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Education Revolution: Robyn Mussler Of Connect IT 360 On Innovative Approaches That Are…

Education Revolution: Robyn Mussler Of Connect IT 360 On Innovative Approaches That Are Transforming Education

An interview with Eden Gold

…NGT360 is revolutionizing education by focusing on innovation and practical skills. We empower students to confidently tackle the challenges of an ever-changing world, fostering their ability to develop impactful solutions. Our goal is to nurture well-rounded individuals with a growth mindset and a drive for solutions, making them valuable contributors to society. The program’s success is evidenced by numerous stories of students who have achieved significant accomplishments and secured successful careers…

The education landscape is undergoing a profound transformation, propelled by technological advancements, pedagogical innovations, and a deepened understanding of learning diversities. Traditional classrooms are evolving, and new modes of teaching and learning are emerging to better prepare students for the complexities of the modern world. This series will take a look at the groundbreaking work being done across the globe to redefine education. As a part of this interview series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Robyn Mussler.

Robyn Mussler is the Principal Consultant and CEO of Resolution Management Inc., an IT and Business Consulting firm, and the Founder of Connect IT 360, a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching youth essential life skills. Inspired by her sister Susie, who had Down Syndrome, Robyn founded Connect IT 360 with the mission to create opportunities for a brighter future for everyone. Robyn is also the author and chair of the award-winning Next Generation Tech (NGT) program. Her career, which spans 30 years, has established her as an innovative leader in IT, specializing in building software solutions and streamlining business operations globally. Her clientele ranges from Fortune 500 companies to start-ups, reflecting her versatility and expertise. Recently, Robyn expanded her NGT program through her non-profit to reach communities nationwide, aiming to nurture the next generation of creators and leaders. She holds a BS in Management Information Systems, an MBA, and certifications in ITIL and Six Sigma. Additionally, Robyn has lived and studied in South America and Europe, enriching her global perspective and approach to business and technology.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share the “backstory” behind what brought you to this particular career path?

I was invited to judge a high school tech competition for the Pinellas Education Foundation. Observing that the competition did not accurately reflect industry practices, I felt compelled to bridge the gap between the school system and the tech industry. I proposed and developed a program that mirrored industry standards and demonstrated best practices in product development. The initiative was a success in its first year. Realizing that 95% of industry practices were not being taught to students, I enhanced the program to include personalized, project-based training alongside the competition. The program’s success and impact led the business community to encourage me to expand beyond Pinellas County to benefit more youth. Consequently, I established the nonprofit Connect-IT 360 to expand the NGT360 program nationally and internationally, aiming to nurture the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs and to empower communities to cultivate their own local talent. My commitment to nurturing young talent and promoting innovative thinking culminated in the creation of NGT360, a platform designed to equip high school students with entrepreneurial and technological skills.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

This is a challenging question to answer. I have to say creating the Next Gen Tech 360 (NGT360) program. Developing the NGT360 program made me realize the significant gap between education and industry. My initial goal with NGT360 was to equip youth with real-world skills for tech careers. However, the program’s impact has extended beyond this, fostering confidence and self-belief in young adults to help them become the best versions of themselves, realizing incredible personal development.

Over the past nine years, the NGT360 program has led to numerous inspiring stories and remarkable transformations among the students. I’ve learned to view the world differently and take a 360-degree approach to understanding them and the world around me. I’ve discovered that all children have unique brilliance; it’s about helping them recognize their superpowers and building trust to help them uncover and believe in their capabilities.

The students teach me as much as I teach them, and there’s nothing more fulfilling than helping others unlock their true potential. We instill in them a growth mindset and resilience to overcome challenges. In turn, they have helped me refine my skills and discover my true passion.

Can you briefly share with our readers why you are an authority in the education field?

I am considered an authority in education, particularly in technology and entrepreneurship, due to my extensive experience with the NGT360 program, which has impacted over 1,200 high school students. Additionally, my involvement in various committees and extracurricular groups while raising my daughter and son (now 25 and 22 years old) adds to my credentials. I have also mentored young adults at the collegiate level and have hired many young professionals, helping them acquire the necessary skills to succeed in the business world. My work with NGT360 and my active engagement with educational communities underscore my expertise and dedication to enhancing educational outcomes.

Can you identify some areas of the US education system that are going really great?

Schools are recognizing the need to be more agile and aware of the impact of emerging technology. They are becoming more open-minded about exploring different methods to educate both teachers and students to embrace these changes. There is a greater emphasis on creativity and innovation, offering students opportunities to explore and develop new ideas. Schools understand that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to teaching and are adopting more personalized methods to help students reach their full potential. New programs focus on empowering students to become independent and confident learners, contributing to their overall development and readiness for the future. A huge contribution is having teachers do externships in companies so they can get a real-world understanding of how we operate to better understand our needs and what to emphasize in their teaching to our youth.

Can you identify the key areas of the US education system that should be prioritized for improvement? Can you explain why those are so critical?

Key areas of focus for the educational system needs to be technology integration, cyber security and data analytics, entrepreneurship, and the real-world application of skills. With a huge emphasis on effective teamwork and collaboration, enhancing communication skills to engage with individuals and groups at all levels. Instilling a growth mindset and resiliency, teaching that success is the culmination of many failures leading to the right path. This focus is essential for preparing our youth for future careers and fostering a culture of innovation and critical thinking. Not to mention it allows them to be a valuable contributor to society and a part of building thriving communities.

Please tell us all about the innovative educational approaches that you are using. What is the specific problem that you aim to solve, and how have you addressed it?

NGT360 leverages personalized project-based learning, mentorship, and industry-expert collaboration to bridge the gap between traditional education and modern workforce skills. We focus on teaching youth through hands-on experience, allowing them to make decisions and learn from the outcomes. From the idea stage to market readiness, students receive guidance but make all key decisions. In a Shark Tank-style, they continuously pitch their ideas, honing their communication skills and understanding the process of taking a raw idea to market.

The program addresses the lack of practical, hands-on experience by focusing on three key areas:

1) a real-world skills toolkit,

2) mindset development,

3) building a professional network.

These elements are crucial for any career path, aiming to develop the next generation of leaders and creators who can contribute meaningfully to their communities and society.

In what ways do you think your approach might shape the future of education? What evidence supports this?

NGT360 is revolutionizing education by focusing on innovation and practical skills. We empower students to confidently tackle the challenges of an ever-changing world, fostering their ability to develop impactful solutions. Our goal is to nurture well-rounded individuals with a growth mindset and a drive for solutions, making them valuable contributors to society. The program’s success is evidenced by numerous stories of students who have achieved significant accomplishments and secured successful careers.

How do you measure the impact of your innovative educational practices on students’ learning and well-being?

The measured impact of NGT360 includes increased student engagement, improved problem-solving skills, enhanced communication abilities, business acumen, professional networking, effective marketing team collaboration, and greater confidence in tackling real-world challenges.

What challenges have you faced in implementing your educational innovations, and how have you overcome them?

The challenges faced include securing funding and gaining buy-in from traditional educational institutions. I have overcome these by demonstrating the program’s success and building strong partnerships with industry and community leaders. This is a continuous challenge where Connect-IT 360 has brought in board members and advisors in nonprofit, education, and marketing areas of expertise to assist in the non-profit’s ability to penetrate these barriers to be able to scale and expand so all of our youth can have this incredible award-winning opportunity. You may reach out to me to see how you can get involved in making a difference.

Keeping in mind the “Law of Unintended Consequences” can you see any potential drawbacks of this innovation that people should think more deeply about?

One potential drawback of NGT360’s innovation could be the unequal access to resources among different schools, which might exacerbate educational disparities. It’s important to consider how to ensure all students have access to such opportunities.

What are your “5 Things I Wish I Knew When I First Started”?

  1. The ins and outs of starting and growing a non-profit.
  2. How to effectively measure and communicate program impact.
  3. The challenges of integrating new programs into existing school systems.
  4. The challenges in securing funding and sponsorships.
  5. The complexities of maneuvering the state and federal landscape for approved programming and funding.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

“Be the change you want to see in the world” by Mahatma Gandhi encapsulates the mission of NGT360, emphasizing the importance of authenticity, resilience in adversity, persistence in pursuing dreams, and taking ownership of one’s life. It inspires us to empower the next generation to recognize their unique talents and make a positive impact. At NGT360, we believe in valuing, appreciating, and respecting every individual, helping them discover and fulfill their purpose in life. 😊

This quote reflects NGT360’s commitment to instilling values and skills that empower youth to create meaningful change, fostering a sense of purpose and contribution in their communities and beyond.

We are blessed that some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US, with whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch, and why? He or she might just see this if we tag them 🙂

Cathy Wood — I would like to meet Cathie Wood, a leader in the finance sector and founder of the ARK Innovation Center. My goal is to collaborate with Cathie to develop a youth innovation accelerator path, leveraging the Next Gen Tech 360 program as a foundation. This program will cultivate critical thinking and ideation skills, and expand to include modules on finance, manufacturing, and other areas. By providing personalized, experiential learning opportunities and instruction from industry experts, we aim to equip our youth with the mindset, skillset, and network they need to thrive in our constantly evolving world. Meeting Cathie Wood will allow us to create an innovative educational pathway that prepares the next generation for future challenges by fostering essential skills and providing expert guidance.

Ron DeSantis — I would like to meet Governor Ron DeSantis, a strong supporter of the skills and methodologies promoted by the Next Gen Tech 360 program. He has allocated substantial government funding for workforce development initiatives. My goal is to have Connect-IT 360 recognized as an approved vendor and secure funding for the NGT360 program. Additionally, I aim to have NGT360 highlighted as a preferred program for Florida’s K-12, higher education, and adult reskilling or upskilling efforts. Governor DeSantis’ support for workforce development aligns with the goals of NGT360, making this meeting crucial for advancing educational opportunities in Florida.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

Thank you so much for these insights! This was so inspiring!

About The Interviewer: Eden Gold, is a youth speaker, keynote speaker, founder of the online program Life After High School, and host of the Real Life Adulting Podcast. Being America’s rising force for positive change, Eden is a catalyst for change in shaping the future of education. With a lifelong mission of impacting the lives of 1 billion young adults, Eden serves as a practical guide, aiding young adults in honing their self-confidence, challenging societal conventions, and crafting a strategic roadmap towards the fulfilling lives they envision.

Do you need a dynamic speaker, or want to learn more about Eden’s programs? Click here:

Education Revolution: Robyn Mussler Of Connect IT 360 On Innovative Approaches That Are… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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