An interview with Dr. Bharat Sangani
Work on Your Weaknesses
Are you shy about speaking in public, unsure how to express romantic gestures, or struggling to run five miles? Though it may be difficult, addressing your weak spots can make you more confident. The areas of life you’ve been avoiding will no longer feel like obstacles.
In a world that often pressures us to fit in, embracing quirks and authenticity can become a unique advantage. Leaning into what makes you different, even if it feels awkward, can foster genuine connections and unlock personal empowerment. In this series, we we would like to explore how embracing one’s true self can transform social interactions and become a powerful tool for building meaningful relationships. As a part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Christina Astra.
Christina Astra is an astrologer with 3 years of formal education in astrology and 8 years of experience. Her areas of interest also include art therapy, metaphorical cards, BaZi, and Feng Shui. From 2020 to 2024, she was the Lead Content Manager for an astrology app. She is also an aspiring writer, with her debut romance novel set to be published soon.
Thank you so much for your time! I know that you are a very busy person. Our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your ‘backstory’ and how you got started?
As for the kind of awkwardness I had to navigate — I was a bookworm as a child. During school breaks, I couldn’t understand what drove other kids to run around playing tag. I would just sit in a corner and read a book.
I have four close school friends, and we’ve been tight since we were ten. One of them has this first memory of me: she came up to invite me to play, but I glared up at her from The Count of Monte Cristo and joined the conversation with obvious reluctance. The book was far more interesting, after all!
Over time, though, I realized that fitting into social situations is incredibly important. So, I started working on my social skills, and now I can easily socialize in unfamiliar groups when necessary.
None of us can achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person that you are grateful for, who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story?
To stop worrying about your shortcomings, it’s crucial to meet people who fully accept you — or at least don’t see as flaws the things you beat yourself up over.
I was in a summer camp once and shared a room with four other girls. Two of them were the most popular in the unit: open, cheerful, and confident. Surprisingly, they liked my calm, introverted character. They admired that I read a lot. That was completely opposite to the previous summer when I was bullied for the same reasons!
I have a best friend whom I met at university, and we’ve stayed very close for 15 years. We’re completely different in terms of personality, but we share the same values, ideas of right and wrong, and a lot of similar tastes in literature and art. She’s a vibrant Aries, an Amazon kind of woman, while I’m a dreamy Pisces. Since I have zero fire in my natal chart, I’ve always been drawn to fiery people — expressive, charismatic, and strong. And she’s always been attracted to her complete opposites: calm, inward-focused, and sensitive people who live in their own worlds.
So, you can always find someone who sees your quirks as endearing and respects your strengths. There’s no need to reshape yourself for every person you meet along the way.
You are a successful leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?
When I began taking my first steps on my career path, I focused on what truly interested me.Now, I work on what brings me joy — I write stories, create content for astrology and psychology apps, and consult clients as an astrologer. For me, it’s a hobby that happens to pay!
Sure, I could have pursued a more lucrative career at the start. But I don’t think extra money would have made up for the lack of interest in my work. My life would have felt much duller.
I love teaching others what I know. I’m also creative and constantly coming up with new ideas. I believe that when you follow your main passion, everything falls into place much more easily than when you force yourself to do something your soul resists.
Ok, fantastic. Let’s now turn to the crux of our interview. Can you recall a moment when embracing your awkwardness led to a meaningful personal or professional breakthrough? What shifted for you in that experience?
During university, I worked weekends as a sales assistant in a store. That’s when I realized I was a terrible salesperson. If I managed to hit the sales target for the weekend, I’d feel completely drained for the entire week. But if I worked at a more comfortable pace, I wouldn’t meet the target. This hurt my pride a bit because I have a competitive spirit and was used to being at the top of the list, not the bottom.
I suppose I could have worked on improving my sales skills and chased higher results. But it would’ve completely burned me out. Thankfully, I told myself early on: Well, I’m not cut out for sales; I need to admit it. I’d never be able to compete with those girls for whom selling comes as naturally as breathing. So I asked myself: What am I good at?
I remembered the kinds of things I was praised for in school and university: my well-written texts. I sat down to write a fantasy story and discovered that it not only helped me cope with stress but brought me immense joy. That’s when I decided to pursue a career in writing, and I finally found my place.
Many people feel pressure to ‘fit in’ socially. What advice do you have for someone struggling to be their authentic self in a world that often rewards conformity?
It’s incredibly important to understand yourself — your strengths and weaknesses — and connect with your true goals and desires. By the way, knowing your natal chart can be incredibly helpful on this journey.
Don’t waste your energy trying to prove yourself to people who don’t understand or accept you, or who try to change you. Instead, focus on finding your pack — people who will love you even for the things you see as flaws. With 8 billion people in the world, finding a few kindred spirits seems like a solvable task.
How do you think embracing your quirks and imperfections can enhance connections with others, especially in professional or high-pressure settings?
From an astrologer’s perspective, imperfections don’t truly exist. A “flaw” is often the flip side of a strength. For example, a person with many planets in Capricorn may seem dull, cold, overly serious, or too grounded. But these traits are the reverse of Capricorn’s virtues: reliability, perseverance, and the ability to complete large-scale projects despite challenges.
On the other hand, consider someone who’s cheerful, outgoing, and showers everyone with compliments and hugs. Yes, they’re fun and bring joy wherever they go. But they might also make promises they don’t keep, avoid tasks they find boring, and shift most of the responsibilities onto their partner.
Neither of these personality types is better or worse. Each will find someone who values their strengths and doesn’t view their flip sides as deal-breakers.
Understanding both your good and bad sides is the key to success in relationships. There will always be someone who falls for your authentic self. The key is to fully embrace who you are instead of trying to be someone else.
There’s a classic stereotype of the perfect wife as a nurturing and selfless homemaker. This “angel in the house” devotes herself entirely to her husband and kids, cooks delicious meals, and provides constant emotional support. In astrological terms, this often correlates with Cancer energy.
But there are 12 zodiac signs, and not all women are Cancers. Let’s take Cancer’s opposite — Capricorn. A woman with many planets in Capricorn is more likely to spend long hours at work because staying at home feels dull to her. She expresses love through actions, like earning enough to give her children the best opportunities. She’s more about teaching independence and ambition than coddling.
And here’s the key: there will always be a man who values this. His natal chart might show he’s happiest with a partner who embodies this Capricorn energy. But what happens if this Capricorn woman listens to societal opinions about what a perfect wife should be and forces herself to become a traditional homemaker?
First, she’ll be miserable. Acting against her natural tendencies will feel exhausting and unnatural. Second, she won’t attract the right partner. Instead of being a persevering and strong individual who wins the heart of someone who values that, she’ll become a mediocre housewife.
The reverse also holds true. If a woman dreams of being a tradwife, it’s better to embrace this and communicate it clearly to potential partners. This saves time and helps her find someone who truly aligns with her vision. Some men might walk away immediately — and that’s a good thing! It means they weren’t the right fit anyway.
Astrology reminds us that we’re all wired differently, and authenticity is always the most attractive quality.
What role does vulnerability play in transforming awkwardness into a superpower? Can you share a time when showing vulnerability opened doors or strengthened relationships?
In public speaking, it’s often recommended to openly admit to your audience that you’re nervous. This comes across as genuine and endears you to the listeners. Deep down, we all have our insecurities, and such an admission can build a stronger connection than if the speaker awkwardly tried to project confidence they don’t truly feel.
When you try to hide your lack of knowledge or skills, it often comes across as unnatural and forced. In some situations, it’s better to honestly acknowledge your shortcomings, as this can actually earn you liking and respect.
Once, I got the date wrong and showed up for a job interview a whole week early. Judging by the HR manager’s surprised expression, I quickly realized something was off. But instead of panicking, I laughed at my mistake, and we ended up having a nice chat. In the end, I got the job, so it didn’t hurt my chances. If I had tried to act like I had everything under control and radiate fake confidence, it might have left a worse impression.
What are “5 Ways To Embrace Your True Self”?
1. Understand Who You Are
No one is perfect. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses.
2. Develop Your Strengths
Do you have a talent? Or maybe others often compliment you on something they admire — your humor, strength, or kindness? Share with the world the qualities you naturally have in abundance.
3. Work on Your Weaknesses
Are you shy about speaking in public, unsure how to express romantic gestures, or struggling to run five miles? Though it may be difficult, addressing your weak spots can make you more confident. The areas of life you’ve been avoiding will no longer feel like obstacles.
4. Love Yourself
Remember, no one will love you more than you love yourself — you are your own main person! Don’t listen to people who insist you must completely change your nature to meet their standards. Instead, seek out those who find your flaws endearing and admire your strengths.
5. Listen to Constructive Criticism and Ignore Toxicity
Loving yourself doesn’t mean you should stop growing. Changing to improve your life is important, too. When people point out your flaws, it’s essential to discern their intentions.
If someone loves you and genuinely wants to help you improve, they won’t say, “I won’t love you unless you…” Instead, they’ll say something like, “I love you, and I think your life would be happier if you could…” Deep down, you might agree with this advice.
On the other hand, if the criticism aims to belittle you, feel free to let it slide. When someone criticizes you, remember that they’re often projecting their own issues. For instance, if someone says, “What an awful nose you have; no one will ever love you with that nose,” it’s likely they have their own insecurity about their appearance. They might genuinely believe love is only for those without physical flaws. But their problem is not yours to solve. Just shrug it off and move on.
Do you believe that celebrating awkwardness can inspire innovation and creativity? How has staying true to yourself influenced your approach to problem-solving or leadership?
If a person is vulnerable, it means they are alive, ready to learn, and open to change. If a person has turned into a marble statue during their lifetime, never feeling or showing vulnerability, they are shut off from life. And anything that is closed off and not developing inevitably deteriorates.
When discussing weaknesses from an astrological perspective, the following advice can be given to each zodiac sign:
Mars endows Aries with the strength of a warrior and great bravery. The downside of this is that an Aries can be rude, impulsive, and aggressive. Deep down, they long for harmony but don’t always know how to achieve it. Aries’ energy comes in bursts: when they’re passionate, they see nothing and no one around them, putting all their energy into what interests them. But when the energy fades, they can struggle to get up from the couch.
Thus, Aries must learn softness, tact, and delicacy. They also need to develop the ability to act regardless of mood, redistribute their efforts, and be capable of running not only short distances but long ones as well. This way, Aries will become unbeatable!
Taurus is a sign that celebrates the beauty and harmony of the material world. It is one of the most productive signs: once Taurus gets excited about the idea of writing books, they can write twenty of them, and if they decide to make handmade gifts for loved ones, they’ll have enough for an entire store! However, such productivity also has a downside — conservatism. Taurus prefers time-tested ideas and things and may be closed off to anything new. When Taurus invests emotionally, they make it a part of their inner reality and work hard in that area — which is why they choose the things they get attached to so carefully.
However, being closed off to change and unwilling to see things from new perspectives can play a cruel trick on Taurus, making their life feel stuck. Therefore, it is crucial for them to learn to step out of their comfort zone and try new things.
Unlike the more difficult-to-get-started Taureans, Gemini natives are extremely curious about everything they encounter and are easily excited. However, their openness and enthusiasm for new things also have a downside. This insatiable curiosity can turn their life into chaos. Gemini may start one hobby, abandon it, and then switch to another without ever finishing anything.
Therefore, Geminis would benefit from learning to follow through, develop responsibility, and cultivate the ability to take leadership when the situation requires it rather than running away from challenges. This will make their life much more stable and successful.
Cancer is the most sensitive zodiac sign. Their emotions run so deep that sometimes no one, not even themselves, can fully understand them! However, living with such intensity all the time can be challenging. This is why Cancerians develop strong shells to protect their delicate inner selves from the world. The downside is that this shell can sometimes become too rigid, making Cancers stubborn and inflexible.
Cancer’s tenderness also leads to difficulty in showing initiative, decisiveness, and healthy aggression when needed. Cancer tends to take one step forward and two steps back, hesitating to pursue what they truly want and letting life pass them by. Sports and martial arts can help them build inner strength, although this may be difficult for such delicate individuals.
Leo feels like the master of the universe — what an enviable trait! The way Leo loves themselves is something to learn from. The downside, however, is that Leos may find it difficult to overcome selfishness and a fixation on themselves, which can hinder their success in life. Leo is inherently a leader, and they can fully realize their leadership qualities only when they develop altruism — not by boosting their ego in high positions, but by genuinely trying to improve the lives of others.
Leo also has creativity, but it may be hard for them to express it because they take themselves too seriously. If Leo develops a sense of ease and the ability to laugh at themselves, their life will improve greatly.
Virgo’s mission is to bring order out of chaos. A typical Virgo has an eye for detail and excels at sorting everything out, from items on shelves to facts in a research paper. However, this great ability sometimes prevents Virgos from seeing the bigger picture, causing them to miss the forest for the trees. Furthermore, their critical nature and tendency to nitpick can drive others crazy!
Virgos would benefit from learning to look at things more abstractly and globally. Although they are logical and highly rational, there are areas where intuition is more effective, and a poetic and emotional perspective can provide deeper insight. Additionally, it would be very beneficial for Virgos to develop a sense of beauty and an understanding of subtler matters. This would make them nearly impeccable!
Libra is the sign of fair judgment. A typical Libra has the gift of stepping back from a situation, considering all angles, and making the ideal decision that brings harmony to the world. However, this very quality can make it difficult for them to act quickly and on the spot — it simply contradicts their nature! As a result, they sometimes torment others with their constant indecisiveness. Libra’s natural sophistication and delicacy also make them averse to aggression. But sometimes, without firmness and a bit of roughness, issues cannot be resolved.
Therefore, Libra needs to learn to activate their combative qualities, strength, and decisiveness when needed. They should also, in certain situations, learn to make quick decisions, as there’s not always enough time for careful analysis.
Oh, poor notorious Scorpios! In astrological memes, Scorpio is often cast as a villain, an embodiment of evil, or simply a regular abuser. However, I’d like to stand up for the representatives of this wonderful sign. Scorpio’s mission is to destroy evil, and they can clearly see the worst manifestations of human nature. Therefore, Scorpios at a low level of spiritual development may be sarcastic and wound others with their comments. But highly developed Scorpios can help a person change very gently. Scorpios are full of love and tenderness, and they can become wonderful family people. However, for this, they need to work on their emotional side, learn to express their feelings, not be afraid to be vulnerable, and show care for their loved ones. Caring for animals can help them connect with their sensitive side. It’s also useful for Scorpios to find an outlet for their destructive energy if they can’t channel it, whether through sports or by engaging in the arts.
Everyone loves Sagittarians! Their optimism, zest for life, and enthusiasm can reignite the spark in someone who has long lost interest in life. Sagittarians see themselves as gurus and mentors; they have high self-esteem and are eager to tell others how to live. However, sometimes they need to step down from the podium and take on the role of a student, which can be difficult for these proud Archers. But if they nurture their arrogance and believe they know everything, they risk becoming a parody of themselves. Therefore, Sagittarians must constantly remind themselves that they don’t know everything in this world, continue to grow, learn new things, and hone their logic and intellect.
Capricorns may appear quite cold, but deep down, they are very sensitive. For example, the usually composed Capricorn might burst into tears at the most unexpected moment, leaving everyone surprised. Therefore, Capricorns need to connect with their emotional side, learn to express and articulate their feelings. Additionally, as a sign of ascetics, it’s natural for them to limit themselves in certain areas. However, for more balanced emotional development, Capricorns should also learn to be generous, indulge themselves, and take time to create moments of joy and fun, just for the sake of it!
Aquarians can happily play the fool and entertain everyone, but deep down, they may fear revealing their true selves, afraid of being misunderstood. They also prefer to observe the world from the sidelines rather than intervene. However, there are times when situations demand strict control from start to finish, and people expect leadership, responsibility, consistency, and clear guidance from Aquarius. If Aquarians learn to activate their strong, dominant side when necessary, their lives will become much more successful.
Pisces have a poetic mind and excellent intuition, living in a world of dreams and illusions. However, in order to avoid falling into foolish situations and drifting too far from reality, it is helpful for them to develop logical thinking and the ability to express their thoughts clearly. Some things don’t need to be explained with lofty ideas — simple, practical explanations often work better. Therefore, Pisces would benefit from reading extensively, attending public speaking courses, and incorporating a scientific worldview into their philosophical concepts.
How can our readers further follow your work?
It’s important to understand that each natal chart is unique and includes dozens of different indicators. The advice above pertains only to your Sun sign, which is just one of many indicators. If you want a personalized analysis of your natal chart, showing where your strengths and weaknesses lie and how to work with them to reach your full potential, feel free to message me on Instagram.
Thank you so much for sharing these important insights. We wish you continued success and good health!
About The Interviewer: Dr. Bharat Sangani is a cardiologist and entrepreneur with over 35 years of experience, practicing in Gulfport, Mississippi, and Dallas, Texas. Board-certified in Internal Medicine and Cardiology, he specializes in diagnosing, treating, and preventing cardiovascular diseases, including heart disease and hypertension. In 1999, Dr. Sangani founded Encore Enterprises, a national real estate investment firm. Under his leadership, the company has executed transactions exceeding $2 billion, with a portfolio spanning residential, retail, hotel, and office developments. Known for his emphasis on integrity and fairness, Dr. Sangani has built Encore into a major player in the commercial real estate sector. Blending his medical and business expertise, Dr. Sangani created the Life is a Business mentorship program. The initiative offers guidance on achieving balance in health, wealth, and relationships, helping participants align personal and professional goals. Now based in Dallas, Texas, Dr. Sangani continues to practice cardiology while leading Encore Enterprises and mentoring others. His career reflects a unique blend of medical expertise, entrepreneurial spirit, and dedication to helping others thrive.
Awkward and Proud: Christina Astra On How Embracing Your True Self Can Be Your Social Superpower was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.