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Function Meets Flavor: Gina Dang Of Gina’s Table & SSS Strawberries On 5 Things You Need to Create…

Function Meets Flavor: Gina Dang Of Gina’s Table & SSS Strawberries On 5 Things You Need to Create a Successful Functional Foods Brand

An Interview with Wanda Malhotra

Commitment to Sustainability.

Our commitment to sustainability is evident in our efforts to reduce food waste through the freeze-drying process. By turning rejected fruits into marketable products, we not only address an environmental issue but also create a unique selling point for our brand. This commitment resonates with eco-conscious consumers and sets our brand apart from competitors.

As the appetite for foods that offer health benefits beyond basic nutrition continues to grow, the market for functional foods has exploded. Consumers are no longer just asking for delicious flavors; they demand that their foods also support their lifestyle, health, and well-being. This intersection of function and flavor is not just a trend; it’s a movement towards a future where every bite counts towards better health. As a part of this series, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Gina Dang.

Gina Dang is the General Manager of a family farm and is a family-driven, food-loving, future-oriented entrepreneur. Her family (Gina, her parents, Tan Dang and Gem Nguyen and her brothers and sisters) emigrated from Vietnam to Australia in 2001 in a small boat where she co-founded SSS Strawberries, one of Australia’s largest and most innovative strawberry farms, spanning some 300 plus acres of land and employing a total of 350 workers. Gina and her family’s dedication paid off when they won the International Company of the Year recognition in 2022 in London and the Distinguished Australian Family Business Award in 2023.

Thank you so much for joining us! Before we dive in, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your ‘backstory’?

With six kids under 10, our family fled Vietnam after several failed attempts, eventually making it to an Indonesian refugee camp where we lived for four years. We didn’t speak any English and faced many struggles. After trying for years to apply as refugees to enter Australia, we were eventually sponsored by an Australian family, the Franklins, and successfully resettled in Perth in 1994.

After working as pickers and packers on strawberry farms, we always brought home second strawberries. They are nice, sweet and juicy. We loved them, our friends also loved them. Our parents began their first business in Australia, collecting all the seconds from the farmers, bringing them home and having all of us kids — wash, cut and put them in takeaway containers delivered to different fruit and vegetable grocery stores.

Eventually, they leased five acres of land from a friend and started their own strawberry farm. We all helped on the farm every day after school and on the weekend, we witnessed firsthand how hard our parents worked, so we never wanted to be farmers.

For that reason, we all studied hard to earn our university degrees. However, when our family business moved from Western Australia to Queensland in 2006, after watching our family struggle with debt, weather and other factors that affected the success of the farm, we took over the business and relaunched it as SSS Strawberries.

The ‘SSS’ brand stands for ‘Seven Successful Siblings,’ with all seven siblings holding key roles in the business and sitting on the Board. Our mission is to build a strong family business and provide success and freedom for each family member. Our mother, Gem Nguyen, is the influential engine behind the operation, holding an advisory role and once said “ once chop stick is easy to break but a bundle is much harder to break”

While we joined the business, we quickly realized we all had unique skill sets and organically fell into the roles that we are good at and enjoy doing, such as with my degrees in law and accounting, and enjoying being around people. That’s why the role of GM has become mine. All my brothers and sisters’ roles are also chosen organically for the benefit and success of the family business.

Can you share with us the most interesting story from your career? Can you tell us what lessons or ‘takeaways’ you learned from that?

2022 was our very first time being nominated for the Business Awards Program; as a fun thought, I said I wanted to nominate and win 7 awards for us, the Seven Successful Siblings.

So, we were nominated for 7 Awards, and 6 made the finalist round for interviews. We then learned the company we were up against for each award. The competitors’ revenue was 2, 3, 4, and 5 times more than us. We had fun, laughed and were glad we put up a fight, but believed we had no chance to win after comparing the size of our business to theirs. So, after the 5th interview, I didn’t prepare anymore, thinking I knew everything about our business and that we would not have any chance over our giant competitors.

The Results:

Stevie Asia Pacific Awards for Food and Beverage we won GOLD.

International Business Award, we also won GOLD for Company of The Year. We flew to London to receive this award. Wow! That was a huge achievement and shock.

Then the announcements kept coming. We won First Place for the State-Queensland Family Business Award. After winning this State Award, we moved on to compete against other State and New Zealand winners. We met all our competitors on the Award Night and one of the competitors was up on stage for several times winning Awards for other categories. We were so glad to just be part of the winning group. So, at our table, the family was chatting away until we heard the winner.

SSS Strawberries won the Distinguished Family Business of the Year Awards for Australia and New Zealand!

So, we won 4 Gold awards First Place, 1 Bronze award and got into the finalist round. We ended up with seven successes.

It was an interesting, rewarding year full of gratefulness, achievement and recognition. It means a lot to our family, and is due to the hard work of our staff, as well as our partners.

As a result, I have learned to always pay attention. You don’t always know what you don’t know.

You are a successful leader. Which three-character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

I have an open mind, am a believer in innovation, collaboration, partnering with experts. For example, our freeze-dried fruit project has involved partnerships with local farmers, international distributors, government bodies and consultation with experts across the globe.

We have engaged in several strategic collaborations to enhance the sustainability and reach of our freeze-drying initiative. One notable partnership is with a large apple grower in Victoria, also raspberry and blueberry farmers in our local region which led to the success of the innovative “Happles” product range. This venture showcases our commitment to collaborative product innovations.

Additionally, we’ve consulted with freeze-drying technology experts from Denmark, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, and China and are integrating international best practices into the design of our facility. This international perspective not only broadens the technological foundations of our initiative but also fosters global partnerships that lay the groundwork for future expansion and knowledge exchange.

Gina’s Table also collaborates with the Federal government body in the project Fight Food Waste Australia and the state government, the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, in the development and optimization of product quality, sensory, shelf-life and testing. Gina’s Table also works alongside the Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) to expand the market and support economic growth.

Resilience and not taking ‘No’ as final is what my parents implanted in me. I am determine and willing to put in the effort to overcome challenges. For instance, recognizing the issue of food waste, I took proactive steps to transform rejected produce into marketable goods through freeze-drying, thereby turning a potential loss into an opportunity for growth and sustainability.

We are all about embracing a circular economy that benefits everyone — from local farmers to global consumers with products suspended in time that lock in flavors and freshness.

Also, my commitment to our community has been a cornerstone of our success. I am actively involved in local initiatives, including the SSS Foundation, which supports various community projects and charitable activities. Our works and efforts extend beyond just business; for example, our business has created numerous local jobs and supported other farmers by providing a new market for their produce. This deep-rooted commitment to the community has fostered strong local support and goodwill, essential for long-term business success.

Now we are launching our freeze-dried products in the largest market in the world, the United States with the assistance of a team of top-notch professionals including retails and Amazon sales, logistics, distribution, warehousing, public relations, promotions, advertising, and social media.

Are you working on any exciting new projects now? How do you think that might help people?

Turning what would otherwise become food waste into high-value tasty food is indeed an exciting and innovative venture. Why should all these good tastes go to waste?

Reducing food waste and greenhouse gas emission: Food waste is a global problem that costs the economy billions of dollars, wastes precious resources, and contributes to climate change. By giving this unmarkable food a second chance, we can help reduce the amount of food that ends up in landfills, and the greenhouse gas emissions that result from it, instead bringing the market new, innovative and quality food.

Providing healthy and nutritious food options: Food that does not have the perfect LOOK for the market but does contain the same or more valuable nutrients and antioxidants that can benefit human health and well-being as perfect-looking fruit can be used. By using a state-of-the-art freeze-drying process, we provide healthy and nutritious food options to consumers, especially those who need convenience and a fun way of eating fruits.

Creating new business opportunities and social impact: Gina’s Table will continue to bring forward a new source of income and innovation for entrepreneurs and farmers who can transform what would otherwise become waste products into high value tasty food. This project will help create new business opportunities and social impact for others who are involved in the food industry.

Ok, thank you for all that. Now let’s shift to the main focus of our interview. To begin, let’s start with a definition so that all of us are on the same page. What does Functional Food mean to you?

Functional food, to me, refers to any food that goes beyond basic nutrition to offer additional health benefits, that also means an exciting opportunity for Gina’s Table to innovate and contribute to the health and well-being of consumers in a meaningful way. Our products are 100% natural with fruit that are high in antioxidants and rich in vitamin C like the Happles products; freeze-dried apples blasted with strawberry, mango or raspberry which help boost the immune system and improve overall health.

What inspired you to get involved in the functional foods industry? How does that relate to your personal life and values?

My inspiration come from my passion for promoting health and wellness through quality, nutritious food. At Gina’s Table, our mission is to create delicious, natural foods that enhance health and well-being. Where Happles is a range of 100% Australian healthy fruit snacks that tick all the boxes; with no additives, no preservatives, non-GMO, low calories, no added sugar. This mission reflects my personal values of integrity, innovation, and a commitment to improving people’s lives by making healthy eating accessible and enjoyable.

Can you share your insights on the growing demand for functional foods in today’s market? How has this demand evolved over the years, and what do you attribute this change to?

Over the years, this demand has been driven by increased awareness of the benefits of functional foods, a growing focus on health and the desire for convenience without compromising nutrition. The development and innovation of Happles and Merries freeze dried range is our commitment to improving people’s lives by making healthy eating accessible and enjoyable.

Can you discuss the process of balancing taste with nutritional value in product development, ensuring that flavor does not take a backseat to function?

Our philosophy is stay natural and in our product development we require delicious and healthy, hence the concept of freeze -drying. Gina’s Table snacks are airy and crunchy, it is powerful in nutrients with its natural sweetness, to further innovate the fun and adventurous of healthy and delicious snack we innovate a twist; where freeze -dried apple blasted with other freeze-dried fruit powder.

What innovative ingredients are you most excited about in the functional foods market, and how are they transforming consumer health and wellness?

Natural we are committed to deliver healthy and natural food, that is why Gina’s Table freeze-dried fruits are 100% natural, no additive, NO ADDED SUGAR, NON-GMO, Gluten free, vegan friendly. All our products are straight from the field of our own home grown strawberry and of other trusted Australian farmers we partner with. This is to make sure we only freeze- dried selected seasonal best fruits to deliver to our customer the quality and healthy foods.

Based on your research or experience, can you please share your “5 Things You Need to Create a Successful Functional Foods Brand”?

My mission is to create a world where every meal is a celebration of sustainability, every farmer stands tall, and every plate tells a story of hope. Hence building a successful food brand like Gina’s Table is the beginning. The 5 keys functions below are examples:

1 . Innovation in Product Development.

We invested a $15 million freeze-drying facility demonstrates the importance of innovation. By using advanced freeze-drying technology, we were able to create a line of freeze-dried fruits that retain their nutritional value and flavor without additives or sugar added. This not only addresses consumer demand for healthy snacks but also reduces food waste by utilizing imperfect fruits that would otherwise be discarded.

2 . Understanding and meeting consumer preferences.

We recognized the increasing consumer demand for convenient, healthy snacks. By offering freeze-dried strawberries, we tapped into the market for lightweight, long-shelf-life products that cater to busy lifestyles. This approach helped meet the needs of health-conscious consumers.

3 . Strong Branding and Marketing.

The branding of Gina’s Table emphasizes natural, GMO-free, No- Added sugar and additive-free products, aligning with current health trends. Our launch event for the freeze-drying facility, featuring renowned pâtissier Adriano Zumbo, helped generate buzz and showcase the versatility and quality of our products. Effective branding and strategic marketing efforts have been key to building a strong brand identity and attracting customers.

4 . Commitment to Sustainability.

Our commitment to sustainability is evident in our efforts to reduce food waste through the freeze-drying process. By turning rejected fruits into marketable products, we not only address an environmental issue but also create a unique selling point for our brand. This commitment resonates with eco-conscious consumers and sets our brand apart from competitors.

5 . Community Engagement and Support.

Our involvement in the local community, such as through the SSS Foundation and the creation of local jobs with the new facility, demonstrates the importance of community engagement. Our efforts to support local farmers by providing a new market for their produce have built strong community ties and garnered local support, which is crucial for long-term success.

How do you navigate the regulatory challenges associated with health claims on food packaging, and what advice would you give to new entrants in this space?

Certainly, lots of learning and collaboration with regulatory experts, some steps in the navigation are:

  1. Understanding and Compliance:

We ensure that our team are well-versed in both national and international food labeling regulations. This includes understanding the specific claims that can be made about nutritional content and health benefits, as well as the scientific evidence required to support these claims.

2. Proactive Compliance:

We prioritize transparency and accuracy on our product labels. This includes clear listing of ingredients, nutritional information, and any health claims being supported by verifiable data.

3. Collaboration with Experts:

We collaborate with food scientists and regulatory consultants to ensure that all health claims meet the necessary standards. These experts help in navigating complex regulations and ensuring ongoing compliance as regulations evolve​.

My suggestion to new entrants is thorough research and understanding of regulations and stay up-dated. This is best to seek professional, hire experts and take advantage of resources and support from industry associations, which often provide good guidelines and assistance. Most important of all be transparent and ensure that any health claims are supported by solid scientific evidence.

In what ways have consumer preferences shaped the evolution of your product offerings, and how do you stay ahead of the curve in such a dynamic market?

Consumer preferences have significantly influenced the evolution of Gina’s Table product offerings. Our study shown modern consumers are increasingly seeking healthier snack options, products with longer shelf life, and sustainability in their food choices. Gina’s Table brand, capitalizing on several key consumer demands such as:

Health and Nutrition: Gina’s Table freeze-dried is healthy, natural snacks with no additives. Our Happles and Merries range meet this need by offering a product that retains the nutritional benefits and intense flavor of fresh fruits without any added preservatives or sugars.

Convenience: Busy lifestyles have driven consumers towards convenient food options that do not compromise on quality. Freeze-dried fruits are lightweight, easy to store, and have a long shelf life, making them a convenient option for consumers who want nutritious snacks on the go.

Sustainability: Modern consumers are increasingly concerned about sustainability and food waste. Gina’s innovation in using freeze-drying technology to utilize imperfect fruits aligns with these values, reducing waste and promoting sustainable farming practices. This has resonated well with environmentally conscious consumers.

Staying ahead in such a dynamic market requires continuous innovation, adaptability, and keen market insight, so at Gina’s Table we employ:

By investing in advanced freeze-drying technology, Gina ensures her products meet high standards of quality and longevity. This technology not only helps in preserving the nutritional content and flavor but also allows for the creation of diverse product lines like fruit powders and crumbles which are perfect of for natural ingredients and food decorations.

Regularly conducting market research and gathering consumer feedback helps in understanding evolving preferences. Our proactive approach in listening to customer needs and adapting our products accordingly ensures our offerings remain relevant and in demand

Engaging with the local community and collaborating with renowned chefs and food experts helps in promoting the brand and exploring new product applications. Events like the factory opening, which featured prominent chefs, not only boost visibility but also provide insights into potential market trends and opportunities​.

You are a person of enormous influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂

My passion is to help family businesses thrive and prosper. I think family businesses are not only a source of income, but also a way to make a positive impact on the world, through innovation and social responsibility. I believe that success starts from within and that is “the family,” and that it is much more meaningful when success is shared with family.

However, I also know that family businesses can face many challenges and complexities. They have to deal with issues such as succession, governance, conflict, and role management. These issues can threaten the survival and growth of the family business, and also harm the family harmony and well-being.

Therefore, I want to offer support, guidance, and resources to family businesses, to help all of us family business around the world to overcome our obstacles and reach our potential and success. I want to share, celebrate, and showcase the stories and achievements of successful family businesses around the world and to learn from their best practices and experiences.

What is the best way for our readers to continue to follow your work online?

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This was very inspiring. Thank you so much for the time you spent on this. We wish you only continued success.

Function Meets Flavor: Gina Dang Of Gina’s Table & SSS Strawberries On 5 Things You Need to Create… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.