Social Impact Heroes: Why & How Blanca Greenstein of ‘Laws of Life’ Decided To Change Our World

With respect to social impact, I must say I am proud of the strides our organization has made. We host two online networking events for the week for the community so that all business owners and entrepreneurs can meet each other, get fired up, connect and acquire new clients. I also host many training and online seminars teaching networking and webcasting. I am also the founder of an Adult Webcasting Coaching Club and a Kid’s Webcasting Coaching Club, where I am teaching people to produce their own webcasts, graphically design them, promote them and most importantly, build their on-camera confidence and public speaking skills. My commitment is to get the community fired up and I do that through networking, coaching and producing webcasts on my Facebook Page called “The Laws of Life with Blanca.”
As part of my series about “individuals and organizations making an important social impact”, I had the pleasure of interviewing Blanca Greenstein.
The Laws of Life Talk is the landmark talk show that has been hosted by Blanca for over five years. Blanca shines a light on entrepreneurs, charities, non-profit organizations and community heroes.The goal being to extract their unique “laws of life” or life philosophies to educate, inspire and motivate the audience through the interview process. The Laws of Life Team has a collective audience of 74,000 followers and is growing every day. The Laws of Life Talk is streamed live every Tuesday at 12PM on the Facebook page, “The Laws of Life with Blanca.“
Thank you so much for doing this with us! Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?
I was a lawyer for 25 years. An extremely experienced lawyer at that. I always worked hard, showed up on time, and started out as a public defender for 3 years. Did about 30 jury trials. Won Misdemeanor Lawyer of the Year. Was doing pretty good. Then I got married, had two fantastic kids, Leah and Elliot. Pressing the fast forward button, I then became head of litigation for Ocwen and I managed every litigation attorney in the country, designed a bunch of processes and procedures and got a lot of management experience. After Ocwen, I became a partner in a law firm and then eventually opened my own law firm called Greenstein and Associates. Unfortunately, I was placed into a position where I could no longer practice law for 3 years and I had to decide — What did I want to do with my life? And it occurred to me, I love to interview people and have been doing my webcast Laws of Life for four years. I opened up the Laws of Life company, started a digital marketing agency, and started inviting other webcasters to join my webcast network. I started coaching, consulting and building my company. I learned graphic design, video editing, video production, scripting, screenwriting, public relations and social media strategization — I started from the ground up. And yes, it sounds pretty hard right? And yeah, there were days that felt like hell. But now, I realize that when one door closes, another one opens and I feel I have made a comeback and I am living my dream to be a talk show host and be a part of the True Oldies 95.9 FM/106.9 Treasure Coast radio family. So, I decided to name my newest show FIRED UP WITH BLANCA and to tell stories of people that have been to hell and back, and then made a comeback. Just like me. And I hope their stories, along with mine, inspire you to remember that — you are never alone. We always have each other. And we must never ever stop — staying FIRED UP!
Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began leading your company or organization?
Through my newest show Fired Up and aligning with True Oldies Radio Station, I had the opportunity to interview my first celebrity guest and one of my heroes — Former prosecutor and legal television journalist Nancy Grace. I had watched my father Dr. Perper be on her guests dozens of times and have followed her for years. The night before the premiere at around 11 PM, my publicist and dear friend Adrienne Mazzone with TransMedia Group said — Nancy Grace is free for your premiere tomorrow! I started jumping up and down and I was so excited and happy to interview my first celebrity after four years of hosting my webcast. It was so exciting!
Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?
Well, for the Nancy Grace interview, I spent about 25 hours preparing for the interview and I woke up the morning of the interview at 3 AM. Well, by the time I got to the studio, I was so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open and I wasn’t feeling very fired up. And then I realized, interviewing does require preparation but I also need to stay fired up and go with my spontaneous energy and natural ability to interview my guests so I don’t work my way into a coma.
Can you describe how you or your organization is making a significant social impact?
With respect to social impact, I must say I am proud of the strides our organization has made. We host two online networking events for the week for the community so that all business owners and entrepreneurs can meet each other, get fired up, connect and acquire new clients. I also host many training and online seminars teaching networking and webcasting. I am also the founder of an Adult Webcasting Coaching Club and a Kid’s Webcasting Coaching Club, where I am teaching people to produce their own webcasts, graphically design them, promote them and most importantly, build their on-camera confidence and public speaking skills. My commitment is to get the community fired up and I do that through networking, coaching and producing webcasts on my Facebook Page called “The Laws of Life with Blanca.”
Can you tell us a story about a particular individual who was impacted or helped by your cause?
Coach Rochelle Schwartz, a 75-year old life coach and co-host of The Laws of Love had her show picked up by True Oldies Radio due to the exposure that I provided her through my webcast network. Additionally, she was selected to be the spokesmodel of the Believe in Your Beauty Campaign by Chronic Wellness International. The level of excitement and joy she experienced by being selected as the model for this campaign at the age of 75 really blew her away and got her super fired up. I love making people happy and elevating their exposure in the community and I believe Coach Rochelle felt this through her recent levels of immense success.
Are there three things the community/society/politicians can do to help you address the root of the problem you are trying to solve?
Yes! My dream is that more people come to the weekly networking group every Tuesday at 11 and every Wednesday at PM. I want everyone to feel welcome and have the opportunity to introduce themselves and build their mission, brand or movement. However, I cannot do it alone. I would love it if everyone would come to networking and invite others to join because everyone is empowered and benefited by the more people that attend these groups. The more people that attend, the more we all connect. The more we all connect, the more we all succeed. It’s a very simple formula of community empowerment that I am extremely passionate about.
How do you define “Leadership”? Can you explain what you mean or give an example?
Leadership is carving a path and making it just a little bit easier for others to succeed. I have become a leader in producing webcasts and hosting networking events for different entrepreneurs in my community and I strongly believe in the concept of community empowerment. If many people support a common goal, then they can all succeed and elevate each other to the very top. Let’s all get to the top — even if we have to take turns holding each other up!
What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why. Please share a story or example for each.
1 — Undervaluing myself: In the beginning, I thought if I charged less, I would get more customers. Boy, was I wrong on that. People do not value discounts and they do not value “free” items. For the amount of time that I invest in a relationship and attention to detail, I promised myself that I want to be competitive price-wise in the marketplace but I do not want to sell myself short because everyone loses — the customer loses because they don’t value me and I lose because I don’t value myself. I need to increase the value of myself every day and believe in my value.
2 — Carving out the space: I learned from our life coach Rochelle Schwartz that you need to carve out the space to achieve your goals. I wished I had learned that earlier. Now, I create “spaces” or “blocks” of time to attack different components of my business so by the end of that time block, I complete the needed steps and feel a sense of true accomplishment. I also keep my commitments on time to my peers, colleagues and clients.
3 — Self-love: I was so hard on myself about my transition that I didn’t realize I was beating myself up. I completed the 13-week Healing Your Heart Course with Coach Rochelle Schwartz ( and she taught me practical exercises and strategies to love myself. I didn’t realize that success in business requires self-love. This is why I was undervaluing myself and not carving out space. This is the foundation of everything. If your mindset isn’t there, you have NOTHING. I stopped going to restaurants and buying silly things. I invested my money into loving myself through self-discovery improvements and in co-producing our show The Laws of Love.
4 — Start early! I had gotten better at carving out the space but I realized, I was always rushing. I needed to carve out more time for “driving,” “parking,” “getting gas” or “grabbing a coffee.” I was not giving myself enough time to transition from one mindset or location to the next. This is truly key to staying calm and enjoying the day. At the end of the day, I control my schedule so I had to give myself more time to transition and not feel like a chicken with its head cut off.
5 — Process! I need to honor the processes that I set and continue to implement the processes. The moment I stopped the process was the moment my entire client intake process began to lag. I had to stay focused. I stopped going to networking meetings for 2 weeks due to pure exhaustion but then it took me 4 to 6 weeks to recuperate from that lag. Networking is, to me, the #1 business tool in the world and has always brought me success no matter what business I am committed to advancing. Never stop networking!! Never give up!
You are a person of enormous influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂
My movement is again one based on interpersonal connection. I want everyone to come to networking and meet other people and discuss their businesses, missions or movements. It is only through networking that communities can truly grow.
Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?
Well, this is my favorite question since the name of my company is “The Laws of Life” and my passion is to interview people and learn their laws of life. My current favorite (as it can change often) is that we have to stay FIRED UP! In other words, we have to infuse 100 percent energy and enthusiasm into every action we exercise to achieve success, fulfillment and joy. I teach this life lesson to my students in both the Adult Webcasting Coaching Club and the Kid’s Webcasting Coaching Club every single week. The energy that you emit is more important than absolutely anything else in my opinion. Please check out the work the kids have done on their show The Laws of Amazing Kids on my Facebook page that I co-host with 15-year-old Talia Leibovici and you will be amazed!
Is there a person in the world, or in the US with whom you would like to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this, especially if we tag them. 🙂
I was so excited to meet Nancy Grace and it really was a thrill to interview her as my first celebrity guest so I would say I would LOVE to have afternoon tea with Nancy Grace because she is a lady and ladies drink tea.
How can our readers follow you on social media?
On Facebook, you can watch the 22 segments we produce every week by following me at
You can also follow me on Instagram at:
You can also learn about all of our webcast hosts on love, fashion, silver linings, mirror your magnificence, health, nutrition, marketing, investing, sun safe livin, life, kids, and more at
This was very meaningful, thank you so much. We wish you only continued success on your great work!