Philadelphia Eagles Cornerback, Dexter McDougle: I want to inspire a movement for the NCAA to cover medical expenses for athletes even after they leave university, similar to workers compensation

If I could inspire a movement, or raise awareness on something it would about college athletes who have suffered serious injuries in their sport that require surgeries and how they aren’t covered medically down the road after they graduate and leave the university. So many athletes have serious injuries that down the road will affect them. I believe the NCAA should be required to cover medical expenses for these people whether it be for treatments, physical therapy or surgery. It would be similar to workers compensation if someone were to suffer a serious injury in the workplace.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Dexter McDougle. He is a Virginia native, and Cornerback for the Philadelphia Eagles. Dexter is in his fifth year in the NFL. A family man, Dexter adores his little family, fiance Brooke and his brand new baby girl Farrah.
Thank you so much for doing this with us! We are honored to have you with us. Can you share an interesting story about how you ended up where you are in your career?
First, let me start by saying it is my pleasure to be here. I am very grateful, so thank you for having me! From the age of 7 years old I always knew I wanted to be an NFL player. It was my birthday wish every time I blew out the candles of my cake, and it was my answer whenever anyone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. When everyone else was applying for colleges junior year of high school, I had my mind set that I was going to get a scholarship, that universities were going to choose me instead. It’s cool when I look back and see how far I’ve come from that little kid with big dreams. I am in my fifth year in the NFL and I believe I ended up where I am in my career because I always believed in myself, and I committed to do whatever it took on and off the field.
Can you share a story about funniest mistake you made when you first started? What lesson did you take out of that?
So, it was my first game ever playing football, and I was playing running back. I had my whole family in the stands to come watch me play; Parents, aunts, uncles and cousins. The call came in and it was a run play for me. I got the handoff and ran up the middle with the ball. I got CRUSHED by the linebacker! My dad said you could hear people in the crowd say “ooooh” because I got hit so hard. The very next play I got the ball again and I got around the corner, running down the sideline with nothing but the touchdown in sight. As I ran, I turned around to take a look, and all I could see was the kid who just tackled me the play before gaining ground on me. I threw the ball back to him and immediately ran into the stands to my dad. I cried and told him I don’t want to play football anymore! When we got home that day my dad sat me down and he had a long talk to me about how we NEVER QUIT. He told me I am a McDougle, and that it is in our blood to never quit. I remember that day like it was yesterday, and even now, because of that incident I never quit at anything I ever do.

What are some of the most interesting or exciting new projects you are working on now?
My most exciting project I’ve been working on is being a new dad and planning my wedding, if that counts! I have a 7 month old daughter named Farrah. Brooke, my fiance and Farrah have been the best things to happen to me! Being a new dad is very challenging. I’m sure a lot of people can relate! I also am trying to start my own foundation as well as my own camp, so that I can give back to the community and make a difference in other people’s lives.
Who are some of the most interesting people you have interacted with? What was that like? Do you have any stories?
Some of the most interesting people I have interacted with are celebrity chef Anne Burrell, and Entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk. I watch food network literally everyday. When I got the chance to meet Anne Burrell I was beyond ecstatic. We actually met in NYC during fashion week. She was at one of the after parties and I quickly introduced myself and explained how much of a big fan I was of hers. It was pretty cool because we took a picture and she posted it and shouted me out on her Instagram. She even talked about trying to get me a show on the food network because it was something the network was lacking and would love. Needless to say she was very cool and I was super thankful to have met her.
I met Gary Vaynerchuk with 3 other teammates a couple years back when I first entered the league. We got to walk around his workplace and meet a lot of different people. He sat us down in his office and we chatted it up for about an hour and a half talking football, business, goals, and life after football. He was very unique in the way he looked at life and his values. The guy is super inspiring and motivating and I loved how simple he made things when it came to following your dreams and the work that you have to put in to get where you want in life. We all have different paths, but in the end, we all want to succeed. Gary broke down the game of life into simple 1 liners that would inspire anybody to get up and get working. I was very glad to have met him, and I hope to get to see him again in the near future.

What would you advise to a young person who aspires to follow your footsteps and emulate your career? What advice would you give?
My advice to a young person who aspires to follow my footsteps would be to always listen to your parents and the ones that care most about you. I give a lot of credit to my parents because they gave me the guidance and support I needed to be where I am today. I would also tell the youth to take school seriously because without good grades you definitely won’t be on the football field. Even worse, you won’t be able to graduate and put yourself in better position to do certain things in life. You must be willing to sacrifice and work really hard. Always believe in yourself, even when you know others don’t believe in you. Lastly, never quit! That’s something that I have always lived by since the age of 7. No matter how hard things get, no matter how much you don’t want to do something, never quit!
How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world?
I receive messages and comments all the time from people saying I was an inspiration to them to keep pushing through, or that I was the reason they decided not to give up. I’ve had some serious injuries that had sidelined me for long periods of time including a torn ACL and a fractured scapula. Being in the NFL has given me a following that I knew I could inspire. I documented my recoveries and came back each time on my social media. I wanted to show people that no matter how tough things get in life you can persevere, push through, and overcome any obstacle put in front of you. The feedback was tremendous and I was so happy that I was able to inspire a couple thousand people at a time in a positive manner through hard work, faith, and trust that everything will work out.
Is there a particular person that made a profound difference in your life to whom you are grateful? Can you share a story?
My father hands down would be that person. He has been my number one supporter through everything in my life. There were times in my life where I lost my way and he was the one who got me back on track. He has been there for my lowest and highest moments and always loved me the same no matter what. His work ethic and values have molded me into the man I am today.
Can you share your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Why does that resonate with you so much?
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times of conflict and controversy” -Martin Luther King Jr
This resonates with me so much because it’s easy to go about life when everything is going well, but life has its ups and downs. It’s how you react when things go south or not how you planned that builds true character. I’ve had endless moments like this. For example, I have been cut by teams before, and it’s a traumatic experience. I never let that take me off my path, and I was able to push through by being positive and always keeping faith. If I reacted negatively, who knows if I would be in the position I am today.

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why. (Please share a story or example for each)
- Your first year will be your hardest: I came into the league 5 years ago not knowing what to expect, It’s tough as a rookie because you finish your final season of college and there really isn’t a break because you start training for the combine, pro day and ultimately the draft. After that you’re on the team and it’s like learning everything all over again and on top of that you are a new guy and have to prove yourself to everyone and earn the respect of your teammates and coaches
- Your body is your work, take care of it: I had some early injuries in my career that were caused from a lack of extra care. In the NFL your body goes through a lot of wear and tear and doing the minimum just won’t be enough to stay completely healthy. You have to go the extra mile to make sure your body is in the best shape and well recovered for whatever is next
- Create a daily routine: Having a routine creates balance and structure. You must follow it, through trial and error, you end up with the perfect set of objectives that in the end give you the best chance to be successful. In the beginning I was watching the veterans and what they did and randomly added those specific things into my schedule. I didn’t have my own routine. Over time I figured out my routine and I benefited more.
- Find a hobby: It’s good to have balance with your work and what you do outside of work. Football is great and I love it, but it’s also healthy to get away from it for a day or two and go fishing for example. I like to fish, go bowling, cook and many other things and it gives me balance from my work and personal life.
- It’s a business: As a player I put so much heart and soul into this game. I’m very passionate about it and that’s just the way it is. At the same time I have to be able to understand that even if I love a team and i’ve invested a lot to the team, the team is always going to do what’s best for the team. Trades and cuts happen daily and that is part of the game. The team will do what they believe is best for them so the player must know he has to do what’s best for him also. It’s business, never personal.
You are a person of enormous influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂
If I could inspire a movement, or raise awareness on something it would about college athletes who have suffered serious injuries in their sport that require surgeries and how they aren’t covered medically down the road after they graduate and leave the university. So many athletes have serious injuries that down the road will affect them. I believe the NCAA should be required to cover medical expenses for these people whether it be for treatments, physical therapy or surgery. It would be similar to workers compensation if someone were to suffer a serious injury in the workplace.
Some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this if we tag them. 🙂
I would say Ellen DeGeneres. She seems like a fun, super laid back and down to earth person who has been successful in many different fields and she likes to give back to the people.
How can our readers follow you on social media?
Instagram: @Dex_25 Twitter: @blasian_kiddd