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Growing Every Day: Eno Eka On What We Can Do To Grow Every Day

An Interview With Dr. Carla Marie Manly

Invest in Learning: Never stop learning. Whether it is through courses, books or mentors, there is always something new to discover.

Growth is an essential part of life, both personally and professionally. Every day presents an opportunity to learn, evolve, and become better versions of ourselves. But how do we seize these opportunities? How do successful writers, leaders, and influencers ensure they are constantly growing and improving? What daily habits, practices, or mindsets contribute to their continual growth? In this interview series, we are talking to authors, leaders, influencers, and anyone who is an authority about “What We Can Do To Grow Every Day”. As a part of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Eno Eka.

Eno Eka is a business analyst, consultant and entrepreneur based in Calgary, Alberta. She is an award-winning Career Coach and Keynote Speaker who has been recognized for helping more than 100,000 professionals in more than 90 countries kick-start their professional careers. She is the CEO of Eny Consulting Inc and the Founder of Business Analysis School.

Thank you so much for your time! I know that you are a very busy person. Our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us your “Origin Story”? Can you tell us the story of how you grew up?

Thank you for having me! I was born and raised in Nigeria. Growing up in a large family, education was always emphasized. But what shaped me the most were the challenges I saw around me — the struggles of people trying to rise above difficult circumstances. I have always been driven by the idea that knowledge and determination can break cycles and create opportunities. That drive led me to pursue accounting and later business analysis, but I knew my calling was bigger than just a career. It was about helping others, particularly professionals and immigrants like me, find their footing in their careers. Eventually, I moved to Canada. That transition shaped the next chapter of my life. Starting over in a new country was hard, but it also gave me the opportunity to not only build a business for myself but also to empower others to do the same.

Can you tell us a bit about what you do professionally, and what brought you to this specific career path?

Professionally, I wear a few hats. I am the CEO of Eny Consulting Inc. and the Founder of Business Analysis School. At Eny Consulting, we provide business and technology consulting services to help businesses optimize their operations. At Business Analysis School, we empower professionals to kick-start their careers in business analysis. The journey to this career path began when I moved to Canada. Despite my educational background, I faced challenges in finding work that aligned with my experience. So, I immersed myself in learning, pivoting into business analysis and found success. Once I achieved my goals, I realized I wanted to share that roadmap with others — especially immigrants — so they would not have to face the same hurdles that I did.

Thank you for all that. Let’s now turn to the main focus of our discussion about Personal Growth. To make sure that we are all on the same page, let’s begin with a simple definition. What does “Personal Growth” mean to you?

To me, personal growth is the continuous process of becoming a better version of yourself in every area of life — whether it’s your career, relationships, mindset or emotional well-being. It is about not settling for where you are but constantly pushing to improve, even if it is just by 1% every day. Growth does not always have to be a massive leap; sometimes it is the small, consistent changes that lead to the biggest transformations.

Why do you believe that it’s important to commit to growing every day?

Growth is essential because if you are not moving forward, you are stagnating. The world is always changing, industries are evolving and so are people. To remain relevant and fulfilled, you have to keep pushing yourself to learn, adapt and grow. Personally, every day that I do not learn something new or challenge myself in some way feels like a missed opportunity. It is that daily commitment to betterment that has brought me to where I am today.

What are the key upsides for those who mindfully engage in a journey of personal evolution?

The upsides are enormous. First, you become more resilient. Growth does not always happen in easy circumstances — often, it is the hardships that push you the most. Second, growth helps you stay competitive in your career or business. And finally, personal growth brings fulfillment. There is an immense satisfaction in knowing you are continually improving yourself, and that confidence spills into other areas of your life.

When we stop evolving in intentional ways, what do you think are the biggest downsides?

The biggest downside is that you stop being relevant — to your industry, your goals and even your community. You miss out on opportunities that could have been within your reach if you had just kept pushing yourself. Stagnation can also lead to complacency, which is dangerous because you start accepting mediocrity rather than striving for excellence. Over time, this can affect your mindset, your business and even your relationships.

What specific practices, if any, do you have in place to ensure that you don’t become stagnant in life?

I am very intentional about continual learning. Whether it is enrolling in courses, attending workshops or reading books, I make sure to invest in my own development. I also set specific goals every quarter, both personal and professional, so I can measure my progress. Surrounding myself with mentors and a supportive community is also crucial because it helps me stay accountable and exposes me to new perspectives and ideas.

Is there any particular area of your life where you are most committed to growth (e.g., spiritually, professionally, socially, internally, relationally)?

Professionally, I am always pushing to learn more and adapt to the changing landscape of business analysis and entrepreneurship. But personally, Iam most committed to internal growth — developing resilience, maintaining a positive mindset, growing a deeper relationship with God and focusing on my emotional well-being. I have learned that if you take care of your internal world, everything external begins to align.

If you could offer five tips to readers on how to stimulate and perpetuate self-growth, what would they be?

1. Invest in Learning: Never stop learning. Whether it is through courses, books or mentors, there is always something new to discover.

2. Set Goals: Break your long-term goals into smaller, actionable steps. Every small win builds momentum for bigger achievements.

3. Be Open to Feedback: Growth happens when you are open to learning from others — whether it is positive reinforcement or constructive criticism.

4. Stay Consistent: Growth does not happen overnight. It is the small, consistent actions that lead to meaningful results over time.

5. Surround Yourself with the Right People: Your environment plays a huge role in your growth. Surround yourself with people who inspire and challenge you to be better.

What advice would you give to someone who feels stuck and unsure of how to start their personal growth journey?

Start small. You do not have to overhaul your life overnight. Begin with one area — maybe it is reading a book or signing up for a course. The important thing is to just start. Also, remember that feeling stuck is part of the journey. Growth happens when you push through those moments of doubt and take small, consistent steps forward.

Are there any books, podcasts, or other resources that have significantly contributed to your personal growth?

Yes, there are many, but two that stand out for me are “Atomic Habits” by James Clear, which taught me how small, consistent habits lead to big changes over time, and “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle, which helped me develop mindfulness and stay grounded through the ups and downs of life.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂

If I could start a movement, it would focus on providing accessible education and mentorship for immigrants and underrepresented communities. I have seen firsthand how transformative knowledge and guidance can be. By creating a community where people feel supported in their professional and personal growth, we can create opportunities and break down barriers for those who need it most.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

You can follow me on Instagram @misspragmatic, LinkedIn and Facebook at Eno Eka. You can also visit my website,, to learn more about my work and programs.

Thank you so much for sharing these important insights. We wish you continued success and good health!

Thank you! It has been a pleasure sharing my story.

About The Interviewer: Dr. Carla Marie Manly — clinical psychologist, author, and advocate — is based in Sonoma County, California. In addition to her clinical practice focusing on relationships and personal transformation, Dr. Manly is deeply invested in her roles as podcaster and speaker. With a refreshingly direct and honest approach — plus a dose of humor — Dr. Manly enjoys supporting others in the ever-evolving journey of life. Her novel self-development paradigm builds resilience, emotional intelligence, and self-esteem. Highlighting the importance of loving connection, her work also focuses on helping others create deeply connected and satisfying intimate and social relationships. Working from a transformative model that honors the body-mind-spirit connection, Dr. Manly offers holistic relationship and wellness seminars around the world. An award-winning author, Dr. Manly’s books, The Joy of Imperfect Love, Date Smart, Joy from Fear, and Aging Joyfully highlight her empowering approach and profound expertise. Host of the captivating podcast, Imperfect Love, Dr. Manly offers uplifting guidance on navigating the messy road of life. Her expertise is also regularly cited in media outlets including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Forbes, Oprah, Newsweek, NBC, HuffPost, Reader’s Digest, Psychology Today, Parade, GQ, Women’s Health, Architectural Digest, Men’s Health, and more.

Growing Every Day: Eno Eka On What We Can Do To Grow Every Day was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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