HomeSocial Impact HeroesMike Baughman and Hollis Ervin On How they Are Creating Renewable Energy

Mike Baughman and Hollis Ervin On How they Are Creating Renewable Energy

An Interview With Martita Mestey

Make sure your product or service can replace a non-renewable energy source. Smart BioHemp not only replaces unsafe and toxic wood sealer and protectants but does it with ingredients derived from plants.

As the world grapples with climate change and environmental degradation, the shift towards renewable energy has never been more critical. Innovative companies are at the forefront of this transformation, developing sustainable energy solutions that reduce carbon footprints and promote a greener future. How are these companies driving the renewable energy revolution, and what impact are they making on the environment and the economy? As a part of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Mike Baughman and Hollis Ervin.

Mike Baughman is a 40-year veteran of the utility pole business, supplying wood utility poles for energy companies, industrial and government requirements. Always an innovator and entrepreneur, Mike was an early adapter for finding safer, environmentally friendly alternatives for wood protection to better withstand the effects of nature. Mike recently teamed up with Hollis Ervin, a wood scientist and professional with over 40 years of wood protection experience. Together, they developed an all-natural, plant-based wood protectant which not only used a renewable energy product in biodiesel derived from soybeans, but also offered a dramatic carbon footprint reduction compared to toxic, petroleum base products used by the wood industry for the past 150 years. They call their new wood protectant Smart BioHemp.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Before we dig in, our readers would like to get to know you. Can you tell us a bit about how you grew up?

I grew up in Ohio, played baseball and hoped to be a major league ball player, but a serious injury took me in another direction, and I ended in the utility pole business.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?

When I began my career in the treated wood utility pole industry, I didn’t realize how impactful and important we were to industries, businesses and our economy, not to mention human life. During major storms, such as hurricanes, ice and snowstorms, that knock out the power grid, we are part of the “first responders” supplying poles to the damaged areas. Without new structures (poles) to hang wire on, electric power cannot be restored to homes, businesses, hospitals etc. We often take for granted the convience of turning the light switch on or keeping our food refrigerated and safe for consumption. I realized this when I helped provide poles to south Florida after hurricane Andrew devastated south Florida.

Are you working on any exciting new projects now? How do you think that will help people?

Nothing could be more exciting than our Smart BioHemp wood protectant for consumer use which has been picked up major hardware retailers and the big box retailers. We also are working through the certification process of our industrial version of Smart BioHemp for the Utility Pole and Railroad cross tie applications. And I should also mention, we are working on a Marine version of Smart BioHemp that is perfect solution for treating wood on boats. All of these products help people tremendously because they are safe, almost odor free, can be applied without safety equipment or gloves and they do an amazing job or protecting wood surfaces both indoor and outdoor.

Ok super. Thank you for all that. Let’s now shift to the focus of our interview. What innovative technologies are you implementing to enhance renewable energy production?

Our ingredients are biodiesel made from soybeans and hemp seed oil. This is a totally new, large volume use for biodiesel and helps fill the gap now that government subsidies have all but diminished for the energy companys to use biodiesel for fuel for motor vehicles. The fact we have an alternative for protecting wood that is 100% petroleum free is a game changer when it comes to the production of renewable energy.

How do you balance economic viability with environmental responsibility in your renewable energy projects?

Great question, first our product isn’t that much more expensive than petroleum products but most importantly being all natural and having the distinction of being the first wood protectant to earn the USDA BioPreferred certification is proof of our commitment to the environment.

What are the biggest challenges your company faces in the renewable energy sector, and how are you addressing them?

Education, people have used the toxic, petroleum products for so long that some aren’t willing to try something new and many times they don’t want to spend the extra few dollars to give a natural product a try. So, we have developed and have just launched a National Television, screen advertising in movie theaters and social media campaign to explain our product and educate people on our product and how it is safe for people, pets and the planet.

How do your renewable energy solutions contribute to reducing carbon emissions and combating climate change?

By using BioDiesel derived from soybeans and Hemp seed oil to create Smart BioHemp there can be a reduction in carbon emissions because of this petroleum free formula. The increased development and use of natural biobased products can dramatically reduce carbon emissions. Additionally, the natural process of photosynthesis in plants results in the removal of carbon dioxide from the air, the sequestration of carbon, and the release of oxygen into the atmosphere.

We see these two ideas logically connected in Smart BioHemp as an extension of the beneficial effects of wood and natural biobased products. Using a biobased protectant for wood products provides a favorable environmental impact compared to conventional alternatives.

Can you share a success story where your renewable energy initiative significantly impacted a community or industry?

Our product is so new that our success story lies in the overwhelming acceptance of the product by retailers which is unusual for any new product. The time has come for products using renewable energy can be highly successful and our launch to date is further evidence of that.

What are “5 Things You Need to Know to Create a Successful Renewable Energy Business” and why?

1 . Make sure your product or service can replace a non-renewable energy source. Smart BioHemp not only replaces unsafe and toxic wood sealer and protectants but does it with ingredients derived from plants.

2 . Identify a customer base that is open to alternative products that are derived from renewable energy sources. Smart BioHemps customer base was open to alternatives that were safe for them to use and the way we made it safe was with our all natural, renewable energy-based product.

3 . Can you package or deliver your product in an environmentally friendly way. It’s one thing to develop a renewable energy-based product but if you use more fossil fuel in the manufacture, delivery or packaging, you end up with a net loss for the environment. We worked hard to find recyclable packaging and built our supply chain so it was in close proximity to our mixing and fulfillment facility thus reducing the carbon footprint as much as possible.

4 . If your product is successful, can you supply the demand. It took us years to line up confirm that our sources could supply the massive volume of Biodiesel and Hemp oil to fulfill our expected demand. Never assume that your ingredients are available in the volume you may need.

5 . Run your business as virtually as possible, eliminating the need for you team to commute to a work place. Smart BioHemp runs their business from multiple locations across the country via zoom meetings, email and phone.

What are the long-term goals for your company’s renewable energy projects?

We would like to develop protectant products for as many applications as possible both for consumers and industry. With safety first in mind for people and the environment.

How do you engage with and educate the public about the benefits of renewable energy?

Through our media campaigns, interviews like this, podcasts, and other public events.

How do you measure the environmental and social impact of your renewable energy efforts?

Again, being new on the scene we can only speculate on the massive impact of our products using renewable energy sources but when you consider the amount of residential and industrial applications, getting a foothold here and replacing petroleum-based products will be massive.

You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂

I think innovation and looking and solving real problems that people and companies face every day is the key to success. Just taking time to think about those things instead of politics, video games or the latest social media drama would be a game changer for productivity and innovation. Think of all the products and technology that came out of the Apollo moon program. Shoot for something massive and if you only get halfway, you are still way ahead of everyone else.

How can our readers further follow your work online?


This was very inspiring and informative. Thank you so much for the time you spent with this interview!

About The Interviewer: Martita Mestey is celebrated as a leader in sustainable agriculture and AgTech due to her tireless efforts to modernize the industry, placing a strong emphasis on equity and sustainability. As the founder of FarmdOut, her commitment to harnessing advanced technology and substantiated research shines through her endeavors to confront ecological issues within contemporary agriculture. Guided by Mestey, FarmdOut has become a pioneer in mapping all farms across the United States and Puerto Rico. By leveraging satellite imagery, computer vision, sensor technology, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), this initiative yields comprehensive data that empowers farmers to make informed decisions about crop cultivation, land use, and sustainable practices. Mestey is renowned for championing the welfare of farmers, frequently addressing issues of burnout while fostering resilience within the farming community. Her fervor for cultivating the next generation of farmers is evident in her focus on diversity, innovation, and eco-friendly practices. In addition to her hands-on work with FarmdOut, Mestey also disseminates her knowledge and enthusiasm via her popular interview series in Authority Magazine. This initiative stimulates broader engagement in the transition towards a healthier, more sustainable food system. At its core, Mestey’s mission is to promote a more democratic agricultural industry, advocating for a food system that is simultaneously sustainable and equitable.

Mike Baughman and Hollis Ervin On How they Are Creating Renewable Energy was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.