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Jyothika Persadh of DARJYO On How 5G Technology May Improve and Impact Our Lives

An Interview With David Liu

These edge cloud nodes will allow self-driving cars to interact with each other and automatically synchronize their motions. The efficient transmission of vehicle motion and positioning over the ultra-low latency 5G network allows spacing between automobiles, travel speed, and other statuses to be coordinated. One of the primary facilitators of the future driverless world will be 5G connectivity technology.

5G infrastructure is being installed around the world. At the same time, most people have not yet seen what 5G can offer. What exactly is 5G? How will it improve our lives? What are the concerns that need to be addressed before it is widely adopted?

In our series, called, How 5G Technology May Improve and Impact Our Lives, we are talking to tech and telecom leaders who can share how 5G can impact and enhance our lives.

As a part of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Jyothika Persadh Co-Founder of DARJYO.

Jyothika Persadh spent her earlier years in the Arts; as a Classical Dancer, Photographer, Screenwriter, Editor, Author. Qualified in Media Techniques with City and Guilds, her career focus has always been towards Education and Team Management. A Creative turned Tech-Entrepreneur she helps her clients drive transformational change. Her start-up DARJYO is only 2 and trailblazing towards success. As a member of both MIT Technology Review’s Global Advisory Panel and Harvard Business Review’s Advisory Council she engages on Strategic Business Development with likeminded entrepreneurs.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Before we dive in, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your ‘backstory’ and how you got started?

DARJYO is a team effort that was born from the love of technology and being able to do things with the key focus of having to sustain the ideas we have, to build communities and commercially drive change through the work that we do.

It came at a time we least expected, as sisters in life and partners in business, of course, we both took a decision to stop working on someone else’s dreams, it was time to work on 1 that was our own. It happened overnight, but the hard work came directly thereafter. It was sleepless nights, culminating in many business models but really just 1 passion — to make our business one that would speak to small to medium and larger business. We needed to be versatile in what we wanted to offer. Being a fresh start-up, there were constant uphill battles, they haven’t stopped, but we sure have better ways in which we deal with them when faced. The important thing for us was to counter every obstacle we faced head-on and continue pushing our own limits. We found more structure, became more organized, began networking and opened ourselves up to a bigger stream of like-minded professionals who experienced our challenges and never gave up. We took our lead from that. We had many leaps of faith within our 2 years but it only made more sense each time we gave it our best shot. Our offerings have remained the same, yet the methods in which we market our brand has changed to meet our new expectations.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?

As a team, we work well feeding off each other’s strengths and weaknesses, we fill in where the other may lack and vice-versa. I have always been the individual who took on the mantle to showcase my skills and let them shine, put my pearls on display.

My partner was the opposite of this, always choosing to work in the background. When my Technical Co-Founder realized she had to begin showcasing her efforts in all the projects she would strive for, she didn’t know what was coming to her — she basically had to put her fears to rest and get with the digital program. Zoom meetings, photoshoots, direct interviews which revolved around her having to shine. This made her cringe but did so much for her in ways she could not recognize.

For me, I was thriving in this spotlight beside her. I felt like this is now her time. Each time, it made me feel like this is finally what she deserves, accomplished and acknowledged for her efforts. This for me was an interesting feature since having to showcase one’s abilities, cannot really be done by someone else, here we could not feed off each other but it covered so much of her capabilities that in all our start-up time, she was eventually determined that it was sure enough the correct decision to do what we did for the sake of our careers.

Without the doubts, perhaps we wouldn’t have worked as hard to finally see the fruits of our labour, being awarded on so many different platforms and regions, the whole world recognizes our value, that’s what this truly comes down to.

We learnt, together, we have to trust ourselves, respectively! She knows though, I’m one who claps the loudest for her, like she would always for me…

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

It’s a really simple rule actually — If you wouldn’t like it done to you, don’t do it to others!

I always tread through life, thus far, understanding that karma has a way of closing the circle on us. There are those who trample over everything to get to the goal not realizing the commotion they have caused, and there are those who tip toe and stumble upon our own rolling stones, moss and muddy water to get only a few steps closer as we watch through the journey and try our best to help others along the way.

The road in business is full of obstacles but it’s the company we take the journey with, that matters. Because we hold a torch for each other when we can’t see, without creating a mess of the path. As Co-Founders, we are holding each other’s hand and taking each other forward. If I let go today, would I want her to let go tomorrow — no!

My Technical Co-Founder has taken me from point A to every other letter in the Alphabet, I try my best to do the same in the areas of focus in which I am able to assure her. We have experienced other business leaders wanting to exploit the skills of a new start-up, we are grateful for being aware of our worth and value our work ethic.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

The are many of those whose business acumen has contributed to our way of thinking for ourselves. Its respectively attributed towards women in the Technology sector. We can see we have each other to thank as co-founders who believe in each other, but it doesn’t just remain there. We are surrounded by so many young and inspirational women as well as mature and motivating leaders who put “career” at the forefront of what can heal within and how we as women are just the right x/y combination for business.

Having been exposed to various women-tech-leaders and enthusiasts, showed us how much of a chance we have at making a difference in the lives of those who want to experience a revolution. Our ideas are gender sensitive however its vital to be aware that we deserve a shot at everything as much as the next person or business, this is purely based on professional merit. As women we shouldn’t have to feel like we owe more to the cause. And this is what we have learnt from the influential women we’ve had the pleasure of interacting with. They did not share with us how to use being a woman in this field to an advantage not feel sorry for being one, or two.

A business coach once said, we shouldn’t differentiate ourselves by our gender, we are merely cutting down the portion of profits directly from our reach by emotionally driving sexism into a place that is only concerned about the solution.

You are a successful business leader. Which three-character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

  • Old ways don’t solve new problems: we came from multiple backgrounds, personally I had this idea that what worked in my favor before is a strength I could rely on, it will work for me in this environment too. Oh, how mistaken I was, and it created so much of tension within the business continuity. I thought I could basically pick up the phone or send an email to anybody and they would listen or pay attention. It took blank phone calls on the receiving end and unanswered emails or quiet social media posts, to realize its not working. I couldn’t even grow the business social media account to say the least. I had to call it and admit that I needed to change my strategy and leave behind whatever I thought was going to help me, was only holding me back. I needed to let go and trust the freefall. This was new for the both of us and we showed each other that we could be there for each other even when it didn’t make sense because this is ours.
  • Patience: as much as we wanted our business idea to take off the moment we legally began, we hardly began, we waited and waited … and wondered, what did we do wrong… we didn’t consider the possibility of being undiscovered and how long it would take to gain the trust of our clients and business partners. We looked back and realized that the path ahead is clear for new ways of doing things and we needed to be the company that introduces this. We could take being undiscovered and use it to our advantage. Gradually we began to see results. Before we knew it, things began to turn around for the better, more often than we could be prepared for the next award or the next surprise from our business partners. We still can’t believe some of the things that we have been exposed to within our start-up time, most others don’t believe the rapid growth.
  • Communication skills: I always thought being a good and fair listener was important because I’m personally a very “observant” individual. More than interaction, I prefer watching, listening, finding a feel of certain situations and environments and how things change when certain things are said. So, this is my forte. But when we started this business, it was easy to decide I will do meetings and you will do prototypes. It’s so much more different when you aren’t given the direction from the one in-charge, because hey, you are in-charge. No one else is there to tap you on the shoulder to remind you that you forgot a major part of a pitch or that you didn’t answer a question completely. The meetings and productivity are all the responsibility of us equally. This was not 1+1 = 2, we had a complex equation and we always needed new methods of solving for x. Communication is key, we don’t realize how much of it we take for granted by the little things as well as the major parts we think we know by experience.

Are you working on any new or exciting projects? How do you think that will help people?

High capacity & minimal lag with 5G and Quantum harnessing computing power beyond the limit of classical supercomputers, Green Tech can unlock new approaches for tackling climate change by contributing to the development of new zero-emission technologies like for example energy production and how we store power.

We have not only established initiatives driving business success but also early-stage projects pursued for their watershed potential. These 2021/22 initiatives may be in R&D, proof of concept or pilot phases.

Ok wonderful. Let’s now shift to the main focus of our interview. Like 4G, 5G has many different facets, and I’m sure many will approach this question differently. But for the benefit of our readers can you explain to us what 5G is? How is 5G different from its predecessor 4G?

5G achieves better frequency utilization, the efficiency of radio resources has been improved.

5G stands for fifth generation, and it refers to the next step in the evolution of technology, which will eventually replace the existing 4G system. 4G was the successor of 3G, which was followed by 2G, and so on. Wireless computer networks are what these systems are.

Earlier “G” systems were created to help with mobile communication. Each previous technology offered significant gains in speed and network capacity, and the new 5G system promises to deliver even more of the same.

It is anticipated that more users will be able to do more activities at a faster rate. For device users connecting to 5G, faster internet speeds and more network capacity should result in greater performance.

5G device speeds will be around 10 times faster than 4G, meaning high-quality, ultra-high resolution 4K video calls — the standard used for commercial digital cinema — downloads will be delivered even quicker to smartphones and tablets. Data transfer of less than 20 milliseconds will be standard.

However, there is one significant difference between 5G and previous systems: it will influence far more devices and industries than previous “G” versions, and it will go well beyond mobile network technology.

Can you share three or four ways that 5G might improve our lives? If you can please share an example, for each.

5G-enabled driverless cars will allow for ultra-low latency communication between the automobile, humans, and infrastructure, allowing them to travel long distances with ease. A roadside unit or base station might create a mobile edge network based on 5G communication technology with 1ms latency.

These edge cloud nodes will allow self-driving cars to interact with each other and automatically synchronize their motions. The efficient transmission of vehicle motion and positioning over the ultra-low latency 5G network allows spacing between automobiles, travel speed, and other statuses to be coordinated. One of the primary facilitators of the future driverless world will be 5G connectivity technology.

Growing more crops on a limited amount of land is a constant problem. Massive connections are possible with 5G. People will be able to correctly monitor the land’s topography, crop state, and response time, resulting in increased agricultural productivity and quality.

The portable robot arm in a future smart factory will perform flexible product line manufacturing based on a variable process with security, precision, and efficiency requirements. Future industrialization will necessitate a 10-millisecond detection cycle, a 1 millisecond control latency, and huge collaboration, all of which will be facilitated by 5G.

The logistics and storage industries are becoming increasingly important as a result of ongoing globalization. Millions of containers may pass through a large port, transporting billions of products and tremendous amounts of data. With the ability for huge connections, 5G technology will enable E2E tracking, greatly enhancing efficiency and lowering costs.

The doors to the digital world of the future have opened, and we are only at the beginning of the journey.

Keeping “Black Mirror” in mind, can you see any potential drawbacks about this 5G technology that people should think more deeply about?

“Imagine living your life inside a small room” We no longer need to imagine it; we ALL have lived it during this pandemic. Technology’s strength and necessity have proven unavoidable in today’s world. We’ve looked at how technology has enormously helped individuals stay connected, engaged, and involved in overcoming obstacles that social distancing has brought, especially in the midst of the pandemic, where the internet has become a basic necessity.

5G or 6G, security will always be a grave concern no matter how existing technology could evolve and scale in the near future.

With a wider variety of data — transmitted across 5G networks. Much of the information could reveal personal information about persons, businesses, or government agencies.

The increased data flow would provide internet criminals with many more opportunities to steal and misuse information.

Furthermore, the widespread use of a 5G wireless network means that any system failure will have far-reaching and catastrophic consequences.

Such challenges could have an impact on both public safety and global economic activity.

Failures in government systems could jeopardize national security.

A failure during a remotely guided procedure by a doctor could result in a patient’s death. A network failure, on the other hand, might result in self-driving vehicles colliding. Keeping these concerns in mind, practical and logical problems always reach a solution.

Going back to Black Mirror, even though Charlie Brooker’s refreshing vision on technology as it impacts our lives is worth watching, the main tone of Black Mirror is the dark side of technology with the message being clear “The villains of society have never been technology, they have always been the failure and change of human nature’.

When in the hands of users with malicious intent, only then can Technology be hazardous in and of itself. Man vs. machine: who has the upper hand in humiliating, extorting, enslaving, or killing people?

If you haven’t watched Black Mirror, you should, the dystopian science fiction’s thought-provoking narrative allows you to reflect on yourself and look back on your life! You decide if it’s worth asking Alexa to turn the lights off for you.

Some have raised the question that 5G might widen the digital divide and leave poor people or marginalized people behind. From your perspective, what can be done to address and correct this concern?

In South Africa, right now that is not the case, before being rolled out into urban infrastructure, network expansion is extending to rural and underserved areas first, which will benefit communities and create jobs, the clear goal is to support digital access for low-income households and stimulate job creation and economic growth through household broadband connectivity and public Wi-Fi access.

With the never-ending requirement to meet the ever-increasing demand for faster, stronger, and more reliable internet connections to support both established and future technologies, through 5G, cutting latency to one or two milliseconds will be game-changing.

Real-time, fast and reliable 5G is a revolution that will have more impact than electricity can bring to humanity

Excellent. We are nearly done. Let’s zoom out a bit and ask a more general question. Based on your experience and success, what are the 5 things you need to create a highly successful career in the telecommunication industry? (Please share a story or example for each.)

Telecommunications deals with a lot of data, so it’s important for telecommunications employees to learn these skills in order to communicate effectively. 5 things we at DARJYO believe you need, to create a highly successful career in the telecommunication industry:

  1. Computing Skills are a crucial skill because the majority of data is processed on a computer. Cloud computing skills are also vital because the majority of these data are kept in the cloud, and businesses are continuously looking for people with this software knowledge.
  2. Programming is another central ability for every telecom professional. Data and networking are becoming increasingly reliant on specialist software. Telecom experts with a superior understanding of programming will always have a competitive advantage in the field.
  3. Communication is one of the most vital soft skills. As a telecom specialist, you’ll need to communicate well with your co-workers and clients in order to convey what you know in a clear and understandable manner. This ability to communicate will also allow you to evolve and develop new methods of learning on the job.
  4. IT Support Skills: often known as network engineers, this job entails a variety of tasks such as maintaining, supporting, troubleshooting, and implementing communication networks using various types of networks such as WAN, LAN, MAN, and WLAN. Skilled network support engineers should be able to build a network infrastructure that is accessible to a range of stakeholders, including consumers, employees, supply-side personnel, and clients.
  5. Lastly, as an Educator I would definitely say that Certification is extremely important. You must keep up with new methods and ways of doing things in the sector on a regular basis. This is a digital world where new things happen every day, and if this your chosen career path, you don’t want to be left behind by sticking to old methods. Keep up by upgrading yourself.

You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂

Armed with a vision to facilitate continuous enhancement of skills as well as knowledge in emerging and futuristic technologies to create a hub of talent in the emerging technologies.

From partnerships to collaborations, DARJYO has been successful in its endeavor of providing resources towards the skilling narrative!

Technology and innovation are driven by people and society, across the globe, more than ever. It is of utmost importance to reimagine and reinvent the use of technology, to create a better, more sustainable society. Our future goal is to make STEM education more accessible and equitable by using innovative technology to improve quality of life.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

You can visit the DARJYO website, for more information on who we are and what we do. For in the moment updates, please check out our pages.








Thank you for these fantastic insights. We greatly appreciate the time you spent on this.

Jyothika Persadh of DARJYO On How 5G Technology May Improve and Impact Our Lives was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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