“I want to inspire a ‘self-esteem movement’, to inspire people to not be ashamed of who they are”, With Actress, Joanna Andr

I have always wanted to give out classes for self esteem. I believe that many people now with this entire media, beauty/perfection/marketing are forgetting their natural beauty and suffering from low self esteem. I would like to inspire people to be themselves and not be ashamed of who they are. Of not being afraid if they don’t fit in one circle or another as there are many more out there that you will fit in to. To speak up for your opinions and not feel that you are saying something stupid; who is anyone to judge what is right or wrong? It is your choice to be whomsoever you want to be. We all have one life to live; let’s make the most of it with what is given to us already and appreciate our faults! Having to do those classes they could help reduce bullying too. I do believe self esteem is the secret to many health issues and actions in life… and I do believe these classes are needed either in the schools or for women/mums, or people who are in abusive relationships ‘’including men’’.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Joanna Andr. Joanna is a British award winning actress. She has the ability to articulate in many accents and be original and convincing — versatility on demand — she loves bringing a scripted character to life. Joanna trained for 2 years in a modern theatre in Greece which enabled her to study the art of expressions. Joanna is passionate and talented, always seeking to expand her acting skills and demonstrate her potential. She is a humble, beautiful, kind and warm person to speak to.
Thank you so much for joining us! Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?
I always loved watching the stunning dresses the celebrities wore on the red carpet, but I always found people interesting too, so when I was young I always observed people passing by, peoples chatter and body language etc. So I was between a psychologist and an actress… I chose acting.
In my life I have lived, loved, lost, missed, hurt, trusted, made mistakes but most of all I have learned from it all, giving me the result of wanting to find the similarity in what is apparently different, then finding myself in there.
Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started this career?
An interesting story…. hmmm…. right! So I had an audition once in Athens/Greece for a commercial on T.V. and as I left my hotel to attend the location where I was being auditioned I suddenly had armed police and people running towards me! I was terrified!! Thinking what the hell is going on?? I then was amongst the riot! Before I knew it I was in the dense fog of tear gas!
I felt it was the worst time ever for me as I kept thinking about my audition which was in half an hour and I was just continuously choking with red sore eyes, I literally couldn’t see much or open them! All I was thinking of ‘’ how do I turn up at the audition like this???!!‘’ I then went to a nearby cafe and washed my face with some water to help the soreness. I managed to get to the audition and had told them what had happened. They said ‘’sorry to hear that this happened to you … perfect timing a?’’ So we all burst out laughing whilst still coughing away… I did try my best to get that role but in this industry you have one shot sometimes, obviously I did not get the part (laughs) Oh well… Wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe it was just not meant to be.

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?
The first time I went on set to film was funny as it was my first speaking role and an actor friend of mine called to calm my nerves and kept saying to me ‘’ Do NOT look at the camera, whatever you do!!’’ That played on my mind the whole time, so when my time was up to start my scene, the camera was set up in front of my face and I was literally struggling to get that advice out of my head. When the camera started coming closer to me whilst saying my line I just stared right in that camera (laughs). It just ruined that moment of drama and I just shouted out ‘’Damn you… (Name of friend) ‘’ and burst out laughing, so everyone else around me burst out laughing and then I had to explain the reason I had said that! I found it such a funny moment.
What I found interesting in all that was since then and after, it helped me to focus more on the character I was playing and just concentrate 100%, and connect to it like no one else is around. It helped me to ignore the things around me and just be present as that character in that moment.
It is always good to make mistakes sometimes as you can always learn from them. So I would advice that you can make mistakes in life as long as you DO learn from them and not repeat them. Nobody is perfect. J
What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now?
All projects are interesting for me. Either it is a short film or a feature or even a voice over. It is my passion.
There are some I am working on now and more coming up soon.
I have a role as the mother of the lead character Theo. Her name is Jane and she is a caring and loving mother who protects her son from the truth of the separation with his father and is willing to take the blame as she cares dearly for him and would never want him to feel hurt. The film is called ‘’Clued up’’. I can’t wait to see this one on the big screen. It relates to today’s teenagers in schools who get involved with drug dealing for quick cash.
Enough with that one as I cannot say much till it is released.
I have a war film coming up too in 2019 and I will be playing a Russian sniper. Also I will be acting as a witch in a horror comedy.
I would love to play a vampire soon, as many people I meet always tell me I should. I wonder why? (laughs)
I also will be making my own short film soon as I love new experiences and being challenged. I will be directing and acting in it. Keep an eye out on my instagram page www.instagram.com/joannaandrofficial or twitter www.twitter.com/jojo_andr .

Who are some of the most interesting people you have interacted with? What was that like? Do you have any stories?
I found Matthew Goode a very interesting person. I was on set with him with the ‘’Hatton Garden Job’’ film. When he enters the room his aura is just magnetic, his presence is like a vampire and he is amazing in Discovery of Witches as a vampire! He totally fits the part! Good choice of the production team.
Steve Guttenberg! Being on set for the film Heckle gave me the opportunity to meet him. Lovely person to meet, has a great sense of humour and very friendly. I loved watching police academy as a teenager, I must have seen it like 10 times and I would have never imagined I would of met him and chat with him. It is amazing how life turns out sometimes.
But I must mention that everyone is very special and interesting individually and have an interesting story to tell/share. Many stories inspire and motivate us.
Which tips would you recommend to your colleagues in your industry to help them to thrive and not “burn out”?
If you don’t want to burn out take baby steps… One at the time…Do not overload your mind and when you can take a step back and let go/breathe and start again. Look at what you have achieved and make that be your motivation to seek more.
Be patient. Patience is the meaning of life. When we were babies we always fell on our first steps, but we always managed to get up again. Do not quit and don’t let people tell you what you can and can’t do! Believe in yourself and be confident as you CAN achieve, as you HAVE achieved more than you think.
Focus on you! Do not get in the industry and start comparing yourself with others as it will hold you back. Everyone is special and talented in different ways.
Surround yourself with positive people. People that inspire and motivate you.
I could go on all day giving tips but I will stop at this point.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂
I have always wanted to give out classes for self esteem. I believe that many people now with this entire media, beauty/perfection/marketing are forgetting their natural beauty and suffering from low self esteem.
I would like to inspire people to be themselves and not be ashamed of who they are. Of not being afraid if they don’t fit in one circle or another as there are many more out there that you will fit in to. To speak up for your opinions and not feel that you are saying something stupid; who is anyone to judge what is right or wrong? It is your choice to be whomsoever you want to be.
We all have one life to live; let’s make the most of it with what is given to us already and appreciate our faults! Having to do those classes they could help reduce bullying too. I do believe self esteem is the secret to many health issues and actions in life… and I do believe these classes are needed either in the schools or for women/mums, or people who are in abusive relationships ‘’including men’’.

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why. Please share a story or example for each.
1) You are an image, who you are, how you speak. Try your hardest to be as natural as possible. There is enough pressure on social media on how we look these days already. Do not change for anyone.
2) Act with your heart. The greatest things in life are not seen but felt. Do not forget your life, your experiences, your pains… through them you will find a similarity of what is different.
3) Focus. Study your character, learn your lines. Success is no accident. It is hard work, learning, studying, perseverance and most of all love what you are doing.
4) Smile. It is the best reaction to all situations.
5) Let go and move on. We don’t always get the audition we want. It is not because you did not act well in the audition, neither it is personal, it is because they are seeking an image to match their story. There will always be other auditions. Rest but do not give up and do it all over again. There will be a role one day that is 100% a match.
6) Ok … I know it’s only 5 things but I promise this is the last haha (I could add so many more) Last and most important! Stay humble! No one likes a show off. Do not forget the people that supported you on the way up.

Can you please give us your favourite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?
a)‘’Treat others the way you would like to be treated!’’ We all have a personal life; we all have our ups and downs. A smile or a hello does not cost anything to make someone’s day. We all love a good start to our day. If we could all be polite to each other we would all have more productive days. J
b)It is better to look back in life and say — ‘’I cannot believe I did that!!’’ Than to look back and say ‘’I wish I did that’’…. I am a person that likes to be challenged and take risks. I would hate to think that I did not try something and regret it later. I prefer failing on trying!
None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?
My son! He is an angel on earth! He gives me strength, he inspires me, and he motivates me. His smile makes me smile; his heart is pure and true. When I look at my son I know that I have achieved something perfectly right in my life. He is the energy of my soul that makes me want to succeed.
I am grateful I have my health and being alive and having the opportunity of choosing paths in my life.
I am grateful to have a family that have supported me in every step of my goals.
I am grateful to the support and kindness of friends and even strangers that I have never met personally but still send encouraging and beautiful messages daily.
I would like to thank each and every single one of you that have been or are still in my life.
You have all been in it for a reason and I truly appreciate that.
Even you interviewing me, lol.
Some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might see this. 🙂
I would love to have breakfast with Oprah Winfrey ! I find her life story so inspiring and motivating. She is an amazing woman! She is one to admire! I would love to chat and get more advice from her.
And maybe have lunch with Ian Somerhalder… 🙂
Thank you so much for this. This was very inspirational.
Thank you for having me.