Social Impact Heroes: How Rose Marie Beauchemin-Verzella Is Bringing Joy and Confidence To Women Cancer Survivors

Performing these procedures is the most exhilarating experience of my entire career. There are many tears, but they are of joy. Husbands cry, sisters, cry, daughters, mothers, friends, and mostly our clients cry because they now appear familiar and feminine. Many times, the most beautiful reconstructive surgery is not appreciated by the survivor since there is nothing familiar about these blank mounds of skin.
As a part of my series about “individuals and organizations making an important social impact”, I had the pleasure of interviewing Rose Marie Beauchemin-Verzella, CEO The Beau Institute of Permanent and Corrective Cosmetics, LLC Director of Education.
Beau Institute founder Rose Marie Beauchemin Verzella is an internationally acclaimed expert in the field of permanent cosmetics, microblading, 3-D areola tattooing, and scar camouflage with more than 29-years of experience as an industry leading practitioner, trainer, and speaker.
Rose Marie’s dedication to helping cancer patients restore their physical and emotional health, as well as their self-confidence, is made clear as she donates her time to performing areola tattooing for breast cancer survivors during Beau Institute’s annual Day of Hope. Complimentary areola tattooing is also offered throughout the year during specialized training classes.
Ms. Beauchemin-Verzella was a founding member of the American Association of Micropigmentation (AAM) and now is past president.)
Thank you so much for doing this with us Rose Marie! Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?
The interesting thing about this career is, it found me! I will explain this magical phenomenon, followed by a little history.
I had plateaued in hair, makeup, and color, which involved full makeovers on both men and women. I had studied color and the power of color for years and loved applying it to individuals who had to send a specific message for specific jobs, events and occasions. Although color has no audible voice, it speaks quite loudly, subliminally.
I would literally go into my client’s closets to work with the colors that were not flattering to them (no one can afford to toss their entire wardrobe), then put ensembles together in their best colors. We saved many items by adding their best colors in scarves, jewelry, blouses, etc., occasionally, the purging involved selling or donating.
I developed my own makeup line to accompany my client’s makeovers and to finally make cosmetic color selection easy for women. It took all the guesswork out of selecting lipsticks, eyeshadows, blush, etc. I found women were often victims of trend colors, whether they looked well in them or not. To me, seeing this was like nails scraping on a blackboard. It was exhilarating showing them, The Way!
Color literally draws a response! One can appear positive or negative, trusting or suspicious, peaked or vibrant. This led me to selecting the color of art to hang behind someone, where they were seated. They could then look their absolute best sitting on their sofa or behind their desks.
McDonald Corporation asked me to help select the color for their uniforms that would flatter most employees. I selected Navy Blue. You cannot go wrong with Navy, as it flatters just about everyone.
My makeover artistry was part of the Christmas Bonus at Subaru of America, in Cherry Hill, NJ. It was a great honor and I had a great time with their employees.
I had the exclusive position at the Four Seasons Hotel, in Philadelphia, to facilitate their spousal programs. It was an awesome experience and I always left women seeing themselves through a different and more attractive lens.
I worked with colorblind men so they could shop and dress, independently, by teaching them a color language. They also had a discreet wallet they could carry that contained small pieces of fabrics in their best colors, categorized for suits, ties and casual wear.
I volunteered at, what was then, Associated Services for the Blind, at ninth and Walnut, in Philadelphia, and was nominated for the prestigious Jefferson Award for my contributions there. It was a most incredible and indelible experience and learned as much or more than I taught. I realized the color language and personal color wallets was as effective with those that were completely sightless, as those that were colorblind.
Ken-Crest Services, for the disabled tested the process. We took a group of sighted people and non-sighted people to the mall. We blindfolded the sighted people and I gave each one their specific, yet simple language to communicate to the salesperson. They were to emerge with a coordinated wardrobe consisting of 6-interchangable pieces. It was incredible to see my plan in action and work so effectively.
I was the guest host, twice, on RICB, which is the closed-circuit radio for the visually impaired. It was a distinct honor and I was the only sighted person in the building. The people operating the computers were sightless, as well. Funny thing, the callers were all men! The women could not get through and they complained, so I had to return for another segment.
I then moved onto another venture, I knew I had tired of hair and ventured into salon management developing inside promotions for a high-end salon. I loved working with people and the artists, but was overqualified and wanted something more.
A software company that developed salon software offered me a job, since I knew how to communicate to salon owners, but the bottom fell out of the economy and salons lost interest in investing in software. They were investing in their survival.
A former client offered me a training to become a general manager of a Cherry Hill, Radio Station that would be opening soon. He was the general manager of the Hammonton NJ, local radio. I knew all about his job and it was sheer fun! For months, I trained with John DiMassi, designed promotions for various Hammonton Teams; baseball, football, etc. The station was really doing well. I also went on the road with him to get advertisers and was able to sell businesses that no one could close. Vince Pappali was kind enough to do the play by play announcing for the Hammonton Teams. Every morning the lunch menu was read, and birthday wishes went out to those celebrating. I loved Cherry Hill and could not wait to open that station. Local radio lends an incredibly exciting platform to develop community spirit.
Months and months later, it all ended. The FTC decided it was established for a non-profit organization and they gave the tower to a religious group. We were sick about it.
Then I realized if I wanted to something more, I had to create the space for something to come into my life, so I left it all. Every morning I would walk and have serious conversations with my Maker. I would ask every day for direction to where my talents could make the most difference and maybe even life-changing.
It took a few months before I received a call from a friend’s husband, Dr. Steven Levin, who had gone from Radiology to Mammography and he said, “my women need you! They have lost their brows, lashes and hair and are so saddened by this, in addition to the treatments that were making them so ill. I want you to learn permanent makeup and come to work here, at Greentree Radiology.” I had no idea what permanent makeup was, back in 1989. I asked him what it was, and he said, tattooing! I was stunned. Tattooing had a terrible stigma, then. Me? A tattooist? What?
The first thought was, my makeup clients would say, if I could only take you home! I realized if I tattooed their brows, with my makeup techniques, they would get to take me home!
You can see how this career found me.
Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began leading your company or organization?
I learned so much working with plastic surgeons. There were no seat-belt laws, in 1990, and most major car accidents involved the passenger and sometimes the driver going through the windshield. I remember one of Dr. Warren’s patients who suffered such and had countless sutures and some grafting on her face and forehead. Once healed, she focused on a very small, residual scar. All I could picture was how she looked when she came in after her initial ER surgery and thinking, she was so blessed to have such a highly-skilled plastic surgeon, like Dr. Warren, restore her appearance. She showed me photos of the car and she truly was a walking miracle, so it stunned me to see her so focused on this very small scar.
Maybe, a year later, Dr. Warren called me into an exam room to ask what I could do about this tiny scar. I said I’d like to give her brows. She had none. I drew on a set of eyebrows, which encompassed the scar, tattooed them a few days later and she was so happy.
Still curious, I asked Dr. Warren, how can someone forget what they initially looked like following such an accident? In his calm, Zen-like manner, he answered, “They just want to look like they did before the accident.”
It really hit me hard. Of course, he was right. She was almost back to her old self except for that tiny scar and it really bothered her. He alerted me to appreciate this would be the case in every situation.
It became my goal, as well. I encourage my mature, brow-less women to bring their high school or wedding pictures with them for me to create familiar brows. They want to look like they once did. When I tattoo a 3D areola, post-mastectomy, I listen to my clients, about the size and color they once had so I can get their breasts to appear as close as they once did. Dr. Warren’s words shaped my career and will stay with me forever.
Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting?
In tattooing, a permanent mistake would hold no humor, however, we had some hysterical moments. I was tattooing my sister’s eyebrows and I hiccupped. I have never had that happen before or after her, but it left a small dot between her hair strokes. She never let me live it down! She still tells that story!
Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?
Don’t hiccup!
Can you describe how you or your organization is making a significant social impact?
Our ability to provide free areola tattooing for post-mastectomy men and women is a wonderful thing, however, our Annual Day of Hope has raised the awareness for all practitioners, globally, to hold an event one day, each year, to provide this free service. My ultimate goal is to have every practitioner, from around the globe, establish a Day of Hope. The ripple effect would be enormous.
Many women do not proceed with the finishing touch of an areola tattoo, especially, following radiation, chemotherapy, complications, contractures, infections, hair loss, fatigue and of course facing their own mortality, they are simply not ready or concerned to complete the areola tattooing. They are traumatized; this is the last thing they want to think about.
What we have discovered is, in an average of 3–5 years, they are ready; however, they may have issues collecting from their insurance company to cover this procedure. It could be an uphill battle. We would like to get the word out that they can come in, free of charge, all year round and not have to fight their insurance company.
What is interesting is many times, their husbands or family members bring them in. They sense when this person is ready!
Performing these procedures is the most exhilarating experience of my entire career. There are many tears, but they are of joy. Husbands cry, sisters, cry, daughters, mothers, friends, and mostly our clients cry because they now appear familiar and feminine. Many times, the most beautiful reconstructive surgery is not appreciated by the survivor since there is nothing familiar about these blank mounds of skin. The 3-D areola tattoo brings these blank breast mounds to life along with new eyes that can appreciate their beautiful reconstructive surgery. This procedure brings normality and confidence and is so wonderful. Seeing their faces as they look into the mirror is pure joy.
Can you tell us a story about a particular individual who was impacted or helped by your cause?
Oh, my goodness. There are so many. There are countless but sure, I can select one.
The Young and The Blind
A young, beautiful girl, in her twenties was about to be a bride. She and her mother have been my clients for years. I knew her eyesight was failing, due to a degenerative eye disease. They came in for touch-ups and announced the daughter was going to be a bride. I was so excited but could not help but notice, her mother was leading her, completely. She had lost her vision to a mere shadow. I felt that awful feeling in the pit of my stomach and hid it well, with light conversation and talk about her future husband.
She returned to do a local TV piece with me, and I got to see her photos. She was a magnificent bride. I will never forget how her husband gazed at her. You could see and feel the love. She had always worn makeup and was not ready to resign from looking the way she always had. It may sound trite to some, but having permanent makeup professionally applied, was important to her. It definitely elevated her self-confidence.
My hope was the TV piece would raise awareness of the Young and The Blind. I wanted to be able to provide this service to more of these young women that were suffering from visual impairments or total blindness.
Breasts and Brows
Over the years, countless women who have survived breast cancer have experienced the life-changing 3-Dimensional areola tattoos.
We have an expression…Breasts and Brows!!! Once their areola is tattooed, it seems the spotlight remains on them! They are ready to be introduced to their best self! They want it all! These strong women that survived this arduous journey, will generally have their brows filled in since they don’t fully return after chemo, then ask for a lash enhancement or eyeliner and sometimes even lip color. All of this contributes to their feeling more feminine and they truly feel like a new woman. It is pure joy to become part of this journey.
Are there three things the community/society/politicians can do to help you address the root of the problem you are trying to solve?
I would like to see lobbying to force insurance companies or Medicare to pay for tattooing Vitiligo. This is a dangerous, autoimmune skin disorder, where the melanin (color), leaves the skin, sometimes in spots or even larger areas. Why dangerous? This absence of color leaves the skin completely unprotected to UV rays since there is no color to absorb the sun’s rays. Skin cancer is a big threat for many, today, but especially someone with Vitiligo and the tattooing (considered camouflage) should be covered. Tattooing a skin tone into these white areas, will provide some protection. We have several clients with Vitiligo that we provide camouflage procedures for. It is very rewarding to be able to provide some protection with the camouflage procedure certainly for aesthetic benefits.
We need to be desensitized to disfigurements. Why does every anchorperson or TV talk host have to be perfect in their appearance? Why not have a burn survivor, or someone with Vitiligo, that is still the same person inside, same education, do the news or weather?
Winnie Harlow is the bravest young woman we have ever witnessed on the runway. She struts it proud, showing her Vitiligo that is extensive on her face and body. Thank you, Winnie!!! This country is so proud of you!
I remember a brow client, a beautiful African American young girl. She was offered a job on the West Coast on a major network. She packed up her car with her belongings to make the long drive. By the time she arrived in LA, she had developed Vitiligo. She lost the job!
Will we ever be able to acknowledge these people for who they truly are or capable of, if we don’t allow them to be part of our norm? Why aren’t they more visible in our everyday lives?
Have you ever asked yourself, where are the burn survivors? Why aren’t they in view? I remember meeting the president of the Phoenix Burn Society, Alan Breslow, who was a burn survivor and I can tell you that if I were to describe him, I would have to tell you he was handsome. He was so dignified and intelligent and a force for burn survivors. His leadership was so admirable, and it was a sad moment for the burn community to see him retire. I couldn’t get enough of Alan. When I would hear him speak at events, I hung on every word. Everything that was inside of him, he managed to wear on the outside. He was a handsome, highly intelligent leader! You didn’t see a scar.
We must learn to look past imperfections and allow ourselves to see and hear what is beyond a face or body. Alan walked across my path and I am forever grateful for the lessons I learned from him, and I wish I could share his message with the public. Look past this outer burn, scar, vitiligo, missing limb, etc.! They should be able to walk proud amongst all of us. They shouldn’t have to be slaves to attempting to cover it every day and minute with makeup. They are our rules and Alan didn’t believe his members should live by them. He was sooooo right!
Society and Community:
…Let’s talk about Trichotillomania!
Trichotillomania is a disorder where one pulls on their hair, lashes, brows and sometimes their heads, and is all around us. No one talks about it and we need to. Permanent makeup artists see countless cases and tattooing their brows and eyeliner can conceal it, however these people, mostly female teens and adults are silently suffering. Parents do not want to talk about if their child is pulling, as many believe it may be their fault. The teens do not want to talk about, because they are too embarrassed. We need to put this topic out there, on the table and free the people that are not only imprisoned but in solitary confinement. More articles from professionals, PLEASE! This is heartbreaking!
How do you define “Leadership”?
I believe the definition of “Leadership” has evolved over the years. I always like to observe how Leaders, lead.
For centuries, Leaders led with fear, belittling, punishment and admonishment. Many used fear in order to attain respect.
Female leaders were thought to all stamp their feet, be demanding, temperamental, difficult or even impossible to work with. The Devil Wears Prada, was a prime example.
I believe Leadership, in my case, is culturing a positive work environment and leading by example. I believe true Leadership is bigger than just one person trying to lead.
A true Leader will develop relationships where respect is paramount, between themselves and their business relationships and employees and watching closely, employee to employee relations. Much time can be wasted in an environment that houses resentful people since it leaves others having to defend themselves. This is an enormous and unproductive waste of time and an expensive one, as well.
Support of employees is critical for employers.
Can you explain what you mean or give an example?
I believe that it can be easy for one to hide behind a title and not feel personally accountable. I don’t understand this mentality, but it happens all the time.
What does the title, Boss really mean? One’s upbringing can frame this definition for some. A very strict and demanding parent or parents can create an inflexible adult. We, as leaders, must always check our motives and ask ourselves if the decisions we make, relate to some knee jerk reaction from our upbringing or an antiquated belief system. This is not leadership, to me. This is simply bullying.
Knowing yourself, really well, is critical in becoming a Leader. You must be able to answer to yourself with sheer honesty as to why you make each decision. No decisions should be made because you have a headache, had a fender bender on the way to work, or an argument with a family member, etc. To me, this is a weakness that will get in the way of true Leadership. Lead by example and I believe you can develop a culture where your employees respect your decisions and trust you, even when they are difficult.
What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why. Please share a story or example for each.
- I wish I had a heads-up on the power of the media and appreciated that a journalist, like Barbara Walters, held the powers to instill intense fear into the public regarding our profession. She singlehandedly, put at least 1/3 of our practitioners out of business in one report she did on permanent makeup on 20/20. Barbara Walters created sheer chaos. She avoided the successful practitioners that worked with surgeons and burn centers and found a woman in a mall that tattooed blush on a woman’s face, which was sadly, hideous. Gwen Gallon, had called me from the 20/20 show, prior to the segment, to ask me some questions. I was giving her all the positives about permanent makeup and could feel she really wasn’t interested. They were obviously looking for sensationalism and they found it and ran with it. Their attempt of balance was poor. There showed less than a couple seconds of a practitioner that believed she was changing lives. Her focus on botched permanent makeup, blazed a trail of fear. I quickly learned how easily a prominent journalist could slant a story. In my opinion, she continued to violate professional journalism by injecting a personal opinion at the end of the segment. Her closing statement was, “what some women will do for beauty”! Seriously! I was livid. This is a woman who has had several plastic surgeries. How dare her! I did write her a letter saying exactly all of this. No response.
- I wish someone told me not to spread myself so thin. A few years into my career, I was working in 7-locations. I felt so blessed to be working with several highly skilled surgeons, however, I became ill. I loved my work so intensely; I didn’t listen to my body. Chronic Epstein Barr was the result and in bed for 6-months and out of work, 1-full year. I had to sell my booming practice and in 1-year I was able to buy it back. This was a huge and painful lesson.
- There was little information available in the early 90’s about permanent makeup. There were very, very few practitioners working on the East Coast, since this was born in LA. I didn’t realize how many questions I would have, regarding skin conditions, rashes and disorders, various illnesses in general, and whether to refuse or accept a client. Without peers to ask a question specific to permanent makeup, working in a medical practice was extremely helpful. Medical professionals could direct us in countless areas that were sure to come up. I was so fortunate and learned so much working in the offices of: Dr. Warren, Dr. Sarnoff, Dr. Cimino, Dr’s. Barot and Fahey, to mention a few that helped to shape my career. Then came, Dr.’s Zwerling and Goldstein, who wrote a medical textbook on tattoos and permanent makeup. It included the safe and dangerous ingredients in tattoo inks, reactions and allergies. It became the industry bible. Dr. Charles Zwerling remains my mentor, till today.
I have only these 3, since no one even knew what permanent makeup was when I began.
You are a person of enormous influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂
First, I will share my dream of UNPLUGGING my son and with tens of thousands of others, from dialysis machines, by becoming aware and supporting the, “The Kidney Project” the development of a bio-identical kidney, at UCSF.
Many people are aware that my son has renal disease. The onset was in his teens. He has had 4-tranplants, that failed and not a candidate for another. We are a 1-kidney family, all donors, and fresh out of kidneys but another would not even be considered. His disease is actually a virus in his blood called, Focal Segmental Glomerular Sclerosis or FSGS, where the transplanted kidney is not rejected, but the disease recurs and attacks it, causing it to fail, once again. It is considered autoimmune. He has been on and off dialysis for almost 20-years, unheard of and remains in DaVita for Dialysis and his only hope is, THE KIDNEY PROJECT!
If you have never visited a DaVita dialysis center, I highly recommend it. Just peek your head in. It is a most depressing and disgusting place with an odor that never leaves your sinus cavity.
They have ugly, stiff and uncomfortable chairs with no trays for a computer or belongings and there is nothing you can find that is state-of-the-art, despite all the technology of today and despite the fortune, this company makes from Medicare. They have complete disregard for their patients or the amount of time these people must spend in these uncomfortable chairs and depressing settings to literally, remain alive.
The dialysis chairs are full. Some people appear quite conscious yet with an expression of resignation and a few appear almost dead! My son is the youngest person in there. My heart breaks every time I take him or even think about taking him.
The fact is, most of these are owned by DaVita, a dialysis company that is close to becoming a monopoly. They spend nothing to provide their patients who sit there 4–5 hours, 3x’s a week any degree of comfort. Not a dime!
DaVita has an eccentric and hideous leader that rouses his employees by appearing in a swashbuckling outfit and jumping on tables. I’m serious! Trust me, you will rub your eyes in disbelief. Please, go to, YouTube, and search the John Oliver show on DaVita Dialysis. You will quickly see what I am describing is not exaggerated. I watched this special with my son and was sickened and speechless.
Thank God for the dedicated dialysis techs that manage a smile and make it as pleasant as they possibly can, when you can clearly see beneath the thin veneer, they are not happy with what they see.
How can I unplug my son along with the tens of thousands living on dialysis machines from this living hell and bring this greedy, deplorable and obviously uncaring, monopolizing nightmare to an end or close to an end? By supporting, The Kidney Project, at University of California, San Francisco, the developers of a Bio-Artificial Kidney.
Countless people on waiting lists for kidneys or those not eligible for transplants like my son, can have a new lease on life and become unplugged and not depend on a machine to keep them alive. The Kidney Project has stated that human trials could begin as soon as next year.
The bigger picture for DaVita Dialysis, is they have positioned themselves to handle the number of overweight baby boomers, who will likely develop Type II Diabetes. Their obesity will elevate their blood pressure which in turn, stresses their kidneys, ultimately breaking them down. Dialysis Centers cannot fail with these boomers coming of age. There are also many other illnesses that cause renal failure, in addition to Type I and II Diabetes. Hypertension (high blood pressure), which many people genetically inherit, African American’s are highly predisposed to hypertension, poly-cystic kidney disease and cancer to name just a few. When one’s kidneys are stressed, the blood pressure will rise.
In your opinion, what preventative measures can we take to prevent renal failure?
BLOOD PRESSURE CUFFS! Doesn’t it sound oversimplified? It’s not! High blood pressure is a warning that your kidneys and other organs may be under duress.
We need blood pressure cuffs available in every beauty salon, barbershop, church, synagogue, DMV center, airport restroom, etc., they must be available in as many public places as possible for people to take their blood pressure. This will save lives, prevent heart attacks, prevent strokes, alert people they need medication, certainly alert the danger of hypertension, stroke and renal failure.
Encouraging people to purchase your own blood pressure cuff if they can afford it, is a great investment. If someone is receiving social services, please inquire. You may be permitted to order one, especially, if you have a history. This CUFF can save your life!
Many pharmacies have blood pressure cuffs that are free to use, but be sure to ask the pharmacist about its accuracy.
Donating blood pressure cuffs is one of the most life-saving gifts you can give in this lifetime and can help to keep people UNPLUGGED. People just don’t know until their ankles swell and they are already in trouble.
Can you please give us your favorite, “Life Lesson Quote”?
I guess I am a leader!
Is there a person in the world, or in the US with whom you would like to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this, especially if we tag them. 🙂
This question didn’t take me long at all to decide. Interestingly, most of my female friends suggest women. I get that and I admire many and for good reasons, but I felt as though I had to align with one’s mission, and that would be, Bill and Melinda Gates.
Yes, I would love to have lunch with Bill and Melinda Gates!
My observation of Bill Gates, throughout the years, as he was never a guy that seemed to go out of his way to be liked or understood. He was focused on his mission and in this focus, he literally changed our world as we knew it. He kept his private life, very private and did not like the spotlight.
In his retirement, we are re-introduced to this man in a whole new light. Along with his beautiful and incredibly intelligent wife and partner, Melinda, they became this philanthropic team on several missions that are beyond enormous, and they are succeeding! They are focused on the areas of greatest need, all around the globe. From Malaria to Polio, they have made investments of time, research and money, to end these deadly diseases.
I pray Bill and Melinda Gates get to review The Kidney Project. I imagine that Bill Gates, being a technological wizard, would have interest in this little gadget that is implanted in a body and restores a person to normalcy. He may even have some technical contribution to move this Project further along. This Project will change this world, as we know it, once development is completed and I pray that my son is in the human trials.
In the US, people die waiting for kidneys. In other parts of the world, kidneys are sold in the black market and in remote countries, removed with barbaric and unsanitary manners, because the need is so great. Often, the donors will sell their extra organ to feed their family or to marry off a daughter. I have seen documentaries on this and these people selling their kidneys are lucky to survive from the filthy environments they were forced to hide in for the brutal removal of their kidney.
Bill and Melinda are looking to end diseases that are plague-like and even global. This is one. Renal failure due to so many diseases can be practically halted with this bio-artificial kidney. I pray for their eyes to meet this story and peer into The Kidney Project.
Thus, my cause.
We have monuments throughout our cities that people flock to for photographs. Some are extremely influential, like the Rocky Statue, our Statue of Liberty, the LOVE monument, etc. Then we see, in Philadelphia, a giant red clothespin. Cool, but it doesn’t say anything. It has no meaning. Wouldn’t a giant blood pressure cuff, all made from recycled materials be something everyone can relate to? Add a message to this piece, maybe a reminder of sorts, that can be photographed thousands of times and shared across the globe. This statue has the opportunity to be a life-saving reminder for people. Everyone knows someone with high blood pressure, if not themselves. Philadelphia or New York or some major city has the possibility to send a powerful message and reminder with such a monument.
There are artists that specialize in recycled art. Camden, NJ, just commissioned various artists, from across the country, for 6 or 7 enormous pieces to help create the revitalization of Camden. I actually got to see some and they are so fabulous and so clever. This attraction will be opening in the spring.
Imagine cars passing and first wondering, why does NY or Philadelphia have a Blood Pressure Cuff Statue? Curious, they can see it all and understand its message on Facebook and Instagram. This would be the state that sends the loudest and most profound message about preventative medicine. A simple cuff can save lives by reminding people, to take their blood pressure!
It may sound trite, at first, until you think about it. I swear, I can see it and I believe with everything in me, that it will make a difference, even to the extent of saving lives.
I met two-Cardiologists from Lourdes/Virtua, in NJ, that would agree: Dr. Troy Randle and Dr. Thierry Momplaisir. They were the speakers at an event at Lourdes/Virtua and Preventive Medicine is their mission. Blood Pressure Cuffs were paramount in their talk. So simple yet lifesaving!
I wonder how many people will post that this reminder prompted them to get checked and discovered a heart or kidney problem starting and this monument saved their lives.
DaVita, you crazy, cheap, maniacal and greedy man, we will never stop trying to UNPLUG from your dialysis centers.
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This was very meaningful, thank you so much. We wish you only continued success on your great work!