. Amazon shut down their warehouses and essentially 99% of my business. You could not rent office space during this time, so I had to convert my living room to my shipping center. This decision saved my business as I was able to seamlessly continue my operations.

How do you balance the need for rapid growth with maintaining a sustainable and healthy company culture?

I value my sanity more than profit. This has always been the case and as I said earlier, I have the freedom to make that choice. I don’t believe in constantly pushing a business forward without one’s regard for mental health. Entrepreneurs often find themselves in a relentless cycle with no clear end in sight. My aim is to establish a stable income for myself. While growth is important, I prioritize sustainable progress over rapid expansion. The growth I pursue is organic, evolving naturally over time and capable of sustaining itself in the long run. This approach allows me to maintain a steady course while gradually building upon my achievements.

In what ways has your personal definition of success evolved since the inception of your startup?

I believe many business owners share my perspective that merely sustaining your business is a significant achievement in the world of self employment. In my view, success is synonymous with maintaining the freedom and autonomy that my business affords me. As long as I can preserve this liberty, regardless of the challenges I face, I consider myself successful.

Based on your experience and research, can you please share “5 Things You Need to Succeed as a Young Person in Business?”

1 . Persistence has been the cornerstone of my journey. Despite facing skepticism from the majority who doubted my decision to leave a lucrative six-figure job and embark on my entrepreneurial path, I remained persistent. I refused to compromise my liberty for the illusion of security. That persistence propelled me forward, enabling me to pursue my vision and create a life aligned with my values.

2 . Patience is not just a cliché; it’s an essential truth. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and the same holds for building a successful business. Despite clients often seeking immediate revenue projections for new products, I emphasize the necessity of patience. Predicting the future with certainty is impossible; otherwise, we’d all exclusively invest in surefire products. Instead, I advocate for giving products — and my clients’ products — a full year to demonstrate their potential for success. This timeline allows for realistic assessments and informed decisions based on genuine data and trends.

3 . Cash flow management reigns supreme in business. Even the most brilliant idea holds no value if you can’t sustain operations. It’s a challenge faced by every business. Prioritizing spending less and saving more is crucial for navigating the inevitable obstacles that come up. By maintaining a healthy cash flow, you not only ensure your survival, but also position yourself to seize opportunities and weather uncertainties that may come your way.

4 . Create Your Own Luck — By consistently positioning yourself advantageously, you have the power to shape your own fortune. Remaining consistently productive within your domain enables you to cultivate favorable circumstances, ultimately breaking through any plateaus you encounter along the way.

5 . Stay Humble- It’s crucial never to allow success to inflate your ego. Success can be fleeting, disappearing as swiftly as it arrived. Acknowledge that many before you have faltered attempting what you’re pursuing. Maintaining a mindset of gratitude can help you stay level-headed, making decisions based on strategy rather than ego-driven impulses.

What is one piece of advice you would give to an aspiring entrepreneur that you wish someone had given you at the start of your journey?

I’ve found that my persistence, patience, and humility have consistently contributed to my success. Cash flow is an often underestimated aspect of business and is frequently overlooked by many entrepreneurs. It’s crucial to recognize that you typically have less available than you might assume, and it’s unwise to count your chickens before they hatch. Unexpected large expenses can arise, and if you’re not adequately prepared for them, even the most promising business idea can unravel overnight.

How can our readers further follow you online?

Readers can go to my website or check out my LinkedIn page

Thank you for the time you spent sharing these fantastic insights. We wish you only continued success in your great work!

About The Interviewer: Eden Gold, is a youth speaker, keynote speaker, founder of the online program Life After High School, and host of the Real Life Adulting Podcast. Being America’s rising force for positive change, Eden is a catalyst for change in shaping the future of education. With a lifelong mission of impacting the lives of 1 billion young adults, Eden serves as a practical guide, aiding young adults in honing their self-confidence, challenging societal conventions, and crafting a strategic roadmap towards the fulfilling lives they envision.

Do you need a dynamic speaker, or want to learn more about Eden’s programs? Click here:

Startup Savvy: Evan J Cohen Of MyEcomGuide Shares Their Secrets For Rapid Growth and Success was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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