HomeSocial Impact HeroesAudacious Impact: Jill Miller On Leading An Audacious, Visionary, Impact-Focused Program

Audacious Impact: Jill Miller On Leading An Audacious, Visionary, Impact-Focused Program

An Interview With Russ McLeod

…To address this, we focused on building a scalable system that could translate social actions into financial terms. We dedicated significant time and resources to creating methodologies that could convert complex social metrics into clear, actionable financial insights. This process required rigorous testing and validation to ensure both accuracy and reliability…

In an era where social and environmental challenges are increasingly pressing, certain organizations stand out for their bold and innovative approaches to creating meaningful impact. These trailblazing organizations are not just meeting the status quo but are setting new standards for what can be achieved through dedicated, impact-focused programs. What does it take to pioneer such transformative initiatives, and what can others learn from their successes? I had the pleasure of interviewing Jill Miller.

Jill Miller is a dedicated advocate and leader in the movement to improve economic mobility for workers and support underrepresented entrepreneurs. After spending over two decades in Enterprise Business Development, Jill has shifted her focus to building partnerships and innovative solutions that promote fair work opportunities and foster sustainable economic growth. As the founder and CEO of Lunum, a platform launched in 2022, Jill is driving the shift from Supplier Diversity to Supplier Impact, introducing key metrics to measure meaningful, long-term outcomes. Using data and machine learning, Lunum helps companies and their supply chains put impactful, long-term strategies into practice, aligning the goals of both stakeholders and shareholders.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Our readers would love to get to know you a bit better. Can you share a bit about your background and what led you to your current role?

The origins of my journey to starting Lunum are deeply personal and professional. In a career spanning more than 20 years working with enterprise businesses and leading teams who helped deliver business processes for some of the world’s largest consumer packaged goods companies, I often found myself balancing my time between being on either end of the value chain — working with leadership teams at headquarters or on the production site.

Through those highs lows, I couldn’t help but feel acutely aware of the gaping chasm between success on the factory floor and the trajectory of those whose lives hit a grinding halt among the lines. I was constantly reminded of a stark reality: the people on the factory floor weren’t advancing at the same rate as the companies they were building. The murder of George Floyd and the ensuing $200 billion in corporate pledges towards social justice underscored the need for measurable impact to turn these promises into reality. This realization drove me to establish Lunum in 2022, with a mission to illuminate opportunity and highlight the inherent value in every individual.

What inspired you to start or join your organization, and what is its core mission?

My desire to found Lunum arose, in part, from long-simmering frustration with the distinction between performative impact reporting and real social impact. In the wake of George Floyd’s death, I saw a tidal wave of corporate promises to drive social justice, but I questioned: how do these commitments tangibly benefit marginalized communities at scale?

The mission of Lunum is at its core to shed light on the opportunities for value creation through understanding the value of every human being and using data to drive meaningful change. We help companies put a value on their values by understanding how complex value chains impact individuals, economies, and communities. This approach ensures that businesses can realize a return on investment in people, creating sustainable prosperity for everyone.

Could you tell us about your journey in the industry and any significant experiences that have shaped your approach to impact-focused programs?

My career has been a journey full of rich and varied experiences, giving me a deep understanding of what true impact looks like. After spending over 20 years in the manufacturing sector, working alongside some of the largest consumer packaged goods companies, I’ve had the unique opportunity to see the full spectrum of the value chain — from the boardroom to the everyday workers on the ground. Along the way, I’ve come to understand the often stark disconnect between the goals of companies and the realities faced by the people driving their success.

A turning point for me came during a deep dive into market research in one of Chicago’s most challenging neighborhoods. That experience, combined with my consulting work with private equity firms and underrepresented entrepreneurs, opened my eyes to a glaring gap between corporate good intentions and their actual impact. It became clear that without measurable, data-driven solutions, lofty promises of social change would never fully materialize.

Founding Below the Line, a research and advisory firm, was another pivotal moment. There, I had the chance to support transitions to employee ownership and develop trauma-informed entrepreneurship programs for underrepresented communities. This work cemented my belief that inclusive economic growth and fresh approaches to creating impact are essential.

On a personal note, raising my two daughters in Evanston, IL, and being actively involved with the Spondylitis Association of America and hosting Spondycast have influenced me deeply. These experiences have taught me the importance of resilience, advocacy, and community, which continue to guide my work.

All of these experiences ultimately led to the creation of Lunum, where our mission is to uncover opportunities by recognizing the value in every person and using data to drive lasting change. Each chapter of my journey has shaped Lunum into the company it is today, dedicated to creating a transformative impact in the world.

Can you describe your company’s mission? Does your organization solve societal problems? If so, tell us how? What customer problems are you solving?

At Lunum, we envision a world where businesses actively contribute to thriving communities and long-term prosperity. Our goal is to help companies tackle societal challenges by providing the tools they need to measure and improve their social impact. By quantifying how their actions affect diversity, wage fairness, opportunity, and job creation, we enable businesses to align their operations with meaningful social responsibility goals.

Our platform allows companies to weave their people and community impact strategies into their core business approach, generating both social and economic benefits. This alignment doesn’t just boost their bottom line — it also helps create healthier communities and a stronger marketplace. By highlighting the tangible value of investing in people and communities, we show businesses that their return on investment extends far beyond financial gains, fostering sustainable prosperity for all.

Do you have a big hairy audacious goal for your organization and its impact on the planet?

Absolutely. My vision for Lunum is both ambitious and deeply personal. In a few years, I picture myself pulling up to a drive-thru and seeing the BrightStar seal on the cup I’m handed. That seal will stand as a powerful symbol — that every worker involved in bringing that cup to my hand had access to fair wages, safe working conditions, and real opportunities for growth.

By 2027, my goal is for Lunum to have positively impacted 100 million people by reshaping how we measure and value human capital. With over 82 million hourly workers in the United States, many living paycheck to paycheck, the potential for change is tremendous. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of 2020, nearly 17 million people were classified as ‘working poor’ — spending most of the year working but still falling below the poverty line. These statistics underscore the immense need for transformation.

By equipping businesses with the tools to measure and enhance their impact on diversity, wage fairness, opportunity, and job creation, we can drive real economic mobility while making strides in inclusion, diversity, and equity.

Our bold and audacious goal is to redefine what success looks like in the business world — where profitability and social responsibility are inseparable. When companies invest in people, they don’t just improve lives — they elevate their business and create a more equitable, sustainable future for all. Because when you lift people, you lift business.

Can you describe one of the most audacious impact-focused programs your organization has pioneered? What was the inspiration behind it?

One of our boldest initiatives is the BrightStar Verification Program, which embodies the very reason we founded Lunum — to create opportunities for every individual to thrive.

The name “BrightStar” was inspired by the Black National Anthem, where a bright star symbolizes hope and progress. This program is a continuous improvement initiative that enables companies to measure, track, and enhance their employment impact in key areas like diversity, wage fairness, opportunity, and job creation.

The vision behind BrightStar Verification is about improving together, creating an environment focused on progress rather than using the traditional ‘carrot vs. stick’ approach. Our goal is to build an ecosystem where everyone has the chance to flourish, emphasizing growth over perfection. We help companies identify gaps or blind spots and highlight opportunities for improvement. By doing this, BrightStar allows companies to tell a story that resonates with both shareholders and stakeholders, creating a shared sense of purpose and progress.

How did you design the program with the customer in mind?

Through extensive, hands-on market research, including deep conversations with executives and community members, we discovered a common challenge: while companies were eager to tackle social issues, they often lacked clear, actionable guidance on how to do so effectively.

BrightStar was created to bridge this gap by turning social impact into measurable financial metrics. Our goal was to develop a program that not only addresses the complexities of social impact but also provides practical, value-driven solutions for our customers. This approach gives companies the confidence to take strategic action, offering clear, actionable insights into how areas like diversity, wage fairness, and job creation can directly improve their bottom line. By helping companies weave social initiatives into their core business strategies, BrightStar fosters long-term prosperity for both their organizations and the communities they serve.

What were the biggest challenges you faced while developing and implementing this program, and how did you overcome them?

The biggest challenge we encountered while developing and rolling out the BrightStar Verification Program was bridging the gap between corporate intentions and measurable impact. Many companies were deeply committed to social justice, but they struggled to quantify and track their efforts in a meaningful way.

To address this, we focused on building a scalable system that could translate social actions into financial terms. We dedicated significant time and resources to creating methodologies that could convert complex social metrics into clear, actionable financial insights. This process required rigorous testing and validation to ensure both accuracy and reliability.

Additionally, we took a collaborative approach, actively engaging with our clients to gather their feedback and insights. By working closely with these companies and understanding their unique challenges, we were able to fine-tune BrightStar to meet real-world needs, delivering practical, data-driven solutions that empower businesses to make measurable, lasting impact.

Tell us how your program has been received by customers? What struggles have you had generating customer interest? Tell us what successes you’ve had with customers?

The reception of the BrightStar Verification Program has been incredibly positive. Many of our clients value how the program simplifies complex social metrics, transforming them into actionable financial insights that enable them to drive meaningful change.

One great example comes from Carton Craft, one of our suppliers, who recently celebrated their employee day with custom shirts featuring the BrightStar seal. This gesture showcased not only their dedication to social impact but also the importance of the program in their daily operations.

We’ve seen other clients implement impactful changes almost immediately. In one case, after receiving insights that revealed an employee was earning slightly below the living wage, a company took swift action. By the end of that same week, they had increased her wage to ensure she was earning a living wage. This quick response highlights how BrightStar fosters real-time improvements, underscoring the program’s practical value.

Although some companies were initially hesitant to adopt a new system for measuring social impact, especially given their competing priorities, we focused on showing how BrightStar seamlessly integrates with their existing frameworks. By delivering clear, actionable results, the program quickly proved its worth, helping businesses make lasting, positive changes.

How do you measure customer success, business success, and the impact of your programs? Can you share any specific metrics or outcomes?

At Lunum, our approach to measuring success is grounded in using data to drive meaningful impact. This commitment is at the core of our mission to uncover opportunities and create lasting, transformative change, building a legacy of shared progress and prosperity.

In terms of customer success, we focus on key metrics that reflect our dedication to delivering results. We’re proud of our 90% customer success rate, the expansion of our pilot programs, and the fact that we’ve maintained zero churn to date.

On the business front, our journey has been one of consistent growth, marked by rising revenue and a steady flow of new customers from diverse industries. This growth underscores our ability to meet the needs of our clients while driving forward our broader mission.

When it comes to the impact of our programs, we take pride in highlighting the value in every individual. So far, we’ve transformed how over 100,000 people are measured and valued within the value chain. But our vision doesn’t stop there — we’re ambitiously working toward our goal of positively impacting 100 million individuals by 2027.

Together, these achievements reflect our commitment to making a tangible, lasting difference, both for our customers and the world at large.

How do you ensure that your programs are sustainable and scalable over the long term?

We ensure sustainability and scalability by continuously refining our methodologies in response to feedback and the ever-evolving needs of the market. Our data-driven approach enables us to adapt and expand our programs as needed, ensuring we remain responsive and effective in delivering lasting impact.

What piece of advice would you give to other organizations looking to pioneer their own impact-focused programs?

My advice is to let love and truth be your compass on your impact journey. When your mission is fueled by a deep, genuine desire to make a difference, keep pushing forward with unwavering commitment. The road may be tough, but staying true to your passion and authenticity will help shape a reality that aligns with your vision.

For larger organizations, understand that investing in change is both a courageous and essential step. Embrace the ups and downs as part of the transformative process. Remember, no one starts with all the answers, and that’s perfectly okay. Real progress comes from navigating uncertainty while staying grounded in your purpose. Don’t shy away from bold moves or investments in your initiatives — these are the seeds of meaningful, lasting change. Let your heart lead, and you’ll create an impact that truly resonates.

Can you share a story of someone who has inspired you in your journey?

One of my greatest inspirations has been Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., especially his idea of “constructive tension” as a driver for growth. His belief that progress comes from confronting uncomfortable truths and challenging the status quo has deeply resonated with me. This concept has fueled my passion for tackling racial and social inequalities, using that tension to spark real, measurable change.

A key turning point in my journey was witnessing senior leaders — people in positions of great power — come to the realization that they were unintentionally standing in the way of the very change they wanted to see. Their decision to confront these internal barriers and leverage their influence to foster the transformation we all aimed for was both inspiring and affirming. It reinforced my belief that true leadership means recognizing and removing the obstacles that block progress. It was a powerful reminder that real, transformative change often starts with those in power having the courage to step aside and support the movement toward a better future.

This was great. Thanks for taking time for us to learn more about you and your business. We wish you continued success!

About the Interviewer: Russell McLeod is an experienced business leader, social entrepreneur, and mentor. A champion of profit with purpose, the circular economy and of collaboration for positive progress. Russell is the founder of Mightyhum a Toronto-based impact enterprise dedicated to supporting growing organizations. And, while it’s not a requirement, the Mightyhum team has a passion for collaborating with purpose-driven businesses. Mightyhum specializes in providing consulting services and turning hairy audacious concepts into achievable ventures & projects. The Mightyhum team work with C-suite executives and leaders, developing new product offerings, effective go-to-market strategies, building for profitability, and streamlining operations. Before Mightyhum, Russell was involved in the world of social enterprise as the Executive Director of ME to WE, one of Canada’s best known and most awarded social enterprises. While at ME to WE, the team demonstrated that being profitable and impactful was indeed possible. During his tenure, ME to WE delivered $20M in cash and in-kind to WE Charity, helping transform the lives of over 1 million people through access to clean water; the lives of 200,000 children with access to education; and 30,000 women-led businesses launched globally.

Russell’ personal mission is to inspire others that there is ‘a better way to do business,’ ‘that through business we can solve some of the world’s problems at the same time.’ You can follow Russell’s work at or

Audacious Impact: Jill Miller On Leading An Audacious, Visionary, Impact-Focused Program was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.