An Interview With Jake Frankel
Connect with your audience by delivering the content in your unique voice. Readers appreciate a personal connection, so let your personality shine through. This establishes a relationship and builds trust as they get to know you as the author.
As a part of my series about “How to write a book that sparks a movement” I had the pleasure of interviewing Donna White.
Donna White is a seasoned expert in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy with over 30 years of experience. As the founder of the BHRT Training Academy, author of “The Hormone Makeover,” and a pioneer in establishing BHRT programs, she has played a pivotal role in advancing the movement for hormone health. Her expertise is augmented by her personal journey with hormonal imbalance, rendering her a compassionate authority in this field.
Thank you so much for joining us! Can you share the “backstory” of how you grew up?
I was raised in a middle-class family in North Carolina, and though we didn’t have much money, my parents’ love was abundant. Neither of them had the opportunity to attend college, but they instilled in me the importance of education for securing a better future for myself and my future family.
My mother, a beautiful source of inspiration, often shared a quote with me: “You can do anything you want to do if you want to do it bad enough.” Her words motivated me to strive for success and achieve a level of accomplishment that would fulfill my aspirations.
When you were younger, was there a book that you read that inspired you to take action or changed your life? Can you share a story?
There really isn’t a book I read when I was young unless you count, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause (TM): The Breakthrough Book on Natural Hormone Balance [Lee MD, John R., Hopkins, Virginia] that was published in 1996, when I was 34. That is where I first found out that my symptoms were related to hormone imbalance, thus starting my education and training in the field of hormones and the launch of my career and personal healing journey.
What was the moment or series of events that made you decide to bring your message to the greater world? Can you share a story about that?
It wasn’t a singular moment, but rather a series of events that led me to my current mission. I faced personal struggles and enduring pain, particularly related to hormone imbalances. These challenges impacted both my emotional and physical well-being. It became evident to me that many women lack awareness about hormones and their potential influence on various aspects of life. Even when they suspect hormonal issues, there’s often confusion about how to address them. It’s this lack of knowledge and confusion that fuels my determination to share my message with the wider world.
What impact did you hope to make when you wrote this book?
The profound impact lies in helping women comprehend that their struggles, such as difficulty losing weight or mood swings, may not solely be attributed to lack of willpower but could be rooted in hormonal imbalances. Whether it’s irritability, anger, or mood swings, understanding that hormones play a significant role is crucial. While continuous PMS isn’t the norm, recognizing cyclic changes or the approach to menopause can provide insights.
It’s essential to acknowledge that trying to overcome these challenges through sheer willpower is often insufficient. Hormonal deficiencies or excesses can substantially affect sleep, emotional well-being, focus, and overall mental health. Unlike a simple “mind over matter” approach, these imbalances require a more nuanced understanding.
The analogy of our bodies being akin to a well-maintained car with specific nutrient and hormone levels is apt. If these levels are not optimal, expecting the body to function at its best is unrealistic. Telling someone to “snap out of it,” “eat better,” or “exercise more” might not be effective if their hormones are out of balance.
Addressing issues like depression or weight management requires a holistic understanding of the body’s need for normal hormone levels. It’s not just about cheering up or going for a walk; it’s about recognizing and rectifying hormonal imbalances to promote overall well-being, allowing individuals to age gracefully and operate optimally. My intention for writing the book was to make sure the reader got the practical steps. In the book the steps I outline include how to best select and work with a medical provider, precisely how to test for hormone imbalance, what should be included in treatment plans, and how to monitor progress for lifelong benefits.
Did the actual results align with your expectations? Can you explain?
Throughout my years in this field, witnessing both women and men undergo the transformative journey of restoring hormonal balance has been an indescribable blessing. It’s challenging to articulate the profound impact because people often express how their lives have completely changed. Testimonials include statements like, “I’m no longer yelling at my kids,” or “I’ve regained interest in my relationship with my husband.” The newfound sense of calmness, improved focus at work, and the ability to finally get a good night’s sleep are frequently mentioned.
The results achieved through hormonal balance far surpass any monetary gain or professional milestone. The true reward lies in observing the tangible, positive effects on individuals’ day-to-day lives — watching them excel in their careers and restore meaningful relationships. For me, the most fulfilling aspect of my career is not about financial accomplishments or book releases; it’s about making a genuine impact on people’s lives and witnessing their journey toward personal and professional excellence.
What moment let you know that your book had started a movement? Please share a story.
Upon the initial release of my book in 2010 — now seeing its second edition — I received a comment that deeply resonated with me. A reader expressed, “When I was reading your book, I felt like I was sitting down having a cup of tea with someone who understood exactly what I was going through.” To me, there could be no greater compliment. This sentiment has become a cornerstone of the movement I aim to foster. While my book primarily caters to women, acknowledging that hormonal issues also affect men, the core idea is to make individuals feel understood.
The gratification lies in knowing that women, upon reading the book, can recognize the role of hormones in their experiences and find solace in the understanding that they can feel better. Unfortunately, many women who suspect hormonal issues often encounter dismissive responses from practitioners who may not test hormones or acknowledge their significance. Offering people a sense of understanding and hope has been remarkably rewarding. It affirmed for me that I am on the right path in contributing to a movement where individuals feel heard, understood, and hopeful about their journey toward hormonal balance and well-being.
I aim to help people grasp the importance of hormone health while providing practical steps for improvement. It’s not just about knowing; it’s about doing. By eating well, staying active, getting enough sleep, and managing stress, individuals can actively support their hormones. Some other important steps would include testing hormones and using bioidentical hormones and supplements when indicated. These simple actions can make a big difference in promoting overall well-being and fostering a positive outlook on their health journey.
What kinds of things did you hear right away from readers? What are the most frequent things you hear from readers about your book now? Are they the same? Different?
One common sentiment I frequently encounter, whether through speaking engagements or feedback on my book, is the regret expressed by individuals: “I wish I had known this sooner.” Many readers identify with the symptoms and issues detailed in the book, recognizing themselves in the experiences shared.
While it’s one thing to describe what’s happening and propose solutions, the crucial aspect of my book lies in providing precise, actionable steps for individuals to manage their own issues. This emphasis on offering clear guidance is a primary motivation behind my writing. Readers often convey to me that they now understand the intricacies of topics like bioidentical natural hormones and, more importantly, how to address hormone imbalance. They appreciate gaining practical insights on what to do, how to find the right practitioner, and the actions they should be taking. It’s not just about understanding the concepts; it’s about empowering readers with the practical “how-to” that can make a tangible difference in their lives.
What is the most moving or fulfilling experience you’ve had as a result of writing this book? Can you share a story?
The most moving experience for me is when I get to teach or speak to live audiences. Even from the stage just see the faces of women. At first, they seem frustrated as I discuss symptoms, sometimes even upset that they didn’t know their issues are connected to hormone imbalance but then I get to watch as the faces change to empowered and excited when I share how and what they can do.
Have you experienced anything negative? Do you feel there are drawbacks to writing a book that starts such colossal conversation and change?
Occasionally, we receive negative feedback, particularly from individuals with strong scientific backgrounds, expressing skepticism about the use of bioidentical hormones. While such instances are rare, it’s worth noting that this concern is effectively addressed in the book. Despite initial skepticism, the criticism often revolves around the perceived lack of research supporting the use of bioidentical hormones.
However, the book actively tackles this by highlighting numerous studies that robustly support and validate the efficacy of natural bioidentical hormones in achieving hormonal balance. The skepticism typically diminishes once these scientific minds delve into the extensive bibliography provided in the book, where they can explore the wealth of research supporting the discussed concepts. While skepticism may be an initial reaction, it is often replaced with understanding and acceptance as individuals engage with the comprehensive evidence presented.
Can you articulate why you think books in particular have the power to create movements, revolutions, and true change?
I believe reading books is valuable because it provides people with accurate information necessary for making informed decisions. When we rely solely on Google searches, we might encounter a mix of ideas, some of which may be inaccurate. Taking the time to read a book allows us to delve into comprehensive information, particularly in areas that impact our lives, such as health. Whether it’s understanding symptoms, long-term health, or disease prevention, reading books offers a more reliable source of information that can guide our decisions and positively influence our well-being.
What is the one habit you believe contributed the most to you becoming a bestselling writer? (i.e. perseverance, discipline, play, craft study) Can you share a story or example?
I’m not sure if it’s a specific habit that contributed to my success as a best-selling writer; rather, it’s more about perseverance and the determination to keep pushing forward. What motivates me is the genuine need and pleas I hear from the public — both women and men — seeking clarity on their health issues and symptoms. Even on exhausting or hectic days, my drive comes from the commitment to disseminate crucial information. It’s about prioritizing the people who rely on the information, pushing past fatigue to meet the needs of those seeking clarity.
What challenge or failure did you learn the most from in your writing career? Can you share the lesson(s) that you learned?
The major hurdle I encountered upon releasing my first book over a decade ago was a lack of understanding in effective marketing. The primary challenge revolved around not knowing how to effectively promote my book, seize opportunities to connect with the community, especially online, and reach the individuals seeking the information I had to offer. Consequently, my most significant challenges and setbacks were in the realm of marketing.

Many aspiring authors would love to make an impact similar to what you have done. What are the 5 things writers need to know if they want to spark a movement with a book?
First and foremost, clearly (1) define your target audience and understand their needs. Identify what you want to convey, why it matters, and how to address it. (2) Organize your thoughts and, if needed, create a syllabus or table of contents in advance. (3) Be concise and organized, ensuring your material is well-structured.
(4) Connect with your audience by delivering the content in your unique voice. Readers appreciate a personal connection, so let your personality shine through. This establishes a relationship and builds trust as they get to know you as the author.
In the current information age, people tend to skim, so avoid overwhelming them with lengthy content. Keep it concise and engaging, encouraging readers to delve into the material. (5) Consider structuring chapters with a reasonable length, offering takeaway points and key information for easy reference. Remember, readers are more likely to absorb and appreciate well-organized, concise content that keeps them engaged.
The world, of course, needs progress in many areas. What movement do you hope someone (or you!) starts next? Can you explain why that is so important?
Understand that hormones are not dangerous, they are chemicals we are supposed to have in our body to support our health and longevity. I want people to understand how important hormone balance is. People need to know that bioidentical hormones are not a fad, they aren’t alternative medicine, and there’s scientific data to support their use and safety. That’s the movement that I would want to start among the lay public as well as the medical community.
How can our readers follow you on social media?
Facebook — Donna White —
Facebook — Public Page — BHRT Training Academy —
Facebook — Private Group — BHRT Training Academy Providers
Facebook — Hormone Makeover —
Instagram — BHRT Training Academy —
LinkedIn — Donna White —
Twitter — BHRT Training Academy —
Twitter — Hormone Makeover —
Thank you so much for these insights. It was a true pleasure to do this with you.
Donna White Of BHRT Training Academy On How To Write A Book That Sparks A Movement was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.