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Female Disruptors: Christy Primmer of ‘Primetime Consulting Services’ On The Three Things You Need…

Female Disruptors: Christy Primmer of ‘Primetime Consulting Services’ On The Three Things You Need To Shake Up Your Industry

I’m teaching women how to raise their hand and be seen and heard in a next level way. My books, products and services are helping women across the globe stand up and I say “I matter” and encouraging them to use no as a complete sentence. I hold space for others to release their shame, past pain and stop apologizing for wanting to be healthy and wealthy. Essentially, I disrupt patterns of thoughts, shake up old feelings, and help women navigate their path to fulfilling their dreams, all from taking soul-aligned action and using the power of their mind.

As a part of our series about women who are shaking things up in their industry, I had the pleasure of interviewing Christy Primmer, a registered counsellor and success coach who is teaching ambitious women how to stand in their fierce feminine power becoming confident AF to create the life and business they desire using self-care and law of attraction.

Christy is the President of her company Primetime Consulting Services Inc. which provides services and products that educate and empower women to get back in the driver’s seat of their own lives. Bringing more than a decade of experience, Christy specializes in mindset and is the queen of inner game transformation.

Author of Confessions of a Self-Care Junkie, Primetime Success, EXPOSED: Diary of a Self-Care Junkie, and host of the TV show Women Who Lead. Christy has been featured on numerous podcasts sharing her message that the secret to living a successful life is being true to yourself, your values and honoring your desires.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dig in, our readers would like to get to know you a bit more. Can you tell us a bit about your “backstory”? What led you to this particular career path?

I have always been a writer, first. Poetry saved my life as a little girl and I always dreamed I’d see my books on the store shelves one day. I have always had a way with words. I started winning public speaking contests when I was eight or nine, and being in front of the camera was always second nature to me.

I was drawn to the helping profession at a young age through community volunteer work and adventures as a Girl Guide. I always felt good when I could make the people around me laugh. Growing up, I struggled with low self-esteem, body image issues and an overall lack of self-worth. I hid those things through being the person in the room who would make sure everyone else felt good. Discovering personal development changed my life. I knew if I could work through things and completely change my life then I could also help others do the same.

I started my career in the social services field working in a group home supporting individuals living with dual diagnosis and then transitioned to working in counselling services facilitating one to one and couples counselling. Throughout my post-secondary journey, I studied developmental disabilities, human behavior, business and psychology. I have always been a student both in and outside of the classroom; I’m always eager to learn. Moving forward, I specialized in trauma counselling; sexual violence, anxiety, etc. and witnessed massive transformation and healing.

In 2011, I took the leap of faith in myself and my skillset and founded my own company. I wanted to take control of my calendar and create the lifestyle I had always wanted. I wasn’t available to beg for time off and work more hours than I was getting paid for someone else. I also wanted to choose who I worked with. I committed to providing products and services that empower and educate women to live better. I ran my private practice for nine years and have ventured into the coaching industry. I work with ambitious women who are ready to ditch self-sabotage, up-level their confidence, relationships, and create a life they want to wake up to. It has been a journey but well worth it.

Can you tell our readers what it is about the work you’re doing that’s disruptive?

I’m teaching women how to raise their hand and be seen and heard in a next level way. My books, products and services are helping women across the globe stand up and I say “I matter” and encouraging them to use no as a complete sentence. I hold space for others to release their shame, past pain and stop apologizing for wanting to be healthy and wealthy. Essentially, I disrupt patterns of thoughts, shake up old feelings, and help women navigate their path to fulfilling their dreams, all from taking soul-aligned action and using the power of their mind.

The best thing a leader can do is lead by example. I use my own experience to set the tone that of course, anything is possible. I know the struggles of pain and abandonment in childhood, divorce, single-motherhood, and working three jobs to make ends meet while putting myself through post-secondary education.

I also know the liberation in learning to trust your intuition, connecting deeper to source, prioritizing self-care and surrounding yourself with better people. I literally wrote a checklist of everything I desired in my dream man and called in my husband. I spoke health and healing over my son who lives with Erb’s Palsy and BPI when many doctors told me healing wasn’t possible. When I say anything is possible, I mean it. I was practicing using the law of attraction before I even knew it was a thing. This stuff works!

I see a need for more women to step up and step into the version of themselves that they long to be. Free from the titles they wear and truly owning their voice, their desires, and their choices. Believe it or not, there are still many women afraid to speak up or unsure of who they really are and it is my mission to help as many women as possible figure that out.

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

Oh my goodness, this makes me laugh so hard. Do you remember when PicCollage first came out? Well, I had downloaded the app and started creating images for social media posts that were on point with my brand. Cool, right? No, not cool. I wasn’t aware that everyone else who was doing the same thing knew that cropping the image to remove the app’s logo made a big difference in your branding.

I was preparing slide decks for numerous events I was keynoting and several workshops I was facilitating all while having my logo and other images appear with the words “PicCollage” on the bottom. Totally, not the look I was going for. Thankfully, when I invested in my first VA, she rebranded all of my images, slide decks included. I laugh about it now because it seems so obvious that I’d want to remove that logo from my branded content but it wasn’t funny then. I remember my inner perfectionist being triggered and feeling embarrassed and I definitely wasted a few nights of good sleep worrying that the event organizers questioned my speaking fees when I was showing up with PicCollage on a bunch of content. No one said a word about it so who knows! Thankfully, I am an amazing speaker and bring great energy into the room. Maybe, that’s why nobody mentioned it. Ahh! The lessons you learn along the way!

We all need a little help along the journey. Who have been some of your mentors? Can you share a story about how they made an impact?

I believe with all my heart that coaches need coaches, and mastermind circles at every level. Some of my favorite mentors have been Bob Proctor, Katrina Ruth, Chris Winfield, and Jen Gottlieb, to name a few. The impact that these mentors have had on my life is priceless!

From everything mindset, up-leveling my circle and connections, to building confidence in myself and my messaging, healing my money relationship, and overall ability to stay true to my vision while creating my business and lifestyle on my terms. Investing in mentors and masterminds is why I am where I am in my journey and it keeps getting better and better.

I remember the moment I crossed paths with my favorite speaker in the whole entire world, Les Brown. I was at Grant Cardone’s 10X conference (his first one in Miami, 2016) and he had just delivered an amazing talk on stage. We were out in the hallway and his team was setting up his booth. As I was standing as close as possible to him, I heard him say “It’s possible. Whatever is on your heart, it is possible!” I literally had tears in my eyes. I know he was talking to the small group of us but I felt it in my bones that he was talking to me. That experience changed my life. I made a personal commitment to going all in on my dreams. I have recited every talk Les has given to myself since then when I need the reminder that no matter where I have come from, I can get to where I want to be. I’m hungry for success and I’m not afraid to do the necessary work to have what I want.

In today’s parlance, being disruptive is usually a positive adjective. But is disrupting always good? When do we say the converse, that a system or structure has ‘withstood the test of time’? Can you articulate to our readers when disrupting an industry is positive, and when disrupting an industry is ‘not so positive’? Can you share some examples of what you mean?

Disruption is a word that causes people to feel nervous, excited, frustrated and all the in-betweens. There are definitely positive ways to disrupt normal as in relation to the work I’m doing with clients by helping them interrupt their thoughts and consciously choose new ones to create a healthier life. Tapping into new ideas and building businesses that will “stand the test of time” so to speak as far as not being disrupted by much except a poor WiFi connection.

There’s also a negative attachment to things being disrupted. We have felt a slight panic when Instagram goes down; especially, if we rely on that platform for our business. Change is the only guarantee in life and yet people will fight for their limitations, take grudges to their graves, and feel angry when their relationships or business are threatened by disruption. I think COVID-19 is a great example.

Some people are still stuck in denial and fighting the drastic measures and lockdown controls we are all forced to accept right now and others are thriving, scaling their businesses, healing old wounds and upping their self-care game while connecting deeper with their partners, children, etc. It’s all about perspective. Which lens do you view the world with? A cloudy lens that causes anxiety and worry to consume you or a lens of possibilities which allows you to find solutions to your problems?

Can you share 3 of the best words of advice you’ve gotten along your journey? Please give a story or example for each.

1 . Create new habits that fuel your success and allow healing.

“How you start your morning will determine your results.” These words changed my entire life. I start my day with a morning routine that fuels my mind, body and soul. Self-care impacts success! I know the difference in having a routine that works for you versus getting up, chugging along, wasting time scrolling your favorite social media app, and never really feeling focused. When you want to succeed in anything you must create new habits that fuel your success.

You have to let go of the old patterns and habits keeping you stuck in procrastination, preventing you from moving forward and allow healing and transformation to occur. The power in that transformation starts with your morning. I’ll share my routine as an example: I start with prayer, gratitude, visualization meditation, then coffee and journal session followed up with movement. I do some sort of workout and then wrap it up with a shower and boom! I’m ready to show up as my best self!

2. Understand the importance of looking at self-care from a holistic perspective.

I believe and teach that self-care has six components: Spiritual health, Emotional and mental health, physical and sexual health and financial health. Taking care of yourself requires you to honor your mind, body, and soul. It involves a lot more than dark chocolate and a bubble bath, although those can be enjoyed.

When I got intentional about my life, I wrote down these six health topics and started brainstorming about all the ideas and things I needed to do in order to live my best life. You’ve got to take responsibility for your health, get regular doctor check-ups, implement boundaries, end toxic relationships, and call yourself out on your own crap. There’s a lot more to the self-care game than meets the eye. I’m so passionate about self-care and its impact on success that I wrote an entire book on these six topics.

3. Clean up your circle. Up-leveling your circle of influence leads to better results and is a significant part of self-care.

When I talk about emotional and mental wellness, the second question I ask clients is who are they surrounded by? The first question is how much sleep do you get?

The environment you live in affects you, yes. So does the type of people you are associating with.

When I started owning my opinions, and standing up for myself a lot of people close to me didn’t like it. They questioned my obsession with personal development, they laughed at me, made me feel weird for talking about energetic healing and vibration attraction. I guess it was strange for them, but I kept doing my thing.

Your circle of influence can derail you from going after your dreams if you let it. I had to make the decision to trust myself more than I valued their opinions on what I was doing. I experienced a lot of loneliness while sorting through my circle. I realized that friendships I’d outgrown needed to end, family members who didn’t support me had to have less access to me and I started investing in masterminds where I was surrounded by high-vibe people who supported me even if they didn’t fully understand my mission.

The best example I will share is the transformations I have witnessed, not only within myself but in hundreds of clients who started listening to free podcasts, reading books, hiring a mentor, and spending time with people who want you to win and challenge you to think bigger. It’s time to clean up your circle.

We are sure you aren’t done. How are you going to shake things up next?

My newest book, Confessions of a Self-Care Junkie is about to shake up and wake up women in the best way possible. It’s filled with practical strategies to unleash possibilities, release the fear that holds so many women back and live free of shame, worry, and other people’s opinions.

I’m passionate about teaching self-care from a holistic perspective because that is how we transform our lives from the inside out. Women who refuse to settle in anything are changing the world one decision at a time and I know that women who stand in their fierce feminine power, owning who they are without apology are the movers and shakers who will lead like never before. This book will help women get out of the box society has stuffed them into and teach them how to reclaim their personal power and go after their dreams with guts, determination and the knowing that yes, they can be, do, have whatever they desire. It all starts from within; loving and accepting who you are. I have goose bumps just thinking about it!

In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges faced by ‘women disruptors’ that aren’t typically faced by their male counterparts?

One of the biggest challenges we, as women, face is the stigma around ‘not being lady-like’ if we speak up.

There’s still an unspoken expectation that women will be the submissive in any situation a man is present. Examples I hear all the time, are from women who are afraid to disagree with a male co-worker in a meeting, or a woman who lets her male employer pass off her idea as his own. There are so many different ways women continue to feel silenced and it is time to change that. It is time to celebrate strong female leaders, our world needs them.

It is 2021! We are raising our hands, being seen and heard and we aren’t apologizing for it. It’s time to take radical responsibility for your life and build up your confidence, evaluate your circle of influence and release the worry of other people’s opinions.

Ladies, you will always be too big, too loud, or too bold to somebody.

Don’t dim your light, it’s primetime to shine!

Do you have a book/podcast/talk that’s had a deep impact on your thinking? Can you share a story with us?

Reading and re-reading The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, by Joseph Murphy changed my life. Each time I read it I takeaway something new. It’s such a powerful book filled with knowledge all about how we can reprogram our subconscious mind to create our dream life.

I have used numerous exercises from that book and they have worked. I enjoy exploring with the possibilities of my mind and highly recommend it to anyone else who wants to tap into more of what’s available for them. Another great lesson I learned from the book is how important your environment is. Up-leveling your circle of influence leads to better results and is a significant factor in your success. I teach the importance of cleaning up your circle as a self-care practice.

You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂

I am working on starting the Self-Care Junkie movement. I believe the better care we take of ourselves, from the holistic perspective, the better lives we live. Healthy women make healthier decisions.

When we nourish ourselves inside out, we change the game. Our relationships improve, our marriages are stronger, our children thrive, and we make conscious choices instead of living on autopilot. Our businesses and careers flourish, we make more money, ultimately, everything changes when we take care of ourselves and honor our needs.

Imagine what would change if more people started taking as great of care for themselves as they do their smartphones? Recharge your mind, body, and soul and watch your life transform.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

It’s actually a quote I made up years ago when I was creating my power thoughts deck and it is “Create your life not by accident, but by intention”. I stopped setting goals that weren’t specific enough and started getting tuned into my intentions and how I wanted to feel.

We create goals to achieve something, and there are numerous methods being taught about how to set effective goals but I see more results when I set intentions. With intentional living you start making decisions and setting goals based on how you desire to show up, how you want to feel, and intentions allow you to say no to anything or anyone who is not aligned with what you want to do and who you want to be.

I want to be intentional with my time, energy, money, and of course in my daily life. I know many people want to feel better and getting clear on your values and what success looks like to you will help you sort out what you really want to achieve and how you want to feel along the way.

How can our readers follow you online?

I love hanging out on the gram — find me at and my website is

This was very inspiring. Thank you so much for joining us!

Thank you for the opportunity!!!

Female Disruptors: Christy Primmer of ‘Primetime Consulting Services’ On The Three Things You Need… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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