Jan and Jillian Yuhas: “Let’s start a movement to return the value of commitment to the dating scene”

…To return the value of commitment to the dating scene. With the expansion of dating apps and online platforms, the concept that there are a million options available and a partner can be easily discarded is a shockingly false belief. This has led to the devaluing of long-lasting relationships and the eternal fulfillment it brings to a person’s life. The grass is greener where you water it.
I had the pleasure to interview The Love Twin, Jan and Jillian Yuhas. Jan Yuhas and Jillian Yuhas, MA, MFT, CPC work with entrepreneurial women to attract a healthy relationship while balancing their career and lifestyle goals. As Love and Lifestyle Coaches, they help women who want to create an undeniable and intimate relationship with a partner without giving up their first love, their company. Their passion to help others began when they became volunteers at the National Runaway Safeline. During their volunteer experience, they helped mediate conversations between teens who ran away from home and their parent(s). They provided guidance and solutions to the families in order to work through their challenges and any unresolved differences prior to the child returning home. This type of volunteer work inspired and fueled their interest to want to help others work through their relationship struggles, which lead to grad school. Jan and Jillian Yuhas both attended Adler University and received a Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy. As Love and Lifestyle Coaches of Entwined Lifestyle, Inc. who want to see women living and loving their best life, this motivated them to become Certified Professional Life Coaches at Life Coach Institute of Orange County.
Thank you so much for doing this with us Jan and Jillian! Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?
Upon completing undergrad, we were undecided on which avenue to pursue careerwise based on our personal interests. With time on our hands, we became volunteers at the National Runaway Safeline. During our volunteer experience, we helped mediate conversations between teens who had run away from home and their parent(s). We would provide guidance to the family in order to work through their challenges and any unresolved differences prior to the child returning home.
This type of volunteer work inspired and fueled our interest in helping others work through their relationship struggles. After selecting our career path, we began our Masters in Marriage and Family Psychology. Upon completion of our Masters, we found coaching to be a better fit for us than practicing therapy.
We believe that operating from a solution-focused approach in life, people can reach their goals at a faster rate. This led us to coaching with a more honest, yet empathetic approach, by helping our clients achieve desired relationship results. Today, we help entrepreneurial women elevate their love lives by attracting a healthy partner all while balancing their lifestyle and career goals.
Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began leading your company?
Every day is interesting when you work in the line of relationships. This is the reason we love our profession. It keeps us on our toes, mentally challenges us and inspires us to continue to grow. From resolving conflict to helping our clients reach their greatest joy in life, we are truly grateful to experience these moments with them.
Also, we have learned a lot about each other being business partners and twin sisters running a company together. We know our strengths and weaknesses as individuals and have learned to delegate who implements each task based on our given strengths. Having each other to lean on and share responsibilities is a treasure.
Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?
We make mistakes all the time. It’s part of being human and the entrepreneurial life, yet we always grow from it. The funniest mistakes we make are when we are recording videos for our Fiercely Femme Tribe membership. We literally make fun of each other in a playful way behind the scenes and have our sisterly moments. Sometimes we share our bloopers on our Instagram story because they are too funny not to share. The biggest thing we have learned is the more we make videos, the more we get comfortable recording them. We have discovered owning our mistakes is the best way to overcome them. Sometimes you’re in the middle of a great story and make a mistake, but it’s not worth cutting out so you just go with it.
What do you think makes your company stand out? Can you share a story?
Our approach to helping our clients is straight from the heart. We put our client’s needs above everything and make sure we are there by their side every step of the way. From decreasing emotional distress to sharing their joys, there is no better reward than helping our clients reach their fullest potential in love and life. It’s truly not a job when you love what you do. Being a part of our client’s lives is very rewarding.
Are you working on any exciting new projects now? How do you think that will help people?
We just launched our Fiercely Femme Tribe. While we love our luxury one-on-one coaching service, we want to be able to help more women in achieving a healthy relationship and building their self-love. The FFT is an exclusive video membership with mindset tools that can be applied in life right from the comfort of one’s home.
What advice would you give to other female leaders to help their team to thrive?
Communication is the core of success. A company can only reach its optimal performance and achieve growth when everyone is working collaboratively as a team. It’s wise to build with each other, not against each other, to reap the benefits of success and a healthy working environment. Everyone brings a unique skillset to the table, so utilize it to your advantage.
What advice would you give to other female leaders about the best way to manage a large team?
Delegate and establish clear boundaries based on individual roles. Also, provide timelines for ongoing projects to ensure productivity and accountability is met collectively as a team. If guidelines are left open-ended, things can get off track easily, leading to conflict. Clear and open communication channels eliminate conflict and confusion.
Also, it’s great to establish weekly meetings as a group and do mini check-ins with each partner or employee. This keeps a team running effectively and working for the greater whole of the company to achieve its mission.
None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?
Our family has been unconditionally supportive over the years. There have been many times we have had to miss gatherings or work late and they have never given us grief about it. They continue to support us in all that we do which is a relief knowing we are supported in a healthy way.
How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world?
We are helping others reach a happier and healthier lifestyle while achieving a fulfilling relationship with a partner. Love is something that comes in many forms. And knowing we can spread more love to help our clients receive the love they deserve is a powerful experience. There is nothing we would rather be doing than watching women live out their dreams and evolve to become the best version of themselves.
What are your “5 Leadership Lessons I Learned From My Experience” and why. (Please share a story or example for each.)
- There will always be failures, but never give up. When running a company, rarely does anyone have it all figured out. One of the best ways to learn is by going through the experience and identifying what works and doesn’t work. The ebb and flow in the beginning stages of building a company can be frustrating, but that’s when we relied on our core values, wisdom and resilience to continue pushing forward to get where we are today. If you don’t experience the setbacks you really never learn the lesson. This is when you truly feel you have reaped the benefits of all the risks you take to reach your goals.
- Your words leave a greater impact than you can imagine. When you are in a leadership or expert role, your words tend to hold more weight than you imagine. Everything you say is taken at face value as people trust you to guide them in the best direction to reach their goals.
- Not everyone will support your vision and that’s okay. You find out who your supporters are and aren’t when your vision comes to life. There will be people who love everything you do and support you wholeheartedly. Then, there will others who don’t align with your mission. It’s a great way to weed out the misfits to create an even clearer path towards success.
- Be your authentic self no matter what. No matter what people say to you, stay true to yourself. Most of the time, the way people respond to you is a reflection of their internal state, not you. And the more you stand by your beliefs and operate from your core values you will stay strong when facing life’s challenges. People are drawn to you when they connect and relate to you. So, if you are trying to pretend to be someone you’re not, then you will struggle to have a healthy relationship with yourself and those close to you.
- An optimistic mindset will reach your goal. An optimistic mindset is the one thing that takes you from A to B. Without it, you can become stagnant and get stuck in your head focusing on self-doubt instead of believing in yourself. And every time you hear the word N.O., it means a New Opportunity is coming your way that will be a better fit for you.
You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger.
To return the value of commitment to the dating scene. With the expansion of dating apps and online platforms, the concept that there are a million options available and a partner can be easily discarded is a shockingly false belief. This has led to the devaluing of long-lasting relationships and the eternal fulfillment it brings to a person’s life. The grass is greener where you water it.
Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?
“Your Life Is As Good As Your Mindset”
The older we get the more realize how important it is to have a healthy and positive mindset. While the mind is naturally geared towards the negative, it’s a positive outlook that helps us reach our goals. We weren’t always so optimistic, but the more we grow the more realize we have no choice but to focus on moving forward and see what the day brings. The stronger our mindset is the more we can handle with confidence. When a person’s mindset is strong, they can accomplish anything they set their heart to.
Some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US with whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this if we tag them
Sarah Blakely — she is a woman of all trades. She is vulnerable, relatable, funny and charismatic. She is able to run a multi-million-dollar company successfully while still fulfilling duties in her personal relationships as a mother and wife. She represents a woman who can do it all regardless of the number of hurdles she has to jump through to achieve the end goal. She always appears to have her head in the game and makes everything happen seamlessly. Not only does she do it all, but she empowers women to love their body and have self-acceptance. She’s truly an inspiring leader.