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Highly Effective Networking: Ayesha Sehra Of Grow the Social On 5 Strategies for Successful…

Highly Effective Networking: Ayesha Sehra Of Grow the Social On 5 Strategies for Successful Networking, Both Online and Offline

An Interview With Athalia Monae

Be a Connector: Help others build their networks by introducing them to relevant individuals. By being a facilitator of connections, you’ll not only strengthen your own network but also gain respect from others.

The art of networking is pivotal in today’s interconnected world. Establishing meaningful connections can accelerate career growth, foster collaborations, and create opportunities that might otherwise remain hidden. Yet, the dynamics of networking are intricate, often requiring a nuanced blend of authenticity, strategy, and adaptability. And with the digital revolution, networking has transcended beyond face-to-face interactions to virtual platforms, expanding its scope and complexity. In this series, we would like to discuss the art and science behind effective networking. We are talking to seasoned professionals, career coaches, networking experts, and thought leaders who’ve mastered both traditional and online networking techniques. As part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Ayesha Sehra.

Ayesha Sehra is the dynamic Founder & CEO of Grow the Social LLC, the fastest-growing social-first PR agency representing your favorite brands, influencers & thought leaders in Los Angeles and New York City. Taking the leap from her hometown of Toronto to California at just 22, Ayesha built her business from the ground up to earn her visa and demonstrate her value as a US resident. As a devoted community builder and ongoing student of life, Ayesha is the host of the Coffee and a Good Vibe, a podcast and event series bringing together the most inspiring celebrities, founders, and forward-thinkers for intentional conversations on mindset, mental health, entrepreneurship, and cultivating the life of your dreams.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series. Before we dive into our discussion about networking, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share with us the backstory about what brought you to your specific career path?

I am the Founder & CEO of Grow the Social LLC, a full-service PR agency based in LA and NYC. We specialize in brand PR, influencer marketing, and event production for various CPG (consumer packaged goods) brands and tech companies. We also represent talent and thought leaders, helping them build their platforms, careers, and networks. The agency evolved organically from my digital marketing background and talent representation work. My passion for connecting people led me to create a podcast called Coffee & a Good Vibe and to bring our network together for inspiring in-person events focused on health, entrepreneurship, and personal growth. Ultimately, our mission is to elevate brands and individuals through customized 360 PR strategies and authentic community-building, both digitally and in person.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career?

My career in PR has been a series of synchronicities and serendipitous events. I believe in synchronicity and have experienced numerous coincidences that have led to significant opportunities. From meeting clients at the grocery store to simply being in the right place at the right time, these moments have shaped my career path. My work is a testament to the power of connection and the importance of networking, especially in-person, where people can truly feel your energy.

You are a successful business leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

Three character traits that have been instrumental to my success are:

  1. Authenticity and Outgoing Personality: My genuine love for connecting with people has allowed me to build strong relationships and expand my network. I strive to always be the first one to reach out, introduce myself, and offer help.
  2. Empathy and Compassion: I deeply care about the brands and individuals I work with. This dedication drives me to work tirelessly and ensure their success. While it can be demanding, empathy is the most valuable asset in this line of business.
  3. Service-Oriented Mindset: I believe in leading with service and adding value to every interaction. This approach has fostered trust and loyalty in all relationships, both work & personal.

Ok, thank you for that. Let’s now jump to the primary focus of our interview. Let’s begin with a basic definition so that we are all on the same page. How exactly do you define “Networking?” Is it just about meeting new people?

I prefer the term “connecting” over “networking.” To me, connecting is about building genuine relationships based on mutual respect and value. It’s not about transactional benefits but rather about expanding your network through authentic interactions. By approaching connections with a mindset of abundance and giving, you can foster meaningful relationships that enrich your life and those around you.

In today’s digital age, how important is face-to-face networking, and how do you balance it with online networking?

Face-to-face networking is critical in today’s digital age! While online platforms provide opportunities to discover and connect with people, in-person interactions foster deeper relationships and trust. I leverage social media to identify potential connections and invite them to IRL events. By leveraging both digital and in-person networking, I’ve been able to create a powerful network and accelerate the growth of my business. Neither approach alone would have yielded the same results.

How do you maintain and nurture professional relationships over time, both in person and online, to ensure they remain fruitful and mutually beneficial?

Maintaining relationships requires ongoing effort and genuine interest. I stay connected by checking in regularly, celebrating other people’s milestones, and seeking opportunities to add value to their lives and work. I’ve also built a community through regular Founder Dinners, and this practice has strengthened relationships, created new ones, and served as a way to connect people in my life to one another. I challenge you to create an event series to bring together people from different parts of your life. Seeing your connections becoming friends is one of the most fulfilling feelings!

How important is personal branding when it comes to successful networking, and how can individuals develop and maintain a strong personal brand both online and in person?

Personal branding is everything for successful networking. It helps you stand out, connect with like-minded individuals, and establish credibility. A strong personal brand can be cultivated both online and in person. Online, showcase your expertise through content creation, social media engagement, and professional platforms, and show up in these areas consistently. In-person, it’s essential to speak up, put yourself out there even when it feels uncomfortable, and have the courage to demonstrate your values and skills.

What is your advice for young professionals who are just starting to build their network? How can they effectively reach out to and connect with experienced leaders in their field?

When reaching out to experienced leaders, offer value and demonstrate genuine interest. Research their work, engage with their content, and find ways to contribute to their goals. Be specific and sincere in your approach. Additionally, consider how your skills and knowledge can benefit them. By providing value and building a genuine connection, you’ll increase your chances of building a meaningful relationship that can grow and evolve to serve both of you.

Do you prioritize quality or quantity of connections? How do you determine when to invest more time in a particular relationship?

I prioritize quality over quantity, but that was different earlier in my career, when I first moved to LA and was focused on meeting as many people as possible. It’s normal — even essential — for your priorities to shift as you grow and evolve. At this stage in my life, I’m extremely intentional with my network and where I put my energy. Building deep, meaningful relationships is more rewarding and effective in the long run. I believe that the quality of your connections can lead to greater opportunities and long-term support, both personally & professionally.

What are your “5 Strategies for Successful Networking, Both Online and Offline”?

1. Always Be Connecting: Continuously seek out opportunities to meet new people and build relationships. Attend events, join online communities, and actively engage with others in your field.

2. Be Genuine and Sincere: Approach interactions with authenticity and genuine interest. People can sense sincerity, and it fosters trust and lasting connections.

3. Add Value and Be of Service: Focus on offering value to others rather than seeking immediate benefits. Be curious, listen attentively, find ways to contribute to their goals, and trust that that energy will come back to you!

4. Put Yourself Out There: Actively participate in both online and offline networking events. Share your expertise through content creation and attend industry gatherings. Don’t be afraid to initiate conversations and introduce yourself to new people.

5. Be a Connector: Help others build their networks by introducing them to relevant individuals. By being a facilitator of connections, you’ll not only strengthen your own network but also gain respect from others.

What role does diversity and inclusion play in your networking approach? How do you ensure that your network is inclusive and represents a broad range of perspectives and backgrounds?

Diversity and inclusion are essential for building a robust and valuable network. Personally, I’ve gained so much from connecting with people from diverse backgrounds and industries. By exposing myself to different perspectives and insights, I’ve been able to broaden my understanding, challenge my own assumptions, and create a more inclusive and dynamic network and team. This has been particularly beneficial in my field of PR and media, where understanding diverse demographics and values is crucial for creating effective campaigns.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂

My movement would be “Pay It Forward in Line.” It’s all about making a conscious effort to strike up conversations with strangers while waiting in line and even buying them coffee if you have the chance. This simple act of kindness can lead to unexpected connections, friendships, and even career opportunities! I personally experienced the power of this at a coffee shop, when I met the person who introduced me to my immigration attorney who helped me get my visa. By fostering a culture of spontaneous connection and conversation, we can create a more compassionate and welcoming community, which will have a ripple effect on the world at large.

How can our readers further follow you online?

We would love for your readers to join our community! Head over to our website and social media hub at This is where you’ll find our podcast, Coffee and a Good Vibe, where we delve into inspiring stories and entrepreneurship journeys.

Follow @coffeeandagoodvibe on Instagram for a vibrant community and updates on our next in-person events for authentic connection. You can also connect with me directly on Instagram @ayeshasehra, where I document my routines and tactics related to mindset, health, personal growth & entrepreneurship.

Thank you for the time you spent sharing these fantastic insights. We wish you only continued success in your great work!

About the Interviewer: Athalia Monae is a product creator, published author, entrepreneur, advocate for Feed Our Starving Children, contributing writer for Entrepreneur Media, and founder of Pouches By Alahta.

Highly Effective Networking: Ayesha Sehra Of Grow the Social On 5 Strategies for Successful… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.