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Keeping In Touch With Your Intuition: Author Susan Grau On How To Get In Touch With Your Intuition…

Keeping In Touch With Your Intuition: Author Susan Grau On How To Get In Touch With Your Intuition And When To Trust Your Intuition When Making Decisions

Meditation and Mindfulness: Ongoing practice of mindfulness and meditation helps to calm the mind, which makes it clearer and notable when the sometimes faint whisper of intuition comes in. When practiced, meditation helps to establish a stronger connection with our intuitive inner guidance. When I am in mediation, I am out of my head and into a peaceful state that helps me to feel my intuition on a soul level.

Intuition is defined as the ability to understand something immediately without the need for conscious reasoning. Where does intuition come from? Can it be trusted? How can someone tune in to their intuition? To address these questions, we are talking to business leaders, coaches, mental health experts, authors, and anyone who is an authority on “How to Get In Touch With Your Intuition And When To Trust Your Intuition When Making Decisions.” As a part of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Susan Grau.

Susan Grau is an internationally celebrated celebrity intuitive medium, author, soul healer, and speaker. In addition to working as a professional medium and life path intuitive, Susan’s diverse range of certifications include: Reiki Master, Sai Maa Diksha Practitioner, Karuna Practitioner, and Certified CADC II — Addiction Specialist. Additionally, she is a licensed hypnotherapist specializing in past life regression, a respected professional teacher of the metaphysical arts and an honorary member of the Healing Touch Professional Association (HTPA). Susan specializes in grief therapy, guiding people to healing and recovery. Susan’s upcoming book Infinite Life, Infinite Lessons (releasing on July 16, 2024) published by Hay House, is a deep dive into the soul’s journey, offering insights into healing from grief and the afterlife and is now available to preorder on her website and a variety of retailers in the US.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we start, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your childhood backstory?

My childhood was anything but conventional; I didn’t have the idyllic upbringing surrounded by nature, or even a peaceful town that some might expect. Instead, my environment was difficult at best. I grew up with one sister and two brothers, two of which shared in the intuitive gift and had equally strong empathic qualities. My unique abilities were not always welcomed with open arms, however, they became stronger after having a childhood near-death experience at 4 1/2 years old. This afterlife experience having been locked in an unplugged freezer in our garage was a pivotal moment in my life, marking the beginning of my journey into understanding and embracing my intuitive gifts. It was life-changing, to say the least, but it also introduced a complexity into my relationships, I was confused by the uninvited visits from the spirit world and the messages they offered. I felt rejected when sharing my insights and speaking about what I was sensing and seeing. It was not encouraged nor supported by my mother although she had this gift, she also feared it. I didn’t fit into the mainstream or “norm” as children need and desire. I grew up with a deep connection to my empathic nature but had a lack of clarity regarding my abilities. I was a child medium and intuitive without an understanding of what that entailed. I didn’t see anything odd or different about myself other than I was a child that saw people and knew things. I was oblivious to what this ability might mean in the future and as far as I was concerned, I was just a happy child playing and having what I call today, an “abnormally normal life.”

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

My own mantra, “What we fear we feed, what we feed we perceive, and what we perceive becomes our reality,” is a saying that I find to be quite meaningful. It serves as a important reminder of the influence our anxieties and ideas have on our life. I find the quote to be very empowering, especially in light of my experience developing my intuitive abilities. I was thrown into a realm that few people could comprehend after my near-death encounter, and it would have been simple for me to give in to dread and uncertainty. Rather than avoiding my worries, this quotation taught me to face and examine them and to be careful with my beliefs and energy. As I grew, I created a reality for myself that was based on empowerment rather than fear by emphasizing trust, acceptance, and positivity when dealing with my intuitive abilities. The quote reminds me to stay out of fear-based thinking. It encourages me to remember, because I think it, doesn’t make it true.This lesson has helped me grow internally and in my work with others, it encourages others to be aware of their thoughts and beliefs.

Is there a particular book, podcast, or film that made a significant impact on you? Can you share a story or explain why it resonated with you so much?

A book that left a lasting impact on me is “Life After Life” by Dr. Raymond Moody. It arrived in my life at a time when I was grappling with the confusion over my abilities and the challenges they presented. Moody’s insights into the afterlife and the importance of living in the present moment were transformative. It helped me to navigate my journey with a greater sense of peace and purpose, teaching me to embrace my afterlife experience without judgment and to be present with acceptance and openness toward my intuition. This book taught me that I wasn’t alone in my intuitive and mediumship abilities and offered me a lesson that has been invaluable in both my personal development and my practice as an intuitive medium and healer. It taught me to be still and listen to my truth and to trust my intuitive self. It gave me the gift of realizing, I was not alone in understanding myself and the afterlife.

Let’s now shift to the main part of our discussion. Let’s begin with a definition of terms so that each of us and our readers are on the same page. What exactly does intuition mean? Can you explain?

  • Intuition is an inner knowing that bypasses the need for logical reasoning. It’s a profound connection to a source of wisdom and guidance that lies beyond our conscious understanding.
  • This connection provides insights, feelings, and understandings that, while they may not always be immediately clear or logical, resonate on a deep, often inexplicable level. Intuition is like a voice from our higher self, offering direction and insight that is uniquely tailored to our journey. It’s a tool, a gift, that when listened to, can guide us towards choices and paths that align with our highest good.

How would you define common sense? Are intuition and common sense related?

As a culture, we rely on common sense — a practical judgment based on shared experiences and perceptions of reality — to get by in day-to-day situations. It’s the methodical, logical approach to decision-making and problem-solving that is founded on verifiable facts and sensible reasoning. Although common sense and intuition may appear to be at opposition, they actually work best together. We may function in the world in a sensible, productive way by using common sense as a strong platform. Contrarily, intuition provides a richer, more complex viewpoint by drawing on knowledge and understanding that goes beyond the immediate and perceptible. When combined, they comprise a formidable team that helps us make judgments that are deeply in line with our deepest beliefs and our highest good. It isn’t easy to “make sense of our senses” but it is a simple process when we remove our limiting beliefs and allow intuition in. Intuition and common sense are related in that they work together and form a common bond. Mind integrating into knowing gives us invaluable information. It may work like this: I think it and then I feel it or I feel it and then I think it. Either way, common sense and intuition can, although not always, work together for the common good of ones self. When something comes into my senses intuitively, I send it to my thinking for evaluation of accuracy and then once I have done so, I drop the information back into my intuition for the final decision; and vice versa.

How are they different from each other?

The main distinction between common sense and intuition is how they inform us, where they come from and how they influence our ability to make decisions. Common sense is rational, uncomplicated, and frequently predictable; it is a product of humankind’s collective wisdom and life experience. On the other hand, intuition originates from a more personal and mysterious place. Although it’s not always clear-cut or simple to understand, it has a great deal of depth and application to each individual’s journey. Intuition asks us to have faith in our senses and feelings that go beyond the material, whereas common sense depends on what is established and tested. Basically, brain (common sense) versus gut (intuition).

What are the positive aspects of being in touch with your intuition? Can you give a story or example to explain what you mean?

It may be very freeing to discover a world of inner wisdom and guidance when one is in tune with their intuition. For example, in the early years of my career, I frequently had to make decisions that didn’t appear to be resolved by logic alone. During these times, I was guided by my intuition, which helped me make decisions that went against popular opinion but were profoundly in line with my path and purpose. Not only has having a strong intuition helped me navigate my work, but it has also improved my personal life by allowing me to connect with people on a deeper level and live more authentically and in sync. It demonstrates the ability of intuition to point us in the direction of our true north, illuminating our paths with insights and understanding that go beyond the limits of rational thought.

Are there negative aspects to being guided by intuition? Can you give a story or example to explain what you mean?

Although intuition is an incredibly useful tool, it is not without difficulties. I have occasionally followed my intuition down challenging pathways, which made me doubt the accuracy of these inner promptings. For instance, early in my work, I frequently had to take bold steps based on my intuition, which often resulted in the misunderstanding or mistrust of others around me. I learned from these experiences that although intuition is strong, it also needs balance and discernment. It’s about learning to pay attention to that inner voice and weigh the practical implications of our choices at the same time. This journey of integration has been a process of growth, teaching me that the true power of intuition lies not in its infallibility but in its ability to open us to new perspectives and possibilities, even when it challenges us. Remember, the more you work it, the more it works!

Can you give some guidance about when one should make a decision based on their intuition and when one should use other methods to come to a decision?

Finding a balance between intuition and other types of information, such as logic and common sense, is crucial when making decisions. When it comes to topics of personal significance, where common knowledge might not have all the answers, intuition should be trusted. However, in some situations — such as economic decisions or situations where results can be precisely predicted or measured — logical concerns and factual data, must take the front seat. It takes experience, thought, and — most importantly — the results of our decisions to gain the ability to recognize when to rely on intuition and when to seek advice from other sources.

From your experience or perspective, what are some of the common barriers that hold someone back from trusting their intuition?

The strongest barrier is Fear — fear of the unknown, fear of others’ judgment, and fear of making the incorrect choice — it is one of the biggest obstacles to following your intuition. Overthinking is another obstacle along with lack of trust. The training of society, which frequently favors reason and logic over the more nuanced, individualized insights of intuition, exacerbates this. Building a strong feeling of self-confidence and having the guts to go against social norms to follow one’s inner guidance are necessary for overcoming these obstacles. In order to hear the voice of intuition over the noise of daily life, it also entails making time for quiet and introspection.The hard part is knowing what is thinking and what is gut. Don’t become discouraged, it takes practice to gain accuracy in anything we do. People ask me, “What if I am wrong?” My answer, “What if you are right?”

What are five methods that someone can use to become more in touch with their intuition?

1 . Journaling: Putting ideas, emotions, and intuitive insights on paper can help make sense of the intuitive messages coming in and help the process to become stronger as you trust the messages and see them come to light. Thinking back on my journal writings has frequently given me insights that I might not have otherwise been aware of. Being inaccurate helped me to learn to be accurate. I began to recognize the difference in the feelings. I would journal what I thought might be an intuitive hit only to realize that it was inaccurate information. I never forgot that feeling so I watched for it when needing to trust my intuition. I learned if it felt wrong it probably was.

2 . Spending Time in Nature: Being in nature opens our thoughts and emotions and helps us become more attuned to our intuitive flow. Not only do my walks in the outdoors help me unwind, but they also serve as a ritual that strengthens my connection to my intuitive side. As I am walking, I will ask myself questions and allow my intuition to answer. It is great practice. I don’t need to know if I am accurate, I am simply learning how to work the muscle to harness my intuitive energy.

3 . Trusting the Process: Trust in our intuitive talents grows when we embrace uncertainty and are willing to follow our gut feeling, even when the way is not evident. Learning to let go and have faith in the invisible has been a journey towards trusting my process. Releasing my limiting beliefs has helped greatly.

4 . Seeking Feedback: One can validate and improve their intuitive senses by discussing these intuitive impressions with mentors or close friends and observing the results. Receiving feedback has been crucial to developing my intuition and building my self-assurance. When I was accurate with my impression, I would remember that feeling for the next time. I would then ask myself the question; is this feeling real or is it fear? This would help as a guiding post for future understanding of the information coming in.

5 . Meditation and Mindfulness: Ongoing practice of mindfulness and meditation helps to calm the mind, which makes it clearer and notable when the sometimes faint whisper of intuition comes in. When practiced, meditation helps to establish a stronger connection with our intuitive inner guidance. When I am in mediation, I am out of my head and into a peaceful state that helps me to feel my intuition on a soul level.

You are a person of significant influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be?

If I could inspire a movement, it would be one that encourages individuals to embrace their unique gifts and paths, fostering a world where diversity of thought and being is celebrated. A movement where understanding and acceptance replace judgment and division, and where each person is empowered to live authentically, guided by their inner wisdom and truth. This vision of unity in diversity could transform our collective experience, bringing more compassion, empathy, and understanding into our world.

Is there a person in the world whom you would love to have lunch with, and why? Maybe we can tag them and see what happens!

I believe at this juncture of my life, Mel Robbins would be my ideal lunch companion. Her writings on authenticity, bravery, and vulnerability have given me courage and inspiration. Over dinner, we could examine the depth of the human experience and how sincerity and vulnerability contribute to the process of accepting and believing in our intuitive selves.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

You may follow my work and insights by subscribing to my email list, visiting my website, and connecting with me on social media. My book Infinite Life, Infinite Lessons is available for presale now and releasing July 16, speaks on the topic of intuition along with an array of other lessons in authenticity, vulnerability, and the afterlife.



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Pre-Order “Infinite Life, Infinite Lessons”:

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Thank you so much for sharing these important insights. We wish you continued success and good health!

I would like to express my gratitude for giving me the opportunity to talk briefly about my experiences and my discoveries in the fields of intuition, healing, and personal advancement. I sincerely hope our conversation encourages people to embrace the unique path unfolding before them, trust in their inner wisdom, and explore their own intuitive abilities. Consider that the path to living more intuitively is about accepting each step along the way with curiosity, openness, and a willingness to learn from both the light and the shadows as opposed to ignoring that intuitive part of you. May you find strength, clarity, and joy on your journey toward a more intuitive life.

Keeping In Touch With Your Intuition: Author Susan Grau On How To Get In Touch With Your Intuition… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.