An Interview With Maria Angelova
Other people’s opinions don’t matter. It’s only you in the ring, the only opinion that matters is your own.
As a part of our series about sports stars who are making a social impact, I had the pleasure of interviewing Kate McLaren.
Kate McLaren is Australia’s newest welterweight champion. Trained by the four-time world champion, Jeff Fenech (the only female fighter he has taken under his wing), British-born and now calling Sydney home, Kate is an incredible role model for young women. Not even three years ago, Kate was without a support network or a dollar to her name, on the brink of being homeless and deep in depression. She took up boxing as a way to improve her mental health and has risen to be at the top of her sport in her division in Australia, but she has not forgotten where she has come from. Kate founded her not-for-profit charity, It’s Her in 2022 to make a difference in the lives of young women and at-risk youth, by giving them support through community, health, and fitness.
Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Can you share with us the “backstory” that led you to your career path in professional sports?
Absolutely, martial arts has always been a thing for me growing up. My Dad put me into Kung fu classes from the age of 8. My Dad always believed that as his only daughter it was extremely important to practice self defence and teach me discipline through the sport. Sport has always been something I have excelled in and had a lot of passion for, it has always kept me focused, driven, disciplined and ambitious. Late 2020 I found myself at at all time low, my mental health wasn’t in a great place and I knew that if I was to get back into training, this would really help. December 2020 I decided to give boxing a goand it changed my life.
Can you share the funniest or most interesting story that occurred to you in the course of your career? What were the lessons or takeaways that you took out of that story?
December 2021 I had my first Professional fight on the undercard of Paul Gallen VS Darcy Lussick on the No Limit show. I learnt how powerful the mind really is & how important it is to shut out the noise. My takeaway from this was don’t let your mind get noisy before you fight, stay relaxed & be in control of your breathing. The mind is your most powerful tool and when it is loud the body struggles to preform.
What would you advise a young person who wants to emulate your success?
Back yourself, self doubt was always something I struggled with.. once I learnt to love myself and be confident in who I am as a person that was what took me to the next level.
Is there a person that made a profound impact on your life? Can you share a story?
Jesse Sanchez from Legends Gym Kensington gave me the talk that changed my life. When my mental health was at an all time low and I was turning up to the gym crying he said to me;
“I know what you are going through is hard. You have two options, you can stand at the back of the class crying and being depressed or.. how about we turn you into a fighter? We sign you up for a fight and put you into a 12 week fight camp, that way you can put all that energy, heart ache and pain into your boxing, it will give you something to focus on and you will gain a purpose back into your life again.” And so a 12 week fight camp became my life and put me on the path to success.
What are the “myths” that you would like to dispel about what it is like being a professional sports player?
– Not every session we perform at 100%
– “Athletes are over paid” — Not all athletes are lucky enough to not work, most of us are still working a job while training to cover overheads and bills.
Ok super. Let’s now move to the main part of our discussion. How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world? Can you share with us the meaningful or exciting causes you are working on right now?
I have recently launched my own NFP Charity called It’s Her Foundation. This is to help support underprivileged young females through the pillars of Movement, Mindset & Motivation. I am currently working with some beautiful young ladies in the community and helping with coaching & mentorship. I plan to one day have my own Head Quarters and to provide a safe space for all young women.
What methods are you using to most effectively share your cause with the world?
With my training, I am currently working with a Strength & Conditioning Coach, Richmond Saliba from Bondi Boxing Club. 2 times per week
– Sprint training, 2 times per week
– Boxing conditioning, 5 days per week
– Sparing, 2 times per week
Can you share with us the story behind why you chose to take up this particular cause?
As mentioned earlier, boxing has had a huge impact on my mental health and wellbeing. I absolutely love the support and community.
Can you share with us a story about a person who was impacted by your cause?
I have been mentoring & coaching a young teenage girl over the past few years, the positive impact from my work has been great and she was the inspiration behind my charity to help support all young females.

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why.
– How disciplined you have to be for a weight cut…no cheat days.
– Other people’s opinions don’t matter. It’s only you in the ring, the only opinion that matters is your own.
– Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. Give it a go & chase your dreams!
– There’s no easy way out, you can not give up in the ring.
– Consistency is key, keep pushing!
You are a person of enormous influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂
I have already started it “It’s Her Foundation” I would love to raise enough money to open a Head Quarters, training facility & safe space for young women.
Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you explain how that was relevant in your life?
“If you never try, you will never know.” Do what makes you happy and give things a go.. you never know, you might love it so much it becomes your job!
We are very blessed that some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Politics, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this if we tag them 🙂
Eddie Hearn — Matchroom Boxing
How can our readers follow you online?
Instagram: Katemclarenboxer
Thank you so much for sharing these important insights. We wish you continued success and good health!
About The Interviewer: Maria Angelova, MBA is a disruptor, author, motivational speaker, body-mind expert, Pilates teacher and founder and CEO of Rebellious Intl. As a disruptor, Maria is on a mission to change the face of the wellness industry by shifting the self-care mindset for consumers and providers alike. As a mind-body coach, Maria’s superpower is alignment which helps clients create a strong body and a calm mind so they can live a life of freedom, happiness and fulfillment. Prior to founding Rebellious Intl, Maria was a Finance Director and a professional with 17+ years of progressive corporate experience in the Telecommunications, Finance, and Insurance industries. Born in Bulgaria, Maria moved to the United States in 1992. She graduated summa cum laude from both Georgia State University (MBA, Finance) and the University of Georgia (BBA, Finance). Maria’s favorite job is being a mom. Maria enjoys learning, coaching, creating authentic connections, working out, Latin dancing, traveling, and spending time with her tribe. To contact Maria, email her at [email protected]. To schedule a free consultation, click here.
Sports Stars Making a Social Impact: Why & How Kate McLaren Is Helping To Change Our World was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.