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Keeping In Touch With Your Intuition: Maria Abramovich On How To Get In Touch With Your Intuition…

Keeping In Touch With Your Intuition: Maria Abramovich On How To Get In Touch With Your Intuition And When To Trust Your Intuition When Making Decisions

A somatic practice is also imperative for intuitive development. Being connected to your body, being aware of it and being able to clear it of any not-self themes is important for keeping your vessel at its best (yes–self-care and energetic hygiene are CRITICAL for any powerful intuitive). Dancing, spontaneous movement, practices like 5rhythms or ecstatic dance are very effective somatic practices that are fluid and expressive and build your intuitive connection.

Intuition is defined as the ability to understand something immediately without the need for conscious reasoning. Where does intuition come from? Can it be trusted? How can someone tune in to their intuition? To address these questions, we are talking to business leaders, coaches, mental health experts, authors, and anyone who is an authority on “How to Get In Touch With Your Intuition And When To Trust Your Intuition When Making Decisions.” As a part of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Maria Abramovich.

Maria is a psychic and energy alchemist who specializes in training healers and psychics in 10xing their gifts, supporting visionaries who desire to 10x their income and creative output, and activating wealth codes in her clients. Her 18+ years of experience in research environments and medical environments as well as her backgrounds in music psychotherapy and clinical settings and entrepreneurship and sales bolster her spiritual and psychic knowledge and gifts. Her clients have expanded their businesses, gone from no psychic abilities to fully psychic with their own practice within months of working together, generated multiple 6-figures after a single session with her, 10xed their community, and so much more.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we start, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your childhood backstory?

I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and at a young age moved to the US. I had the privilege of having two parents that lived in two different countries for most of my childhood, and spent several months a year in Argentina. I also had the privilege of attending a beautiful school where intellect and creativity were celebrated. I had the opportunity to travel often and explore my creativity, which expanded my capacity to perceive the unseen around me. My earliest memories of mediumship are from when I was around four years old. After my uncle committed suicide, I would connect with him and speak to him. I would speak to my guides, who would visit me in a particular room in my father’s home. In my childhood, I predicted a number of major life events, including where I would live as an adult, what my profession would be, as well as how many children I would have and their genders and birth orders. As an older child, I was an avid reader and had a very active imagination. At night I could not sleep alone, feeling everything and everyone around me without fully understanding what I was picking up on. Like many intuitives, the challenges of childhood actually awakened my gifts. I had multiple traumas that I am now very grateful for because they put me on this path.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

I would say that a powerful proverb is “All answers exist within you.” There is truly nothing hidden from us. Developing your subtle senses will teach you this! Understanding that the challenges you face are meant for you and that you are MADE for the life you live is critical to leaning into the concept that your success is inevitable. From the place of knowing, or “I know,” you recognize that your “problems” are not “deep,” and that they are, in fact, available to your awareness. Believing that all of the answers to my questions exist within me have helped me create the miracles in my life and in the lives of my clients because my curiosity was bolstered with confidence and trust in ME. This statement also centers the importance of taking care of the SELF in order to know the SELF. This concept alone can change the world, one individual at a time.

Is there a particular book, podcast, or film that made a significant impact on you? Can you share a story or explain why it resonated with you so much?

I have so much to share here, but I will keep it brief! The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho was a book that I read every year from ages eight to eighteen. It had a profound impact on me, on my belief in myself, in magic, and in destiny. I did not know this so concretely as a child–I was more intrigued and moved by the story than anything else. I could see myself in the main character, Santiago. It was not until l was 25 and read the book yet again that I realized how much it had shaped my life. I had always known that I was born to work with intuition and create my own destiny using the language of the Universe–my own preferences and life choices demonstrated this. I believe it is a must-read for anyone ages eight and up!

Let’s now shift to the main part of our discussion. Let’s begin with a definition of terms so that each of us and our readers are on the same page. What exactly does intuition mean? Can you explain?

Intuition is the bridge between the “seen” or “known” and the “unseen” or “unknown”. The human body is the tether of the spirit here on earth, and intuition is the language of the spirit. Our bodies are speaking to us about our destiny, our purpose, that which is ours and that which is not, leading us to our highest, most impactful and fulfilled path, moment to moment. Your intuition is your compass. It is a series of data receptors, as I like to call them, that pick up unseen data and communicate it subtly. I also like to call intuition the “subtle senses.”

How would you define common sense? Are intuition and common sense related?

Common sense is socialized logic. Socialized logic is reason based on the known world, influenced by the conceptualization of life and the meaning we give things in our society. Many people use their intuition and call it common sense. I like to distinguish socialized logic from what I call “spiritual logic,” which is another term for intuition. For example, someone will place a piece of furniture in a room in a particular place and call it common sense. What they do not realize is that they are picking up on the flow of energy in the room AND the flow of energy of the people who will occupy the room. They furnish the room based on their intuition, i.e., their energetic understanding of what is most efficient, useful, comfortable, pleasant, etc, for the people who use the space. The use of true common sense requires calculation and often leads to generalization and reductionistic perspectives and practices. What is right for one person, household, culture, etc, is incorrect for another. Utilizing intuition encourages personalization, innovation, and trust.

How are they different from each other?

As I mentioned above, I believe people often misspeak when they say that something is common sensical. What most people call common sense is intuition. Common sense is actually logic based off of common understandings of the world. Socialized logic is very different from intuition because most concepts and systems operating in society today are based on control and hierarchy. Intuition, which is the communication avenue for the spirit, will typically dissolve binary thinking. Next time you think you’re using your common sense, check in with your body. Is “common sense” an idea? If it is, you’re right! Your logic is based off of your learning. If when you check in, you FEEL a tug or pull in the direction of the answer, your intuition is speaking to you!

What are the positive aspects of being in touch with your intuition? Can you give a story or example to explain what you mean?

Having your intuition, or your subtle senses, online will completely uplevel your life in every single way. Your intuition is always guiding you to your highest, most powerful version of you. Making decisions using intuition will always steer you in the direction of more growth, more love, more prosperity, etc. Developing your intuition will also require you to develop an awareness of your compulsions and your unconscious preferences, both of which typically lead you to your lowest, most painful experiences of life. For example, when I first began developing my intuition, I also had to become aware of ALL of my feelings and the sensations that were running my life. This awareness gave me an opportunity to release those patterns and CHOOSE new ones. How did I choose new patterns, behaviors, ways of being and operating, relationships, and even homes? Using my intuition! I have built a nearly multi-six-figure business in two-and-a-half years as a single mother of two kids now ages three and five using my intuition as my guide. My intuition gave me the confidence to start my business as a single mom of a five-month-old and a nearly three-year-old in the midst of a pandemic. I would not be where I am today without my incredible intuitive abilities. Between the deconditioning from your worst habits and patterns and sensitizing yourself to what is actually best for YOU, there is truly no better way to live than an intuitive life.

Are there negative aspects to being guided by intuition? Can you give a story or example to explain what you mean?

I have seen people get lost in the spiritual and energetic expressions of their lives. You can be very intuitive and create very little in your life with it. Your intuition is an extension of your physical body. That is like having legs and expecting yourself to win a marathon just because you have legs that you can feel! You also must train AND COMPETE in a race. Life requires participation. Getting lost in the ethereal is not the point of being a human. The point of being here is to use what the Universe gave us–a chance at growth, a chance at engaging in this human experiment. This kind of presence and commitment requires decision and action. Your intuition will not make decisions for you or make you walk the walk. While I haven’t seen negative outcomes from FOLLOWING your intuition, I have seen people who lose themselves in the metaphysical and then feel useless and/or powerless when their intuition alone cannot change their circumstances.

Can you give some guidance about when one should make a decision based on their intuition and when one should use other methods to come to a decision?

There are no other methods, in my opinion, to make the best decisions. There is a misconception that intuition and logic stand apart. This is absolutely false. Just because you are deeply connected to your sensorial and emotional experience as an intuitive does not mean you never utilize the power of logic. One of my top recommendations for individuals who are developing their intuition is to practice the art of neutrality. A good intuitive is detached from the outcome, they are an open channel, free of egoic interference. Your intuition never has to be right. Only your ego wants you to be “correct” and “righteous.” True logic, logic free of ego, or strategic thinking, is not antithetical to intuition. Logic is the use of the mind, and your intuition could very well lead you down a logical path. For example, I was ALWAYS an empathic person. When I was 7 I declared that I was going to be a therapist and move to New York (which I did!). I could not explain why I wanted to be a therapist, because I barely understood what a therapist was. When I was older, a series of events led me to apply to study music therapy. The university I thought was the best fit LOGICALLY was in New York. I applied and was accepted and moved to New York to study music therapy. The steps to apply and move were all logical, even though they were ALSO guided by my intuitive knowing and my connection to my purpose.

From your experience or perspective, what are some of the common barriers that hold someone back from trusting their intuition?

As someone who specializes in intuitive development and has worked with many people from all over the world, the most common barriers to trusting intuition are socialized notions of intuition as being “woo” and religious dogma. Many people would rather dismiss their intuition because they do not have the language for it and do not want to be seen as illogical. People who come from religious backgrounds and upbringings experience a disconnect with their intuition because many have been taught that intuitive intelligence is evil or dark.

What are five methods that someone can use to become more in touch with their intuition?

1 . Develop your intuition through creative expression! Intuition is an extension of the physical senses. Developing your clair-abilities, or seeing with your mind’s eye (clairvoyance), audiation (clairaudience), somatic experiencing (clairsentience), and deep knowing (claircongizance) is an excellent start. Making art, engaging with art, is a fun and effective way of doing this! Read your favorite novel and notice if you can visualize the scenes or hear the dialogue. See if you feel the feelings the author describes, or feel the feeling the protagonist WILL feel in the upcoming scene! You can also do this with musicking, tapping into any visuals or sounds you may “hear” before you play, notice what feelings come up. Listen to music and close your eyes and see what you visualize, or if any feelings come up. Art is such a powerful vector for intuition. Make more art!

2 . A meditation practice is a must-have for anyone who wants to develop their intuition. Being able to observe your thoughts and feelings without engaging with them is critical if you plan on using your intuition with clients. You are human, your feelings do no disappear when you sit with a client. You DO have the responsibility of not projecting your issues on your clients, however. Having a meditation practice where you detach from your own mind and simply observe builds your familiarity with your own patterns and helps you recognize them when they pop up in your sessions. A meditative state is also critical for accessing intuition. Accessing alpha and theta brain states are what you are aiming for when you “tap in.” Practicing accessing these brain states through meditation is critical!

3 . A somatic practice is also imperative for intuitive development. Being connected to your body, being aware of it and being able to clear it of any not-self themes is important for keeping your vessel at its best (yes–self-care and energetic hygiene are CRITICAL for any powerful intuitive). Dancing, spontaneous movement, practices like 5rhythms or ecstatic dance are very effective somatic practices that are fluid and expressive and build your intuitive connection.

4 . Deconditioning the mind! Breaking the habit of being yourself will allow you to access who you authentically are. Building self-awareness through meditation and mindfulness, somatic experiencing and energy work for processing are essential for eliminating inauthentic behaviors and patterns. Doing the above will free your mind and body up to tap into the unseen. Additionally, simply practicing exploring the unknown and unseen will prime your mind to “look” for the unknown and unseen. I talk a lot about priming in my work–we cannot bypass the body and should not! Practice is a beautiful part of being human. The more your train your mind and body to appreciate and work with the unconscious and unseen aspect of humanity, the more easily tapping into the unconscious and unseen in your environment and in others will become.

5 . I highly recommend using natural elements to develop your clair-abilities. Using crystals and plants to “tap in” and see what you feel/hear/see with your mind’s eye when in contact with these elements will help you develop your intuition. Round out the feelings and data you are picking up. Is there a texture or color that comes to mind when you hold a plant? Does it feel different when you hold a plant that is familiar to you, like the plant on your desk, versus when you touch a leaf from a tree on a random block near your apartment? Getting to know what your intuitive language is requires deep “listening” — you have to practice tapping in to “hear” the way your intuition speaks to you. The next step is strengthening the language’s intensity and consistency, and THEN making meaning of it all. I go into all of this and more in my programs and mentorship.

You are a person of significant influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be?

The greatest tool available for awakening to the spirit and creating the best possible outcomes for everyone AND the planet, is intuition. As I mentioned above, deconditioning from the programming of our individual microcosms and our greater, global society, is an important phase of intuitive development. I cover this early on in my intuitive development training. Developing energetic neutrality and open-mindedness, as well as greater sensitivity to your environment, naturally broadens the mind and the heart. I believe that intuitive development is a powerful, world-changing field that can impact the most people in the best ways.

Is there a person in the world whom you would love to have lunch with, and why? Maybe we can tag them and see what happens!

Yes! If I could share a meal with anyone, it would be Shaman Durek. Durek Verrett is an incredible human and extraordinary intuitive who had a massive impact on me when I fully committed to building a business as a psychic and healer. He is an absolute light in this world and a very powerful teacher of intuitive development. It would be an honor and a gift to spend time with him face-to-face.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

You can follow me on Instagram or check me out on Facebook. You can check out my Tiktok. You can also visit my website to learn more about me and my work and offers. Feel free to direct message me on any platform.

Thank you so much for sharing these important insights. We wish you continued success and good health!

Keeping In Touch With Your Intuition: Maria Abramovich On How To Get In Touch With Your Intuition… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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