Rising Star Angelina Galt: “I would love to start a movement of honest individuality, breaking “beauty” out of its restrictive chains of social norms”

I would love to start a movement of honest individuality, breaking “beauty” out of its restrictive chains of social norms. I want to see people loving themselves and others for their very specificity and nature, inside out. We need to teach both men and women that they are worthy individuals who is encouraged to reach their maximum potential instead of suppressing them and their mental growth.
I had the pleasure to interview Angelina Galt. Angelina was born in Nokhodka, a port city in the Russian Far East. in her lifetime, she traveled a lot and even lived in different parts of the world. At the age of 1, Angelina moved with her parents to Thailand, where she studied two languages; English & Thai. Ever since she was a small girl, she has absorbed the culture and manners of high society from the nanny who used to work in the Royal family of Thailand. Beginning at 7, Angelina studied in a British school. After moving to the US, she attended a private school that allowed her to balance school and her burgeoning modelling career. In addition to modelling, Angelina is actively involved in extra-curriculars like swimming, dance, singing and horseback riding. At 15, Angelina signed an exclusive contract with a modelling agency, while already having some major fashion bookings prior to that. As her star continues to rise, Angelina has a slew of major covers and spreads coming up. Angelina is looking forward to signing with a major agency, and developing her foundation for the arts, and announcing major projects on the horizon! For the latest updates and information, please log on to https://angelinagalt.com
Thank you so much for doing this with us! Can you tell us the story of how you grew up?
I was born in Nakhodka, Russia. At two years old my parents and I moved to Thailand, where I went to school for most of my life. Growing up in Asia had a great impact on me, teaching me respect and discipline. I also can’t complain about sunny beaches and white sand. Growing up I quickly learned three languages. Thai and English I spoke in school and daily life, Russian was spoken in my family. When I turned 11 my family moved to Los Angeles, where I started my career in modeling.

Can you share a story with us about what brought you to this specific career path?
My mother was a model in her teenage years. Seeing her cover pictures and listening to her striking stories made me quite drawn to it. I deeply admire the levels of dedication it takes to be a successful model. I see the power that beauty holds and I want to show it to the world. Beauty is art, and art is my passion.
Can you tell us the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?
I was on a music video shoot a few weeks ago shooting for a Russian music artist whose songs I listen to throughout my childhood. It was quite an honor to work with someone who has had such an impact on my life. Not only did I get to work him, but I also got to play one of my dream roles of being an angel. I had beautiful (but hefty) angel wings that let me give in to my fantasy of being an angelic being.

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?
A funny mistake that I made at the beginning of my career was I drank a lot of carrot juice a day before my shoot and my skin came off as orange on camera. The makeup artist was trying to mask it but it was still visible on my ears and body, it looked hilarious. I learned (the hard way) that my body absorbs the pigment in carrots surprisingly well and also to not experiment with anything a day before being on set.

What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now?
Right now I am in the process of creating my non-profit foundation. The Angelina Galt Foundation, which will help talented children achieve their dreams by providing them with financial aid for education and support. I am beyond excited for this to launch and come into full effect. I’m passionate about helping other people, so this is the perfect project for me. I’m very interested in diversity in the entertainment industry.

Can you share three reasons with our readers about why you think it’s important to have diversity represented in film and television? How can that potentially affect our culture?
Diversity in the film and television industry, while increasing, is far from what it should be. Diversity is needed for reasons such as making everybody feel represented, dissolving biases and taboos, as well as spreading awareness. All cultures, religions, and genders should be properly represented in the industry. This is absolutely crucial for us to move forth as a society. Exclusion not only puts us at risk of losing of incredible new talent but also further perpetuates problematic behavior that my generation is trying to put to an end.

From your personal experience, can you recommend three things the community/society/the industry can do help address some of the diversity issues in the entertainment business?
Some of the things the community/society/industry can do to address diversity are to show their support for those people and to hire all people regardless of their race. Changing the idea of “them” to “us”, and to make clear that inclusivity is respected within that environment.
What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why. Please share a story or example for each.
The five things that I wish someone told me when I first started are:
1) Remain yourself. Improving yourself is a must but never try to change yourself to fit into a certain category. It is easy to forget who you are when you’re told what you should be.
2) Never compare yourself to others, this will only deteriorate you. Aspire to be the best version of yourself, not becoming someone else.
3) Some people won’t see modeling as a real job. while it is as real and as difficult as any job is, not everyone understands. It seems to be glamorous all around because a lot of work is done behind the scenes.
4) You’re going to feel like giving up sometimes. Losing motivation for brief a moment is natural, use it as momentum to get back on top. It is important to listen to your own body and give yourself the space to decompress.
5) Learn to accept rejection. Don’t take rejection close to heart, know your own worth and trust that the “no” was life putting you on a better path

Which tips would you recommend to your colleagues in your industry to help them to thrive and not “burn out”?
In order to thrive in the industry and have a long lasting career, one can’t rely solely on luck. Luck is always welcomed but having something to bring into the industry is key. Figure out what you care about and what you represent and work off of that. Also, try not to party too hard, while a tomorrow isn’t promised it is likely going to occur.
You are a person of enormous influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂
I would love to start a movement of honest individuality, breaking “beauty” out of its restrictive chains of social norms. I want to see people loving themselves and others for their very specificity and nature, inside out. We need to teach both men and women that they are worthy individuals who is encouraged to reach their maximum potential instead of suppressing them and their mental growth.
None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?
My mother is the most supportive and helpful person in my life. I am immensely grateful for her presence and all of her love that she gives me. Not only does she know how to calm me down when no one else can, but she also guides me in my career path. With her modeling past, she knows the ins and outs of the industry which is quite helpful and reassuring.
Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?
The quote that I live by was passed onto me by my grandfather. “Everything will pass, and this will too”. This quote captures life’s true essence of being finite. It reminds me to not only to enjoy life as best as I can as it is not eternal as well as help me remember to stay humble. No matter who you are and what your position is, it is not forever. Everything not only has the possibility to change, it is guaranteed to change one way or another.
Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this, especially if we tag them. 🙂
I would love to have lunch with Madonna. She has been one of the biggest inspirations/role models to me. She is everything that a woman should be and I admire her for that. It seems that nothing has stopped her from being genuinely herself. She started a whole new movement of music and culture by breaking the rules of pre-set standards. Robinson Peter once said “Madonna invented contemporary pop fame so there is a little bit of her in the DNA of every modern pop thing”, and he is completely right! The keyword here is “thing” and not just music, her legacy is all-encompassing!
How can our readers follow you on social media?
My Instagram handle is @angelinagalt
This was very meaningful, thank you so much!