“I would like to start a movement about sharing information that one knows in an unobtrusive way” With Dr. Amy Heaton

“Knowledge is power. If you know something that could benefit others, sharing that information in an unobtrusive way can be very beneficial. For example, my friend and I were at the gym and this woman came up and asked if she could share some information about staving off Alzheimer’s. We listened for just a few minutes while she gave us some tips about nutrition, exercise, social interactions, and continuing to make efforts to learn. And then she thanked us and left. That was her whole movement. There was no ulterior motive other than to spread her knowledge about something she is passionate about to help others. It worked too… We both shared her story with others.”
I had the pleasure to intervew Dr. Amy Heaton . Dr. Heaton— is a precociously young PhD developer of cosmeceutical and nutraceuticals. She is responsible for a new non-drug supplement/topical system called SeroVital Hair Regeneres that grows new hair and reverses gray. She has also developed 27 blockbuster brands you can find on any retail shelf, from a human growth hormone secretagogue (Serovital HgH) to skin reset formulas (StriVectin) And, she’s a high altitude cyclist in her spare time!
Thank you so much for joining us! Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?
Growing up I was very artistic and interested in problem-solving. I was drawn to fashion, design, and cosmetics. But I grew up in a very academic family — and, ultimately, I pursued a robust academic path. When I started working in this field, I knew I’d found my calling. I was given the chance to meld my academic background with my passion for health and beauty, and do it in a way that would benefit women and men.
So many cosmetic lines have a gaping hole when it comes to providing scientific research to validate their products. This is why I am so passionate about what we do. I know that our products work because we put scientific innovation above everything else.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began with your company?
I am so lucky to have the opportunity to present our product research at scientific symposiums and conventions nationally and internationally. And while this is something that I love doing in its own right, what has really stood out to me since being with my company is when customers come up to me and tell me their personal experience with our products. Some have shared that they didn’t know what was off until they started taking our products, and others tell me such inspirational stories that stay with me every day.
Hearing personal stories from people about how something I have worked on has helped them has been very humbling and continues to give me the motivation to keep going and find the next solution to the unmet needs of women everywhere.
Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?
I can’t really think of a funny story, but I can think of something I learned. In the beginning, I felt like I had to know everything and felt a responsibility to be the source of information. What I’ve learned over the years is that I learn so much from other people, and that when I keep an open mind, it helps me to be even better at my job. Ultimately, I have found that this take on life has helped me be a better person in my personal life as well.

What advice would you give to other female leaders to help their teams to thrive?
That it is better to advise than it is to micromanage. You want to steer your team in the right direction… keeping them within the white lines on the road is really the goal. You want to allow the people you lead to learn and grow. Don’t just give people the answers, let them come to the answers on their own.
What advice would you give to other female leaders about the best way to manage a team?
When you are managing a team, it is so much more important and impactful to lead by example than to rule with fear. It’s how you present yourself and how you do your job that is important. You want to be the person someone would aspire to be. Not the person telling someone else who they should be.
None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?
Yes, that person would be my undergraduate research advisor. When I was only a freshman, he immediately sent me to present at conferences, and I felt at first that he was throwing me in the deep end! I had hardly any speaking experience at that point and was still figuring out my voice. At first, I was scared, but, wow… did I learn fast. He was very encouraging and helpful all along the way.
What it taught me was when you are forced into a situation where you want to do well and you are put under pressure, you learn fast — sometimes you just need that push to force you to figure things out. And sometimes when you simply don’t have time to second-guess yourself, your innate strengths find their way out naturally.

How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world?
With every product we create, we don’t cut corners… we do things right. We put in the time, we get the science right, and we work hard to create the best possible product for our customers.
I feel strongly that whatever you do… do it well. There is really no other way to do it.
What do you think makes SeroVital Hair Regeneres stand out? Can you share a story?
SeroVital Hair Regeneres is different because it is not your typical hair multivitamin. It is a comprehensive system that doesn’t just address hair thinning, but actually addresses all of the issues related to aging hair. It is the only system on the market that can significantly reverse graying and help encourage the regrowth of your natural hair color. It also reduces age-related hair loss, reduces breakage, and lengthens the growth phase of existing hair. SeroVital Hair Regeneres is a safe and complete hair restoration system that targets all aging hair concerns.
What has really stood out to me in the evolution of this project is that everyone has a story. It’s not a question of who would benefit from this, but more a question of who wouldn’t benefit from this product. Everyone has aging hair follicles. As we get older, our hair ages just like our skin does… we take steps to care for our skin, but I think there is a tendency to neglect our hair. And dull, gray, thin hair really ages us.
How your hair looks is not just a superficial thing — no matter what age you are. How your hair looks and feels affects your confidence and self-esteem.
One of the consumers in our trial had an experience where her husband noticed how beautiful her hair looked after she had been using the product for a few months. She also talked about having the freedom and convenience of not needing to go to the salon every few weeks to touch up her grays. I love knowing that our product is helping people feel better in their daily lives.

Why does this excite you?
This project has been so exciting for me because it is completely revolutionary. SeroVital Hair Regeneres is the only system on the market that reverses graying and restores volume. We have the exclusive to the ingredient Chromaviv™ — ours is the only formula in North America licensed to include it. Chromaviv™ is unique because it actually delivers an exclusive melanin-infused keratin to the hair follicles, which helps to fortify new hair growth and restore its natural color.
The product itself is really easy to use — you just take two softgels every morning with breakfast and apply a non-sticky, non-greasy, light serum to your scalp. But what we have created is a hair-care product that contains ingredients backed by clinical trials and studies to ensure that it is the best product on the market.
We are not just looking to launch any old product… we strive to bring our customers the best possible solutions to their beauty concerns.
The last reason I am so excited about this product is because, as a brand, we have used groundbreaking science to create products for the skin and the body. Now, with this latest anti-aging hair innovation, we have a full line to uniquely address almost every major concern around beauty and aging.
How do you think this product will help women?
Thinning hair, age-related hair loss, and graying have a profound psychological effect on women (and men too). This product can help those individuals. It can improve their confidence, their self-esteem, and their overall quality of life.
What are your “5 Leadership Lessons I Learned From My Experience” and why. (Please share a story or example for each.)
First off, I think it’s so important to nurture people’s inherent strengths, instead of trying to mold each person into an arbitrary perception of the “perfect employee.” A collaborative group will always benefit from the diversity of everyone’s unique skills.
Second, I believe in igniting passion instead of simply managing tasks. This is where real innovation comes from.
Third, I feel it is so important to help employees set their own goals and accomplish them, even if they make mistakes along the way.
Fourth, I believe that a leader should provide feedback in the form of strategic complimenting. It’s important to really watch, listen, and learn about your employees, and tailor feedback that is thoughtful and meaningful. This reinforces the importance of trust and authenticity.
Lastly, be a role model. The best way to lead is by example.
You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂
Knowledge is power. If you know something that could benefit others, sharing that information in an unobtrusive way can be very beneficial.
For example, my friend and I were at the gym and this woman came up and asked if she could share some information about staving off Alzheimer’s. We listened for just a few minutes while she gave us some tips about nutrition, exercise, social interactions, and continuing to make efforts to learn. And then she thanked us and left.
That was her whole movement. There was no ulterior motive other than to spread her knowledge about something she is passionate about to help others. It worked too… We both shared her story with others.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?
Obstacles are not something to fear, they should be welcomed! I love the idea of perseverance and basically any quote about grit. I like people who are too stubborn to fail. It’s the people who have stubbornness and persistence in the face of opposition who succeed time and time again. You can’t ever lose sight of your goals.
Some of the biggest names in the women’s community, business, VC funding, sports, and entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US with whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this if we tag them. 🙂
I would love to meet Serena Williams. I admire her because she is a woman who exudes strength — in both her athletic ability and in how she handles adversity. I like that she is not the standard, cookie-cutter image of what people might expect in tennis. I see her as a woman who has overcome adversity, someone who has a strong sense of self and someone who has raised the bar to a standard others now aspire to.