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Stars Making A Social Impact
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Young Social Impact Heroes
Social Impact Heroes Helping Our Planet
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Social Impact Heroes
How Janna Willoughby-Lohr Of Papercraft Miracles Is Helping to Promote Sustainability and Climate…
Social Impact Heroes
Somia Farid Silber Of Edible Brands: Five Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Became A CEO
Social Impact Heroes
Young Social Impact Heroes: Why and How Laura Zaspel Of Farm Hero and Serendipity Catering Is…
Social Impact Heroes
Social Impact Authors: How & Why Wendi Zimmer Is Helping To Change Our World
Social Impact Heroes
Social Impact Authors: How & Why Elina Teboul Is Helping To Change Our World
Social Impact Heroes
Social Impact Heroes
Social Impact Heroes
Rising Star Karishma Bhandari: “If a character is written for a certain ethnicity and skin tone then give those people a chance!”
Yitzi Weiner
June 12, 2019
Social Impact Heroes
Rising Star Amanda Kallander: “Let’s start a movement to restore integrity and honor to the entertainment industry”
Yitzi Weiner
June 11, 2019
Social Impact Heroes
Janice Ellig: “If I could empower more women to have a voice, I believe that monumental problems would be greatly mitigated”
Yitzi Weiner
June 11, 2019
Social Impact Heroes
Whitney Mayer of the Hershey Company: “If you aren’t messing up at least a little bit every six months or so, then you aren’t...
Yitzi Weiner
June 11, 2019
Social Impact Heroes
Rising Star Ginger Marin: “It is the responsibility of every human to care for the planet; It is, after all, our only home.”
Yitzi Weiner
June 11, 2019
Social Impact Heroes
Josh Burrell of Activated Capital: “How we aim to revitalize communities with the P.A.P.E.R principles of Positivity, Authenticity, Passion, Empathy, Resilience, combined with opportunity...
Yitzi Weiner
June 7, 2019
Social Impact Heroes
Nancy Davis, founder of Race to Erase MS, has raised millions towards the treatment and ultimate cure of Multiple Sclerosis
Yitzi Weiner
June 4, 2019
Social Impact Heroes
Rising Star Jessica Schechter: “If I could start a movement it would be one that encourages everyone to do a “perception check” before making...
Yitzi Weiner
June 4, 2019
Social Impact Heroes
Rising Star Meytar Zehavi: “You are not alone — helping other people and being willing to ask for help is the way to push forward”
Yitzi Weiner
June 4, 2019
Social Impact Heroes
Rising Star Loran Bolding: “Stay humble, no matter what you book, no matter who you are working with”
Yitzi Weiner
June 4, 2019
Social Impact Heroes
Rising Star Taylor Krasne: Why we should advance the movement of recognizing stunt professionals at the Oscars
Yitzi Weiner
June 2, 2019
Social Impact Heroes
Heroes Among Us: “Heroism is that inner voice telling you…“You already know what to do…” and, you do it without a second thought”
Yitzi Weiner
May 31, 2019
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