I would like to start a movement about “love me in my darkness”, With singer, songwriter Heather Whitney

If I could start a movement about anything it would be something along the lines of “love me in my darkness”. We have to love those who hurt us, those who are suffering with insecurities, drugs, alcohol, anxiety, I mean literally anything. It doesn’t have to be an addiction. There are lots of things in life that have the capability of changing us but that does not mean it will always be for the better. Sometimes that means the ugly side to. “What part of life” means so much to me because of its message. We have to always remember who we are no matter what life is throwing our way. We have to find that silver lining.
I had the pleasure of interviewing singer, songwriter Heather Whitney from a little one red light town deep In the pine trees of Southeast Texas
Thank you so much for joining us! Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?
Well, I do believe my grandparents had a lot to do with my passion and love for music. They always had music playing when I was growing up but when I really got interested in the whole preforming and career aspect of it was when I met Johnny lee at my grandparent’s golf tournament. My gramps talked me into singing with Johnny and the Urban Cowboy Band and even though the nerves almost ate me whole it broke the ice and I’ve been chasing it since then.
Can you share the most interesting story that occurred to you in the course of your music career?
Well I am certainly glad I waited until after the Josie Music awards for this because this takes the cake on any other story I’ve got to tell. So it’s the day of the flight to knoxville to attend the josie music awards, 4:30 to be exact and knowing me and knowing I’m not much of a morning person it was a kickass day. Felt pretty good. So we get loaded up and headed to the airport. We arrive……….I notice there is no United Flight terminals or check in. Hell, there isn’t a sign of united airlines in eye seeing distance. WERE AT THE WRONG AIRPORT! I started sweating, almost like I instantly fell ill. I look at gramps and granny look at Dustin and the words left my mouth. Umm sooo What does IAH stand for? They look at me with deer in head light eyes, Why? I proceed with I think were at the wrong airport and well we were. So we grab our bags head to the car and fly to bush intercontinental. We DON’T Make our flight. Then there was a light at the end of the tunnel, the plane was having issues, my cousin who had a connecting flight which was our flight says Hurry. So we hurry. Literally running, 75 year old grands are seconds away from cardiac arrest trying to make this flight but we just couldn’t make it. We ended up making it on another at 2:25 that was also delayed until around 3 due to weather and we only had 2 for sure sears out of 5 to which we finally await the moment of truth will we all make it or no. Dustin and I check our tickets the lady checks for standby and there are only two. My heart drops. Gramps of course tells granny and Braxton to get on the plane and he will catch one tomorrow in the morning. So we do and just as we thought we were really leaving him his head pops on the plane. Very stressful day lol but we survived.
What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now?
Right now, were working on a new music video coming sometime this fall and hopefully some live shows.

Who are some of the most interesting people you have interacted with? What was that like? Do you have any stories?
This is a hard one. Seems like everyone I meet has interesting stories to tell. Id have to say so far Buddy Hyatt and Johnny Lee have the most interesting and funny stories to tell. Normally the older and wiser have tons you just can’t beat.
How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world?
With my little success I think just being able to speak on life in general and how its always worth living, even at your darkest is really inspiring. Once your there it’s a hard plave to come out of. As a person who has been that person who struggled to face the next day I love the fact that can be a voice for those millions of people struggling like I was. My whole purpose is to give people that hope they need that it does get better. I am a survivor of a drug addicted abuser, I didn’t understand why the things that were happening, were happening. Didn’t understand the pain I was going through or why someone hated me so much and respected me so little and wanted to physically and mentally hurt. Now im able to use my songs such as “What Part of Life” that just dropped on sept 8th to reach people and help them get through whatever it Is they are facing.
You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂
If I could start a movement about anything it would be something along the lines of “love me in my darkness”. We have to love those who hurt us, those who are suffering with insecurities, drugs, alcohol, anxiety, I mean literally anything. It doesn’t have to be an addiction. There are lots of things in life that have the capability of changing us but that does not mean it will always be for the better. Sometimes that means the ugly side to. “What part of life” means so much to me because of its message. We have to always remember who we are no matter what life is throwing our way. We have to find that silver lining.
Which tips would you recommend to your colleagues in your industry to help them to thrive and not “burn out”?
I feel like when I’m looking forward I get discouraged because I feel like I’m not getting anywhere, like I haven’t moved. So, in this industry always look back. Every time I do I feel so much better and get motivated again because im able to see the steps I’ve taken.
What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why. Please share a story or example for each.
I don’t think there has really been anything someone didn’t tell me or I just haven’t ran into anything yet.

I have been blessed with the opportunity to interview and be in touch with some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment. Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she just might see this, especially if we tag them 🙂
Miranda Lambert or Loretta Lynn. I just love Mirands spirit. Its sweet but she’s been through shit. Love everything about the lady. I feel like I could learn so much. Loretta Lynn would def be that other choice, she has been there through the changes of country music, she is who I learned to sing with. I grew up listening to her and I bet I could learn so much from her and the wisdom and stories I bet she has to tell are nothing short of amazing.
How can our readers follow you on social media?
FB: Heather Whitney Music
TWITTER: @hwhitmusic
WEBSITE: Heatherwhitneymusic.com