“Let’s make a movement to make self-love and body positivity a priority for everyone” With Actress Nicole Koch

I’d like to find a way to make self-love and body positivity a priority for everyone. Each person is so beautiful and spectacular in their own way. It’s so upsetting to me that some stranger behind a computer screen can take away someone’s confidence with a single word. I got bullied a lot for the way I looked back in middle school. I constantly was called “ugly” because my lips were “too big”, or “fat” because I don’t have a thigh gap. It took me a long time to realize that I was never the problem in that situation. There’s too much pressure, especially on young people, to be “picture perfect”…. And what does that even mean? My idea of “perfect” could be blonde hair and blue eyes, while yours could be brunette with a pearly white smile. IT MAKES NO SENSE! I just want people to know they are extraordinary and unique exactly the way that they are. However, if you want a boob job, or you want to dye your hair red, or having green contacts will make you happier, then do it! There is absolutely nothing wrong with changing up your look. The point is, be happy with yourself. If shaving your head and piercing your nose makes you confident, go you!!!
I had the pleasure of interviewing Nicole Koch (pronounced “coke”) is a 23-year-old actress, singer, YouTuber, and model, currently living in Los Angeles. She attended AMDA’s BFA Musical Theatre Program, where she graduated with honors in 2017. Nicole strives to set a positive example of self-love and kindness for generations to come.
Thank you so much for joining us! Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?
Thank you so much for having me! Well according to my older brother, I’ve been bugging him with solo performances of Sesame Street since I was three, so singing was my first love. When I was six, my parents enrolled me in a local theatre company’s production of “ANNIE” because I needed a more creative outlet. I played sports, and I was good at them but they didn’t excite me, so my mom and dad wanted to help me discover new passions. I immediately fell in love with performing on stage and have been pursuing theatre ever since. I recently discovered a love for on- camera acting during college, so I am exploring that as well. I also create content for my YouTube channel as a side hobby.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started this career?
So funny story, I actually work at a five star hotel (I’ll refrain from saying which one to protect the hotel and the celebrities that stay there), but all of our regular guests have told me I look like Busy Phillips or Liv Tyler. I’m not sure why, because I don’t quite see the resemblance, but I’ve also been stopped on the street many times. It’s so random that strangers think they know me from somewhere. My goal in this industry is not to become “famous” but I will admit, it’s a fun little acting exercise to play along when people stop you on the street to tell you they loved your movie.
Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?
When I was in ANNIE as a kid, I waved to my mom during the production. I had no idea that was wrong, but the Director was not happy about it. I remember her puling me aside during intermission. Needless to say, I never did that again lol!

What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now?
Right now I’m working on an Indie Film that will be submitted to Film Festivals and hopefully get the funding to be produced on a larger scale. I signed a NDA (non- disclosure agreement) so I can’t say much, but I’m really excited to be a part of something where everyone in the cast and crew is equally as passionate about its success as I am.
Who are some of the most interesting people you have interacted with? What was that like? Do you have any stories?
So I have met more celebrities in the 10 months of working at the hotel than in my 23 years of living. I’ve had conversations with Tina Fey, Hilary Duff, 50 Cent, Peter Dinklage, and so many more. Paul Rudd actually gave me advice one day to “always be there for your friends because you’re all in the same boat”- that really stuck with me. I’ve also learned that connections are really important. It’s necessary to network at film festivals, in your Uber going home, and any time you meet anyone in the industry. Connections are everywhere; you just have to find them. Unfortunately the industry is also filled with tons of people who are ready to see you fail- fellow actresses going out for the same role, directors who don’t like you because you remind them of their ex girlfriend… It sounds ludicrous, but I’ve experienced both of these instances on numerous occasions. You gotta look out for yourself, and you gotta look out for your friends. Like Paul said, “You’re all in the same boat. Be there for each other”.

Which tips would you recommend to your colleagues in your industry to help them to thrive and not “burn out”?
I’m constantly discovering new ways to remind myself why I am pursuing this career. Whether it’s journaling about what I did that day to further my chances of success, or having a friend over for coffee while we run lines, I always make sure I have my friends for support, and vice versa. It can become overwhelming and stressful to not book a role I was hoping to get, but I love it way too much to let that stop me from pursuing my dream. I allow myself to be upset for that day, but on the next I’m back to applying for more roles. Consistency and drive are everything for me.
You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 
I’d like to find a way to make self-love and body positivity a priority for everyone. Each person is so beautiful and spectacular in their own way. It’s so upsetting to me that some stranger behind a computer screen can take away someone’s confidence with a single word. I got bullied a lot for the way I looked back in middle school. I constantly was called “ugly” because my lips were “too big”, or “fat” because I don’t have a thigh gap. It took me a long time to realize that I was never the problem in that situation. There’s too much pressure, especially on young people, to be “picture perfect”…. And what does that even mean? My idea of “perfect” could be blonde hair and blue eyes, while yours could be brunette with a pearly white smile. IT MAKES NO SENSE! I just want people to know they are extraordinary and unique exactly the way that they are. However, if you want a boob job, or you want to dye your hair red, or having green contacts will make you happier, then do it! There is absolutely nothing wrong with changing up your look. The point is, be happy with yourself. If shaving your head and piercing your nose makes you confident, go you!!!

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why. Please share a story or example for each.
1. I wish someone told me early on that I didn’t need to please everyone. I found myself getting lost in roles I didn’t want to play, just because someone told me I was only good at playing “hot girlfriend”. I wanted to be a badass detective, or the crazy next-door neighbor. I’m glad I got out of the box I was put in because now I play some pretty awesome roles.
2. I wish someone told me taking a break was okay. I used to run myself tired for hours trying to say my lines perfectly for my audition, and then would hate myself for getting one word wrong. I would never let myself take breaks, and always had to be “to the script”, but I later discovered that most directors actually prefer when you take some liberties on the lines and make the character your own.
3. I wish someone told me how to deal with the Internet trolls. A lot of people comment really stupid things on my Instagram and YouTube. It’s easier now for me to ignore it, though. I’ve realized I have more important things to do than be upset by that.
4. I wish someone told me I would lose friends in this process. I started college with a friend group of people I thought believed in me 100%. I’m graduated now, and not friends with most of the people I started with. It goes back to what I was saying earlier about people waiting for you to fail. Not everyone is your friend. You need to have a backbone in this industry. I thank the universe every day for the small group of friends I have now- I will always pick quality over quantity.
5. To learn Spanish! I’m part Peruvian but I don’t look like it and don’t speak Spanish fluently, which always confuses casting directors. I’d love to be able to audition for a role that speaks Spanish fluently so I’m actually re- learning the language right now. I downloaded an app and paid for lessons and everything. I’m not messin’ around here, ¿esta claro? haha
Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

If you watch my videos or follow my Instagram, you will almost always hear me say, “your mentality is your reality”, meaning that what you think and put out into the universe comes back to you. I try to always turn my “if” phrases into “when”. For example, by saying, “when I get an agent or manager” opposed to “if I ever get an agent or a manager”, it changes my mentality and perception of myself and helps me paint this very real goal of my desires being accomplished. I’m currently seeking representation, which is why I gave that example.
None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

Oh gosh, my Dad is my biggest supporter. Since day one, he has always had my back. He’s a pilot for a major Airline- that was his dream, so has always been able to recognize mine. He’s never let me give up on performing, but has always encouraged me to explore different outlets I may like to pursue in addition. I can’t wait for my first awards show so I can take him with me as my plus- one. He always thinks I’m joking about bringing him along, but I’m dead serious… I’m going to hire a stylist to fit him with a nice suit and everything. He’s gonna to look so sharp!
Some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might see this. 
There are so many influential people I would love to meet and network with. One that comes to mind specifically is Dan Fogelman, the producer of “This Is Us”. That show makes me feel all the emotions. It’s one of the most successful series to date, and I would love to be even the tiniest role in it one day. Even if my line was just “thanks”, you bet I’d make it the best “thanks” anyone’s ever heard. Plus I would cry because I love the show haha!
How can our readers follow you on social media?
I use Instagram a LOT! You can follow me at @niicoleekay (still working on getting just my first and last name as my handle but it’s taken right now haha), or YouTube: search “Nicole Koch” and I should be one of the first to come up! I also have links to everything on my website at www.nicoletkoch.com if you want to check it out!

Thank you so much for joining us. This was very inspirational!
Thank you so much for having me! What a fun first interview.