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Reducing Food Waste: Manoj Kumar of Orderific On How They Are Helping To Eliminate Food Waste

An Interview With Martita Mestey

Trust Your Instincts, Even When It Feels Uncomfortable. Early in my career, I often found myself second-guessing my decisions because they didn’t follow the standard approach. One key moment was when I advocated for AI-driven inventory management at Orderific. Some people thought it was too advanced for small restaurants, but I felt strongly that it represented the future. It took time, but as AI became more mainstream, our early adoption gave us a huge advantage. Trusting your gut, even when it feels uncomfortable, often leads to breakthroughs.

It has been estimated that each year, more than 100 billion pounds of food is wasted in the United States. That equates to more than $160 billion worth of food thrown away each year. At the same time, in many parts of the United States, there is a crisis caused by people having limited access to healthy & affordable food options. The waste of food is not only a waste of money and bad for the environment, but it is also making vulnerable populations even more vulnerable.

Authority Magazine started a new series called “How Restaurants, Grocery Stores, Supermarkets, Hospitality Companies and Food Companies Are Helping To Eliminate Food Waste.” In this interview series, we are talking to leaders and principals of Restaurants, Grocery Stores, Supermarkets, Hospitality Companies, Food Companies, and any business or nonprofit that is helping to eliminate food waste, about the initiatives they are taking to eliminate or reduce food waste.

As a part of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Manoj Kumar.

Manoj Kumar has been influencing the tech world since 2003, bringing extensive expertise in software development, automation, cybersecurity, AI, and blockchain. As the founder of Orderific, Manoj Kumar is committed to enhancing the Food and Beverage industry through innovative technology, ensuring that restaurants operate more efficiently and sustainably. His work, including the DeliveryDart platform, addresses key challenges in the food delivery industry.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Before we dive in, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?

It all started when I was young, watching perfectly good food being thrown away. Day after day, this waste left a lasting impression on me, but I didn’t have the means to change anything. When I entered the tech world, everything clicked — it felt like a true lightbulb moment. I realized I could combine my love for food with technology to address this issue.

I recognized an untapped opportunity. Every year, 1.3 billion tons of food are wasted globally, and small businesses, especially restaurant owners, aren’t just losing food — they’re losing money. This isn’t just bad for the environment; it’s bad for the economy too! By relying on outdated, manual systems, these businesses are missing out on crucial data that could help them save tons of food and thousands of dollars. I knew there had to be a smarter, more efficient way forward.

That’s when I founded Orderific. By using data analytics and smart inventory management, we give businesses the power to anticipate demand, streamline operations, and cut down waste — all while making the most of their existing resources. Picture this — technology that can unlock $127 billion a year simply by reducing waste. That’s the future I’m building, and it’s all about making smarter, more sustainable decisions that benefit both businesses and the planet.

Small businesses don’t need to feel pressured to double their sales to increase profits; instead, they require smarter systems to optimize their resources. My career is focused on empowering restaurant owners with tools that save money, time, and promote a healthier planet. By taking small steps, one meal at a time, we can work together toward a more sustainable future.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began at your company or organization?

One of the most interesting moments happened early on when I encountered a restaurant owner who was initially skeptical about transitioning to a digital solution. She feared the system might be too complicated for her staff, a common concern among small business owners.

After spending some time demonstrating how Orderific could streamline her operations, we saw immediate results. Within a few days, she was not only saving time but also noticed a sharp reduction in food waste. Our platform’s ability to track inventory and predict demand has made all the difference. What stood out to me was seeing how something so simple — like optimizing processes — could lead to such significant improvements.

Witnessing her newfound confidence in technology validated the impact of Orderific. It wasn’t just about making things more efficient; it was about empowering small businesses to thrive and become more sustainable. That moment reinforced our mission to help restaurants succeed while reducing their environmental footprint. It’s moments like these that fuel our drive and remind us of the bigger picture.

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

When we first started Orderific, I was incredibly eager to get feedback from restaurant owners, so I personally walked into a restaurant and started pitching the product right away — without an appointment and right in the middle of their lunch rush. Needless to say, the owner didn’t appreciate me interrupting his busiest time of day! He very politely told me to come back later, which I did — this time with an appointment.

That mistake taught me two valuable lessons. First, timing is everything — whether it’s pitching a product or implementing new technology. Second, I learned the importance of understanding the unique challenges businesses face every day. Just like with Orderific, if you don’t take the time to understand your customers’ daily challenges, you won’t be able to offer solutions that genuinely make their lives easier. It’s a principle we still hold close as we continue to grow, helping businesses thrive with tools that truly work for them.

How do you define “Leadership”? Can you explain what you mean or give an example?

Leadership is about having a vision that inspires others. It’s not just about managing today; it’s about shaping tomorrow. A true leader sees opportunities in challenges and motivates others to innovate.

One of our missions is to give attention to every single feedback received from users. GUARANTEED. Even if the proposed feedback is rejected, they will always have a clear reason and every approved feedback will be rewarded dearly as well (in the form of points or gifts). This is how we spot community problems quite effectively and efficiently.

Real leaders don’t just spot problems; they find solutions. Using data analysis and AI, we help businesses operate more efficiently and make better use of their resources. This proactive leadership drives innovation and supports a more sustainable future for all.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

One quote that has guided me is, “Progress starts when you stop waiting for the perfect moment.” This is a lesson I’ve carried throughout my journey. In the fight against food waste, waiting for the perfect solution simply isn’t an option. Each year, over 1.3 billion tons of food are wasted globally, not only harming business profits but also contributing significantly to environmental challenges like climate change. At Orderific, we don’t wait — we act.

OK, thank you for all of that. Let’s now shift to the main focus of our interview. Let’s begin with a basic definition of terms so that all of us are on the same page. What exactly are we talking about when we refer to food waste?

Food waste is more than just leftover food; it’s a big issue that impacts our economy and environment. In restaurants, wasted food means lost money and resources when extra ingredients spoil. This also means wasting valuable resources like water, energy, and land that could be used better.

When food ends up in landfills, it breaks down and releases methane, a strong greenhouse gas. If food waste were a country, it would be one of the top contributors to global emissions. However, we can make a difference! Reducing food waste not only helps lower pollution but also protects our planet. As billions of people around the globe struggle with food scarcity, addressing food waste goes beyond just being efficient; it’s about our shared responsibility to create a sustainable future for everyone.

Can you help articulate a few of the main causes of food waste?

Several factors contribute to this growing problem. One major issue is overbuying. Restaurants often purchase more ingredients than needed, leading to excess food that spoils and gets thrown away. Inventory management also plays a crucial role; without proper tracking, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s on hand, resulting in waste.

Demand forecasting can be tricky, too. Misestimating how much food is needed can lead to either overstocking or shortages. Additionally, food that doesn’t meet aesthetic standards, like slightly blemished produce, is often discarded despite being perfectly edible.

What are a few of the obstacles that companies and organizations face when it comes to distributing extra or excess food? What can be done to overcome those barriers?

In the food service industry, managing excess food presents challenges that can impact a restaurant’s efficiency and sustainability. These issues extend beyond logistics and touch on minimizing waste and enhancing impact. Here’s a closer look at common challenges and practical solutions to address them:

  1. Inventory Management. Accurate inventory management is crucial for reducing food waste. Many restaurants face difficulties in forecasting food purchases, resulting in surplus that may go unused, contributing to waste and financial losses.
    Solution: Implement a comprehensive stock management system. At Orderific, we’ve developed a feature that allows restaurant owners to input their inventory and uses advanced algorithms to predict the optimal amount of stock needed. This approach helps reduce overbuying, ensuring that food is used efficiently and limiting waste.
  2. Distribution Logistics. Distributing extra food can be challenging, especially when it comes to delivering it on time and finding the right people or organizations to receive it. Many restaurants have difficulty setting up a system to manage this efficiently.
    Solution: Partner with local food programs or charities and create a streamlined donation process. Use technology to manage logistics, schedule pickups, and track donations to ensure safe and prompt distribution.
  3. Food Safety Concerns. Maintaining the safety of excess food is critical to avoid foodborne illnesses. Improper storage and handling can pose significant risks.
    Solution: Follow strict food safety protocols, including temperature-controlled storage and transportation. Train staff on best practices for handling and donating food to meet health standards.
  4. Regulatory Hurdles. Navigating food donation regulations can be complex, with varying local laws on safety and liability.
    Solution: Stay updated on local regulations and consult legal advisors to ensure compliance. Engage with local networks for guidance on food donation practices and legal requirements.
  5. Lack of Awareness. Sometimes, the issue is not with the process itself but with the lack of awareness among restaurant staff about the importance and methods of distributing excess food.
    Solution: Implement training programs for staff to raise awareness about the benefits of food donation and the procedures involved. Create a culture of sustainability within your restaurant to encourage proactive management of excess food.

Can you describe a few of the ways that you or your organization are helping to reduce food waste?

We’re on a mission to combat food waste with innovative solutions. One of our standout features is our stock management system, designed to help restaurants make smarter decisions about their inventory.

Here’s how it works: restaurant owners input their current stock into our platform, and our advanced algorithms analyze this data to forecast the ideal amount of stock needed. This helps avoid buying too much and reduces the chance of excess food going to waste.

At Orderific, we’re more than just a tech solution — we’re dedicated to making a real difference. Our mission is to help restaurants save money while supporting a more sustainable food industry. We’re here to face big challenges with smart solutions, driving a positive impact on our communities and the planet.

Are there three things the community/society/politicians can do to help address the root of this problem?

  1. Support Technological Innovation. Adopting and promoting technology for food management can drive meaningful change. Encouraging restaurants and food service establishments to embrace advanced systems, like Orderific’s, enables smarter inventory decisions and reduces waste. Governments and local authorities can support this transition by offering incentives for businesses that implement these technologies, making it easier for them to invest in solutions that cut down on waste.
  2. Promote Awareness and Education. Education is key to shifting attitudes and behaviors towards food waste. By incorporating food waste management into educational programs and public campaigns, we can highlight the impact of waste and the advantages of efficient inventory management. Schools, community groups, and mass media can work together to spread this message, empowering businesses and consumers to make better-informed decisions.
  3. Implement Supportive Policies. Policymakers have the power to promote a culture of sustainability by crafting and enforcing regulations that promote food waste reduction. This could involve encouraging businesses to adopt waste-reducing practices, supporting technologies that cut down on waste, or facilitating food redistribution programs. By establishing clear standards and providing necessary support, governments can drive meaningful progress in managing food waste across diverse sectors.

By embracing these steps, we can change the course on food waste and pave the way to a more sustainable future. This journey goes beyond technology — it’s about joining forces to make a meaningful difference for our communities and our planet. Together, we can transform our approach, reducing waste and fostering a greener world for all.

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why.

1. Embrace Failure as Part of the Process. As I began my journey in the tech industry, I had this idea that success came from perfect execution, but that’s rarely the case. Failure is a natural part of growth. There was a time when we launched a feature for Orderific that we were confident would be a hit. However, after its rollout, it didn’t perform well, leading us to return to the drawing board. Instead of feeling discouraged, I recognized that this failure provided us with valuable insights we wouldn’t have gained otherwise. Each setback becomes a stepping stone to refining our approach and building even greater resilience.

2. The Power of Listening to Customers. When I launched my first company, I was so focused on building the product that I overlooked the most important aspect: the customers. We developed features we thought were innovative, but they didn’t meet our users’ actual needs. A turning point for Orderific came when we began engaging with small restaurant owners. By truly listening to their struggles, we created solutions that addressed their challenges, leading to a significant improvement in our approach. Looking back, I wish I’d realized this sooner, but I’m grateful for the lessons learned along the way. Now, I’m excited to continue collaborating with our clients to make a meaningful impact in the restaurant industry.

3. Surround Yourself with People Smarter Than You. It’s easy to fall into the trap of wanting to be the smartest person in the room, but that kind of thinking really limits growth. Early in my career, I tried to manage everything myself, thinking that was the best way to maintain control. But over time, I learned that real innovation happens when you bring in talented people with diverse perspectives and expertise. Surrounding myself with a great team at Orderific has been crucial to our success. It’s not just about having the right idea; it’s about having the right people to help bring that idea to life.

4. Move Fast, but Don’t Rush. In the tech world, there’s a constant buzz about the need to move quickly. I get it — speed is crucial, especially when you’re trying to innovate. However, I’ve learned the hard way that rushing decisions can lead to mistakes that can really set you back. In my early days, I was eager to launch new features, but I often skipped the critical step of thorough testing. This led to frustrating bugs and unexpected downtime that affected our users. I learned that it’s important to keep up momentum while ensuring we do things right. Balancing speed and precision has become a core principle at Orderific. There’s an ideal balance that allows us to push the boundaries of innovation while maintaining quality. What truly counts is how we work together and support one another to achieve something extraordinary.

5. Trust Your Instincts, Even When It Feels Uncomfortable. Early in my career, I often found myself second-guessing my decisions because they didn’t follow the standard approach. One key moment was when I advocated for AI-driven inventory management at Orderific. Some people thought it was too advanced for small restaurants, but I felt strongly that it represented the future. It took time, but as AI became more mainstream, our early adoption gave us a huge advantage. Trusting your gut, even when it feels uncomfortable, often leads to breakthroughs.

Are there other leaders or organizations who have done good work to address food waste? Can you tell us what they have done? What specifically impresses you about their work? Perhaps we can reach out to them to include them in this series.

The World Resources Institute (WRI) is leading the charge in food waste management with innovative strategies. They use strong research to shape policies and promote sustainability, providing valuable insights for practical solutions. What impresses me most is their commitment to innovation; they continuously update their resources to stay ahead in sustainability. Their work addresses current challenges and lays the foundation for lasting change in reducing food waste.

One key project is the “Food Loss and Waste Protocol,” which offers clear guidelines and tools for organizations to measure and cut food waste effectively. WRI’s ability to turn research into actionable results is remarkable. They collaborate with governments, businesses, and communities to create real change.

We share WRI’s mission to transform food management. Our advanced technology helps restaurants make smarter decisions and reduce waste. Partnering with us allows restaurants to make a meaningful difference in reducing food waste and contribute to a more sustainable future.

You are a person of enormous influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂

If I could spark a movement that truly makes a difference, it would focus on transforming how we manage and use food. Imagine a world where food waste is drastically reduced, and every meal is enhanced for both sustainability and efficiency. Food waste is a critical issue, costing billions each year and damaging the environment. The solution requires a new approach. We’re driving this change by leveraging advanced technology to help restaurants make smarter decisions about inventory and waste. Our aim is not just to enhance existing systems but to rethink food operations from the ground up, enabling businesses to achieve both economic and environmental goals. Let’s take this opportunity to make a powerful impact and lead the charge toward a more sustainable future. By bringing this vision to life, we can create an active movement that contributes to a more innovative and eco-friendly world.

Is there a person in the world, or in the US with whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch, and why? He or she might just see this, especially if we tag them. 🙂

If I could have a private breakfast or lunch with anyone, it would be with Chef Massimo Bottura. Massimo is not only an incredible chef but also a leader in the fight against food waste. His initiative, “Food for Soul,” takes surplus food that would otherwise go to waste and turns it into meals for those in need. The way he blends creativity with purpose in his work is incredibly inspiring, especially as someone who is deeply passionate about reducing food waste through technology. I believe we could have an amazing conversation about how innovation — whether in a kitchen or in tech — can drive sustainability and make a real impact. His philosophy of turning imperfections into opportunities really resonates with the way I approach challenges at Orderific. Plus, it would be amazing to hear his stories and learn from his experiences over a great meal!

How can our readers further follow your work online?






This was very meaningful, thank you so much, and we wish you only continued success.

Reducing Food Waste: Manoj Kumar of Orderific On How They Are Helping To Eliminate Food Waste was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.