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Keeping In Touch With Your Intuition: Dr Frances Yahia Of Hidden Truths College of Metaphysics On H

Keeping In Touch With Your Intuition: Dr Frances Yahia Of Hidden Truths College of Metaphysics On How Get In Touch With Your Intuition And When To Trust Your Intuition When Making Decisions

An Interview With Maria Angelova

Using our body as a pendulum, connecting with guides called the runners, asking for a word of the day. This begins to create trust which allows you to open your heart which is where intuition resides.

Intuition is defined as the ability to understand something immediately without the need for conscious reasoning. Where does intuition come from? Can it be trusted? How can someone tune in to their intuition? To address these questions, we are talking to business leaders, coaches, mental health experts, authors, and anyone who is an authority on “How to Get In Touch With Your Intuition And When To Trust Your Intuition When Making Decisions.” As a part of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Frances Yahia.

Dr. Frances Yahia is an archetypal astrologer, shaman, akashic records’ reader, and spiritual counselor with a private practice based in South Florida. She earned her Ph.D. in Mental Health Counseling and Educational Leadership from Barry University and has studied and taught metaphysics for over two decades.

She is the author of The Seven Gates: Seven Steps beyond Self-Awareness & Witch Bitch: Ceremonies, Rituals and Magic for Gods and Goddesses. She is the President at Hidden Truths College of Metaphysics where she teaches consciousness coaching, her 12 truths to a spiritual path, akashic records, esoteric astrology, universal laws and metaphysics.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we start, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your childhood backstory?

I was born into a cult. It wasn’t a cult at first, it taught true spiritual teachings from an Afro-Cuban perspective; however, as the leader let her ego and greed take over it became evident the teachings became less important and the money became the focus. I learned at a young age that free will is all we have and anyone who tries to take that from you is in their own way a cult leader. I left at 33 when I had children and was not going to raise them in that corrupt system. I also learned that everything is linked to BOTH spirit and matter, so they’re always intertwined. Using this understanding I went off in search of my own path and created programs that empower people to use their free will and balance their spiritual and material consciousness.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

“There’s no coercion in spirituality.” During an existential crisis I asked for a sign and the Zohar fell of the shelf to this quote. Having been born in a cult, and having left, I felt abandoned by the Universe. This quote made me realize I hadn’t known true spirituality and went seeking Truth .

Is there a particular book, podcast, or film that made a significant impact on you? Can you share a story or explain why it resonated with you so much?

The Kybalion. I studied this years ago but during my depression (I had cancer and my spouse left) I had given up on life and was planning to die. If I did not find a meaning and a pattern to this existence, I would be dead. I had studied metaphysics but when I revisited The Kybalion during this time something in me remembered everything I was and knew and on June 20 2020 I woke up from the depression and everything had changed.

Let’s now shift to the main part of our discussion. Let’s begin with a definition of terms so that each of us and our readers are on the same page. What exactly does intuition mean? Can you explain?

Intuition is an inner knowing and using the external world to navigate the inner terrain of ones highest self.

The intuition is what I call the STD you want to catch! S is say, T is think and D is do. When you use the intuition correctly, your highest self will guide you to say, think and do in congruence rather than self-betrayal. We’ve all people heard people say “I knew that was going to happen”. They didn’t listen to the intuition and caused a self-betrayal. Intuition uses your “head and heart and heels” so you can walk your walk, talk your talk, honor your values and not self-betray.

How would you define common sense? Are intuition and common sense related? How are they different from each other?

They are related. Let me “teach” for a moment here. There are three things that are related instinct, intellect and intuition. If we respond from an instinct (fight or flight/emotion) we are blocking our intuition. Next is intellect. We have common sense because of past experiences, but if we try and use the intellect (our head) it will block the intuition because it’s not logical. However, we need to check in with our instincts./emotions/body and our head to connect to the heart where intuition resides. If the focus is too much on emotion or the logic then it can water down the intuition.

There’s a great myth of Hercules called the Capture of the Ceryneian Doe which demonstrates this beautifully. Artemis and Apollo are twin siblings. Artemis is instinct and emotion and the moon or the feminine, we need this. Apollo is the masculine and the sun and logic, the head, we need this as well; however, the doe belongs to neither Artemis or Apollo but they’re fighting for it. Hercules is tasked to bring the doe to the temple and put the doe on his heart as he takes it to the temple of the cyclops. The cyclops is the creature with one eye. The one eye represents unified consciousness and balance. This is when emotion and intellect are in balance. Male and female are in balance. Our head and our heart are in congruence. This is when intuition works and it’s the doe because it’s pure and flows through the heart. The instinct/emotion and head/thoughts are channels through which intuition is deciphered.

What are the positive aspects of being in touch with your intuition? Can you give a story or example to explain what you mean?

Think of life as dual citizenship. You have a passport to the earthly/material world and a passport to the spiritual/intuitive world. Each earthly story is informing what the intuitive world is trying to tell you.

The earthly world is created by our thoughts, both conscious and subconscious. Anything happening in your earthly world IS linked to intuition (a course of action to take) but with lack of education we miss a lot of what messages we are getting. The best thing about intuition is that you can understand why any situation happens in your life and how to direct your choice, manage your emotions or raise consciousness around it. For instance, if I have an argument with a friend and I ask myself what don’t I like about it and why did I create it I am using the earthly world to guide my inner knowing (intuition) of what I need to do. A well-developed intuition uses the head, the heart, the emotions and my values. A quick hit of intuition is poorly developed and can bring magic to your life which is fun, but isn’t as useful over the long term.

Are there negative aspects to being guided by intuition? Can you give a story or example to explain what you mean?

If you are not well versed in the symbolic language associated with intuition, you may misinterpret the signs. You can become overly reliant on the intuition and that can dissociate you from reality. I have a saying when clients come with an intuitive hit…”Does your earthly world support it?” Do you have the time, resources, energy, money etc.…to see it through? If the answer is no, then you need discernment to understand WHEN to take the intuition and implement it.

When I was first starting out, I received an intuitive message to start an app called Soul Tracker. I immediately created it and it wasn’t very successful. The spiritual world doesn’t have “time” so we need o use our earthly world and resources and discernment to determine when to implement the message.

Understanding how intuitive guidance speaks with “time” is also helpful in strengthening intuition.

Can you give some guidance about when one should make a decision based on their intuition and when one should use other methods to come to a decision?

Intuition is only one piece of the puzzle. As I said above, asking yourself if your earthly world supports the guidance is crucial and using discernment is necessary. The key thing in making intuition useful is knowing your values. Before responding to the guidance, you must know if it correlates with your values. Intuition will never take away your free will or ask for self-betrayal, knowing your values (I say your top 2 values and they cannot be family) will giving you the mind-body-spirit connection you’re seeking to decide to make the decision on the guidance or not. Another key thing in making a decision is first to process your thoughts. Again, your intuition is only as good as the quality of your thoughts so if you want something to be true, you will only see that perspective. Processing what I call impure thoughts (limiting beliefs) is crucial to make sure you’re applying guidance in the highest vibration.

From your experience or perspective, what are some of the common barriers that hold someone back from trusting their intuition?

1 . Self-doubt is the biggest barrier to intuition. Most people don’t trust the guidance coming through because they’re unsure if it is their thoughts or true intuition. “Intuition is only as good as your quality of your thoughts.” So doing work on impure and limiting thoughts strengthens the intuition.

2 . It’s common to think intuition comes as a scream; however, it doesn’t. Intuition is a whisper. The more you listen and trust then it becomes a roar.

3 . Not knowing how intuition comes through to YOU. There are 5 ways to connect to your intuition, they’re called Claires. When you understand your top 2 Claires, you’ll know how your intuition speaks to you.

Clair cognizance: An inner knowing

Clairvoyance: Beyond sight

Clairaudience: Hearing voices and songs

Clairsentience: Use of your body and senses to decipher intuition

Clairgustance: Taste (usually strong with mediums and connecting to those who crossed over)

Clairalience: Smell (smells of those crossed over or smells to get intuitive messages)

4. Using logic to understand messages when intuition is symbolic is a common block. Everyone has a personal symbolic library stored in their consciousness and the intuition uses your knowledge to communicate with you. For example, if you’re a lawyer, legal jargon may be used to give messages. There’s also a universal consciousness where symbols and archetypes are stored and intuition speaks to us through symbols, myth, metaphor and archetypes. The more we study symbols and such, the stronger the intuition can get.

5. A closed heart. With a closed heart your intuition is not as strong. This requires vulnerability, compassion, forgiveness (to self). As these coverings are released from the heart center, intuition can flow more freely.

Here is the central question of our discussion. What are five methods that someone can use to become more in touch with their intuition?

1 . Using our body as a pendulum, connecting with guides called the runners, asking for a word of the day. This begins to create trust which allows you to open your heart which is where intuition resides.

When I began daily asking for a word of the day, I could start to make connections with the world around me. I was in Iceland one day and got the word “wand”. I had no clue how it would show up, but when I went to the Blue Lagoon, they gave me a wrist wand so I could enter the springs and pay for drinks.

2 . Studying myth, symbol, archetype to strengthen intuitive language.

Developing a personal symbolic library is key because I have a saying “a symbol is worth a 1000 lifetimes”. You can connect to the personal and collective unconscious, where symbols are stored and we can know in an instant what is being told to me. I read the akashic records professionally and each session starts off with one symbol. Once I see the symbol, I know the message that will unfold for the next hour with the client. In one second of the image, I can understand what is being explain over an hour.

3 . Learn which are your strongest Claires to know how the universe speaks to you. We all have all the Claires; however, you have 2 main Claires. Start with the main 2 and then slowly develop the others through practice. My main Claires are Claire cognizance and clairvoyance. When I started on my shamanic path, I saw an Indian name Lone wolf show up in my meditation and he said “I’m your next teacher”. Later that day I heard my guidance say look him up in your phone and his number was in my phone. I called him up (I don’t know how the number got there) and said hi you showed up in my meditation. He said, I’ve been expecting you. I went over the next day and he initiated me into shamanism.

4 . Work on your limiting thoughts so intuition can come through stronger. Limiting thoughts are linked to low-vibration emotions. (i.e., anger, fear, hopelessness) the Universe only responds to one thing, the vibration of your emotions. As you process your thoughts, emotions are managed well and vibration is raised. Clearer intuition begins here! Intuition shouldn’t be a trickle or a “hit” it should be a stream and when you work on thoughts and by default emotions, your intuition streams becomes stronger and consistent. We all have limiting thoughts that never go away. Most of us feel worthless, not enough or rejected. Those thoughts are attached to low level vibrations that show up as emotions, mine was hopelessness. This emotional state is created in the womb. When you identify which thoughts trigger the emotional response and start to process them (I have a technique called the T.E,D, talk (thought, emotion desire talk) then the beliefs start to have less noise, the emotions are managed and intuition can flow easier. I teach my clients the TE.D. talk in their first session and I do it daily to keep the negative thoughts in check.

5 . Understand the steps on a spiritual path. All traditions and spiritual paths have the same truths. Intuition is only 1 of them (I identify 12 Truths in my work and intuition is #4). Piecemealing intuition or equating it to spirituality is a pitfall, intuition development is one part of a whole system of self-worth, personal development and growth, understanding self and living a life that is congruent in mind, body and spirit.

You are a person of significant influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be?

My purpose in life is to spread true spiritual education, not dogma, but true spiritual truths common in every sacred text and spiritual path. Currently spirituality is going through what I call “Sticky Note Spirituality” where people are superficial in their understanding of these hermetic teachings and are hungry for more. As a wisdom keeper, the movement I would want to inspire is the Hidden Truths Movement where I teach universal laws for modern-day application. I’d want to inspire critical thinking using spiritual truths for decision making and problem solving. I would teach the 12 truths to everyone so they could understand their story from conception to death. If I had sufficient funds, I would fund PLUTO HOUSE a place where people had free room and board and education for 2 years to go through the death-rebirth process during their Pluto cycle (astrologically).

Is there a person in the world whom you would love to have lunch with, and why? Maybe we can tag them and see what happens!

I’d love to meet Carolyn Myss! She is someone I’ve always connected with through her teachings and my intuitive path has been similar to hers. She is real and down to earth and no nonsense like myself.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

My website is where they book a session or download free workbooks. The college is where there are free workshops, downloadable short courses and longer training programs. My YouTube channel @Dr.FrancesYahia is replete with great content on all things metaphysics. My IG is dryahia and has nuggets of wisdom. My podcast is Mistress of the Subconscious.

Thank you for these fantastic insights. We wish you only continued success in your great work!

About The Interviewer: Maria Angelova, MBA is a disruptor, author, motivational speaker, body-mind expert, Pilates teacher and founder and CEO of Rebellious Intl. As a disruptor, Maria is on a mission to change the face of the wellness industry by shifting the self-care mindset for consumers and providers alike. As a mind-body coach, Maria’s superpower is alignment which helps clients create a strong body and a calm mind so they can live a life of freedom, happiness and fulfillment. Prior to founding Rebellious Intl, Maria was a Finance Director and a professional with 17+ years of progressive corporate experience in the Telecommunications, Finance, and Insurance industries. Born in Bulgaria, Maria moved to the United States in 1992. She graduated summa cum laude from both Georgia State University (MBA, Finance) and the University of Georgia (BBA, Finance). Maria’s favorite job is being a mom. Maria enjoys learning, coaching, creating authentic connections, working out, Latin dancing, traveling, and spending time with her tribe. To contact Maria, email her at To schedule a free consultation, click here.

Keeping In Touch With Your Intuition: Dr Frances Yahia Of Hidden Truths College of Metaphysics On H was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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