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Incredible Wellness Destinations: John Kiesendahl Of The Lodge at Woodloch On Why & How Traveling…

Incredible Wellness Destinations: John Kiesendahl Of The Lodge at Woodloch On Why & How Traveling Can Help Us Heal

An Interview With Wanda Malhotra

Practice Mindfulness: To piggyback on habit number one, it’s so important to take time to appreciate your environment and be present in the experience. We try to make it easy for our guests here at The Lodge; we offer multiple meditation and mindfulness classes every day to help guests develop this habit, which they can carry with them long after they’ve left.

The pandemic has shaped the way we travel and live, with a growing trend leaning towards health, wellness, and a holistic lifestyle. More than ever, individuals are seeking not just getaways, but immersive wellness retreats that help rejuvenate the body, mind, and soul. Destinations that provide a serene environment, unique wellness offerings, and an unparalleled experience are in great demand. In this interview series, we are talking to property owners and hospitality companies who are at the helm of these wellness havens. As a part of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing John Kiesendahl.

John Kiesendahl is co-owner and managing director of The Lodge at Woodloch, a renowned destination spa nestled in the Pocono Mountains. With a deep-rooted passion for hospitality, he has successfully expanded his family’s legacy, transforming it into a world-class wellness retreat. John’s commitment to providing top-notch, personalized service and innovative wellness experiences has made The Lodge at Woodloch an award-winning destination for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Before we dive into the main focus of our interview, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your childhood backstory?

The story of Woodloch really feels like a fairytale. It all started back in 1939 when my parents, Harry and Mary Kiesendahl, who were high school sweethearts, made a lifelong pact on a little-known lake called Lake Teedyuskung in the Northern Pocono Mountains. Fast forward to the 1950s, and the hustle and bustle of New York life started to weigh on our family. My mom, Mary, thought a lot about the beautiful lake from her childhood, but her focus was on raising us kids.

One day, fate stepped in. My dad, Harry, saw a for-sale listing in The New York Times for a resort on a private lake in Northeastern Pennsylvania. As luck would have it, the lake was none other than Teedyuskung! With 12 acres along the lake, two cottages, a main lodge, and no running water, we opened the doors to Woodloch Pines in 1958; a full house was 40 guests. This place was my parents’ home, and everyone who visited was treated like family, which included the staff and guests, many of whom were old friends from Long Island.

Growing up in this environment was amazing. At first, I wasn’t too sure about leaving Long Island, but I quickly adapted and fell in love with the hospitality business. By 1983, I had taken over the reins from my parents and had a vision to grow our offerings. This led to the expansion of Woodloch Pines and the creation of Woodloch Springs, a residential golf course community, just down the road from the Pines. In 2006, we took another big step with the opening of The Lodge at Woodloch: A Destination Spa, which has since gained world-renowned status.

These experiences and the legacy of my parents have deeply influenced me and shaped my approach to hospitality. It’s all about treating everyone like family and creating a warm, welcoming environment where guests can truly feel at home.

What or who inspired you to pursue your career? We’d love to hear the story.

My biggest inspiration was definitely my father. He had this incredible vision and saw an opportunity in the hospitality business that I didn’t initially see. After high school, I was considering becoming a teacher and coach, but my dad sat me down and suggested that I apply to the Cornell Hotel School. His encouragement and belief in the potential of the hospitality industry led me to pursue this path, and I’m so grateful he did. It’s been a journey filled with learning and growth.

None of us can achieve success without some help along the way. Was there a particular person who you feel gave you the most help or encouragement to be who you are today? Can you share a story about that?

Absolutely, my parents were my greatest supporters and guides. As I mentioned above, I remember my father sitting me down and explaining why he believed in the hospitality industry and why I should consider it as a career. That conversation changed my life. His belief in hard work and treating people well has always stayed with me.

My mom was the heart of the business. She had a genuine sense of hospitality, making everyone feel comfortable no matter who they were. She embodied our mission statement and set the tone for the company, blending hard work with a caring, personal touch. Her ability to balance these two elements showed me the vision of where our business could go.

Their work ethic, coupled with the principle of treating everyone as you would like to be treated, has been fundamental in shaping who I am today and in guiding how ownership and management lead here at Woodloch.

It has been said that sometimes our mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share the funniest or most interesting mistake that occurred to you in the course of your career? What lesson or takeaway did you learn from that?

One of the most interesting events in my career was after graduating from the Cornell Hotel School when I was all set to serve in Vietnam, but my orders were changed at the last minute. Instead of heading to the front lines, I was assigned to manage officers’ clubs in Norfolk, Virginia, because of my hospitality background. At first, I was pretty disappointed, but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. That experience taught me invaluable management skills that have served me well throughout my career. Sometimes, life takes unexpected turns, but those turns often lead to the most growth.

Can you share your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Why does that resonate with you so much?

I truly believe in the Golden Rule — treating others as you would want to be treated yourself. This principle is at the core of how we run our business and build lasting relationships with our staff and guests alike. At Woodloch, our mission is to make everyone feel like they’re at home, treating each guest as if they were part of our own family. It’s about creating and developing a culture of kindness and respect. We want our genuine hospitality to shine through in everything we do. This philosophy is not just a motto; it’s what guides us every day to ensure every person who walks through our doors feels valued and cared for, just like we would treat our closest friends and family.

What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now? How do you think that might help people?

We’ve got something really special in the works with For Pete’s Sake (FPS), a nonprofit that’s been close to our hearts for over 20 years now. For Pete’s Sake gives families dealing with cancer a chance to take a break from their daily challenges by providing a respite for them. The partnership between Woodloch and FPS has provided dozens of travelers each month a chance to take a week long respite.

The goal of respite is to create a haven where families can find peace, recharge, and feel a bit of normalcy during their tough times. It’s about more than physical health; it’s about emotional well-being, making memories, and keeping hope alive.

We are excited to announce that by the end of this year, we hope to unveil an incredible project between our two organizations. This initiative aims to provide respite and support on a much larger scale, ultimately benefiting not just dozens, but hundreds of travelers.

This project means a lot to me personally because my son Bob is a cancer survivor. With this new project, we’re not just offering a respite; we’re showing our commitment to supporting our community.

OK, thank you for all of that. Let’s now shift to the core focus of our interview about wellness destinations. Let’s dive deeper into these together. Based on your research or personal experience, why do you think travel can lead to better wellness? Can you share a story?

Travel has a profound impact on wellness, and it’s something we witness daily at The Lodge at Woodloch. When people travel, they get to break free from their daily routines and dive into new environments and experiences. At Woodloch, we believe deeply in the connection between wellness and feeling connected, which is why we treat everyone who walks through our doors like family.

Travel is such a game-changer for wellness because it gives us a breather from the everyday hustle and bustle. When guests arrive at The Lodge at Woodloch, they step into a tranquil setting designed to help them unwind and recharge. Many of our guests come from bustling cities where life moves at lightning speed, and by the time they reach us, they’re feeling completely drained. But once they’re here, they immediately feel a sense of warmth and belonging. Our team creates an atmosphere of genuine care and acceptance.

After a few days of immersing themselves in our wellness programs, enjoying the beauty of nature, and indulging in our spa offerings, guests leave feeling refreshed and grateful. These transformations remind us of the incredible impact that wellness travel can have.

What are a few things which distinguish your property from thousands of wellness properties around the world?

It definitely starts with our incredible staff. They are truly top-notch and the backbone of our operation. What sets them apart is their genuine warmth and dedication to providing exceptional service without any stuffiness. When you arrive, you’ll feel like you’re being welcomed by family. This isn’t just a job for them; it’s a passion. They’re always ready with a smile and go above and beyond to make sure every guest feels special and cared for.

Another key element is our deeply ingrained family-oriented culture and the personal involvement of our team. This isn’t just a business to us; it’s our legacy and our home. We treat every guest like a part of our extended family, and that authentic hospitality is something you can feel the moment you walk through our doors. It’s about creating a warm, welcoming environment where everyone can feel at home.

Our property’s unique history also plays a big role in what makes us special. From the time my parents started Woodloch Pines in 1958, we’ve been committed to creating a place where people can come together, relax, and make lasting memories. This rich heritage influences everything we do, from our service approach to the design of our wellness programs. We offer a wide range of experiences designed to nourish both body and mind, from mindfulness programs and meditation to outdoor adventures and luxurious spa treatments. Our location nestled in the serene Pocono Mountains adds to the whole experience, offering just the right setting for relaxation and rejuvenation.

What type of experience do you want your visitors to have when they visit?

I know I’ve said it in my answers above, but it bears repeating. When visitors come to The Lodge at Woodloch, we want them to feel like they’re coming home. We aim to create a sense of belonging and community, where guests can unwind and disconnect from their daily stresses. We want them to enjoy every moment, from the relaxing spa treatments to the peaceful nature walks to the delicious meals, and leave feeling refreshed and recharged. It’s all about creating memorable experiences that stay with them long after they’ve left.

What makes your property a beautiful escape for a body and mind recharge?

The natural beauty of the area is one of our greatest assets. Guests wake up to the sight of mist rising off Lake Teedyuskung, surrounded by lush forests and the sounds of nature. It’s truly a haven for anyone looking to recharge.

Our property was designed to be in harmony with this serene environment. Every element, from the architecture to the landscaping, is crafted to enhance the natural beauty that surrounds us. Guests can enjoy peaceful walks on our wooded trails, paddle on the tranquil lake, or simply sit and take in the view. They can’t help but be more mindful and disconnect from their daily stressors. There’s something incredibly calming about being immersed in nature, and the Pocono Mountains offers the perfect setting for that.

Can you share any transformative stories or testimonials from guests that visited your property?

Absolutely, we are fortunate to receive a lot of amazing feedback from our guests. What we hear most is that they are amazed by our incredibly friendly and accommodating staff, and they always feel genuinely welcomed. They love how they can enjoy a luxurious vacation that never feels pretentious and just relax and have fun.

One particularly touching guest testimonial described their stay as “a little time in heaven.” They highlighted how our staff truly understands the meaning of customer service, from the warm welcome at valet to the prompt and friendly check-out process. They called our staff the best trained and friendliest they have ever seen, making The Lodge “a dream to visit.” Before they left, they had already booked their next stay.

Why do you think the experience you offer is so needed nowadays?

Honestly, in today’s fast-paced world, it feels like everyone is constantly bombarded with stress and responsibilities. That’s why what we offer at The Lodge at Woodloch is more important than ever. We provide a space where guests can really slow down, disconnect from technology, and focus on their well-being.

Think about it — how often do you get to just unplug and take a breather? Here, you can do exactly that. Whether it’s through our spa treatments, yoga and meditation classes, or simply just spending time alone outside, we help people find balance. We offer a retreat from the chaos, a chance to reset, and a way to reconnect with yourself and nature. It’s something everyone needs nowadays, more than ever.

Do you think travel enhances our mindfulness, optimism, or sense of gratitude? How? Can you please explain with an example or story?

Most definitely, we see this happen all the time. Guests arrive feeling stressed and overwhelmed by their daily routines, but as they begin to relax at The Lodge, something magical happens. They reconnect with loved ones, rediscover the beauty of nature, and find moments of peace that they hadn’t experienced in a long time.

I was recently speaking with a guest, an executive from New York named Sarah. During her stay, she’d done morning meditations by the lake, participated in our farm-to-table cooking classes with other guests she’d gotten friendly with, tried contrast therapy in our snow room and Himalayan Salt Sauna, and enjoyed one of our new Ayurvedic spa treatments, among many other things. Sarah shared with me that all of this helped her leave feeling refreshed, optimistic, and just much more calm and peaceful overall.

Our spa, our classes, our food, our accommodations — the whole inclusive experience at The Lodge — is a holistic approach to wellness where we encourage connections, offer enriching experiences, and provide heartfelt service. It truly makes a difference. Travel becomes more than just a getaway; it becomes a journey towards personal growth and well-being.

What are your “5 Habits You Should Develop In Order Make Travel Into An Opportunity For Wellness & Personal Growth?”

This is such a great question, and it was hard to narrow this down to just five, but I’m including the habits that I think are the most important:

  1. Disconnect to Reconnect: Given the digital age we live in and the incredible natural beauty of our location, it only feels right that this is number one. It is so important that we take time away from our phones, our computer, our constant technological connections, in order to fully engage in person. I hear from guests on an almost daily basis that by leaving their phones behind, they can truly appreciate their surroundings at The Lodge and connect more deeply with their thoughts, feelings, and one another.
  2. Practice Mindfulness: To piggyback on habit number one, it’s so important to take time to appreciate your environment and be present in the experience. We try to make it easy for our guests here at The Lodge; we offer multiple meditation and mindfulness classes every day to help guests develop this habit, which they can carry with them long after they’ve left.
  3. Nourish Your Body: We are so often rushing from one place to another, trying to get through all we need to do that taking the time to craft elaborate healthy meals is the last thing on our minds. But, as we all know, it’s very important to pay attention to what you eat. As the old adage goes, “you are what you eat.” Again, we try to make it easy for guests here at The Lodge. Our culinary team and our in-house dietician, Talia, create delicious healthy meals that our guests can easily recreate when they return home. And many of our guests love exploring our farm-to-table garden, where they can see the very food they’re enjoying during meals being grown. More than ever before, people want to know where their food is coming from. Wellness is not just about what goes into our bodies but also how it gets there.
  4. Strive for Daily Movement: Exercise doesn’t have to be painful or punishing. Often, we fall into the trap of thinking, “If I don’t work out hard for a full hour, it’s not worth it.” This couldn’t be further from the truth. Simply moving your body and doing something you enjoy — whether it’s walking, biking, dancing, yoga, or stretching — makes a huge difference. At The Lodge at Woodloch, we offer a wide range of activities for every fitness level. The goal of daily movement is to help you keep your body in shape so you can move comfortably and enjoy life for many years to come.
  5. Keep Learning: Some of the feedback that I hear most from our guests is how much they enjoy learning something new during their time at The Lodge. We offer so many activities to stimulate the mind, and they’re often things guests have never even heard of or considered trying before — forest bathing, shamanic healing, and sound immersion, just to name a few. This often leads to discovering a new passion which guests are eager to keep practicing after they return home.

Based on your experience, where do you see the future of wellness travel heading in the next 5–10 years?

I think wellness travel is just going to keep getting bigger and better. People are craving more holistic experiences that take care of both their physical and mental well-being. We’re going to see more personalized and immersive experiences that really cater to what travelers are looking for.

One of the biggest trends right now, and something I see growing even more, is the focus on longevity. Folks aren’t just looking for a quick getaway; they’re looking for ways to improve their overall health and extend their lifespan. At The Lodge at Woodloch, we’re all about that. We’re incorporating practices and treatments that promote long-term health and well-being, from nutritional counseling and fitness programs to stress reduction techniques and mental wellness activities.

We’re always innovating to stay ahead of these trends and give our guests the best possible wellness experiences. It’s not just about relaxation anymore; it’s about offering experiences that really contribute to long-term health and vitality. Whether it’s through our spa treatments, mindfulness programs, or outdoor adventures, we aim to support our guests’ journey toward a healthier and longer life. This holistic approach to wellness is what makes places like The Lodge at Woodloch so essential in today’s world, and I’m sure it’s going to be a huge part of wellness travel in the coming years.

We are very blessed that some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US, whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this, especially if we both tag them 😊

I’ve always admired the Marriott family. Their commitment to hospitality and their ability to lead by example is truly inspiring. Despite their success, they haven’t just taken their money and gone; they continue to be actively involved in the business and ensure that their original mission to enhance the lives of their customers remains strong.

Another individual who I would have loved to have the opportunity to meet with is Walt Disney. His remarkable creativity and ability to turn dreams into reality has always been incredible to me. The way he created a legacy that continues to inspire and entertain millions around the world is something I deeply respect. He left such an indelible mark on the world through imagination and innovation.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

The work I do is truly a team effort, and I couldn’t achieve any of it without my family and our incredible dedicated staff. To learn more about Woodloch, you can visit our websites at and You can also follow us on social media at @thelodgeatwoodloch and @woodloch. We’re always sharing information, updates, and stories about our amazing employees and guests, and we’d love to connect with your readers.

Thank you for these really excellent insights, and we greatly appreciate the time you spent on this. We wish you continued success.

About the Interviewer: Wanda Malhotra is a wellness entrepreneur, lifestyle journalist, and the CEO of Crunchy Mama Box, a mission-driven platform promoting conscious living. CMB empowers individuals with educational resources and vetted products to help them make informed choices. Passionate about social causes like environmental preservation and animal welfare, Wanda writes about clean beauty, wellness, nutrition, social impact and sustainability, simplifying wellness with curated resources. Join Wanda and the Crunchy Mama Box community in embracing a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle at .

Incredible Wellness Destinations: John Kiesendahl Of The Lodge at Woodloch On Why & How Traveling… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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