Celebrity Trainer Seth Browning: “If as a society, we had movement for gratitude, this world would shift our collective consciousness to higher vibration”

I can struggle with negative thinking and impatience. If as society, we had movement on gratitude, this world would shift our collective consciousness to higher vibration.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Celebrity Trainer, Bootcamp Instructor and Fitness Expert, Seth Browning. Seth’s unique training style has made him one of the most sought after personal trainers in Los Angeles. He is the best selling author of fitness and dieting guide, Scheana’s Slim Down and the Creator of Body By Browning.
Thank you so much for joining us Seth! Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?
I started working out when I was 15 years old. I was the youngest person in the weight room. Then I put myself through college by working front desk at a gym. After college, I quickly became successful in journalism, but increasingly unhealthy and burnt out. At 28, I decided to figure things out and got a side job in what I knew I loved: fitness. I hit up my old high school buddy Erik Smith who was a General Manager at 24 Hour Fitness (the same gym I went to at 15). He put me in touch with Ryan Alduenda who gave me my first break as a sales representative. I began slanging memberships and really working on getting my ass back into shape. I started exploring fitness hardcore and training with trainers at the gym. I was like their guinea pig and ended up selling more personal training packages than actual gym memberships. Because of this, my managers were like “um, we’ve never seen this before and so we think you’re not placed right in this company”…, “we want you to be a trainer for us and we are going to sponsor you”! So, 24 Hour Fitness paid for my certification and the rest is history!
Can you share your story of Grit and Success? First can you tell us a story about the hard times that you faced when you first started your journey?
After 24 Hour Fitness, I decided to move to LA to expand my career. I sold everything in storage and moved to LA with my first month’s rent paid, in a room the size of a sardine can, and $300 in my checking account.
I weaseled my way into Melvyn Myles’s office and landed a job at probably the most competitive training gym in the world: Equinox West Hollywood. Most of the members could be trainers. I was still new in the game.
They were like “Here’s a super small blue shirt, go walk the floor and find clients”. They gave you nothing but world class education and an ocean of people to show it off to. It was literally sink or swim. I gave myself 2 months to make it or I was going back to the OC.
So, I would chat, flirt, and show exercises to anyone who would listen and watch. I hustled hard. I would have to take lap after lap, after lap in the gym for hours putting equipment away and being observed. It was nerve-racking and humbling. I remember I would sit in the bathroom stall, close my eyes and just pray to God for an opportunity. Then sometimes, I would walk out of the bathroom and I’d sign up the first person I talked to. Many times I just couldn’t seem to convert any of those “complimentary” sessions into actual clients and I refused to panic. Instead, I got to the gym 30 minutes early and visualized and affirmed new clients coming to me. I imagined have a waiting list of clients. I spoke it. Day after day. After only 7 months, I left to go fully private.

Where did you get the drive to continue even though things were so hard?
God and spirituality. However, I come from a family of entrepreneurs and business owners so it’s a bit in my DNA. I’m a fighter and driven in just about anything I do. If I have a vision for myself and I’m passionate about it, then I make up my mind. I make a decision. In that frame of mind, I’ll likely go down in flames before I quit.
So, how are things going today? How did Grit lead to your eventual success?
I own a fitness brand called Body by Browning. Currently we have 5 lines of business. (Private training, Mobile Training, Meal Plans, Media and Publishing). My work has been featured all over the world and I wrote a best selling fitness book. I got my hands in a million different things. I got my cute place and still waiting for Mr. Right. I never knew I would come this far in fitness. Don’t get me wrong, no matter what the case, when you own your own business, most mornings I wake up holding my breath a bit. I’ve learned to employ help and take care of myself in the meantime. My parents warned me, the higher you climb, the harder you fall. But I’ve dusted myself off each time and got back on top.
I tell people if you wanna thrive as a private trainer in West Hollywood passed 3 years, leave your emotions at the door. Only the strong survive here. I stayed focused but also humble. I took advice, got out of my own way and tried not to drink my own Kool Aid. I’m constantly trying to learn new things from new people. Every time I got overwhelmed or my bank account terrified me, I thought about how can I do this differently.
Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?
Sleeping with a client. JUST KIDDING. Let’s see, when I used to coach bootcamp at the Phoenix Effect, I would sometimes do “Seth’s Half Time Show” during our mid class rest point. I would play a sexy song and get up on a big box we used for exercises. Then I’d unleash fierce stripper moves. Most people would laugh at me and roll their eyes. I thought it was amazing though…until the day I slipped off the box doing a body roll and went tumbling into the middle of the floor. Everyone started applauding. Wish I could say that was my last day as Magic Mike, but it wasn’t.
What do you think makes your company stand out? Can you share a story?
My company has a very specific method. It’s been proven to get results faster than almost anything on the market. Many people see change in as little as 4 days. My training format paired with customized nutrition plan, have been recognized by the top media outlets in the world.
Which tips would you recommend to your colleagues in your industry to help them to thrive and not “burn out”?
Find a way to express your creativity about your craft. Training can become mundane at times. Write a book, do a podcast or create videos. Look to level up your career while still being present with what you are currently doing. If I’m not doing something I’m passionate about, I wither.
None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story?
My trainer and mentor Daniel Nishi. I would see him train when I was doing sales and I spent my rent money for sessions with him. He was so inspiring that when I was encouraged to train, I jumped. He has since become my mentor and showed me almost everything I know about fitness. He’s helped guide me in almost every area of my business. I attribute a large part of my success to him.
How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world?
My primary goal in fitness is to be of service. I am simply a channel of God’s love through the abilities He has given me as a trainer. I can’t count how many people have reported positive changes in not only their health but in their mind, relationships, spirituality and careers. It’s a priceless gift to do what I do.

Based on your experience, can you share 5 pieces of advice about how one can develop Grit? (Please share a story or example for each)
1) Pray and meditate: Slowing down and relying on something greater than myself has given me the ability to take the hard hits without getting knocked out.
2) Don’t be emotional in business, no matter what. Trust no one. People can prey on your weaknesses. When I maintain a backbone, I have to courage to fully carry out my plan.
3) Know obstacles are part of the deal. My parents always reminded me that it’s a hazard to be successful. When I’m armed with the truth, I’m much more resilient.
4) Maintain a fixed mind. Life is endless curve balls and plot changes, laced with laziness. When I wrote my book I would tell myself everyday, “I am focusing all of my energy on this book”. With that mindset, I was able to complete it while maintaining a full client load.
5) Study successful people. Along the journey I have researched, met and been mentored by powerful leaders and entrepreneurs. They all were knocked around and fought their way to the top. I used them as inspiration to keep going.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂
I can struggle with negative thinking and impatience. If as society, we had movement on gratitude, this world would shift our collective consciousness to higher vibration.
How can our readers follow you on social media?
On Instagram at @sethenator or bodybybrowning.com