Social Impact Heroes Helping Our Planet: Why and How Christopher Beth and The Bucket Ministry Is Helping To Change Our World
An Interview With Martita Mestey
…Most of us see problems. Most of us talk ourselves out of being a solution to those problems. We see issues and we think “What can I do about that?” “I don’t know anything about that problem,” “I can’t do anything to help those people or that situation” or my favorite… “that’s someone else’s problem.” Changing the world starts with one small step and then another and then another…
As part of my series about “individuals and organizations making an important social impact”, I had the pleasure of interviewing Christopher Beth. Christopher Beth is the Founder, Chief Storyteller and Director of The Bucket Ministry, a nonprofit organization that works to provide the love of Jesus and clean water solutions to communities in need around the world. Founded in 2012, The Bucket Ministry has shared God’s love through the gift of safe, clean, drinking water in more than 20 countries, including to every individual living in Kibera, one of Africa’s largest slums.
Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dig in, our readers would like to get to know you a bit. Can you tell us a bit about how you grew up?
I grew up in a suburb on the northwest side of Chicago. Now looking back on this time, I feel I lived a very ordinary life with parents who deeply cared for me (in their own ways) but who had many of the same struggles I have experienced with my own family. I was an “only child” with a tendency to be introverted, which makes my life and career now even more surprising.
You are currently leading a social impact organization that is making a difference for our planet. Can you tell us a bit about what you and your organization are trying to change in our world today?
The Bucket Ministry works to transform communities and lives. We have a goal to share the gift of clean water and Jesus to everywhere in need. Through this, we provide hope in poor and underdeveloped communities worldwide where hope is often not present.
The gift of clean, safe drinking water leads to healthier families and children. We distribute a simple water filter attached to a bucket to give generational access to clean water. The Sawyer PointONE filter we give uses the same technology as kidney dialysis to remove all harmful bacteria, protozoa and cysts like E. coli, Giardia, Cholera, and Typhoid as water passes through its membrane. In the areas where we work, we often see local health clinics close due to decreased visits, children able to attend school regularly and parents able to work because they are no longer sick.
In addition to meeting physical needs, we provide hope through sharing about the living water offered through Jesus. As a result, individuals in the communities where we work have a joy only found in putting their trust in Jesus.
Can you tell us the backstory about what inspired you to originally feel passionate about this cause?
I was a successful business consultant and never dreamed I would choose to leave that profession to start a nonprofit but that is exactly what happened in 2012 when I accompanied my then-high school daughter on a mission trip to the Brazilian Amazon. If I’m honest, I didn’t have much desire for the “missions” part of the trip but rather went to chaperone my teenage daughter while she was thousands of miles away from home. But God had other plans.
At one of our first stops on the river, a woman asked me if I was thirsty. I answered, “Yes,” expecting her to hand me a bottle of water. Instead, she went inside her home, pulled out two mismatched and chipped glasses, walked over to the river, and filled them with water straight from the Amazon River. As she handed a glass to me, I knew without a doubt there was no way I could drink this filthy, bacteria-ridden water. Even more so, I was struck that this is the water this woman drank every single day. It was at that moment I heard the Lord audibly speak to me for the first time. He said, “Help them.”
That was the beginning of a new mission for me to provide clean water to those who had none. But I also knew that I couldn’t just offer them a physical solution; I needed to also offer them Jesus.
Many of us have ideas, dreams, and passions, but never manifest them. They don’t get up and just do it. But you did. Was there an “Aha Moment” that made you decide that you were actually going to step up and do it? What was that final trigger?
The moment I was handed that dirty glass of water from the Amazon River and realized this was the reality for those without clean water, I knew I had to do something. I came home and immediately began searching for a solution. I learned the magnitude of the clean water crisis worldwide. Approximately 2 billion people in the world lack access to clean, safe drinking water according to the United Nations. Drinking and washing with contaminated water are linked to transmission of diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid and polio. One of the leading causes of death each year, especially for children under the age of five, is diarrheal disease, which some 829,000 people are estimated to die from each year. Yet a simple solution, such as the Sawyer PointONE filter can provide up to 20 years of generational access to clean, safe drinking water.
Many people don’t know the steps to take to start a new organization. What are some of the things or steps you took to get your project started?
I believe big dreams require big faith. I started by educating myself on the problem to understand the needs of communities worldwide. Then I shifted to finding solutions. I took a trip to my local outdoor store, which is how I discovered the Sawyer filters. My family and I personally tested the filter, drinking from a pond in our backyard for a month to confirm it was safe. While that may sound crazy to some, I knew if I was going to say the filter created clean, safe drinking water I had to prove that to be true. I was amazed at what I discovered and reached out to the Sawyer team to share my vision to use the filter in our global work. I’m grateful that they caught the vision and are a continued partner with us in fulfilling our mission worldwide.
Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began leading your company or organization?
Simply, one of the most amazing stories happened during COVID in 2020. I think we all remember (and will for a long time) that year. As part of a non-profit organization, we use donations to achieve our mission. I think most of your readers will understand this. Well, due to the state of the world, halfway through 2020 we were witnessing donations ceasing and I thought we may be at about half of what we projected for the year — which meant we would be able to help about half of the people we wanted to help. While this was a challenge, I also recognized every other non-profit and church was in a similar situation.
In October of 2020, I received a call from a donor that had previously given us $500. He stated that he wanted to ask me “a big” question: “If I gave you a million dollars today, what would you do with it?” I thought this was just for fun. So I asked a fun question back… “Is this for me or for The Bucket Ministry?” He laughed and said the question was for the ministry.
So I said, “I would take it to the Kibera Slum and deliver hope to 408,000 people with it.” At that point, he said, “OK.” I thought what in the world does that mean and he said…”You’ll have a check next week.”
This is how we started to work in one of the most dark and inhospitable places on planet Earth to deliver a water filter to every home (81,777) and to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every resident of that place.
It has been said, that sometimes our mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Do you have a story about a humorous mistake that you made when you were first starting and the lesson you learned from that?
This has become the axiom of my journey with The Bucket Ministry. I believe one of our strengths is to receive, learn and not repeat mistakes that I (we) have made. Because we work with a water filter that attaches to a 5-gallon bucket. This can be a wonderful visual aid, and I often drag these water filters with a 5-gallon bucket of pond water to meetings to demonstrate how the filter works. At one particular meeting, I was running late and driving faster than I should have been. I turned a corner, and the five gallons of super dirty pond water dumped over in my car. For weeks and months, my car smelled like a swamp. I had to finally sell that car.
None of us can be successful without some help along the way. Did you have mentors or cheerleaders who helped you to succeed? Can you tell us a story about their influence?
The biggest influencer on my life is Jesus and His example of serving others. My family and the people I have met along the way in founding The Bucket Ministry have also taught me so much. They have encouraged me and reminded me to stay the course.
Are there three things the community, society, or politicians can do to help you address the root of the problem you are trying to solve?
We have found a powerful way of solving the issue through empowering neighbors to serve their neighbors. In Kibera, a slum outside of Nairobi, Kenya, we trained a team of 100 local Kenyan missionaries, the majority (98%) of whom lived in Kibera. These missionaries distributed 81,777 Sawyer© PointONE filters connected to buckets, providing all 408,478 Kibera residents with access to clean water. They subsequently conducted three in-home, follow-up visits with each recipient, ensuring water filters were properly maintained and building relationships to share a Gospel message and disciple individuals. Because these missionaries were from the community, they built a level of trust and credibility with those living in Kibera who were more willing to open their doors to them than they would have been to strangers from the Western World.
How would you articulate how a business can become more profitable by being more sustainable and more environmentally conscious? Can you share a story or example?
I recognize not every business leader is called to leave their job and start a nonprofit, but I do believe every leader can use their influence to make a difference. That is why The Bucket Ministry the Business on Mission program, which is designed to forge partnerships with businesses that share its values and dedication to serving others. Through this, we partner with businesses to fund clean water projects and raise awareness of the clean water crisis.

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why? Please share a story or example for each.
- Keeping priorities (1. Your relationship with God, 2. Your family and 3. Your work) will be a challenge and you need an accountability partner to remind you of your blind spots. Often when we are working in ministry your family and your work can tend to blend if we are not guarding against it. A person that can speak into your weaknesses is critical.
- Asking people for money (fundraising) is about the least fun thing — ever. You must retrain your brain that we can never be “embarrassed” for asking for someone who could never ask for themselves.
- If you care about your work (in our case the Gospel reaching the people we serve) and the people you work with it will be hard to “turn it off.” It’s just not something that switches OFF at 5 p.m. Caring does not punch a timeclock.
- Stay in God’s word as much as possible. This will be your anchor (mic drop).
- Never underestimate what God can do when you become radically dependent on Him.
If you could tell other young people one thing about why they should consider making a positive impact on our environment or society, like you, what would you tell them?
Most of us see problems. Most of us talk ourselves out of being a solution to those problems. We see issues and we think “What can I do about that?” “I don’t know anything about that problem,” “I can’t do anything to help those people or that situation” or my favorite… “that’s someone else’s problem.” Changing the world starts with one small step and then another and then another. Soon after all those small steps you are running after a problem. Sometimes the very best thing anyone could do is stop complaining about a problem and get off the couch and actually “check in for the game.”
Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?
James Hudson Taylor (Missionary to China in the 1850s) said “All of God’s giants have been weak men who reckoned He was with them.” I am a weak man who dearly desires God’s presence in everything I do.
Is there a person in the world, or in the US with whom you would like to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this, especially if we tag them. 🙂
How can our readers follow you online?
You can learn more about us at and follow us on Instagram (@thebucketministry) or Facebook (
This was very meaningful, thank you so much. We wish you only continued success on your great work!
Social Impact Heroes Helping Our Planet: Why and How Christopher Beth and The Bucket Ministry Is… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.