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C-Suite Perspectives On AI: Hassan Sanders of Diabetic Insurance Solutions On Where to Use AI and…

C-Suite Perspectives On AI: Hassan Sanders of Diabetic Insurance Solutions On Where to Use AI and Where to Rely Only on Humans

An Interview With Kieran Powell

Adaptability and Learning: Humans can adapt to unforeseen conditions and learn from experience. This is especially useful in customer service professions, as each interaction might be unique. A circumstance may develop that the AI system has not faced before, necessitating human adaptability and problem-solving abilities.

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance and integrate into various aspects of business, decision-makers at the highest levels face the complex task of determining where AI can be most effectively utilized and where the human touch remains irreplaceable. This series seeks to explore the nuanced decisions made by C-Suite executives regarding the implementation of AI in their operations. As part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Hassan Sanders.

Hassan Sanders is the CEO of Diabetic Insurance Solutions, a leading figure in the life insurance industry. With a relentless passion for improving the lives of individuals affected by diabetes, Mr. Sanders has dedicated his career to providing innovative insurance solutions tailored to the unique needs of diabetic patients. He has been instrumental in the development and implementation of comprehensive insurance packages that offer peace of mind to those living with diabetes, ensuring they have access to the best life insurance, resources, and treatments available. With a strong commitment to promoting diabetes awareness and care, Hassan Sanders continues to drive positive change in the life insurance sector through his leadership at Diabetic Insurance Solutions.

Thank you so much for your time! I know that you are a very busy person. Our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your ‘backstory’ and how you got started?

Thank you for contacting me and showing interest in my personal story. My relationship with Diabetic Insurance Solutions is very personal to me. I’ve seen firsthand the difficulties that people with diabetes face, not only in terms of health care, but also in negotiating the complexities of acquiring life insurance.

My motivation stems from a genuine desire to make a positive difference in people’s lives. Because I had a family member who was diagnosed with diabetes, I understood the difficulties they faced when looking for life insurance. This inspired me to found Diabetic Insurance products, a firm dedicated to providing affordable and comprehensive life insurance products geared exclusively for diabetics.

Our objective is profoundly rooted in empathy and a steadfast commitment to ensuring universal access to the financial security that everyone, regardless of health condition, deserves. We want to reshape the insurance environment through innovative techniques and a deep understanding of the unique needs of people with diabetes.

I consider myself fortunate to head a group of committed professionals who share this aim. Our collective mission is to empower people with diabetes by providing them with peace of mind as well as financial stability for themselves and their loved ones.

It has been said that our mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

Certainly! I made a silly but noteworthy error early in my Diabetic Insurance Solutions adventure that taught me an important lesson. During an important meeting with prospective clients, I inadvertently referred to our life insurance policies as “sweet deals” without comprehending the unintended diabetic pun.

The group erupted in laughter, and as the mood lifted, I realized the value of careful language, particularly in our field. The message was clear: paying attention to words is critical. It emphasized the importance of sensitivity and precision in our communication, while also acknowledging the particular obstacles our clients encounter. Since then, we’ve taken a more deliberate approach, making certain that every area of our service shows the respect and understanding that our clients deserve.

Are you working on any exciting new projects now? How do you think that will help people?

Diabetic Insurance Solutions is currently involved in an intriguing initiative. We’re working on a bespoke health and wellness program just for our diabetic policyholders. This effort intends to go beyond typical insurance by providing assistance and tools to improve general well-being.

Our goal is to provide a comprehensive solution that not only provides financial protection through life insurance but also empowers people to control and enhance their health. We hope that by incorporating this wellness program, we can help our clients live healthier, happier lives by emphasizing proactive care and long-term well-being.

Thank you for that. Let’s now shift to the central focus of our discussion. In your experience, what have been the most challenging aspects of integrating AI into your business operations, and how have you balanced these with the need to preserve human-centric roles?

Integrating artificial intelligence into diabetes insurance solutions has proven both tough and rewarding. The primary challenge was achieving the correct balance between technology and the human touch that is so important in our sector. While AI helps to streamline procedures, providing individualized, empathic service is critical.

The problem is to prevent losing touch with our clientele. We’ve addressed this by utilizing AI to improve productivity in jobs such as data analysis and underwriting, leaving our human team to focus on relationship-building and genuine support. Striking this balance means that our clients benefit from new technologies while maintaining the human-centric approach that is critical in the insurance industry.

Can you share a specific instance where AI initially seemed like the optimal solution but ultimately proved less effective than human intervention? What did this experience teach you about the limitations of AI in your field?

Certainly. We once used an AI-powered system to evaluate early policy applications to speed up the process. We noticed, however, that the computer struggled with subtle facts and context that people quickly understood. The most important lesson was to recognize that, while AI is powerful, it has limitations in grasping the complexities and human stories that are frequently included in life insurance applications. This experience highlighted the need for human involvement, particularly in instances demanding empathy, nuanced judgment, and a thorough comprehension of our customers’ circumstances.

How do you navigate the ethical implications of implementing AI in your company, especially concerning potential job displacement and ensuring ethical AI usage?

Diabetic Insurance Solutions places a high value on ethical AI usage. We approach AI implementation with the goal of minimizing employment displacement. Instead of replacing human tasks, we use AI to improve productivity, allowing our team to focus on areas where human judgment, empathy, and personal connection are important. We invest regularly in staff training in order to adapt to emerging technologies, promoting a collaborative workplace in which AI and human expertise complement each other effortlessly. Every step of our AI integration is guided by ethical considerations, matching technological breakthroughs with our commitment to maintaining a people-centric approach in our services.

Could you describe a successful instance in your company where AI and human skills were synergistically combined to achieve a result that neither could have accomplished alone?

Certainly. Diabetic Insurance Solutions recently adopted AI in our claims processing system. While AI sped up data analysis and initial claim assessments, it was the partnership with our expert human claims assessors that ensured a thorough and compassionate evaluation. The outcome was a speedier, more accurate claims process that merged AI’s efficiency with our human team’s sophisticated judgment and empathy, eventually benefiting our clients and improving overall service quality.

Based on your experience and success, what are the “5 Things To Keep in Mind When Deciding Where to Use AI and Where to Rely Only on Humans, and Why?” How have these 5 things impacted your work or your career?

1 . Awareness Complexity: Recognize jobs that require a profound awareness of human nuances or complex emotional situations. For example, while AI may speed up data processing in underwriting decisions, human judgment is essential when evaluating individual health journeys, notably in the case of diabetes.

2 . Empathy and Customer Relations: While AI excels at data-driven processes, real empathy is a uniquely human attribute. Personal touch ensures emotional support in consumer encounters, especially when individuals are struggling with health-related difficulties. Personalized interaction during the claims process can make a major difference in calming our clients.

3 . Ethical Considerations: AI lacks innate ethical thinking. Decisions containing ethical complexities, such as the management of sensitive medical information, necessitate human monitoring. Ensuring ethical AI utilization necessitates continual vigilance and integrating technological capabilities with our commitment to upholding high ethical standards.

4 . Adaptability and Learning: Humans can adapt to unforeseen conditions and learn from experience. This is especially useful in customer service professions, as each interaction might be unique. A circumstance may develop that the AI system has not faced before, necessitating human adaptability and problem-solving abilities.

5 . Balancing productivity and Personalization: While AI improves productivity, it is critical to balance it with the demand for individualized service. In claims processing, a combination of AI for quick initial assessments and human experience for in-depth evaluations provides both speed and accuracy, boosting overall service quality.

These concerns have defined our approach at Diabetic Insurance Solutions, ensuring that we leverage the strengths of both AI and human expertise for a more complete and compassionate service suited to the individual needs of our clients.

Looking towards the future, in which areas of your business do you foresee AI making the most significant impact, and conversely, in which areas do you believe a human touch will remain indispensable?

In the future, I see AI playing a critical role in easing administrative processes such as data processing and improving risk assessments for underwriting at Diabetic Insurance Solutions. Its efficiency will speed up these operations, freeing up our human workforce to focus on individualized client encounters and sympathetic support, especially in difficult claims processing and customer relations. Understanding the emotional components of our clients’ health journeys and ensuring ethical and empathic decision-making remain critical. As we move forward, striking this balance will be critical for a holistic and client-centric strategy.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂

If I could start a movement, it would be to promote universal access to high-quality healthcare, particularly for people with pre-existing diseases like diabetes. The movement would work to remove financial and systemic barriers, ensuring that everyone has access to needed medical care and support. We can positively touch countless lives by fostering inclusion in healthcare, laying the groundwork for overall well-being and a brighter future for all.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

I truly appreciate your interest in staying connected with Diabetic Insurance Solutions. It warms my heart to know that you want to follow our journey and be part of our community.

You can easily stay updated with us online through our website. Visit our website at for in-depth information and resources.

And follow us on social media:

Facebook: DiabeticInsuranceSolutions

Twitter: @diabeticinssol

Instagram: @DiabeticInsuranceSolutions

I’m here for you, and I look forward to building a stronger and more supportive community together.

This was very inspiring. Thank you so much for joining us!

About The Interviewer: Kieran is the EVP of Channel V Media, a Public Relations agency based in New York City with a global network of agency partners in over 30 countries. Kieran has advised over 150 companies in the technology, B2B, retail and financial sectors. Previously Kieran worked at Merrill Lynch, PwC, and Ernst & Young. Get in touch with Kieran to discuss how marketing and public relations can help achieve your company’s business goals.

C-Suite Perspectives On AI: Hassan Sanders of Diabetic Insurance Solutions On Where to Use AI and… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.